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Sep 30, 2005

Adjust the bass and let the Alpine blast

null_pointer posted:

Android auto is probably the most temperamental, frustrating app ever made. Sometimes only restarting the service will let my VW head unit connect to the phone.

Someone wanna create an app that just finds the Android auto process, kills it, then restarts it? I can throw a few USD your way.

Find out if there's an update for your head unit, it helped me with Android Auto connectivity (in a different brand)


Jul 17, 2002

quack quack bjork
Fun Shoe

Sri.Theo posted:

Any interest in creating a command-line app that extracts all the text from a tweet and its replies and saves them to a .txt document?

It's the type of thing that would be useful for saving book recommendations etc. Would also be useful to have options for deleting duplicate lines, saving usernames etc. Although, I get the feeling that there may be API shenanigans that make this complex.

This python code won't do exactly what you're looking for but with a little tweaking and a nested loop, it could.

Right now, it gets the last 20 tweets from USERNAME and dumps them to the screen. It shouldn't take too much effort to modify it to also pull the ID of the tweet and recursively loop through the tree.

[EDIT] It also ignores tweets that have a link in them (the if '' part; it's Twitter's link shortener). That condition can just be removed if we don't want to ignore those tweets.

import snscrape.modules.twitter as sntwitter
import os

# Creating list to append tweet data to
tweets_list2 = []

# Using TwitterSearchScraper to scrape data and append tweets to list
for i, tweet in enumerate(sntwitter.TwitterSearchScraper('from:USERNAME').get_items()):
    if i > 20:
    if '' not in tweet.content:

for tweet in tweets_list2:
    input = input + tweet + "\n\n\n\n"


nexxai fucked around with this message at 17:52 on Feb 15, 2022

Apr 16, 2008

nexxai posted:

This python code won't do exactly what you're looking for but with a little tweaking and a nested loop, it could.

Right now, it gets the last 20 tweets from USERNAME and dumps them to the screen. It shouldn't take too much effort to modify it to also pull the ID of the tweet and recursively loop through the tree.

[EDIT] It also ignores tweets that have a link in them (the if '' part; it's Twitter's link shortener). That condition can just be removed if we don't want to ignore those tweets.

import snscrape.modules.twitter as sntwitter
import os

# Creating list to append tweet data to
tweets_list2 = []

# Using TwitterSearchScraper to scrape data and append tweets to list
for i, tweet in enumerate(sntwitter.TwitterSearchScraper('from:USERNAME').get_items()):
    if i > 20:
    if '' not in tweet.content:

for tweet in tweets_list2:
    input = input + tweet + "\n\n\n\n"


Thanks so much. I've been trying to get this to work but keep getting an error "SyntaxError: unexpected character after line continuation character". Is there anything I'm supposed edit about from username? I've tried both '@borisjohnson' and 'borisjohnson' for example and get the same error.

Jul 17, 2002

quack quack bjork
Fun Shoe

Sri.Theo posted:

Thanks so much. I've been trying to get this to work but keep getting an error "SyntaxError: unexpected character after line continuation character". Is there anything I'm supposed edit about from username? I've tried both '@borisjohnson' and 'borisjohnson' for example and get the same error.

I'm not sure about the error, but to confirm, the search term should be: 'from:borisjohnson' (without the @ sign)

Jun 16, 2010

Yam Slacker

Sri.Theo posted:

Thanks so much. I've been trying to get this to work but keep getting an error "SyntaxError: unexpected character after line continuation character". Is there anything I'm supposed edit about from username? I've tried both '@borisjohnson' and 'borisjohnson' for example and get the same error.

Are you using the script exactly as it was posted or have you modified it? If it's the one posted, make sure the quote characters aren't missing in the line with "\n\n\n\n". It may also be worth verifying those are basic double quotes, and not the fancier ones like “ and ”.

If you've modified it, look for any other potential occurrences of this slash character: \

Make sure they're quoted or escaped properly.

Jul 7, 2012

Humble Request
Problem: Android head units cause bluetooth interference because there's no way to turn off their built-in Bluetooth adapter permanently.
Description and requirements: A one-page Android app that shows available bluetooth adapters, with a toggle switch to turn them on or off permanently.
Nice to have features: That's it!

Oct 27, 2004

Made a small app for assisting in Wordle

Name: Wordle Boost
Download link:
Source Code:

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!

Chunjee posted:

Made a small app for assisting in Wordle

Name: Wordle Boost
Download link:
Source Code:

Great job! Looks to be some blend of AHK and javascript?

Oct 27, 2004

Yes umm 99% ahk though. It does use an html library for the gui so you might call that javascript related. It makes heavy use of my lodash-clone package "biga.ahk" so the app is written in a js mindset.

One thing I couldn't figure out yet myself is mapping the Enter key to press the Find button. gui/index.js would be the best place to fix this issue.

