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Sitting Here
Dec 31, 2007

Tyrannosaurus HMs.

Djeser wins for doing the thing I liked the best and really giving me what I was hoping for with this prompt. This was an easy choice for the judges.

judging is a mess because at least two of the judges have other poo poo going on so if you want more mentions that this, I would advise you to consider eating my fat sweaty lady nuts. There is no obvious, standout loser and frankly, it is against my principles to choose one by fiat. For example, Sebmojo didn't like Mrenda's story, but Flesnolk and I thought it was alright. Flesnolk and Mojo liked Uranium Phoenix's story, but I was very lukewarm on it. BeefSupreme came up for the loss because of his ending, but I like the writing itself too much to do that.

So, in the interest of transparency, I'm saying we don't have a clear choice and I don't feel like picking one arbitrarily in a week where the content was roughly even in quality. Eat a dick, Thunderdome SOP.

Djeser, the throne is yours. That, at least, was not a difficult call to make.


Jan 23, 2004

college kids ain't shit

Fun Shoe
I'm going to buy you a losertar.


Sitting Here
Dec 31, 2007

Chili posted:

I'm going to buy you a losertar.



Radical and BADical!
Jun 27, 2010

by Lowtax
Fun Shoe
Weird, a bunch of the critiques I did didn't copy over. Sorry but I'm too lazy to recreate them.

Mar 22, 2013

it's crow time again

proooooompt wait gently caress

Radical and BADical!
Jun 27, 2010

by Lowtax
Fun Shoe

Djeser posted:


Bad Seafood
Dec 10, 2010

If you must blink, do it now.

Bad Seafood
Dec 10, 2010

If you must blink, do it now.

Bad Seafood
Dec 10, 2010

If you must blink, do it now.

Sep 13, 2004

stay safe prompt sloth

Feb 25, 2014
not a very prompt prompt. at least, imo

Apr 11, 2012
Fast Prompting Good Prompting.

Mar 22, 2013

it's crow time again

Djeser posted:


Feb 25, 2014

Mar 22, 2013

it's crow time again

Thunderdome Week 245: You Need Satan More Than He Needs You

Your protagonist is literally a demon and/or devil. What is their daily struggle?

All affiliations welcomed.

No more than 1666 words.

Sign ups close Friday 11 PM Pacific, submissions close Sunday 11 PM Pacific


Damned souls:
Mercedes :toxx:
Fleta Mcgurn
Thranguy :toxx:
The Saddest Rhino :toxx:
Jay W. Friks
Radical and BADical! :toxx:
ThirdEmperor :toxx:
Beef Supreme :toxx:
SurreptitiousMuffin :toxx:
Uranium Phoenix
The Cut of Your Jib

Djeser fucked around with this message at 05:36 on Apr 22, 2017

Mar 22, 2013

it's crow time again

Also I'll give your character a goal if you toxx.

Mar 7, 2006

"So you Jesus?"

"And you black?"

"Nigga prove it!"

And so Black Jesus turned water into a bucket of chicken. And He saw that it was good.

in. flash me for dat :toxx:

Mar 22, 2013

it's crow time again

Mercedes posted:

in. flash me for dat :toxx:

Your protagonist is trying to improve (or "improve") a concert.

Fleta Mcgurn
Oct 5, 2003

Porpoise noise continues.
In. I deffo need some Satan today.

Apr 21, 2010

Deceitful and black-hearted, perhaps we are. But we would never go against the Code. Well, perhaps for good reasons. But mostly never.
In, :toxx:, flash.

Mar 22, 2013

it's crow time again

Thranguy posted:

In, :toxx:, flash.

Your protagonist is trying to get out of some legal trouble.

The Saddest Rhino
Apr 29, 2009

Put it all together.
Solve the world.
One conversation at a time.

k. flash

Jay W. Friks
Oct 4, 2016

Got Out.
Grimey Drawer

Mar 22, 2013

it's crow time again

Trying to ruin a garden. Better see a toxx too.

Radical and BADical!
Jun 27, 2010

by Lowtax
Fun Shoe
:toxx: me baby

Aug 7, 2013



In with a :toxx: to amend my shame.

