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Oct 30, 2016

Unfunny Poster posted:

Should mention that any critique on my entry is welcomed.


hey I read your text very fast and wrote stuff.
take from it what you will. and I hope the google docs format works out.
(NB: English is my second language).

Okua fucked around with this message at 22:33 on Jan 22, 2018


May 31, 2007

Writing is fun!
It seemed to work well for Obliterati, so I'm going to live crit here:

Apr 14, 2009

Cry 'Mayhem!' and let slip the dogs of Wardlow.
Greco-Latinate Brawl! (apophenium vs Aesclepia)

Oh, How Puny
736 words.

A loving ant bit me on my god damned balls. I saw it and its comrades meandering the bathroom tiles when I went to poo poo but the poo poo was too urgent. But then one bit me on my god damned balls, right in the middle of my stressful poo poo.

I wiped and flushed and stood to survey the ants. It seemed like they weren’t coming into the bathroom from outside. My dumb dead aunt called them crazy ants. My mom called them sugar ants. When I left the bathroom to get some window cleaner (an effective ant killer) I was overcome by a vision of myself, fighting giant ants. I was armed with a sword and shield. The ant stood on its back legs and wielded daggers in the other four.

Windex wouldn’t be enough. Those fuckers would suffer for biting my god damned balls.

First, I sniffed out where they were coming into the house. Cut ’em off at the source. Giddy, giggling, I spotted their point of entry: the window above the sink in the kitchen. My and my girlfriend’s plates from breakfast sat in the sink. Some mindless bastard ants floated dead in the soap bubbles. Others scurried across the counter tops, some to the right of the window (this crew would eventually make it to the bathroom) and some to the left (to the fridge, trash, and dining room).

I could hear them chanting their droning marching tune. My eyes crossed (kill ’em all). I started squashing them one by one with my thumbs. Pure carnage. My thumbs, caked with ant carcasses, were my swords; forget the shield, ants can’t fight back. They fight dirty.

That thought swiveled my narrowing attention to the bathroom. They were in there laughing about my balls. Even as their brothers died by the dozens. “Since you all fight dirty, how ’bout a nice bath?” I said. I started the shower and turned the head on the thin black trail of little soldiers. Their panicked attempts at dodging the water were laughable at best.

I returned to the kitchen. The rightward forces were retreating, recouping their losses. I turned to the leftward ants. Poison? The kind my girlfriend and I bought last year was the kind the ants brought back to the queen. Too slow, too impersonal, though there was a nice feeling of superiority to the ants, outsmarting them like that.

gently caress that, I had a blowtorch. The ants crisped up nicely under its bitter blue flame. I became a swooping deliverer of fiery death. So what if the rug caught a little? Ants couldn’t breath smoke anymore than I could.

“This is what you get when you come to my house. You thought you could just bite my balls and get away with it? How would you like it if I went to your house, you little fuckers?”

The queen was calling for a parley. “Sure, Queenie, whatever you want. I’ll be right out!” Water seeped from under the bathroom door. I was pleased to see it speckled with little corpses. But it made me thirsty. If I were to talk to the queen, I’d have to have a drink first. How about an anthill smoothie?

The anthill was a brown-red bump on my sparsely grassed lawn. I hope I squashed more ants as I bounded to their home, blender jar in hand. With one scooping ’U’ of my arm I had the whole hill in my blender. Now decapitated, the hill looked ugly. I gathered up what spit I could to show the little shits how I felt about them.

The air outside was too hot and the ants were beginning to swarm up my hand and arm so I ran back inside. The kitchen wasn’t burning as much as I imagined. That was good. Clack! The blender jar found its base and the hill—ants and all—swirled into a brown slush.

“Now you idiots look like that poo poo I took, haha!” I added some brandy and vanilla extract and bananas for flavor. There was a thin sheet of pillowing smoke hanging from the ceiling when I turned the blender jar up and spilled its contents into my mouth. What a sweet, earthy flavor. I sighed and wiped the slop from my chin and saw my girlfriend aghast in the doorway.

“What the gently caress happened?” she asked.

“A loving ant bit my god damned balls.”

Apr 10, 2012

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

Okua posted:

hey I read your text very fast and wrote stuff.
take from it what you will. and I hope the google docs format works out.
(NB: English is my second language).

I took a quick skim between classes and this is really helpful. I'll read through it more thoroughly when I'm not phone posting.