Chunjee fucked around with this message at 21:17 on Apr 27, 2022

Dans Macabre
Apr 24, 2004

I have a request!!!
Can someone make a tiny app that can tell me when a thread in a forum is ready to be sniped (meaning the replies are, I think, n+1 = divisible by 40)

I will use this only in yospos

Jul 20, 2019

nvrgrls posted:

I have a request!!!
Can someone make a tiny app that can tell me when a thread in a forum is ready to be sniped (meaning the replies are, I think, n+1 = divisible by 40)

I will use this only in yospos

oh i had a termux script for this somewhere...

Oct 27, 2004

nvrgrls posted:

Can someone make a tiny app that can tell me when a thread in a forum is ready to be sniped (meaning the replies are, I think, n+1 = divisible by 40)

I will use this only in yospos

I wrote or forked this userscript a long time ago; requires Tampermonkey or other management extension.

It has adds one image for 39 posts; and a different image for 40 posts on the last page. Meaning the next post will be a snipe.

It also tells you how many posts there are on the page currently (this thread: 12)

Aug 23, 2012

He's outta line...

But he's right!
lmao I did this the other way around and had it highlight threads on the threadlist, using this bookmarklet:

It works everywhere BUT yospos because lol yospos.css

Dans Macabre
Apr 24, 2004

Bless you all

Oct 27, 2004

Toshimo posted:

lmao I did this the other way around and had it highlight threads on the threadlist, using this bookmarklet:

It works everywhere BUT yospos because lol yospos.css

I remixed this idea as a userscript

Request Fill
Name: Something Awful Thread Sniper
Download link:
Source Code:
Features and Usage: will highlight 38+ post threads in yellow; and 40 post threads in green. Will sorta work with YOSPOS (red instead of green)

Chunjee fucked around with this message at 19:38 on May 19, 2022

Dans Macabre
Apr 24, 2004

Chunjee posted:

I remixed this idea as a userscript

Request Fill
Name: Something Awful Thread Sniper
Download link:
Source Code:
Features and Usage: will highlight 38+ post threads in yellow; and 40 post threads in green. Will sorta work with YOSPOS (red instead of green)

My hero

Dans Macabre
Apr 24, 2004

Update: got probated

Aug 23, 2012

He's outta line...

But he's right!

nvrgrls posted:

Update: got probated

Another goon success story.

Dans Macabre
Apr 24, 2004

Toshimo posted:

Another goon success story.

Suffering from success

Billy Ray Blowjob
Nov 30, 2011

by Pragmatica
Not an app really...

I want to be able to search for something and have results show in a split window, one side DuckDuckGo and the other Google search results.

Dans Macabre
Apr 24, 2004

Billy Ray Blowjob posted:

Not an app really...

I want to be able to search for something and have results show in a split window, one side DuckDuckGo and the other Google search results.

does this do it?

Aug 9, 2009
Nobody asked for it but I needed this... so here it is. This will switch a monitor's input between two sources (e.g. DP and HDMI) when a specified USB device is connected or disconnected.

I have a cheapo USB KVM switch to toggle betwen my desktop and (usually) work laptop, but it can't switch video, obviously, so I had to toggle the input source manually on the montior. This turned out to be way more annoying than expected, as I'd have to lean close to reach the joystick on the back of it, and who wants to do that.

If you run it without any parameters, it will show a debug window with a list of your monitors and their possible inputs (values like 15, 17 are typical it seems), and when you connect or disconnect a USB HID device, it will show its details. Then you can run it like "displayswitch.exe [part of device id to match] [monitor name] [input when device is connected] [input when device is disconnected]" for example "displayswitch.exe VID_0424 S2721DGF 15 17". It'll run in the background, and when it detects that the USB device is added/removed, it will try to match the monitor based on that name and switch it to the appropriate input. There's little in terms of error checking so good luck!

Billy Ray Blowjob
Nov 30, 2011

by Pragmatica

I think might. Thanks.

Heran Bago
Aug 18, 2006

Humble Request

Problem: I have to manually copy-paste 2 lines of text into two fields, and then repeat x 1000. Highlight and drag text is not an option.

Description and requirements: If I could somehow have a second clipboard and different shortcut to copy/paste from it, this would dramatically reduce how long this takes. It would also generally be convenient to have. This is in a productive Windows environment and Clipboard History must be deacivated. No Windows+V.

Nice to have features: I am imagining ctrl+shift+c and ctrl+shift+v. Any keyboard shortcut is fine.


Found a few different solutions, including just enabling Windows clipboard history.

Heran Bago fucked around with this message at 12:03 on Jun 24, 2022

Jul 30, 2012


Heran Bago posted:

Humble Request

Problem: I have to manually copy-paste 2 lines of text into two fields, and then repeat x 1000. Highlight and drag text is not an option.

Description and requirements: If I could somehow have a second clipboard and different shortcut to copy/paste from it, this would dramatically reduce how long this takes. It would also generally be convenient to have. This is in a productive Windows environment and Clipboard History must be deacivated. No Windows+V.

Nice to have features: I am imagining ctrl+shift+c and ctrl+shift+v. Any keyboard shortcut is fine.
What are you pasting into?

Heran Bago
Aug 18, 2006

I actually found the GPO way to re-enable the Windows Clipboard History.