Sep 14, 2007

to ride eternal, shiny and chrome

in :toxx: me a goal

Mar 22, 2013

it's crow time again

Warning: Please specify if you want a goal. If you don't, I'm just going to assume you're toxxing because you're garbage kindergarteners.

Also, clarification: these aren't flash rules, I don't actually care if you follow them.

BeefSupreme posted:

in :toxx: me a goal

Their goal: temptation. Their issue: it's someone they have history with.

Feb 25, 2014

The Saddest Rhino
Apr 29, 2009

Put it all together.
Solve the world.
One conversation at a time.

Djeser posted:

Trying to ruin a garden. Better see a toxx too.

Y o L O :toxx:

Radical and BADical!
Jun 27, 2010

by Lowtax
Fun Shoe

by that I meant IN and GOAL plz

Mar 22, 2013

it's crow time again

Radical and BADical! posted:

by that I meant IN and GOAL plz

Your protagonist is stuck in the boonies and trying to make it out.

Nov 3, 2010

Scoffing at modernity.
:siren: Thunderdome Recaps! :siren:

Have you ever done something you would later regret? Of course you have, or you wouldn't be reading this while Creative Convention is behind the paywall. Week 241: From Zero to Hero was all about redeeming past wrongs in theory, yet a few new literary misdemeanors were committed in practice, and Sitting Here, Ironic Twist, and I ponder how those sins might be redeemed. Eventually we change genres and expose our senses to the cacaphony of lions and tigers and gurus known as Week 242: Resonance of Words. The latter round supplies the episode's dramatic reading: Chairchucker's "Did he who Made the Lamb Make Thee?"

Wilbur recorded his gameplay, he studied his losses, he owned his mistakes, and each time he lost, he became wiser, craftier, more deadly in the wastes.

Though I for one regret nothing about Week 243: We Are the Heroes of Our Time, my singing in our recap of it could be better. Alas! We can't all warble as beautifully as Twist. Brace yourselves for music, for magic, and for reactions to some guy taking meth and then wanking for ten hours.* That is a thing that happened. Depending on your tastes, you may find our readings of Chairchucker's "The Undeath of the Party" and flerp's "Help! My Boyfriend Wants to Move On Instead of Getting Married!" to be somewhat lackluster in comparison.

It wasn’t really a tragic death. I just wasn’t paying attention near a seaweed chipper and, long story short, fell in. Oh well, it happens to everybody.

* Twist meant to link this instead. Why he had that other link handy is a question best left for the ages.

Episodes past can be found here!

Kaishai fucked around with this message at 00:01 on Apr 20, 2017

Dec 11, 2013

by Pragmatica
The Passenger:
965 Words
:siren:FLASH RULE:siren: mushroom zombie apocalypse, no zombies

It travels the void.
A creature of infinite being trapped deep within a frozen star.
It is a streak in the night sky.
A conciousness who only knows Itself and the its-that-came-before.
It is a mind enslumbered throughout its journey; a voyage measured in epochs.
The heat of a burning star stirs It from sleep.
The fire of a new world melts away the walls of Its prison.
Its arrival is heralded by the screams of the air and a great rush of warm water.

This water is new.

This water is fresh.

This water is completely unlike that which the it-before knew.

Fibrous limbs probe the new everywhere that It has been carried to. It finds Others that are not unlike itself yet not at all like itself either.

It feels the mind of an it-before reach across the everything and into Itself -. These Others feed on the stars and do not think. Do not make a Home of them - they.

The water does not move here so It searches for a Way to another everywhere.

Tendrils stretch from within. They stretch to the everywhere of the everything but find nothing. Somethings flit about in the water below but move too quickly for It to make one home Home so It extends Itself further and further in search of the end of this everywhere.

Motion; a thing comes to rest on the part of Itself reaching out to everywhere - this is an Other unlike and not-like Itself. The Other can move to new everywheres so It allows Itself to be consumed by this Other.

