629 words To be Less Than a Queen flerp fucked around with this message at 21:15 on Oct 11, 2017 |
# ? Jul 30, 2017 20:20 |
# ? Jan 18, 2025 11:43 |
Submissions are closed. Good job, those of you who submitted. As for the rest... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DOKzTHaPfM&t=134s
# ? Jul 30, 2017 20:59 |
Electric Owl posted:in, with:
# ? Jul 30, 2017 21:20 |
sebmojo posted:Tsk. 1200 pst 7 august then.
# ? Jul 30, 2017 22:00 |
# ? Jul 30, 2017 23:06 |
# ? Jul 31, 2017 00:30 |
sparksbloom fucked around with this message at 03:36 on Nov 27, 2017 |
# ? Jul 31, 2017 02:02 |
Chili posted:Brawl me bro. Sitting Here posted:In for a brawl with un-chill-i up there You've seen sebmojo vs SurreptitiousMuffin and Benny the Snake vs Phobia This summer, get pumped for Chili vs Sittinghere. Brought to you by Thunderdome 2017teen. This time, it's for real.
# ? Jul 31, 2017 23:20 |
RESULTS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uV53mhpc1Ww So overall I've gotta say this was a pretty strong week. Not without it's stinkers though, and otherwise mild but prevalent annoyances. While I gave you guys permission to use your photographs as a jumping off point without necessarily having to be married to it, a few of you jumped a bit further away than I would've liked. Letting that slide, however, there was still plenty to dislike with dishonorable mentions Jay W. Friks, Wizgot, RandomPauI, and Mag7 heralding in our week's true loser: Super Sweet Best Pal, who ain't no pal of mine if he's just gonna waste his bland protagonist's architectural ambitions on a story where his dead stoner roommate gets murdered over a random weed cache. And yet good has been done here with a strong stable of honorable mentions: Sebmojo, SurreptitiousMuffin, A New Study Bible!, Kaishai, and Thranguy. I'm not typically this generous but any one of these stories would've won a lesser week, and I wanted to acknowledge that. Special props to Sebmojo for tackling a monster of a flashrule and bringing it home like the biggest fish he ever caught, but unfortunately for him there was another fish this week a hair's breadth bigger: Fleta Mcgurn whose dark yet dignified piece masterfully combined her setting and flashrule into a softly emotional rollercoaster. The throne's all yours Fleta. Now if you'll excuse me, I've gotta jet.
# ? Aug 1, 2017 06:55 |
Also, prompt.
# ? Aug 1, 2017 06:55 |
to the tune of WHERE'S OUR loving PROMPT: where's our loving proooooompt
# ? Aug 1, 2017 07:59 |
I'll be judging next week instead (Kaishai will tell y'all why) but thank you, High-Quality Seafood. Cuz you are quality people.
# ? Aug 1, 2017 08:00 |
# ? Aug 1, 2017 08:05 |
# ? Aug 1, 2017 08:17 |
Interprompt: I like tarsiers; write about tarsiers in 500 words or less, and you can have the same number of words for week 262 in addition to the actual wordcount limit (what is that, you ask? You'll see.) Also, I will crit any tarsier stories.
# ? Aug 1, 2017 08:22 |
Thunderdome Week CCLXI: You Are Cordially Invited to the Dome of a Thousand Doors Party Planners: Kaishai, SurreptitiousMuffin, and Uranium Phoenix. Lord Thaddeus Domerci, a man of mystery around whom many rumors and dire foretellings swirl, has invited us one and all to celebrate his birthday in the magnificent Domerci Manor. Stories are told about this house--as many stories, nearly, as the house has rooms, though the exact count of chambers is vague. You see, there's no end to the Manor's doors. Past each one waits a room that's distinct from every other; a gentleman's study from the late nineteenth century sits across the hall from a glass dome looking out on the vacuum of space. Lord Domerci has more gardens besides than any one man should. I've heard tell of a pond in one with swan boats that glide on their own, and another, they say, holds a graveyard with epitaphs no one still living can read.... Your protagonists have come to Domerci Manor on the night of the festivities. Why? That's up to you. The eccentric lord has sent invitations to the rich and the poor alike, but any party like this one will also have its gate crashers. Maybe your characters are looking for something, or for someone. Maybe they're only here for the drinks and will get caught up in matters beyond their comprehension. They could find love! Or hate! Or death! Or a necrophiliac orgy in the basement! (Please don't find a necrophiliac orgy in the basement.) Anything is possible--it's that kind of evening. This is a shared world prompt, but one that allows you to go your own way if you'd rather. It's entirely possible to be at Domerci's party and miss any number of happenings, especially if you're caught up in your own! Entrants are welcome to conspire, to share characters and rooms--IRC is useful for this--but keep this in mind: Each story must have one author. Each story must stand alone. Don't depend on someone else's work to explain yours. If collaboration isn't your thing, then create your own room or rooms and don't worry about what anyone else is doing. The judges won't hold that against you. There's one character who should be at least slightly consistent, so have a brief description of the Man Himself: Kaishai posted:
