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  • Locked thread
Nov 4, 2009

by Fluffdaddy

The Creative Convention is a regular gathering of aspiring authors from all walks of life, coming together time and again to share their ideas and see what their talented peers are working on. But little do any of this year's attendees know - this time, things will turn out VERY differently...

Death of the Author is a game of Mafia for 9 players, using the Backup6 semi-open setup.
(This special Creative Convention game has been approved by sebmojo. Thanks!)

What is Mafia?
Mafia is a parlor game played around the world, centering on the concept of an uninformed majority competing against an informed minority. The "town" players (good guys) generally only know their own alignment, while the "scum" (bad guys) know who their teammates are and who they have to kill. The goal of the town is to eliminate all scum, while the goal of the scum players is to reach parity with the number of town players. Both scum and town often have special roles which will aid them in accomplishing their goals. There also may be players who are neither town nor scum, called Third Party or 3P, who may have alternate win conditions such as surviving until the end of the game or being the only person left alive. (Though there are no 3P in the Backup6 setup.)

Once the game begins it is divided into two phases: Day and Night.

During the day phase, all players discuss in the game thread who they believe is a member of the scum team, and then vote for that person. Our forums have a vote bot, Votefinder, which tallies votes that are formatted ##vote Playername (bold is required). Once one person has received a majority of the votes, that player is "executed" and removed from the game. They can no longer participate in the thread or in any private communications they had access to while alive. The moderator will post that person's alignment and role in the thread and end the day phase.

Once in night phase, there is no voting, and conversation may or may not be prohibited depending on the moderator. During this phase, the scum choose someone to kill. In addition, players with special powers can use these during the night. After all actions have been received by the moderator, they will announce who has died during the night and begin the next day phase where the cycle begins again. This continues until one faction has reached their win condition and the game ends in victory for Town, Scum, and/or 3P.

Helpful Links:
SA Mafia Wiki
SA Mafia Discussion Thread
(FLASH) Basic Guide to Mafia
(FLASH) Guide to Mafia Roles
Backup6 Setup Details

Sounds great! How do I play?
:siren: If you're interested in playing, post in this thread saying so! You must have PMs in order to play! I'm only accepting players that don't already play Mafia games regularly on SA - so don't be shy!!

Once the game fills up, I'll send out Role PMs (contain important information such as your alignment and any special powers you have) and announce that the game has started! Day/Night phase lengths will vary, but Days will typically be 2ish actual days long and Nights will be 18-24 hours depending on how quickly people submit actions.

Once the game begins, the single most important thing you can do is POST! Posting is town's greatest weapon - you can discuss your suspicions with people, and catch scum in lies and fake cases. Remember, scum do not want to give away that they're bad guys, but they can and will slip up. It's up to town to catch and execute them! Don't worry about looking or sounding dumb - :justpost: and say what you think! That's how games are won!
This is a great write-up of how to play this game effectively as town:

If you're not playing the game, feel free to read along, but DO NOT POST IN THE THREAD if you're not playing or if you've died! I will have a spectator/dead doc for out-of-game discussion - PM me if you want access.

Standard Mafia Rules:
  • Do not talk out-of-thread about this game unless you specifically have a role that allows this.
  • Do not copy-paste your role PM or any other mod communication in this thread. Paraphrasing is OK, copy-pasting is not.
  • If you are dead (including having been somehow killed, whether by execution, night kill, or another method) or a spectator, please don't post in the thread after the game starts!
  • Don't break the spirit of these rules in general, please!

Player List:
  1. b-minus1
  2. Exmond
  3. QuoProQuid
  4. sebmojo
  5. Sitting Here
  6. SurreptitiousMuffin
  7. Thranguy
  8. Tyrannosaurus
  9. yronic heroism

1. Chili

Podima fucked around with this message at 15:30 on Sep 20, 2017


Sitting Here
Dec 31, 2007
sebmojo said i have to sign up or he'll ban me, so I'm in

Apr 21, 2010

Deceitful and black-hearted, perhaps we are. But we would never go against the Code. Well, perhaps for good reasons. But mostly never.
I'll try this, sure.

Oct 23, 2010

Legit Cyberpunk

yeah I'm in

Oct 20, 2011

Lovely night, no?
Grimey Drawer
Professional mafia player coming through

too bad I'm not allowed to sign up!

Jan 12, 2012

Tr*ckin' and F*ckin' all the way to tha

i was once a mafia

so i guess im in

Apparently, you need to be new so nevermind!

Jan 23, 2004

college kids ain't shit

Fun Shoe
I will play the thing. I used to play lots of mafia, but it's been years. So, if you'll have me, I will play the thing.

Oct 10, 2005

Jamuraan, J.D. in Critical Reasoning and Logic
Ask me about how good I am at party games! Please god ask me about how good I am at party games!

