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May 21, 2006

ArbitraryC posted:

the slices of pizza are like 700 calories just fyi.

Yeah but you burn double that chugging around the warehouse.


Jan 28, 2009
Pick a number, any number
My point was more that they're huge slices that would be better served in half portions, particularly if you eat them with literally anything else. It's not being dainty to split a slice if you're getting a dog, its the difference between a reasonable meal and well over half your day's need.

Jul 25, 2006

bernard stieglers noetic processes of proletarization and the pharmakon, debord's spectacle, and even baudrillardian ideas of simulacra of signifiers and language are basically cybernetics.

ArbitraryC posted:

My point was more that they're huge slices that would be better served in half portions, particularly if you eat them with literally anything else.

its kinda weird. like a trader joes margarita pizza is $3.99 and is like 14 oz, but seems huge and 1k calories for the whole thing and i can only eat half. but costco pizza slices are apparently 11 oz and 700 but don't seem that big at all. idk i mean they're filling for lunch but i don't think i'd want to split one unless i already ate.

its a pizza mystery

meet girls at the store
Nov 4, 2002

Dr. Capco posted:

I buy the adult gummy vitamins :smug:

The gummy probiotics are legit delicious AND they keep your poops regular

a hole-y ghost
May 10, 2010

Xaris posted:

its kinda weird. like a trader joes margarita pizza is $3.99 and is like 14 oz, but seems huge and 1k calories for the whole thing and i can only eat half. but costco pizza slices are apparently 11 oz and 700 but don't seem that big at all. idk i mean they're filling for lunch but i don't think i'd want to split one unless i already ate.

its a pizza mystery
dude costco single order slices are like 1/6 of a costco pizza, they're thick, and have probably half a pound of cheese on them. If they don't seem big to you something's up

Orkin Mang
Nov 1, 2007

by FactsAreUseless

a hole-y ghost posted:

dude costco single order slices are like 1/6 of a costco pizza, they're thick, and have probably half a pound of cheese on them. If they don't seem big to you something's up

post more rear end in a top hat. peace out

Mar 17, 2010

by sebmojo

ArbitraryC posted:

the slices of pizza are like 700 calories just fyi.

I was really bummed to find out the muffins are too. I mean, you know they're not good for you when eating them, but 700 loving calories?

Jun 9, 2001

by Smythe

FCKGW posted:

Yeah but you burn double that chugging around the warehouse.

what exactly are you chugging around the warehouse to burn 1400 calories on a costco trip

Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.

Chinatown posted:

Looks like we need to do a Kirkland Dog airlift, brothers.

Goon project? Is there a central Costco we can meet at the plan this?? Me smells many a dog + soda(refill) in our future as we work out the logistics!

Count Freebasie
Jan 12, 2006

MisterOblivious posted:

I was really bummed to find out the muffins are too. I mean, you know they're not good for you when eating them, but 700 loving calories?

I used to buy those muffins on the regular around ten years ago, and then I checked the actual nutritional info :stare:

Costco has some tasty stuff that is deceptively more unhealthy than it would seem.

But, you can always counter things like that with their exceptional stock of fresh fruits and vegetables, and other healthy items, sold at a terrific price!

Jun 9, 2001

by Smythe
or you know just chug around the warehouse and burn 1400 calories nbd

Dec 16, 2006

by R. Guyovich
i stick a wiener in my mouth and then chug

No Butt Stuff
Jun 10, 2004

Got my executive member rebate certificate today.

If you'll excuse me, I'm going to save some additional money in the grocery budget this month.

Sep 11, 2005

by FactsAreUseless
Young Orc

Meydey posted:

I work with a guy who started at the Southcenter Costco Hot Dog Cart in 1991. I believe it was called Cafe 150. And yes, it was just a cart.
Pretty sure I bought a dog from him in 1992 when I first joined under my father-in-laws tax service.

Cafe 150 is a good nickname for the costco food court

Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.
Just had a tour of th[ Costco break room and they get huge easy chairs and a table draped in fruits and snacks, PBUC

May 21, 2006

rezatahs posted:

what exactly are you chugging around the warehouse to burn 1400 calories on a costco trip

my big fat rear end

Dec 31, 2005


Cafe 150 is a good nickname for the costco food court

Originally everything was going to be $1.50

Oct 3, 2012

Did anyone ever try the new cheeseburger?

Oct 20, 2004

Cuz life sucks, kids. Get it while you can.


Did anyone ever try the new cheeseburger?

Wish I could, I hope it replaces the lovely chicken bake at my Costco

Prokhor Zakharov
Dec 31, 2008

This is me as I make another great post

Good luck with your depression!

TheManWithNoName posted:

lovely chicken bake

*cocks eyebrow*

binge crotching
Apr 2, 2010

the good fax machine posted:

Do they have decent jeans at the Co?

They only carry short and fat sizes.

