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anime was right
Jun 27, 2008

death is certain
keep yr cool

Sitting Here posted:

INTERPROMPT: Falsetto Dubstep Dracula in the Australian outback

this guy:

in this place:

ok go

nah (1 word):



Mar 21, 2010
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEwubwubwub echoes over the sunbaked red sand and yet nobody hears it

it is beautiful in a way that some places are still empty

Mar 21, 2010
it doesn't matter how hard you work or how much you care, it's entirely possible that your work is tacky, hollow, shrill, unheard

Mar 21, 2010
there should be a third piece -- that would be satisfying. Things aren't meant to hang

Nov 3, 2010

Scoffing at modernity.
What Music He Makes
(500 words)
Credit goes to Cezar and Romania for "It's My Life."

It was noon in Australia, and Falsetto Dubstep Dracula was safe in the caverns of Coober Pedy, where tailors were replacing the diamonds of his glorious robe with opals for his performance that night at the Sydney Opera House. "I wish you could do something for my dancers," he rumbled. His voice in that moment was a rich baritone. "The bodysuits, if they were set with garnets--"

"You want Queensland for that, mate," said a tailor.

But dusk fell as the task was finished, so Falsetto Dubstep Dracula had no time for Queensland. He rose from the underground town and flew through the darkening sky toward the adulation that awaited him. His skirts trailed through the outback's dust, yet dirt could neither mar their splendor nor lessen his.

The ground below was flat, featureless, and nearly the same color as the billowing cloth he used in his concerts for a pool of blood. No one writhed under that surface, in bodysuits or otherwise. Scarce animals bounded and slithered over it instead. They became less scarce as Falsetto Dubstep Dracula floated over the land. Drawn to his charisma, the kangaroos and wallabies, the dingos, the platypi, the echidnas, and eighty million varieties of incredibly deadly snake gathered around him, their eyes reflecting the glow that shone from his opals and his pecs.

Falsetto Dubstep Dracula saw the heat-seared vista for what it was: a stage.

"Love is so bright," he began. "Like a diamond in the light...."

His deep voice caressed the land, pulling wombats from their burrows and koalas from their trees many, many miles away. Even the kookaburras shut up for a second to listen. The creatures lay still, waiting; they knew not for what.

"Love is so deep, and it makes my life complete. Like a mountain in the sky--"

Lightning cracked as the heavens themselves felt the tension.

"Love is high, so hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh!"

Meteors fell! The stars blazed bright! Roos leapt in nature's choreographed dance as baritone spiraled into countertenor, and the warble called each living thing to rejoice! Falsetto Dubstep Dracula sang, and most of the world's marsupials responded with gyrations that shamed mere mortal man. Native bats spiraled around him. They recognized their king.

WUB! WUB! WUB! Far didgeridoos paid him homage.

Higher and higher, Falsetto Dubstep Dracula's voice rose. Higher and higher, his body ascended. He became a mountain on that barren plain, towering in glory. The fires that burst from the ground as he threw out his arms hurt no animal, such was his power, and even when the emus threw themselves into the flames in rapture, they emerged again alive and covered in sparks of light.

It could not last forever. Nothing so beautiful ever does. In the end, the final note spread across Australia like a blanket of divine, flamboyant grace, and all who heard it carried it in their hearts until and beyond death.

Falsetto Dubstep Dracula drifted on, satisfied with his warm-up performance.

The Saddest Rhino
Apr 29, 2009

🔥🔥🔥 #change #your #mindset #change #the #world 🔥🔥🔥

Put it all together.
Solve the world.
One conversation at a time.

Kaishai posted:

What Music He Makes
(500 words)

i'm literally in tears r n

Uranium Phoenix
Jun 20, 2007


:siren:Week 242 Results :siren:
All stories were read in Judgemode, and I actually did a pretty good job not remembering who the heck got what genre.

Dishonorable Mentions:
  • Out of the Past by Jay W. Friks - All three judges agreed this was very low. It was difficult to read, confusing, and just not a great story.
  • Shredding by sebmojo - This was bad in many ways. It took the prompt way too literally, was tedious, boring, nonsensical, seemed to have no purpose. An evangelical lion rants at a guy, then threatens him, then leaves. Also, this lion plays guitar. That sounds like it should be funny, but the attempt at humor fell flat.

Honorable Mentions:
  • Sable by Thranguy - This story had some confusion in its setting and some flaws with voice, cliche, and lack of tension. Still, it had a purpose, message, and fine writing.
  • There's a Little Beauty, Here and There by The Cut of Your Jib - There was a story about the legacy of a father. I felt like it lacked some of the strong emotions a story with such subject matter should have, but did hit a lot of good things a story should do, including voice, meaningfulness, resolution, and character.

Loss - Did he who Made the Lamb Make Thee? by Chairchucker - I feel like this could have been a fun fable, but had too little effort put into it. It had poor voice and was also a bit nonsensical. Ultimately, the lack of effort is what put it as the loss.