Just got to reading the comments about the piece and these were really helpful. I'll be sure to keep these in mind for my next entries and work to avoid the mistakes I made.

I won't lie or pretend otherwise, I felt a bit lost with the prompt. Which maybe caused some of the story specific errors I made (eg. telling a folktale within a story) and not my grammar/writing issues.

Thanks again.

Mekchu fucked around with this message at 06:36 on Jan 23, 2018

Oct 23, 2010

Legit Cyberpunk

Unfunny Poster posted:

Just got to reading the comments about the piece and these were really helpful. I'll be sure to keep these in mind for my next entries and work to avoid the mistakes I made.

I won't lie or pretend otherwise, I felt a bit lost with the prompt. Which maybe caused some of the story specific errors I made (eg. telling a folktale within a story) and not my grammar/writing issues.

Thanks again.

Infinitely no-one cares

May 31, 2007

Writing is fun!

sebmojo posted:

Interprompt: write a story about this in 200 words

Sound advice
199 words

"I'll pick up the eye of new later!" David insisted while primping his hair with some sort of spray that offended her nostrils.

Miss Take was busy trying to get her son to do the chores. Being the only witch in Kentucky was a challenge, but one she was up for - as long as she had the supplies.

"Pick it up NOW David," she said, her voice rising in volume as a warning.

"No, I'm going on a date with Erica, bye!" David ignored the warning shot and grabbed the keys and rushed out to the car.

Miss Take slit her eyes, and uttered a small incantation.


David was sitting in a booth, hand running down Erica's back when his grandmother materialized behind him. She had died 50 years ago, her mind had left her 25 years later.

"David, your mother told me it was time to talk about those special moments in a young boys life. Now you might be getting "feelings" but remember it's important to wank those out when you need to make important decis-"

Erica ran out of the cafe screaming and David resigned himself to failure.

Exmond fucked around with this message at 08:09 on Jan 23, 2018

Apr 10, 2012

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

sebmojo posted:

Infinitely no-one cares

Fair enough.

Apr 10, 2013

you guys made me ink!


sebmojo posted:

Infinitely no-one cares

Don't mind Sebmojo, he's a cranky old man but he means well. What he means is you can discuss this on IRC without cluttering up the thread, and we've had derails before because some nerds don't take criticism very well.

So join us on IRC!

Oct 23, 2010

Legit Cyberpunk

Deltasquid posted:

Snarf marf marf snarf glarf flarf blarf. Warf farf farf garf. Marf! Flarf, barf zarf (barf, lol).

Harf larf farf irc!

well put

Mar 22, 2013

it's crow time again

Thunderdome Week 285 Results

This was a week with a lot of good ideas and a lot of mostly-passable prose. I wasn't sure what I'd get when I made that prompt and it seems the answer was "sci-fi about global warming." But I'll save that for the crit post because it's time for the results.

Some things should stay forgotten
Letters of the Confessor of Schwerkraftfälle was so slight I almost passed it by, but my fellow judges were less-than-pleased with its apparent lack of, let us say, "a point". RandomPauI takes home a dishonorable mention.
Choon-Hee & The Gwoemul tried to impress us with a retelling of the foundation myth of Gojoseon, wrapped in a frame story about a young girl that similarly left us wondering what, exactly, the point was. For these and crimes against footnotes, Unfunny Poster is our unfortunate loser. Better luck next time!

Flinging a light into the future
Boy, do I just have a parcel of HMs to pass out.
Another Turn of the Wheel by Antivehicular charmed my fellow judges with its manipulator-limbs and distant predecessor races.
Cenotaph by Thranguy told a transhumanist tale of exploration and hope in a galaxy full of ruin.
Bridging the Gulf by Uranium Phoenix managed to balance out explaining how his story's Protagonist Race™ actually came from its Predecessors™ with some human (arthroid?) emotion.
The Men Who Lived Forever by crabrock was probably the best Black Mirror episode I've seen this year.

And the winner, whose story took me three tries before I figured out what was happening, but once I did struck right to the heart of everything I wanted from this week, is Acceptance by Bad Seafood.

My thanks to my fellow judges and my condolences to Bad Seafood.

Djeser fucked around with this message at 12:56 on Jan 23, 2018

Nov 14, 2006

to ride eternal, shiny and chrome



Nov 14, 2006

to ride eternal, shiny and chrome


BTW Uranium Phoenix I read your story and I liked it, it was good. That last line was ace.

