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  • Locked thread
Apr 6, 2012

No Boots on the Ground,
Puny Mortals!

Always wanted to write for this, and I should have a lighter week coming up. So, I'm in for sin.


Uranium Phoenix
Jun 20, 2007


Noah posted:

Where You Are Now
This is, like, exactly the opposite of the prompt. Man and dog find each other after the end of civilization. Man takes care of dog. Dog eats man. I think there's an attempt to be symbolic here with the dog's dreams, longing for the civilization that was lost, but I don't get a lot out of it. Also I was pretty sure one of them was going to eat the other so it was a pretty mediocre twist.
Rating: Two half kibble pieces

Chili posted:

Come My Way
The prompt doesn't specify human, yeah, but I don't see "founding a new colony" as any part of "dreams of the dawn of civilization." There's no dreams, and a new home is not a new civilization. That aside, I don't know what this flash is trying to do. I think it might be going for either a joke, but there's no emotional attachment to the ant's sacrifice because it is unthinking, and none of the other ants care, so the emotional weight you'd need to create a good punchline when it turns out its just a bunch of ants frying themselves and a computer is lacking.
Rating: A .gif of crazy ants swarming purposelessly on an apple laptop

Thranguy posted:

The Boy Who Yearned to Kiss the Moon
This story establishes its setting and genre quickly. It tells of two possible tales of how a man disappeared, and one true tale. It speaks to how myths might be created, how people tell stories to hold on to power, of the acceptance of uncertainty, and of the power of love to drive. I think it runs into a bit of confusion with two many characters. I'd cut the line about it being a "long story," because it's not. Overall, I enjoyed this story a lot, and with a few revisions I think it could be even stronger.
Rating: A strong ox, its gaze fixed on the horizon

Give my bonus vote to wizards

If all you sinailures are too proud to go for another prompt, my votes can be bribed with donations of wordcount.

Uranium Phoenix fucked around with this message at 21:19 on Jul 6, 2017

Sitting Here
Dec 31, 2007
15-15 with 9.5 hours left to vote

:eyepop: :eyepop: :eyepop:

Profane Accessory
Feb 23, 2012

:toxx: for wizardry

Fuschia tude
Dec 26, 2004


Uranium Phoenix posted:

If all you sinailures are too proud to go for another prompt, my votes can be bribed with donations of wordcount.

How much are you asking? :homebrew:

super sweet best pal
Nov 18, 2009

Uranium Phoenix posted:

If all you sinailures are too proud to go for another prompt, my votes can be bribed with donations of wordcount.

Can Wizards make counter offers?

Uranium Phoenix
Jun 20, 2007


super sweet best pal posted:

Can Wizards make counter offers?

Yes they can current offer is 400 words from sin

Apr 25, 2011

I'm a suave detective with a heart of gold in hot pursuit of the malevolent, manipulative
and the deranged degenerates who only want their


Fuubi posted:

Yup, IN for the SIN.

Thranguy posted:

In it to sin it.

Durrhurrhurr these rhymes so clever :downs:

Apr 25, 2011

I'm a suave detective with a heart of gold in hot pursuit of the malevolent, manipulative
and the deranged degenerates who only want their

I'm in, wizards, :toxx:. Sorry to ruin your troglodyte sin orgy.

super sweet best pal
Nov 18, 2009

Uranium Phoenix posted:

Yes they can current offer is 400 words from sin

420 :420:

Fuschia tude
Dec 26, 2004



Aug 7, 2013



I will stack 200 words onto whatever the highest wiz bribe is

So currently that's 420, and 200 from me makes 620 for wizkids.

Sitting Here
Dec 31, 2007
UP, you said votes plural. Does that mean whoever gives you the most words gets both of your votes?

Feb 25, 2014
uranium p u can have 700 of my words i dont need em

Sitting Here
Dec 31, 2007
Without taking into account a possible upset due to bribery, the current total is 15 sin 18 wiz. If no one bids higher than flerp, sin will get both of UP's votes and take the week.