And the winner is...
Win - Violet Fire by Kaishai - There was beautiful imagery, with a meaningful story about finding one's self and solid characters. I also felt it did a good job capturing the feel of its music, which I felt very few pieces did this week.

The middle was mostly a mush of stuff. I'll be critting all stories, including the above, in more depth in a separate post.

Jan 23, 2004

college kids ain't shit

Fun Shoe

Mar 21, 2010

Mar 22, 2013

it's crow time again

The Saddest Rhino
Apr 29, 2009

🔥🔥🔥 #change #your #mindset #change #the #world 🔥🔥🔥

Put it all together.
Solve the world.
One conversation at a time.

wanna pet that cat

Oct 23, 2010

Legit Cyberpunk

I think we should have a prompt personally idk about any of you

Aug 2, 2002




please ban me.

Nov 3, 2010

Scoffing at modernity.
Thunderdome Week CCXLIII: We Are the Heroes of Our Time

Judges: Kaishai and Bad Seafood.

I've won at a special time of year, which can mean only one thing: Thunderdome returns to the Eurovision Song Contest this week for another dose of spectacle, sensation, and sexophone! I'm not kidding about that last one. Sunstroke Project is returning to represent Moldova. What a time this is to be alive.

Your task is to select a video from the roster linked above--or you may prefer to rummage through the 2017 playlist. Either way, pick a song no one else has taken, announce your choice when you sign up, then write a story that relates to it in some way. The tune, the lyrics, the costumes, and everything else about the performance are all potential fodder for your imagination. Now, perhaps you're saying to yourself, "None of this year's ballads excite me. Can I ask the judges to assign me something?" Of course you can! As long as you aren't afraid of the Turkish Manboat, this is a perfectly valid strategy.

:siren: Note: :siren: Moldova is an exception to the first-come-first-serve rule. As many of you can try to outperform SkaAndScreenplays on the epic sax as so desire.

There's one further twist. Your entries must address a theme: Family is more than blood.

No fanfiction, no nonfiction, no erotica, no poetry, no GoogleDocs, and no booing the Russians.

Sign-up deadline: Friday, March 31, 11:59pm USA CENTRAL
Submission deadline: Sunday, April 2, 11:59pm USA CENTRAL
Maximum word count: 1,200

:eurovision: Participating Countries: :eurovision:

Ironic Twist (France): "Fell"
SurreptitiousMuffin (West Germany 1979): "wherever the river ran"
sparksbloom (Belarus 2016)
flerp (Germany 2016)
Chili (Montenegro): "Rocket to the Stars"
Thranguy (United Kingdom 2007): "There Are Stories of the Dutchman"
BeefSupreme (Turkey 2012): "Love Me Back"
Sailor Viy (Armenia 2009): "Deucalion's Brood"
Uranium Phoenix (Belgium): "The Roar of Wind and War"
SkaAndScreenplays (Moldova 2011; Flash rule: One of your characters must be illiterate.)
Okua (Austria 2007): "A Ripple In The Water"
SkaAndScreenplays (again) (Moldova)
Chairchucker (Switzerland 2007): "The Undeath of the Party"
The Cut of Your Jib (Iceland): "In a Young Girl's Heart"
crabrock (Latvia 2008)
Djeser (Poland 2014): "Z jeziora"
The Saddest Rhino (Denmark 2007): "Five Facts on the Death of Signora Reina Del Teatrale"
Ceighk (Latvia 2014): "Midsummer's Eve"
sebmojo (Russia 2012)
Mrenda (Ireland): "All I Want At My Age Is A Place To Sit" (Submitted past the deadline)

Kaishai fucked around with this message at 22:55 on Apr 3, 2017

Ironic Twist
Aug 3, 2008

I'm bokeh, you're bokeh
In with France.

Mar 21, 2010
I am IN hit me with the craziest poo poo you've got. Last time it was Jedward and that was NOT EUROVISION ENOUGH I MUST HAVE the craziest most Euro-vision-ist poo poo

Nov 3, 2010

Scoffing at modernity.

SurreptitiousMuffin posted:

I am IN hit me with the craziest poo poo you've got. Last time it was Jedward and that was NOT EUROVISION ENOUGH I MUST HAVE the craziest most Euro-vision-ist poo poo

Heathen! Take West Germany 1979: Dschinghis Khan - "Genghis Khan" and repent your blasphemy!

Kaishai fucked around with this message at 04:51 on Mar 28, 2017

Apr 30, 2006
In. :toxx: Please flash me something (in)appropriately bonkers.


Feb 25, 2014
choose me a song as long as it doesnt involve moustaches tia

Mar 21, 2010

flerp posted:

choose me a song as long as it doesnt involve moustaches tia
I got you

Jan 23, 2004

college kids ain't shit

Fun Shoe
In with Montenegro cos holy poo poo that's about as close to Mermen as it gets. Can I get my HM now?