Bad Seafood
Dec 10, 2010

If you must blink, do it now.
:siren: Thunderdome the Two Hundred and Eighty-Sixth: Picturesque Picaresque :siren:

Picturesque (pɪktʃəˈrɛsk), adj - visually attractive, especially in a quaint or charming way.

Picaresque (pɪkəˈrɛsk) adj - relating to an episodic style of fiction dealing with the adventures of a rough and dishonest but appealing hero.

This week on Thunderdome I'm looking for crime fiction. Specifically, feel-good crime fiction. Heists, capers, that kinda thing. Gentlemen thieves, cat burglars, and dashing rogues with hearts of gold who manage to elude the authorities while taking their villainous victims down a peg. But I'm looking for a little more than that. I want vibrant locations and colorful characters. I want settings that pop and feel like they're a member of the cast. You can take your disaffected loners, your hard-boiled tramps and dingy street gutters and stick 'em where the sun don't shine. Bulldoze that squalid, back-alley speakeasy and replace it with a glittering casino with an ocean view. But most importantly, have fun. Your stories should make me smile.

And don't think you're clever for sneaking in some ham-fisted, barely-restrained socio-political commentary on the the effects of late capitalism on the lower class, I want guilt-free escapism. Also if you try to ironically subvert anything I've asked for here and expect to be rewarded, you're gonna be disappointed.

Here are the rules, bucko.
  1. You sign up, you start off with 777 words. On the house. If that's all you think you'll need, great; you're good to go.
  2. You can wager "Double or nothing!" to increase your word count to 1,554 words, but you will be slapped with a tricky flash rule of some kind. If you fail to incorporate this flash rule, your story will be disqualified even if it is good. Even if you wrote the best story of the week.
  3. Alternatively, you might be the sort to say "I lay my life on the line" to increase your word count. You won't have to face down a flash rule, but you will need to toxx.
  4. You can also just request a flash rule just in general, if you want. If you're feeling frisky. You'll likely get something less punitive, more inspirational - you know, like a character or a complication.
  5. Sign-ups close on Friday, January 26th at the stroke of midnight, PST. That said, I'm a pretty busy guy, so if I detect a landslide in progress I'mma gonna close up shop early.
  6. Submissions are due by Sunday, January 28th - again, at the stroke of midnight.
  7. The usual cavalcade of banned items are still banned. If you write fanfic, erotica, or thinly-veiled political treatises, I will hate you forever.
Alright, that's probably enough. I think it's time to blow this thing, get everybody and the stuff together.

The House
  • Bad Seafood
  • Saddest Rhino
  • Chairchucker
The Players
  • Fleta Mcgurn
  • Deltasquid
  • Exmond
  • Thranguy
  • Flesnolk
  • Crain
  • A New Study Bible!
  • BabyRyoga
  • Crabrock
  • Antivehicular
  • CascadeBeta
  • Djeser
  • GenJoe
  • Curlingiron
  • Hawklad
  • Unfunny Poster
  • Sandnavyguy
  • HisMajestyBOB
  • Maigius
  • Dr. Kloctopussy
  • Fuschia Tude
  • Apophenium
  • DreamingofRoses
  • Ninjalicious
  • Yoruichi

Bad Seafood fucked around with this message at 10:02 on Jan 27, 2018

Mar 2, 2007

a commodius vicus of recirculation back to Howth Castle and Environs.

scratch that

HereComesEverybody fucked around with this message at 17:11 on Jan 23, 2018

Fleta Mcgurn
Oct 5, 2003

Porpoise noise continues.
Double or nothing!

Also, what time zone...?

Apr 10, 2013

you guys made me ink!

I'm going to steal the Eiffel Tower! (Probably not)

In, double or nothing! Go big or go home, I always say.

May 31, 2007

Writing is fun!
I got a LAN party to plan and another dozen things but gently caress IT, I was made for this prompt.

I'm in, time for Immortal Belgium Thieves Mark 2 to show up!

In, Double or nothing!

