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Permanently banned from the Alamo

ShinyBirdTeeth posted:

Patron Saints For Modern Life

This rules. I could see a patron saint of good bluetooth connection, or green lights the whole way home (protector of weary travelers)

Thanks to Manifisto for the sig, and Koishi for the last one. TVsVeryOwn made the CyberMike.


Pot Smoke Phoenix

Smoke 'em if you gottem!
Saint Pepe- Patron Saint of people on the wrong side of the bathroom door when they really gotta go
Sig elements by Manifisto and Heather Papps
Sig File protected by SigLock. do NOT steal this sig!

Pot Smoke Phoenix

Smoke 'em if you gottem!
ShintBirdTeefs please make the Saint thread
Sig elements by Manifisto and Heather Papps
Sig File protected by SigLock. do NOT steal this sig!

Pot Smoke Phoenix

Smoke 'em if you gottem!
Anyone else ever wonder how long they think one of those superballs would bounce if you threw it real hard at one of the interior walls of the International Space Station? Hopefully you are now. It would also be good if the walls are as strongly reinforced as I think they are because whoopsies
Sig elements by Manifisto and Heather Papps
Sig File protected by SigLock. do NOT steal this sig!


Permanently banned from the Alamo

Splatmaster posted:

Anyone else ever wonder how long they think one of those superballs would bounce if you threw it real hard at one of the walls of the International Space Station? Hopefully you are now. It would also be good if the walls are as strongly reinforced as I think they are because whoopsies

Pretty sure the ISS would go flying off into space as superballs are a near-infinite source of energy, and fig newton's third rule or whatev

Thanks to Manifisto for the sig, and Koishi for the last one. TVsVeryOwn made the CyberMike.

got any sevens

by Cyrano4747
archie mcphee does have patron saint dolls, like one for waitresses to get bigger tips

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!

Slush Garbo


UWBW posted:

Pretty sure the ISS would go flying off into space as superballs are a near-infinite source of energy, and fig newton's third rule or whatev

This isn't just a thread idea, this is a major breakthrough in intergalactic travel


I only have canyoneyes for you
I posted this in the Middle Earth Shadow of War thread. A slick MBA runs an orc army:

I run my army as a meritocracy. I feel like those management decisions contribute to a good organizational culture where every orc feels that their contributions are valued and rewarded.

I'd also like to congratulate Krakhorn the Moaner on his recent promotion to overlord! Krakhorn is a native of Seregost, and has been with us since the Bright Lord's arrival. He's a natural talent with both sword and club, has a sharp sense of humor, and when he's not beating the shrak out of traitors enjoys playing tennis, baking Elvish food, and learning jazz guitar. Hey Krakhorn, if you ever stop by Cirith Ungol I bet Gubu the Bard could teach you a thing or two!

I want address some concerns that I've heard that Krakhorn was "only promoted to warlord because he is a moaner". First, Krakhorn has been with us since level 13, practically day one. Second, he has Legendary traits that are very competitive in the current market and provided exemplary service as the Bright Lord's bodyguard and demonstrated his value during the siege. Third, do not mistake our public commitment towards a diverse army for a policy of "reverse racism" against orcs from groups that have been historically overrepresented in our forces.

If anyone feels as though they are experiencing discrimination in the workplace, please bring up these concerns with your warchief during your next career development discussion. If you are uncomfortable speaking to your warchief about it, please use our open door policy to speak with your fortress commander or reach out to me directly. I have set the expectation with all my staff that they treat all these conversations with the appropriate sensitivity and confidentiality.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank you all for a great third quarter. We are winning in the marketplace, building a great team and some truly amazing fortresses. I recognize that this is the result of all the hard work and dedication from our world class team.

got any sevens

by Cyrano4747
post the orc beaurocracy thread

employee of the month
bonus incentives
yearly reviews and goals

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!