Feb 25, 2014

been there done that

Mar 21, 2010

flerp posted:

been there done that
this is your twilight-zone endless loop hell you just gotta write about moustaches forever and ever until the heat-death of the universe and then some

Apr 21, 2010

Deceitful and black-hearted, perhaps we are. But we would never go against the Code. Well, perhaps for good reasons. But mostly never.
in and give me something really strange.

Nov 3, 2010

Scoffing at modernity.

sparksbloom posted:

In. :toxx: Please flash me something (in)appropriately bonkers.

Kindly do the justice to Belarus 2016: IVAN - "Help You Fly" that the contest itself so cruelly denied it.

flerp posted:

choose me a song as long as it doesnt involve moustaches tia

I can think of no one better suited to Germany 2016: Jamie-Lee - "Ghost."

Thranguy posted:

in and give me something really strange.

Welcome aboard Eurovision Airlines! Please fasten your safety belt and prepare for the in-flight movie, United Kingdom 2007: Scooch - "Flying the Flag."

Kaishai fucked around with this message at 05:40 on Mar 28, 2017

Sep 14, 2007

to ride eternal, shiny and chrome

I leave my fate IN the hands of the blood throne

Nov 3, 2010

Scoffing at modernity.

BeefSupreme posted:

I leave my fate IN the hands of the blood throne

I trust Turkey 2012: Can Bonomo - "Love Me Back" to you. Don't let the Turkish Manboat down.

Sailor Viy
Aug 4, 2013

And when I can swim no longer, if I have not reached Aslan's country, or shot over the edge of the world into some vast cataract, I shall sink with my nose to the sunrise.

In, please give me a song.

Nov 3, 2010

Scoffing at modernity.

Sailor Viy posted:

In, please give me a song.

Gladly! Don blue velvet and join Armenia 2009: Inga & Anush - "Jan Jan" on stage.

Uranium Phoenix
Jun 20, 2007


In with Belgium 2017: Blanche - "City Lights"

Dec 11, 2013

by Pragmatica
With Moldova 2K11

Zdob si Zdub - So Lucky (Moldova)

SkaAndScreenplays fucked around with this message at 13:05 on Mar 28, 2017

Oct 30, 2016

I love Eurovision, count me IN.
And give me a song.

Nov 3, 2010

Scoffing at modernity.

SkaAndScreenplays posted:

With Moldova 2K11

Zdob si Zdub - So Lucky (Moldova)

Kaishai posted:

Your task is to select a video from the roster linked above

However, far be it from me to stop someone from writing about the Moldovan lawn gnomes--so your choice can stand, but you get a punitive :siren: flash rule. :siren: One of your characters must be illiterate.

Okua posted:

I love Eurovision, count me IN.
And give me a song.

To my surprise, there were at least two songs in 2007 making memorable use of the phrase Get alive. One of them is yours! Austria 2007: Eric Papilaya - "Get a Life - Get Alive."

Kaishai fucked around with this message at 14:47 on Mar 28, 2017

Dec 11, 2013

by Pragmatica

Kaishai posted:

However, far be it from me to stop someone from writing about the Moldovan lawn gnomes--so your choice can stand, but you get a punitive :siren: flash rule. :siren: One of your characters must be illiterate.

As I apparently can't read I accept this flash rule.

Dec 11, 2013

by Pragmatica

SkaAndScreenplays posted:

As I apparently can't read I accept this flash rule.

Also gently caress-it. I'm all IN for Moldova and I'll take Sunstroke Project - Hey Mama for a second entry: with a :toxx: to pull off 2 submissions.


Nov 3, 2010

Scoffing at modernity.

SkaAndScreenplays posted:

Also gently caress-it. I'm all IN for Moldova and I'll take Sunstroke Project - Hey Mama for a second entry: with a :toxx: to pull off 2 submissions.

Man, you keep pairing things I wouldn't normally allow with awesome Moldovan videos. All right. Your vow is witnessed. But! :siren: Moldova 2017 is an exception to the one-entrant-per-video rule. :siren: Anyone else may claim it too and fight you for supremacy.

Nov 14, 2006

to ride eternal, shiny and chrome


Hook me up with a song pls

Nov 3, 2010

Scoffing at modernity.

Chairchucker posted:

Hook me up with a song pls

In your capable hands I place Switzerland 2007: DJ BoBo - "Vampires Are Alive."

The Cut of Your Jib
Apr 23, 2007

you don't find a style

a style finds you

Svala - Paper (Iceland 2017)

Do you have a (lucky) routine before you go on stage?

I bathe myself in unicorn tears and take a shot of snow on fire.


Aug 2, 2002




whose dick do I have to suck around here to get banned? sebmojo is a bad hombre <- mod sass plz ban

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