This is a fragile Home. A temporary Home. This new Home does not think - it only exists to feed and make others-like-itself. Almost instantly the Passenger sees through the eyes of the Other as they travel through the everywhere in search of Food and Home.

The Home sets down on a blurry mass of life and color. Through the tendrils It feels the impulses of instinct as the host feeds upon the new everywhere. It senses water rich with iron and hot with life flow through the Home. It reaches out once more as it pulls itself into a new everywhere.

This life water flows quickly and does not allow It to make home of the channels. Again It is a passenger; a slave to the ebb and flow of the everywhere around It.







The everywhere that is alive churns predictably as It scouts for a suitable place to make Home. The part of Itself which resides in the fragile Home vanishes in an all-consuming darkness.

It is alone again when the life-water carries the Passenger to Its new Home. Fillaments creep across an electric sea of life as It reaches for the reigns of its Human.

Human? It is puzzled by the concept - having only known itself and the its-before. Mycelia weave themselves across the Human’s cerebral cortex and plunge deep into the gray matter of the brain.

It lashes itself to Melinda’s neurons and buries itself in her memories awestruck by the awareness of this human.

She doesn’t believe the discovery she has made and reaches across time and space to hear the voices of her selves-before. Full of fear and doubt she hopes that one among her ancestors has encountered such an enigmatic Home themselves. She waits for what feels like ages.

Others-completely-alike-and-unlike are a myth - The words come slow and deep; stretched by their journey through the Everything to reach her - Melinda should check Itself; its experience is anomalous. We that are of It are alone in the Universe…

If I may chime in? - This newvoice is nearer to Melinda and more like Herself than the first - How can It know that Melinda has not encountered something new?

She fights the urge to explore the mind of her new Home; to chase the sounds and bathe in the scents of the Earth. Now she must defend the beauty and truth of her discovery - Does the fact that It now understands that the Universe is the Greatest Everything serve as proof that we are not alone? Does it not make it clear that there are others that think?

A rush of endorphins tugs Her away from the debate for a moment as Melinda studies the colours and contours of her latest painting. She revels in the beauty and talent of her Human for a moment before the slow voice commands her attention again.

I don’t belive you - It argues with her - How can we know that you aren’t just making all of this up?

You’re right. I guess for the entirety of our existence we’ve just agreed with eachother wholeheartedly - Melinda pauses to collect Herself as a chuckle slips past her lips - It isn’t like we’re just now discovering the concept of sarcasm ya know.

An indignant huff echoes in the minds of the collective as It concedes that Melinda’s logic holds up.

Her words ring loud with pride at having silenced her detractor - Now, if you’ll all kindly pipe-down I’d like to explore my new surroundings.

Melinda strolls about Their home eager to see how other humans live. They revel in the photographs taken of their Others-before and Others-also and they take joy in the artwork of her Others-after adorning the refrigerator door.

Who are you?

The question comes from an it-also somewhere very close - Melinda almost feels as though it came from her own mind.
I am Melinda - Her words are cautious.

How can that be? - The new voice is panicked; Its fear is amplified by Melinda’s countelss selves interrogating It from across all of creation - How can that be when I.

It is Part of Us - Melinda tells herself - It is the First-Like and it is our Passenger.

SkaAndScreenplays fucked around with this message at 16:57 on Apr 20, 2017

Dec 11, 2013

by Pragmatica

Mar 21, 2010
Okay lol I will :toxx: a story of sin.

Apr 10, 2013

you guys made me ink!


May 3, 2003

Who wants to live


College Slice
I'm IN as well.

Dec 11, 2013

by Pragmatica
I'm trading crits on my DQ for this week for a crit from any story you've written and would like feedback on.

Actually I'm doing a poo poo ton of crits for as many stories I can get to over the weekend while also not failing or DQ'ing with my demon story.

I haven't done it in a while and critiquing is fun and hard and awesome and I'm too nice for full TD Kayfabe. Also picking apart the good and bad of a story helps me write less bad stories so it's not an entirely selfless act.


SkaAndScreenplays fucked around with this message at 05:20 on Apr 22, 2017


Uranium Phoenix
Jun 20, 2007


Ah hell, I'm in.

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