Jan 23, 2004

college kids ain't shit

Fun Shoe
Indulgence Brawl: Results

I wanted indulgence. I got poo poo. Seriously. I got poo poo. If you’re reading this now, go read my prompt, then read these two opening paragraphs:

“A loving ant bit me on my god damned balls. I saw it and its comrades meandering the bathroom tiles when I went to poo poo but the poo poo was too urgent. But then one bit me on my god damned balls, right in the middle of my stressful poo poo. “

“Patrick had never seen a better place to poop than this. It was behind the Main Street bank, shielded from the cross-street by the dumpster, but tantalizingly visible from one sliver of an angle of Main Street itself. The low end of a retaining wall from the parking lot came right up to the spot: perfect for steadying one rear end-cheek.”

How and why did this happen? I’m afraid I forgot where I was. I’m in a magical place where, no matter what you ask for, it is unwise to assume that any effort shall not wind up in a fecular zone of nightmares. Normally, this would be where the judge laments the horrible state of thunderdome, but honestly, at this point, I just blame Lowtax.

Or maybe it's because I called you both shitlords.

Anyhow, the words from your poo poo geysers only merely coated the prompt in toxic sludge. I’ve decided to just abandon prompt coherence in favor of which story was better.

But ‘better’ is a dangerous word to use when judging the ninja-making GBS threads vs. the ball-biting.

Both of these stories went for comedy. One kinda worked, one didn’t.

Aesclepia, I don’t know what you were setting out to accomplish here. I didn’t care about Patrick, and nothing about this was particularly funny or enjoyable. You used the word poop 7 times making your story 600 some word story over 1% stooled. I also don’t know why you use the word poop so much and used the word poo poo in your title.

Apophenium, I enjoyed your character’s enjoyment. He set out to do things, and I understood why, and when he did those things, he did them with glee. Perhaps, then, you did also address the prompt.

This wasn’t a terribly close call: Apophenium wins.

Apr 21, 2010

Deceitful and black-hearted, perhaps we are. But we would never go against the Code. Well, perhaps for good reasons. But mostly never.
in, double or nothing

Apr 11, 2012
Double or nothing.

Bad Seafood
Dec 10, 2010

If you must blink, do it now.

Fleta Mcgurn posted:

Double or nothing!

Also, what time zone...?
Your protagonists (plural) are children. Their adversaries (plural) are not. Your story (singular) may not involve rebelling against parents or teachers.

Also, PST.

Deltasquid posted:

I'm going to steal the Eiffel Tower! (Probably not)

In, double or nothing! Go big or go home, I always say.
You are going to steal the Eiffel Tower, actually. The actual, for-real Eiffel Tower. Twice.

Exmond posted:

In, Double or nothing!
Your protagonist gets caught up in a closed-room murder mystery.

Thranguy posted:

in, double or nothing
Who could've guessed the Takarazuka Revue was just a front!

Flesnolk posted:

Double or nothing.
The resulting car chase spanned six countries and a yacht.

Jun 27, 2007

I had a beer once with Stephen Miller and now I like him.

I also tried to ban someone from a Discord for pointing out what an unrelenting shithead I am! I'm even dumb enough to think it worked!

(Those flash rules are amazing so far.)

a new study bible!
Feb 2, 2009

A Philadelphia Legend
Fly Eagles Fly

Double or Nothing me.

May 21, 2001

This whole month has been really tight on time over the weekends, but I think I should try to get something in, so

in, double or nothing

Aug 2, 2002




DoN, bitch

Dec 30, 2011

I wanna sing one for the cars
That are right now headed silent down the highway
And it's dark and there is nobody driving And something has got to give

gently caress it, dude, let's go bowling. In, and I lay my life on the line. :toxx:

Also, a slightly less punitive flash rule would be nice.

Jan 1, 2012

And I understand if you ask
Was this life,
was this all?
Since results are up, here's my judging. You were all supposed to write about the vastness of time; some succeeded, some didn't. Think of these less as crits and more as short performance reviews.

Nothing in this Life that I've been Trying
Remembering past lives. I like it. Nice use of time.

Unfunny Poster
Choon-Hee & The Gwoemul
Footnotes instantly pull me out of the story as I scroll down to see what they are. Second and third ones did the same thing, and I've come to the conclusion that you shouldn't do that. Tabby is instantly obviously the tiger. As the story goes on the moral of “pay attention to your surroundings” becomes clearer and clearer.

An Attempt at Understanding
Vaguely Lovecraftian, what with the protagonist being seized by an inexplicable passion to dig deeper.

This is a holy place
Ghosts and regret and confusion.