Chili posted:

I will play the thing. I used to play lots of mafia, but it's been years. So, if you'll have me, I will play the thing.

Hi chili long time no see

Nov 4, 2009

by Fluffdaddy
If we have trouble filling I would probably be up for letting folks who haven't played in a while (this means QuidProQuid and Chili) join in! We'll see though.

Jan 23, 2004

college kids ain't shit

Fun Shoe

Jamuraan posted:

Hi chili long time no see

Hey Jammy! You should go and write stories in thunderdome, it'll be hot.

May 31, 2007

Writing is fun!
I have never played Mafia before but Im in

a new study bible!
Feb 2, 2009

A Philadelphia Legend
Fly Eagles Fly

Consider this a PSA: SA Mafia will cause you to have a forums meltdown. I'm far too busy to play, but it's a good time.


Jul 24, 2008

She's a maniac, maniac
on the floor
And she's dancing like she's never danced before
I'm in!

Apr 12, 2006
I was told to join so I'm here hello

Nov 4, 2009

by Fluffdaddy
Nice, just a couple more! Tell your friends!

Jan 23, 2004

college kids ain't shit

Fun Shoe

Podima posted:

Nice, just a couple more! Tell your friends!

Or, you could let us old farts in! I wont even do meta arguments!

Feb 25, 2014
ill shitpost

Nov 4, 2009

by Fluffdaddy
Even with Chili and QPQ, still need one more preferably newish player or crusty old fart! (Sorry flerp - you're my backup plan)

Dec 17, 2003

Stand down, men! It's only smooching!

Chiming in because I see lots of THUNDERDOME people in here and I miss all you idiots. I should make some time to write.

Mafia is hella fun & everyone would be good at it so play, I would sign up for this in a heartbeat if I wasn't a dumb ole regular.

yronic heroism
Oct 31, 2008

Ask me why I voted for Trump in 2016!
Here to make rookie mistakes at Podima's invitation.

sentimental snail
Nov 22, 2007


yronic heroism posted:

Here to make rookie mistakes at Podima's invitation.

:yeah: :agreed: :murder:

pulling for you buddy!

Nov 4, 2009

by Fluffdaddy
Fantastic, we're tentatively full! I'll give it till tomorrow morning to see if anyone else happens along, and if not we'll get the party started.

Mar 21, 2010
I'd be down if any spaces open up

Nov 4, 2009

by Fluffdaddy
Ok, here's the final list!

Player List:
1. Sitting Here
2. Thranguy
3. sebmojo
4. Exmond
5. b-minus1
6. Tyrannosaurus
7. yronic heroism
8. SurreptitiousMuffin
9. QuidProQuid

1. Chili

Locking the thread for a few while I RNG and send out PMs. I'll make a formal post when the game starts for real!

A few more administrative notes:

1. If you missed it while reading the OP, please note that this is a semi-open setup - there are 9 possible combinations of roles being used for this game!
2. I won't answer questions directly in the thread after game starts, but if you have questions at any time please feel free to PM me.
3. This is a party game on the internet. Be cool with each other, and have fun!
4. Observers can PM me to be added to the observer doc on Discord.

Nov 4, 2009

by Fluffdaddy

It was a long - but productive - first day for the Creative Convention, hosted at a local university's library. The event kicked off with an address by the esteemed keynote speaker, followed by breakout workshops and panels. Drafts were shared freely, and feedback flowed back in return. Fast friendships were formed over cups of steaming coffee from the well-stocked buffet. As the day wound to a close, everyone agreed it had been well worth the time spent. A reserved table at a nearby steakhouse awaited the hungry yet energized attendees, for a celebratory dinner.

The cheerful mood began to sour as the first person tried to leave, only to find that the library doors refused to open. As the doors rattled and held firm against the attendees' exit, someone wondered aloud if perhaps the staff had locked up early. Looking to and fro, the guess was further supported when not a single staff member could be found.

It was then that someone noticed the view through the tall windows had shifted - rather than an idyllic New England evening, they looked out upon a thick grey mist dotted throughout with strange twinkling lights. But before anyone could do or say much more, the lights blinked out briefly throughout the whole library - followed by startled screams. When the lights came back on, the screams only intensified...

The keynote speaker swayed from a rope above the podium he had spoken at, just that morning. His eyes bulged in shock and terror, but his face was already gray and putrid like that of a long-dead corpse. Scribbled index cards showered down around him - his notes from the speech. Each one was slashed through with blood-red ink, viciously correcting talking point after talking point. Clearly, someone disagreed with his lecture... violently.

:rip: SoundMonkey, Town-Aligned Plot Device, died on Night 0! :rip:

Trapped with no hope of escape, and one person already dead. The menace and panic begin to build in the back of your minds. If it's only attendees stuck in here... does that mean the murderer is hidden among you? To save yourselves, you may be forced to take justice into your own hands...