You have just over 30 minutes to take charge of your destinies.

edit: and for the sake of fairness, I am going to say that UP only gets to take words from the highest bidder

Jan 27, 2006
Plucking my two votes for sin from the ballot box, crossing off the word "sin" on both of them and writing "wizards" on one and "Al Gore" on another. So that's -2 sin, +1 wizards

Sitting Here
Dec 31, 2007
ok so that makes it

sin: 15
wiz: 19
al gore: 1

which means if UP flips his votes, we have a tie

super sweet best pal
Nov 18, 2009

Tweet Al Gore, ask him if he wants to cast the deciding vote for a writing club's prompt.

Mar 22, 2013

it's crow time again

1,000 of my words to wizards

Aug 7, 2013



I bribe 200 words to Djeser to continue being a wizkid.

Sitting Here
Dec 31, 2007
If no one else votes or bids higher (why oh why would you do that), wizards will take the week!

:siren: 15 minutes remain :siren: (give or take)

Uranium Phoenix
Jun 20, 2007


Sitting Here posted:

UP, you said votes plural. Does that mean whoever gives you the most words gets both of your votes?

Yeah both

Sitting Here
Dec 31, 2007

Oct 23, 2010

Legit Cyberpunk

1001 words to sin

Fuschia tude
Dec 26, 2004


Wait doesn't flerp give UP 700 votes hence making a tie?

I already did wizards week you butts :cenobite:

Dr. Kloctopussy
Apr 22, 2003

"It's DIE!"
In. Wizards.


No more last minute shenanigans.

100 words to djeser for loyalty.

Mar 22, 2013

it's crow time again

1002 words to up for wizes fuk u sebmojo

Nov 3, 2010

Scoffing at modernity.
In. Wizards.

Sitting Here
Dec 31, 2007


wizards incoming soon

Aug 7, 2013



it would be a sin to call the losing side a bunch of beefy farts

so I won't

but I'll give a gently caress yea to djeser good buddy ol' friend

Feb 25, 2014

anime was right
Jun 27, 2008

death is certain
keep yr cool
hell yeah wizards

Apr 25, 2011

I'm a suave detective with a heart of gold in hot pursuit of the malevolent, manipulative
and the deranged degenerates who only want their


Phobia posted:

Sorry to ruin your troglodyte sin orgy.

Fuschia tude
Dec 26, 2004



Dr. Kloctopussy
Apr 22, 2003

"It's DIE!"

Dr. Kloctopussy posted:

In. Wizards.


No more last minute shenanigans.

100 words to djeser for loyalty.

Surprising amount of last minute shenanigans after this.


Sitting Here
Dec 31, 2007
:siren: YER A WIZARD, [your name here]! :siren:

Here are your wizard assignments. These are all wizards that were assigned in the original wizard week. Per the prompt, your story should feature a wizard, but the genre is relatively open (you can have a wizard in space, a wizard coping with suburban ennui, an alternate history wizard, etc). The wizard assignment I give you should be apparent in your story, though I encourage you to put your own spin on these prompts.

Your word count is 1300 unless you are djeser, UP, or someone who donated words to Djeser.


Late sign up deadline: 11:59 PM PST on 7/7/17
Submission deadline: 11:59 PM PST on 7/9/17

sebmojo posted:

in for sin

Your magic is strange and skittish. When you try to focus it, you don't seem to get the intended effect. Yet you somehow manage to get through impossible situations when you put little to no forethought into it. You are the drunken master wizard.

Jay W. Friks posted:

In I vote for [SIN].

You have the power to enforce any promise to its fullest extent, even if the promiser no longer wants to be obligated to their vow. Doubt, injury, and death are no obstacle for your power.

Fuubi posted:

Yup, IN for the SIN.


You are the wizard of the shadows. You can wrap yourself in velvety darkness, or smother your enemies with shade. You loathe the sun, except for when it is contrasted by shadow.

Djeser posted:

well call me mr. idiot wizard fool. mr. moron is my dad.

in for WIZARDS

oh and :toxx: like a cool kid

You can copy the shape of any man or beast, but if the original dies while you're mimicking their form, so do you.

Uranium Phoenix posted:

In for Wizards

all ya'll sindiots better fly like the fools you are because

You can fold paper into unlikely, incredible things. Some mistakenly call your work origami, but your creations are born from secret patterns of folds and non-euclidean creases.