The Identities and Histories of The City's Statuary By Simeon of Nicaea
Nice use of time and loss of information.

Jay W. Friks
Good passion. Despite the time travel-ish aspect, this still feels like a story more about the vastness of space than of time.

Sign Here, Initial There.
I love the idea of a company that has always existed. Illuminati style stuff. A little sloppy in execution and the ending is abrupt.

Another Turn of the Wheel
Strange human non-humans and weird archeology.

“after I died” Okay you've got my attention. Ships named after angels. Vastness of both time and space.

Fleta Mcgurn
Atrytone, Parthenos, Promachos
A girl playing pretend, or alternate personalities? Pretend. The impact of her father's death isn't there. I like that you switched names when the girl finally decided to face the facts.

Uranium Phoenix
Bridging the Gulf
After we nuke ourselves, cockroaches will inherit the earth. And act just like us, apparently. Well, the origin wasn't the same as I was thinking, but the sentiment remains.

I fail to see how this deals with the vastness of time.

Bad Seafood
So many different names. Who are these people? Once you realize there's a strand that the story is woven around it gets better, but the jump to the next person is always a little jarring. The ending redeems it all.

Fire Opal
Something's wrong with the ring, isn't it? I feel like I've read this story before about a nurse stealing a cursed ring from a dying patient. Tangential use of time. You get points for making me feel physically uneasy.

The Men Who Lived Forever
Not a story so much about time between people as it is people between time. I like it.

Letters of the Confessor of Schwerkraftfälle
Oh boy. You ran out of time, didn't you?

Fuzzy Mammal
An End to Global Warming
Suddenly magic. Not bad.

Sham bam bamina!
The Planet is Fine
At first I thought the horrifying injuries were normal for the train- the price for high speed. It wasn't until bombing was mentioned in the next paragraph that it hit me that might not be the norm.

A retelling of the Tower of Babel, fitting. (One of the other judges was confused by the ending, which made me think about it. What I'm getting is that humanity, with its constant communication, inadvertently creates a hivemind, which in turn sends ripples backwards in time to make people want to build the Tower of Babel and thus destroy our communication to kill itself before we can make it.)

Feb 14, 2009

by Cyrano4747
In, double or nothing. :toxx:

Let's roll them bones!

Mar 22, 2013

it's crow time again

Only for you would I lay my life on the line.


Sep 15, 2010


That's just a bullshit word.

would the house be kind enough to comp me a flash rule?

something light, refreshing, maybe a little bubbly, and on the rocks

Dec 15, 2006

b l o o p

In, Double or Nothing

Nice to see you, Seafood!

Somebody fucked around with this message at 02:22 on Jan 29, 2018

May 3, 2003

Who wants to live


College Slice
In, double or nothing!

Apr 10, 2012

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
In and I'll take a flash rule, with a side of shrimp cocktail.

Mekchu fucked around with this message at 00:58 on Jan 24, 2018

Sep 12, 2015

Well, I wouldn't be representing the good denizens of Nevada if I didn't put it all on Red, in with Double or nothing. And I'll lay my life on the line for good measure like the degenerate gambler I am.

Deal me in, baby :toxx:

Oct 21, 2010

College Slice

Jun 29, 2013

In double or nothing

Jan 1, 2012

And I understand if you ask
Was this life,
was this all?
cyberpunk indecision brawl entry (vs sebmojo)
718 words

When I was a boy, just getting into coding and hardware, my older brother taught me how to play rock, paper, scissors.

“Niko, did you know that most people will throw rock?” he asked me, after beating me for the fifth time in a row. “People think the game is random but it isn't. There can be strategy to it. If I know that you will throw rock, what will I throw?”


He grinned. “Now, what if we both know this strategy? If you think I'll throw rock, you'll pick paper, but what if I know that you'll throw paper because you're thinking I'll throw rock?”

“Then you'll do scissors, right?”

He nodded. “But! If you throw scissors but the other person doesn't know the different levels of thinking, then they'll throw rock and you'll lose. If they are on the third level of thinking, and so are you, then it becomes a game of chance again. It's all about knowing your opponent.”

I got pretty good at rock, paper, scissors after that.


“Niko,” Derek said, “I think they're onto us.”

I looked up from my rig at my bespectacled partner before glancing around the dark, screen-lit apartment, empty except for our computer equipment and the overflowing trash can. It wasn't as if cops or company security were about to pop out of the hazy half-shadows, but I couldn't squash the reaction. “What do you mean, they're onto us?”

