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4lokos basilisk
Jul 17, 2008

feedmegin posted:

How would they know, if the company is also advertising directly? If the recruiting company somehow has an exclusive contract then you're boned anyway.

i am assuming that the recruiter can show that they sent you an email and coincidentally right after that you ended up applying at the company for the same position that the recruiter was pushing for

anyway in my experience it seems that a lot of companies have outsourced the first contact part of the process to 3rd party recruiters so i am assuming both sides have covered their asses


Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene

Penisface posted:

i am assuming that the recruiter can show that they sent you an email and coincidentally right after that you ended up applying at the company for the same position that the recruiter was pushing for

that's not the company's problem

why would they want to lay out an extra $50k for no reason

bob dobbs is dead
Oct 8, 2017

Peeps are idiots, Leslie.
Nap Ghost
a recruiter asked me out on a date once

i rejected because i'm not an idiot but lol

Jul 30, 2008

Penisface posted:

i am assuming that the recruiter can show that they sent you an email and coincidentally right after that you ended up applying at the company for the same position that the recruiter was pushing for

I was thinking more of eg seeing a recruiters ad on a job site tbh

Flat Daddy
Dec 3, 2014

by Nyc_Tattoo

bob dobbs is dead posted:

a recruiter asked me out on a date once

i rejected because i'm not an idiot but lol

drat. I knew we’re at full employment but I didn’t realize recruiters would be THAT desperate to get leads

Aug 24, 2004

bob dobbs is dead posted:

a recruiter asked me out on a date once

i rejected because i'm not an idiot but lol

i once overheard a recruiter tell a guy "no, i don't date developers" at a networking event lmao

Sep 14, 2003

PokeJoe posted:

i once overheard a recruiter tell a guy "no, i don't date developers" at a networking event lmao


Sep 9, 2003

Wanna run with my crew, hah? Rule cyberspace and crunch numbers like I do?

PokeJoe posted:

i once overheard a recruiter tell a guy "no, i don't date developers" at a networking event lmao

solid policy

4lokos basilisk
Jul 17, 2008

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

that's not the company's problem

why would they want to lay out an extra $50k for no reason

i did assume the company has a contract with the recruiting agency

sure if you see a recruiter's ad somewhere and manage to internet detective the actual company, that's a different story

distortion park
Apr 25, 2011

Penisface posted:

i am assuming that the recruiter can show that they sent you an email and coincidentally right after that you ended up applying at the company for the same position that the recruiter was pushing for

anyway in my experience it seems that a lot of companies have outsourced the first contact part of the process to 3rd party recruiters so i am assuming both sides have covered their asses

You don't even need to feel bad as recruiters will 100% work around any agreements they have with companies, take the whole firms contact list when the move agencies etc

Jun 26, 2015
I have a new job, starting at 1. October. Given the pay and benefits, I expect Impostor syndrome to kick in before December :yotj:

Oct 9, 2012
deep learning hype getting out of control

Jul 6, 2015

motedek posted:

deep learning hype getting out of control

Familiarity with blockchain highly desirable

Double Bill
Jan 29, 2006

motedek posted:

deep learning hype getting out of control

PhD in statistics recommended

Corla Plankun
May 8, 2007

improve the lives of everyone
lmao this abstract is absolutely brutal:


Brainteaser interview questions such as “Estimate how many windows are in New York” are just one example of aggressive interviewer behaviour that lacks evidence for validity and is unsettling to job applicants. This research attempts to shed light on the motives behind such behaviour by examining the relation between dark‐side traits and the perceived appropriateness of brainteaser interview questions. A representative sample of working adults (n = 736) was presented with a list of interview questions that were either traditional (e.g., “Are you a good listener?”), behavioural (e.g., “Tell me about a time when you failed”), or brainteaser in nature. Results of a multiple regression, controlling for interviewing experience and sex, showed that narcissism and sadism explained the likelihood of using brainteasers in an interview. A subsequent bifactor analysis showed that these dark traits shared a callousness general factor. A second longitudinal study of employed adults with hiring experience demonstrated that perspective‐taking partially mediated the relationship between this general factor and the perceived helpfulness and abusiveness of brainteaser interview questions. These results suggest that a callous indifference and a lack of perspective‐taking may underlie abusive behaviour in the employment interview.

Jul 6, 2015

It also happens to be utterly correct.

Corla Plankun
May 8, 2007

improve the lives of everyone
i feel like a simple test like fizzbuzz is important because people in this town actually do fake their way to interviews when they can't actually program (for reasons i don't understand) but it's really gotten out of hand

Jun 18, 2004

by Fluffdaddy
Slippery Tilde

motedek posted:

deep learning hype getting out of control

Yeah I got your sigmoid distribution process right here :goatsecx:

Symbolic Butt
Mar 22, 2009



Jun 18, 2004

by Fluffdaddy
Slippery Tilde
it goes all the way back to Thomas Edison :wth:

Jul 6, 2015

Corla Plankun posted:

i feel like a simple test like fizzbuzz is important because people in this town actually do fake their way to interviews when they can't actually program (for reasons i don't understand) but it's really gotten out of hand

I don't mind a problem like fizzbuzz as much for inexperienced candidates because you're up front with exactly what the program is supposed to do and there's no mental gymnastics with figuring out an obtuse algorithm. My only issue with it is every graduate and their grandmother has trained themselves on that specific question.