Jun 25, 2012

Yeah, well I don't trust this guy. I think he regifted, he degifted, and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Super Bowl sex romp.
I just got an insanely sick Costco cooler bag for free, just for being given the best credit card on God's green earth. Today truly is a blessed day. PBUC

Im Ready for DEATH
Oct 5, 2016

One of the reasons people are so fat is the underestimate how many calories there are in food (pizza, muffins) and overestimate how many calories they burn from exercise (chugging through the warehouse). You probably burn less than 100 calories walking around doing your shopping. Meanwhile 1 slice of pizza represents a third of your daily calories for the average person.

Nevertheless, PBUC, and please keep eating protein bars and vitamins (especially the gummies).

Dec 16, 2006

by R. Guyovich
lol just if you aren't stacked as gently caress, bicep bulging calorie burning monster that fucks only the hottest cut

Jul 25, 2006

bernard stieglers noetic processes of proletarization and the pharmakon, debord's spectacle, and even baudrillardian ideas of simulacra of signifiers and language are basically cybernetics.

Im Ready for DEATH posted:

One of the reasons people are so fat is the underestimate how many calories there are in food (pizza, muffins) and overestimate how many calories they burn from exercise (chugging through the warehouse). You probably burn less than 100 calories walking around doing your shopping. Meanwhile 1 slice of pizza represents a third of your daily calories for the average person.

Nevertheless, PBUC, and please keep eating protein bars and vitamins (especially the gummies).

ya for real, those muffins are dangerous. 700 cals a pop and while very filling in the moment, you'll be hungry p soon after

Jun 9, 2001

by Smythe

Teikanmi posted:

lol just if you aren't stacked as gently caress, bicep bulging calorie burning monster that fucks only the hottest cut


Dec 16, 2006

by R. Guyovich
I liek hot dog

May 21, 2006

i think yall underestimate how much chugging i do. like when i get chugging, i'm really chugging

Prokhor Zakharov
Dec 31, 2008

This is me as I make another great post

Good luck with your depression!

Dr. Tim Whatley posted:

I just got an insanely sick Costco cooler bag for free, just for being given the best credit card on God's green earth. Today truly is a blessed day. PBUC

that's a good cooler bag too

Pennywise the Frown
May 10, 2010

Upset Trowel

Teikanmi posted:

lol just if you aren't stacked as gently caress, bicep bulging calorie burning monster mentally ill alcoholic..... but still fucks only the hottest cut


Pennywise the Frown
May 10, 2010

Upset Trowel

Dr. Tim Whatley posted:

I just got an insanely sick Costco cooler bag for free, just for being given the best credit card on God's green earth. Today truly is a blessed day. PBUC

Congratulations and welcome to the best credit card club! You'll find your first communion at the food court. Choose wisely. (lol there are only wise choices, it's a trick you see)


Apr 9, 2014

Dely Apple posted:

No one takes photos of the :twisted: churro, sad!

Also is the beekeeping life really the kind of thing you want to impulse buy into

Which Costco was this? That is awesome. Terrible Super configuration though.

Sep 11, 2005

by FactsAreUseless
Young Orc

Dely Apple posted:

No one takes photos of the :twisted: churro, sad!

Also is the beekeeping life really the kind of thing you want to impulse buy into

Do the bees come in the box? Or do you have to pick them up in the front like with gift cards or jewelry

Pennywise the Frown
May 10, 2010

Upset Trowel


Do the bees come in the box? Or do you have to pick them up in the front like with gift cards or jewelry

They deliver.

Dely Apple
Apr 22, 2006

Sing me Spanish Techno

jamoncorona posted:

Which Costco was this? That is awesome. Terrible Super configuration though.

That's in the Puyallup Costco.
Naturally you would get the bees from Costco Optical/Apiary.

Dec 16, 2006

by R. Guyovich

How's the slowdown on booze coming? You already lost like 20 years off your face and gut, are you in control of the alcohol stil?

Pennywise the Frown
May 10, 2010

Upset Trowel

Teikanmi posted:

How's the slowdown on booze coming? You already lost like 20 years off your face and gut, are you in control of the alcohol stil?

Eh, not doing so well atm. Bad couple of weeks. I seem to make it about a month or so before I can't deal with the crazy brain stuff and then start drinking again to slow everything back down. I'll get back on track very soon.

Jul 10, 2009

by Fluffdaddy
just bought some sick rear end flank steaks (the last time I was there some jag-off took the last 2 packs of flank steak)

Jan 28, 2009
Pick a number, any number

MisterOblivious posted:

I was really bummed to find out the muffins are too. I mean, you know they're not good for you when eating them, but 700 loving calories?

Yeah i did a doubletake when I read the sign, I dunno if they just mold a pizza shaped object out of grease or something but even cheap poo poo like dominos is less intense than that. Honestly not even that filling either which is why you see people in the food court with two slices all the time. The dogs otoh are actually p reasonble if you get one of the diet drinks with it, like obviously not nutritionally sound but you feel p satisfied with one and it's less than 500.


Oct 20, 2004

Cuz life sucks, kids. Get it while you can.

Prokhor Zakharov posted:

*cocks eyebrow*

Don't tell me you'd take a chicken bake over a burger!

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