Can't decide on what room(s) you'd like to explore? You're in luck, sort of, because the judge team will hear your pleas and assign you a past week of Thunderdome to use as setting inspiration. Setting, note! Let's say you get Week CCV. Your room had better be cosmic and horrifying, but if you want to use it as a backdrop for a touching romance or a buddy comedy, have at. Flash rules and other sub-rules of past weeks aren't part of your room assignments! As is traditional when it comes to special anniversary shenanigans, the winner of this week won't run the next week. That honor/horror belongs to Fleta Mcgurn. Instead, the victor gets the thrill of beating everybody else into the ground, perhaps a sparkly new avatar, and delightful freedom from having to do any work afterward! No fanfiction, nonfiction, erotica, poetry, political satire, political screeds, or GoogleDocs. Sign-up deadline: Friday, August 4, 11:59pm USA Eastern Submission deadline: Sunday, August 6, 11:59pm USA Eastern Maximum word count: 1,500 VIP Guests: super sweet best pal (Room LXVI) Fleta Mcgurn Thranguy (Room LXXXI): "The Huntress and the Thief" Sitting Here: "In Which an Unwanted Gift is Returned" Fuubi sebmojo (Room LXXXV): "Astronomical Unit" Hawklad (Room CXXV): "The Fisherman and the Eel" MysticalHaberdasher Dr. Kloctopussy (Room CXXXVII): "Falling Stars" big scary monsters (Room CLXXX) crabrock (Room CLXIV) Jay W. Friks: "Dirty Pool" Wizgot (Room CLXXXVI) Mercedes (Room CLXIII): "The Pyramid Scheme" RandomPauI (Room LXVII): "Her Rehearsal." (Submitted past the deadline.) Benny Profane (Room XXI): "The Potato Thief" flerp (Room CXXII) sparksbloom (Room CLXXXI) dmboogie: "i bet one day we'll look back on this and laugh but for tonight could you just buy me a drink" GenJoe Chairchucker (Room CCII) Solitair (Room CII): "Theorycraps" Noah Nethilia: "Lost and Found" Pippin: "What's Behind Door Number One?" blue squares: "While Searching for an Answer" Kaishai fucked around with this message at 00:28 on Aug 9, 2017 |
# ? Aug 1, 2017 08:28 |
In and please give me a room.
# ? Aug 1, 2017 08:36 |
# ? Aug 1, 2017 08:43 |
in and room me up.
# ? Aug 1, 2017 08:59 |
# ? Aug 1, 2017 09:08 |
# ? Aug 1, 2017 09:27 |
in, room me up
# ? Aug 1, 2017 10:33 |
In, I will take a room.
# ? Aug 1, 2017 12:48 |
# ? Aug 1, 2017 13:00 |
Bad Seafood posted:RESULTS
# ? Aug 1, 2017 14:17 |
magnificent7 posted:As always, it's just an honor to be considered for DM. My soul is crushed, but by god I finally turned a story in. Thanks for reading it. I'm desperate to find out where I missed the mark, (you know, other than typos, dammit). I had some thoughts. To start: - I have a very clear picture of the narrator in my mind. Like, I know exactly what his truck probably smells like. Well done. - The story itself interests me. I would read more if this was the introduction to a longer piece. Okay, so stuff that was less cool... First all, punctuation. I don't mean your lack of quotation marks, which I took to be a stylistic choice. I'm talking missing commas. That is my least favorite variety of comma. Second, sentence structure: you posted:Eric says the air ain’t bad and runs on ahead to check the metal doors, maybe one of them opened to a room instead of emergency stairs. This sentence is good, but it's bad. It's good in that I feel like you're expressing things in the narrator's voice, which is unique. It's bad because, even though I do understand your meaning, there's a tense shift mid-sentence. I'm not usually stabby about tense changes, but combined with the lack of punctuation to indicate exactly what is being spoken, it's confusing. You also break the fourth wall a couple times, but not frequently enough that I'm sure it was deliberate. The narrator doesn't seem at all concerned about the walls breathing. It's noted in a very detached and "enhhhh and then this happened" way. you posted:I lie here for five minutes. Don't you have a phone? gently caress, bro, call 911 or 119 or 999 or 911 or something, even if you can't talk. I don't understand this, to be honest. It doesn't seem like a rational response to someone who knows their friend is in need of immediate help. I understand the narrator is recovering, but I feel like he or she would have a stronger sense of urgency. Incidentally, couldn't the narrator have floated Eric's fat rear end and not had to drop him? Why, seeing that his coworker is on the ground gasping, flailing, and indicating a basement, does Jeff not figure out that there's a problem with the air? If Julie knows, wouldn't Jeff? I am also operating under the assumption that they're maintenance workers. At the very least, Julie probably wouldn't be the only person at the office who is aware of a potential health and safety issue. e: and also JEFF CALL THE drat POLICE I don't really have any huge and grumpy issues with your story. I feel like maybe you wanted to take a risk, but you couldn't decide whether to go more realistic or more fantastic, and hamstrung yourself a little. It needed more editing and a bit of tightening, but it's far from awful! To me, it feels like one big opening scene to a longer story. I think there were some interesting things here; I'm wondering if there is any significance with the years? IS JULIE EVEN REAL? Anyways, you turned in a story that made me want to know more.