“Caught some programs snooping around last night,” he said, not even looking up from his own computer screen. His voice was clipped and pitched slightly higher than usual with nerves. “Not Maxi's work. Didn't have any Yulo marks, but didn't look harmless either. Tried to trace. Dead end. Killed 'em.”

I exhaled through my teeth, making a hissing noise that sounded like a steam release valve or bad hydraulics. “You think anyone'll miss 'em?”

“Dunno if they were orphans or not,” came the response. “If they weren't we're hosed, Niko, we're hosed. Gotta call it off. Can't risk losing Maxi.”

Maxine was our inside man. It'd taken months to get her into a place where she could help take down Yulo R&D internal security. We'd been planning this day for a year, and if we didn't do it now I wasn't sure we'd get the chance again. I wasn't willing to let this haul go without a fight.

“Wait,” I said.

Derek's head finally snapped up, and he fixed me with goggly, angry eyes. One of them whirred and I saw the pupil dilate from across the room, the aperture opening and closing like a mouth that couldn't find any words.

“We can't risk Maxi,” he repeated.

“We got three hours before it's go time, right?”

Derek nodded, thin lips pressed together tightly. I could tell he was struggling not to call me a dumbass.

“Two hours before she goes dark,” I muttered. “We contact her now, we might be able to get a reply. See what she thinks. I dunno if we're gonna get this chance again, Dee.” When I said go dark, I meant it. We wouldn't be able to contact her at all while she was doing the dirty work.

“No,” Derek snapped. “She doesn't get to decide. Too risky. Contact her, tell her to get out.”

“We gave her a USB,” I pointed out. “She can make a hotspot on the local network if they disconnect it. Come on, man, we already talked about this with her. She knows what she's doing.”

“And if they detect it and trace her?” he asked. I hesitated, and he pounced on that. “She won't have time to spoof her location.” He was talking about making a computer report that it was a different computer, an act of technological ventriloquism. It was easy enough, but time consuming, and I said as much.

“If we tell her now, she'll have the time to do it,” I added.

He glared at me, thinking, and the silence was filled with the ever present humming of computer fans. I didn't say anything else. I couldn't, really. He knew the stakes as well as I and, like me, he also knew that if we were prepared we could handle this.

“Fine,” he finally said. “But if we all die, I blame you.”

Nov 3, 2010

Scoffing at modernity.
:siren: Thunderdome Recaps! :siren:

Uncounted hours and an obscene number of quarters pass from us to the arcade machines before Sitting Here, Ironic Twist, and I are satisfied with our scores in reviewing Week 280: Let’s Play Thunderdome: Entenzahn’s Bad Idea. Getting to the end of Fuubi's entry defeats us all, largely because it doesn't exist. We'd have an easier time beating Ghostbusters for the NES! At least TD stories have better grammar. Once we've run out of money, we retreat to the welcoming glow of the Christmas tree and shake the presents that were given in Week 281: We Wish You a Merman Christmas. Our own gift to the world in the extended holiday season is a reading of BabyRyoga's "The Rightful Heir."

If it were possible for the boy to scream out in horror in the seconds it took the beast to spin around and relinquish the rights to territorial sovereignty of the southern bank of Willow Street from him, his ignorant pride had certainly distracted him from doing so.

Just as Yuletide leads to the new year, so do games and sparkles lead to terrible, terrible words and a wish that one could go back in time to fix them. Week 282: A Lyttony of Sorrows gives Sitting Here, Ironic Twist, Djeser, and me, along with delightful guests The Saddest Rhino and SurreptitiousMuffin, a new definition of loss. Week 283: IF YOU'RE READING THIS IT'S TOO LATE is all a blur, but I have a note left for current me by future me that assures me I'd rather forget the random penis anyway. The show wraps up with Muffin and Djeser giving The Saddest Rhino's ""Waste"" a performance of which Vincent Price would be proud.

“We were going to make a chili,” he whines.

Episodes past can be found here!

Kaishai fucked around with this message at 15:41 on Mar 14, 2018

Dr. Kloctopussy
Apr 22, 2003

"It's DIE!"
I am in, and :toxx: and also give me a flash rule please.


Fuschia tude
Dec 26, 2004


In, double or nothing

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5