I only have canyoneyes for you

got any sevens posted:

post the orc beaurocracy thread

employee of the month
bonus incentives
yearly reviews and goals

little munchkin


Drink-Mix Man posted:

Elderly Jerry Seinfeld with dementia:

"Who ARE these people?"

(He doesn't remember)


This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!

little munchkin

jerry seinfeld on opposite day explaining what the deal is with various things

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!

Slush Garbo

The deal with airline food is that it cannot weigh too much or take too long to prepare, and is therefore markedly different from what one might prepare at home

-opposite day jerry


ive been playing with magnuts tying to change the wold as we know it

Hugh Malone posted:

The deal with airline food is that it cannot weigh too much or take too long to prepare, and is therefore markedly different from what one might prepare at home

-opposite day jerry

~~~ byob summer 2020 ~~~ sig responsibly ~~~ i hope you enjoy my sig ~~~ please dont kangaroo jack what you cant kangaroo give back. ~~~

Drink-Mix Man

You are an odd fellow, but I must say... you throw a swell shindig.

The ad wizards who came up with that one were John Purcell and Valerie Williams of Omnicom Media Group, NYC.


by R. Guyovich
Famed actress Whoopi Goldberg, known for playing the sage and mysterious barkeeper Guinan on Star Trek: The Next Generation, recently announced the fruits of her spare time research. She claims to have found the canonical links between the Star Trek universe and that of her famed (and yet long-forgotten) mid-1990s flop Theodore Rex.

Claiming that the former redeems the latter, while being improved by it, Ms. Goldberg declares that her research, dubbed "Star T.Rex", will provide fertile ground for the Trekkie fandom and pop culture anthropologists of the future.

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!


A thief who steals peoples bones right under their noses


by R. Guyovich

Putty posted:

A thief who steals peoples bones right under their noses

Thief: Lo and behold, my barmy bastard of a lord! For despite all your titles, and your holdings, and all your Cathay silk finery, nothing can give you succulent meat this night! For I have stolen the succulence out of your mutton! I HAVE TAKEN THE BONE RIGHT OUT OF IT!

Lord: Why, this is really quite an improvement in culinary dining!

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!

Twenty Four

Hugh Malone posted:

The deal with airline food is that it cannot weigh too much or take too long to prepare, and is therefore markedly different from what one might prepare at home

-opposite day jerry


little munchkin


Putty posted:

A thief who steals peoples bones right under their noses

i don't have any bones under my nose

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!

Koishi Komeiji

So, I came up with this thread idea and made this image a few nights ago...

But when I woke up the next morning I forgot the thread idea. Do you know what I was trying to do with this? Some kind of Bloodborne/byob concept?


sparkle sparkle sparkle
Instead of Grimdark BYOB is Cutelight and we're bringing the joy to your favorite games!

Skyrim, but you defeat dragons by getting them wicked high and then teaching them to play Fire Emblem.


sparkle sparkle sparkle
I've created a mod for Mordheim: City of the Damned called Mordheim: CIty of the Dank where you still use teams to scour a ruined city, but you're searching for green chile sauce instead of magical plutonium.


Because it never leaves its bedroom, no one has ever seen this poster's real face.
remember, the safeword is "wait please stop"

Koishi Komeiji

Hugh Malone posted:

The deal with airline food is that it cannot weigh too much or take too long to prepare, and is therefore markedly different from what one might prepare at home

-opposite day jerry

This is thread worthy imo.


deep dish peat moss posted:

Different kind of *punk, like cyberpunk and steampunk but new things. Of course there's Weedpunk where the earth is covered by a dense, slowing fog and the sun has gone ultraviolet, and Netpunk where everyone lives on one of those endless black gridded planes in the digital world.

G. Punk. Inner city warrior gangs rule the world, and devote most technology to customising classic cars so they jump. Samples Bootsy Collins heavily.
Craftpunk. Self proclaimed wizard-artisans vie for attention as they keep outdated and often overlooked techniques alive.
Jizzpunk. Cummancers and orgasmologists feud over the true nature of the Omnisexverse in a recently conquered Japan circa 1973, and your social standing is based on how many loads you bust on people.


sparkle sparkle sparkle
Gardenpunks: The world is poo poo, grow something.

Me, champing on a fresh carrot, "Pull on your overalls, newbie, we're goin' diggin'."
You, newbie, "Gee mister, but it's just my first day. I'm not ready"
Me, "Listen here, newbie, you can't roll with the Radish Clan if you're afraid to get your hands dirty. Now grab a hoe and make some money."


by R. Guyovich
Dunkpunk, but I can't decide if it's a society based around slick b-balling and slam-dunking, or one based around people creating and trading various baked confections and beverages to dunk them into.

The second option is probably some manga or anime adapted from a light novel or indie darling game title already, anyway.

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!

Drink-Mix Man

You are an odd fellow, but I must say... you throw a swell shindig.

A future where all females have extremely curvaceous behinds: Badonkadonkpunk.

Drink-Mix Man

You are an odd fellow, but I must say... you throw a swell shindig.

Not to be confused with Spunkpunk


ive been playing with magnuts tying to change the wold as we know it

Drink-Mix Man posted:

A future where all females have extremely curvaceous behinds: Badonkadonkpunk.

Sir Mix A-Lot reads this post and raises his eyebrows. He turns to his anaconda and says, "are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