Day 1 starts now. Deadline is Thursday 21-SEP at 8:00 PM EDT. If evening EDT timelines pose an issue to you, please PM me and I'll do my best to accommodate everyone.

:siren: Tyrannosaurus, please turn PMs on or give me an alternate way of sending you your role PM ASAP. Thank you!

Podima fucked around with this message at 19:27 on Sep 22, 2017

Jul 6, 2010

scoop scoop
:hb: Votecount for Day 1 :hb:

Not Voting (9): b-minus1, Exmond, QuoProQuid, sebmojo, Sitting Here, SurreptitiousMuffin, Thranguy, Tyrannosaurus, yronic heroism

With 9 people still trapped in the library, it takes 5 votes to execute someone.
The current deadline is September 21st, 2017 at 8 p.m. EDT -- that's in about 1 day, 8 hours.

May 31, 2007

Writing is fun!

Podima posted:

Stuff happens

Gentlemen and ladies I'd like to point out.. CORRUPTION within the ranks. Take a look to the left and notice my shiny new avatar. I won it through gruelling hard work (or lack thereof). But you know who did not get an avatar..


And who is responsible for avatars..


Now you might ask, Does sebmojo eat babies? But that's not the right question, the question you should be asking is "Does SebMojo take bribes that are babies so he can eat them" and the answer is YES! I have no proof but I have passion! And in this new era of presidents and sexy premiers, I think Passion overrules evidence.

And with this speech, I would like to propose that Sebmojo is corrupt and we should murder him.

Apr 12, 2006

Podima posted:

:siren: Tyrannosaurus, please turn PMs on or give me an alternate way of sending you your role PM ASAP. Thank you![/b]

I don't see a discord link in the op. It looks like I lost pms when I got toxx banned. It also looks like SA won't accept me card to put it again.

Nov 4, 2009

by Fluffdaddy

Tyrannosaurus posted:

I don't see a discord link in the op. It looks like I lost pms when I got toxx banned. It also looks like SA won't accept me card to put it again.

You can PM me on Discord at [REDACTED] - we can work from there.

Podima fucked around with this message at 17:17 on Sep 20, 2017

Jan 12, 2012

Tr*ckin' and F*ckin' all the way to tha

i am the n0 cop and sitting here is guilty of moider.

##vote: sh

Jan 12, 2012

Tr*ckin' and F*ckin' all the way to tha

Exmond posted:

Gentlemen and ladies I'd like to point out.. CORRUPTION within the ranks. Take a look to the left and notice my shiny new avatar. I won it through gruelling hard work (or lack thereof). But you know who did not get an avatar..


And who is responsible for avatars..


Now you might ask, Does sebmojo eat babies? But that's not the right question, the question you should be asking is "Does SebMojo take bribes that are babies so he can eat them" and the answer is YES! I have no proof but I have passion! And in this new era of presidents and sexy premiers, I think Passion overrules evidence.

And with this speech, I would like to propose that Sebmojo is corrupt and we should murder him.

are you the mafia, exmond

yronic heroism
Oct 31, 2008

Ask me why I voted for Trump in 2016!
We've already beaten Games at jokephase.

May 31, 2007

Writing is fun!

QuoProQuid posted:

are you the mafia, exmond

It is well known that Undercover mafia (writers?) have to say if they are undercover. I can assure you I am not undercover.

Apr 21, 2010

Deceitful and black-hearted, perhaps we are. But we would never go against the Code. Well, perhaps for good reasons. But mostly never.

Exmond posted:

It is well known that Undercover mafia (writers?) have to say if they are undercover. I can assure you I am not undercover.

But are you overcover mafia?

Sitting Here
Dec 31, 2007

QuoProQuid posted:

i am the n0 cop and sitting here is guilty of moider.

only scum would go for the low-hanging fruit

We're creatives, the world is hard enough for us as it is, but since i guess we're gonna turn on each other like animals ##vote QuoProQuid

Apr 12, 2006
I like fruit and I will ##vote QuoProQuid thank you

May 31, 2007

Writing is fun!

Thranguy posted:

But are you overcover mafia?

I am not the overcover mafia.

Also a bunch of hate being slung at Quo Pro Quid. Almost like it was organized poo poo-flinging.

Everyone should vote for sebmojo. He is corrupt!

Jan 12, 2012

Tr*ckin' and F*ckin' all the way to tha

counterpoint: sitting here smells bad

Apr 21, 2010

Deceitful and black-hearted, perhaps we are. But we would never go against the Code. Well, perhaps for good reasons. But mostly never.
Yeah joining bandwagons seems more suspicious than starting them ##vote Tyrannosaurus


Apr 12, 2006
Thranguy is mad because I'm going to beat him in megabrawl shocker

  • Locked thread