# ? Aug 1, 2017 16:15 |
Fleta Mcgurn posted:perfect feedback
# ? Aug 1, 2017 16:34 |
In and ready to be visited by the ghost of Thunderdomes past.
# ? Aug 1, 2017 17:07 |
I've had a really dreadful idea for a story and if I don't think of anything better I'm going to have to write it, so please give me a room.
# ? Aug 1, 2017 17:12 |
give me a week pls. preferably not one i've already written for.
# ? Aug 1, 2017 17:12 |
In with Indoor Pool
# ? Aug 1, 2017 18:05 |
I'm in. Room me up.
# ? Aug 1, 2017 18:17 |
magnificent7 posted:As always, it's just an honor to be considered for DM. My soul is crushed, but by god I finally turned a story in. Thanks for reading it. I'm desperate to find out where I missed the mark, (you know, other than typos, dammit). And same. Just happy I survived the Thunderdome.
# ? Aug 1, 2017 18:22 |
Can't believe I've spent five years of my life with you chuckleheads
# ? Aug 1, 2017 18:39 |
Dr. Kloctopussy posted:Can't believe I've spent five years of my life with you chuckleheads 5 years ago this week i sat down and wrote about potatoes my god what have i become
# ? Aug 1, 2017 19:37 |
Dr. Kloctopussy posted:Can't believe I've spent five years of my life with you chuckleheads Seems like triple that. You butthole sniffers are quite the lot.
# ? Aug 1, 2017 20:06 |
Mercedes posted:Seems like triple that. You butthole sniffers are quite the lot. That post was poorly planned. There were no I's nor N's close to each other. Give me a room
# ? Aug 1, 2017 20:10 |
I'm sad to get a DM but my goals of finishing a story and not being last place we're met. Do we have to choose a room number from past thunderdomes?
# ? Aug 1, 2017 21:25 |
Mercedes posted:That post was poorly planned. There were no I's nor N's close to each other. Give me a room what, they're right next to each other! Mercedes posted:Seems like triple that. You butthole sniffers are quite the lot.
# ? Aug 1, 2017 21:39 |
# ? Jan 18, 2025 11:43 |
Your room assignments, honored guests! Remember, you're free to wander through the house, but at least part of your story must now take place in a location related somehow to your week. While I've included a suggestion for each, you're free to ignore those and offer your own interpretations. super sweet best pal posted:In and please give me a room. You may find cards and poker chips plentiful in Room LXVI (Know When to Fold 'Em). Thranguy posted:in and room me up. Who knew Lord Domerci had enough plastic bricks to fill Room LXXXI (LEGO Stories with Chairchucker)? sebmojo posted:in, room me up Letters abound in Room LXXXV (Ground Control to Major Tom). Hawklad posted:In, I will take a room. Everything's better down where it's wetter in Room CXXV (Thunderdome is Comin' to Town). I suppose sparkling mermen are optional. Dr. Kloctopussy posted:In and ready to be visited by the ghost of Thunderdomes past. Stroll through the gallery in Room CXXXVII (A Picture is Worth rand( ) % 1500 words). big scary monsters posted:I've had a really dreadful idea for a story and if I don't think of anything better I'm going to have to write it, so please give me a room. Maybe you can lose that idea in Lord Domerci's labyrinth, contained in Room CLXXX (Maybe I'm a Maze). Note to all: "rooms" can absolutely be somewhere out on the Manor grounds! crabrock posted:give me a week pls. Dare you find out what's cooking in Room CLXIV (I Shouldn't Have Eaten That Souvlaki)? Wizgot posted:I'm in. Room me up. Be careful with the Bunsen burners in Room CLXXXVI (Giving away prizes for doing f'd-up things). Mercedes posted:That post was poorly planned. There were no I's nor N's close to each other. Give me a room Arf arf arf! Nah, just fooling. Lord Domerci's private collection occupies Room CLXIII (YOUR STUPID poo poo BELONGS IN A MUSEUM).
# ? Aug 1, 2017 23:08 |