~~~ byob summer 2020 ~~~ sig responsibly ~~~ i hope you enjoy my sig ~~~ please dont kangaroo jack what you cant kangaroo give back. ~~~

Twenty Four

HunkPunk: its like a hot misfit boyband just rocking it out punk style

Koishi Komeiji

Stone punk: Sometimes called "Flintstones film noir" like they have the Internet but it's just a bunch of cups on strings and the corrupt DA frames a guy for a sling-shotting he didn't commit.

Koishi Komeiji

Australianpunk: Just like cyberpunk except everything is Australian.

"I've gandered at shite you lot couldn't be arsed about. Bog tinnys going tits up at the arse end of orion.
Yours truly has squized c beams twinklin' about in the paki black near that dodgy tosser's gate. All them
moments will be arsed off in the ol' tick tock like.... tears in the piss. Time to bugger off." Australian Roy Batty - Blade Runner: Down Unda!


All David...all the TIME!
Punk in the Trunk: a butthair mohawk.

Koishi Komeiji

Koishi Komeiji posted:

Australianpunk: Just like cyberpunk except everything is Australian.

"I've gandered at shite you lot couldn't be arsed about. Bog tinnys going tits up at the arse end of orion.
Yours truly has squized c beams twinklin' about in the paki black near that dodgy tosser's gate. All them
moments will be arsed off in the ol' tick tock like.... tears in the piss. Time to bugger off." Australian Roy Batty - Blade Runner: Down Unda!

*lets go of swamp gators tail*
*Slow, ethereal music plays while the gator splashes back into the swamp in slow motion*

Drink-Mix Man

You are an odd fellow, but I must say... you throw a swell shindig.

Koishi Komeiji posted:

Stone punk: Sometimes called "Flintstones film noir" like they have the Internet but it's just a bunch of cups on strings and the corrupt DA frames a guy for a sling-shotting he didn't commit.

Koishi Komeiji

What the heck?!


sparkle sparkle sparkle

Koishi Komeiji posted:

Australianpunk: Just like cyberpunk except everything is Australian.

"I've gandered at shite you lot couldn't be arsed about. Bog tinnys going tits up at the arse end of orion.
Yours truly has squized c beams twinklin' about in the paki black near that dodgy tosser's gate. All them
moments will be arsed off in the ol' tick tock like.... tears in the piss. Time to bugger off." Australian Roy Batty - Blade Runner: Down Unda!

I think that's just Mad Max.



sparkle sparkle sparkle
Cursed by witches, but still too proud to admit I was wrong.

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