Additionally, I explored ways to script up what I'm trying to do with Auto Hotkey and/or an Elgato Stream Deck.

TheCog posted:

What are you pasting into?
From: whatever. Notepad.

To: Something ancient that was probably made in Java. Inability to select and drag text into it is a bummer. Some normal keyboard shortcuts like ctrl+a don't work for its text fields.

Heran Bago fucked around with this message at 14:40 on Jun 24, 2022

Jul 3, 2007
That's not what gaslighting means you hyperbolic dipshit.
please ignore this post. I found what I was looking for with an app called "ID3 Renamer" at

I'm looking for a free, open source app that will automatically rename MP3 files based on ID3 tag info, where I can arrange the way the file is named, like if I wanted to rename an mp3 to something like [artist][album year][album name][track #][track name] or something like that.

Anybody know of any good apps that do this?

GreatGreen fucked around with this message at 23:43 on Jul 22, 2022

Jun 1, 2009

There are also some good tagging and renaming tools in foobar2000

Dans Macabre
Apr 24, 2004

I'm looking for an app that already exists and I just don't know what to look for to find it.

What I want: a self-hosted web app that streams video files from the server, similar to internet radio stations that play mp3s from a playlist, but for video.

When I look, I find a lot of info about streaming live video, but that's not what I'm looking for. I want to just play pre-recorded files automatically.

Aug 23, 2012

He's outta line...

But he's right!

nvrgrls posted:

I'm looking for an app that already exists and I just don't know what to look for to find it.

What I want: a self-hosted web app that streams video files from the server, similar to internet radio stations that play mp3s from a playlist, but for video.

When I look, I find a lot of info about streaming live video, but that's not what I'm looking for. I want to just play pre-recorded files automatically.

Like goontube?

Jul 8, 2006

nvrgrls posted:

I'm looking for an app that already exists and I just don't know what to look for to find it.

What I want: a self-hosted web app that streams video files from the server, similar to internet radio stations that play mp3s from a playlist, but for video.

When I look, I find a lot of info about streaming live video, but that's not what I'm looking for. I want to just play pre-recorded files automatically.


Dans Macabre
Apr 24, 2004

Toshimo posted:

Like goontube?

I don't know because it's not loading for me lol

Edit: yes it's loading and I guess, except I want it to play local files that are stored server side, not youtube. So more like but for video except I don't want people to even interact with a queue.

NOT Plex, because (and sorry I didn't specify this) I want it to auto stream, and have everyone that goes to see the same thing, like television or radio. I don't want visitors to pick what's playing.

Jun 1, 2009

Set up a live streaming server and then have vlc or mpv or something stream a playlist to it.

Dans Macabre
Apr 24, 2004

nielsm posted:

Set up a live streaming server and then have vlc or mpv or something stream a playlist to it.

ok awesome. I think the VLC piece is my missing puzzle piece. Thank you!

Aug 23, 2012

He's outta line...

But he's right!

nvrgrls posted:

I don't know because it's not loading for me lol

Edit: yes it's loading and I guess, except I want it to play local files that are stored server side, not youtube. So more like but for video except I don't want people to even interact with a queue.

NOT Plex, because (and sorry I didn't specify this) I want it to auto stream, and have everyone that goes to see the same thing, like television or radio. I don't want visitors to pick what's playing.

Yeah, in the past I've wanted such a thing for group simulwatches and haven't come up with a good solution.

Jul 17, 2002

quack quack bjork
Fun Shoe

nvrgrls posted:

I'm looking for an app that already exists and I just don't know what to look for to find it.

What I want: a self-hosted web app that streams video files from the server, similar to internet radio stations that play mp3s from a playlist, but for video.

When I look, I find a lot of info about streaming live video, but that's not what I'm looking for. I want to just play pre-recorded files automatically.

Why not use something like OBS to queue up the videos, put them on repeat, and broadcast them over a private Youtube Live stream?

Dans Macabre
Apr 24, 2004

nexxai posted:

Why not use something like OBS to queue up the videos, put them on repeat, and broadcast them over a private Youtube Live stream?

I'll look at OBS. I never heard of it but looking at the website it looks like it can do what I want (and a lot more)!

No youtube - for a variety of reasons I want to self-host, mostly because I'm a self-righteous chucklefuck

Oct 27, 2004

nvrgrls posted:

No youtube - for a variety of reasons I want to self-host, mostly because I'm a self-righteous chucklefuck

Never set it up myself but I'll offer as a solution. I think you need a dedicated semi-buff server, but I see Windows and Linux options.

More options:

Dans Macabre
Apr 24, 2004

Thanks. This i what I've been reading. I need basically icecast to push the signal out, but I need a "video source" in the form of, for instane, vlc media player as a server.


Sad Panda
Sep 22, 2004

I'm a Sad Panda.
Looking for a simple Web based app.

This currently shows an analog wave and you can change the sample rate and bit depth. That's a nice first part.

What I'd like, that it draws the digital wave on there. Even better, it could show the binary underneath that it'd get sampled to.

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