You are not the strongest or flashiest wizard on your own, but you do have one tremendous ace up your billowing sleeve: You can walk through dreams, and take the things you find there back into the waking world.

Thranguy posted:

In it to sin it.

You can manipulate any and all kinds of protein. You haven't even fully explored the extent of all the different things you'll be able to manipulate, since you're unfortunately not a biologist or doctor. This could be awesome, or could go horribly wrong for you.

Benny Profane posted:

Wizards rule, sinners drool, in.

You can siphon off power from praise and worship of any kind, however the gods you're cheating may not always look kindly on it.

your sigil is the eye. Wherever there are eyes, you have power. Paintings, photos, symbols, people, animals. It doesn't matter what bears the eye, they are all under your domain.

Fuschia tude posted:

Thank you!

:toxx:in to sin

You invoke the voices from the deep places of this world. Only you know what they say.

SurreptitiousMuffin posted:

Sin sounds like some dumb maths bullshit while Wizz is the sound a car makes when it goes past. Wrap it up, Sinailures.

In for Wizards.

You can see the hidden geometry. You can pass through the world at odd angles. You see into the crawlspaces and secret passages of reality.

super sweet best pal posted:

In, team Wizard gets my vote.

Never done one of these before and haven't written a story in ages but I need to get back into the habit.

You may steal very pure, very sincere wishes from others, and grant them for yourself.

You're the wizard of chance. There's a trick to it, you know. To luck magic. You can't try too hard, but you can't just sit back and let luck come to you, either. Your magic plays on the knife edge between fate and chaos, where fortune dances her precarious dance.

You speak to the trees! And you can shape their wood with the power that flows through your fingers. Keep in mind though, the trees can speak back to you, and they aren't always happy.

Your power relies on intense visualization, which allows you to bring objects or beings out of your mind and into the world. Small, simple things are easier. Large or elaborate things can take a toll. Your meditations can be empowered by a rare, enchanting form of music.

Jitzu_the_Monk posted:

In. I vote for sin. :toxx:

You can create words of power, small phrases that bring about whatever you want to invoke. However, once you've infused a word with power, anyone who utters it invokes that power. The infusion can't be undone.

Sokoban posted:

In for wizards. God help me.

You can bring your drawings and painting to life! However, you can't re-paint or re-draw them once you've done so, no matter how badly you want to.

Capfalcon posted:

Always wanted to write for this, and I should have a lighter week coming up. So, I'm in for sin.

You work with gemstones. Their unique frequencies sing to you, and you can direct their properties into powerful magic.

Phobia posted:

I'm in, wizards, :toxx:. Sorry to ruin your troglodyte sin orgy.

Young, orphaned animals and children come to you. They remain your tirelessly obedient companions until they can't anymore.

Dr. Kloctopussy posted:

In. Wizards.


No more last minute shenanigans.

100 words to djeser for loyalty.

Your power depends on how many sigils and symbols you can place in public view. If you can pepper a whole city with your signs, you can do great works. Too bad city officials and property owners don't like graffiti.

Kaishai posted:

In. Wizards.

You're the wizard of that ol' swamp magic. Fiddles in the bayou, will-o-wisp lights hovering over bogs. You can call dark, beautiful, or terrible things from the mud, loam, and stagnant water

Sitting Here fucked around with this message at 08:16 on Jul 7, 2017

Sitting Here
Dec 31, 2007
There is a non-0 chance i missed someone in my quoting frenzy, so if that's you pls let me know

Sitting Here
Dec 31, 2007
Oh, and for the purposes of this prompt, your wizards don't have to be dudes they can be whatever gender you want. Mentioning this because I seem to recall a debate about whether wizards were all guys by definition last time we had wizard week.

a new study bible!
Feb 1, 2009

A Philadelphia Legend
Fly Eagles Fly

Sitting Here posted:

There is a non-0 chance i missed someone in my quoting frenzy, so if that's you pls let me know

u forgot me


Jan 23, 2004

college kids ain't shit

Fun Shoe

Only so I could remember, friend!

Your wizardry allows you give anima/life to any work of art: A sculpture, a painting, a photo, and so on.

  • Locked thread