Mar 30, 2015
Today I got to talk to an unemployed friend and holy poo poo I forgot how much that weighs on a person. Good luck out there.

champagne posting
Apr 5, 2006


welp, got fired today for not performing well

or as i like to think of it, not wanting to burn my soul to heat the startup fire

Jun 18, 2004

by Fluffdaddy
Slippery Tilde
What songs best describe your work ethic? (Dell)
Have you ever stolen a pen from work? (Jiffy Software)
What is your favourite song? Perform it for us now. (Living Social)

Janitor Prime
Jan 22, 2004


What da fuck does that mean

Fun Shoe

Boiled Water posted:

welp, got fired today for not performing well

or as i like to think of it, not wanting to burn my soul to heat the startup fire

Goondolances, but gently caress em you don't deserve that poo poo

Mar 5, 2005

Milk's on them.

Boiled Water posted:

welp, got fired today for not performing well

or as i like to think of it, not wanting to burn my soul to heat the startup fire

that’s always a bullshit reason tied to either KPIs or being unable to make pay

Oct 25, 2017

i haven't washed my penis since i jerked it to a phtotograph of george w. bush in 2003

Pollyanna posted:

that’s always a bullshit reason tied to either KPIs or being unable to make pay

counterpoint: some people are bad at their jobs, and you might even be one of them

Janitor Prime
Jan 22, 2004


What da fuck does that mean

Fun Shoe


counterpoint: some people are bad at their jobs, and you might even be one of them

couterpoint: startups are garbage no matter what

Jun 29, 2002

I, for one, welcome our new mouse overlords.

Gazpacho posted:

What songs best describe your work ethic? (Dell)

money for nothing

The Leck
Feb 27, 2001

Gazpacho posted:

What is your favourite song? Perform it for us now. (Living Social)
oh will you be providing the theremin, or should i bring one from home?

Symbolic Butt
Mar 22, 2009

I'm not even sure if I have a favorite song to be honest

EVGA Longoria
Dec 25, 2005

Let's go exploring!

qhat posted:

I don't mind a problem like fizzbuzz as much for inexperienced candidates because you're up front with exactly what the program is supposed to do and there's no mental gymnastics with figuring out an obtuse algorithm. My only issue with it is every graduate and their grandmother has trained themselves on that specific question.

you'd think so, but not true in my experience. I interviewed a ton of entry level devs and most of them had never even heard of fizzbuzz.

or if you want to give them a similar complexity problem, write a method to print out if a given year is a leap year. the rules of leap years are divisible by 4 but not 100, unless it's divisible by 400.

it's slightly harder to get the rules across than fizz buzz, but basically the same code.

Aug 15, 2011

by Shine

Boiled Water posted:

welp, got fired today for not performing well

or as i like to think of it, not wanting to burn my soul to heat the startup fire

Janitor Prime posted:

Goondolances, but gently caress em you don't deserve that poo poo


Aug 15, 2011

by Shine

Gazpacho posted:

What songs best describe your work ethic? (Dell)


Jan 28, 2008

The best song question has so many possible funny answers

Jun 18, 2004

by Fluffdaddy
Slippery Tilde
We are not really sure who fits the category of “interviewers” as many people are involved in interviewing throughout their careers. We could envision a grocery store manager becoming enamoured with the idea of throwing brainteaser questions into an interview for baggers or cashiers. Indeed, we commonly read articles about interview questions such as “Is your mother a prostitute?” used to evaluate the suitability of prospective NFL players (James, 2010). Users may include sophisticated assessors, human‐resource generalists, or managers provided with little or no training in assessment (König et al., 2011; MacIver et al., 2014). Our results in Study 1 showed that the number of interviews conducted was not a significant covariate in our analysis of appropriateness of brainteasers. In other words, experienced interviewers were no more likely to view these interview questions as inappropriate than less experienced lay people.

Mar 30, 2015

EVGA Longoria posted:

you'd think so, but not true in my experience. I interviewed a ton of entry level devs and most of them had never even heard of fizzbuzz.

Fizz buzz is definitely a cultural thing and not actually as prevalent as you'd expect. My evidence is the hundred or so interviews I've given in Boston and "our version of fizzbuzz" always gets an odd stare and requires a surprisingly long explanation.

Jul 6, 2015

My company just tried to fire this dude (who was leaving in 2 weeks anyway) without notice by getting him to sign a document unjustifiably admitting gross negligence. I told him not to sign it and he didn't, so they fired him anyway but now he's getting his 2 weeks of pay. He said he would buy me a beer next week.

Sep 9, 2003

Wanna run with my crew, hah? Rule cyberspace and crunch numbers like I do?

qhat posted:

My company just tried to fire this dude (who was leaving in 2 weeks anyway) without notice by getting him to sign a document unjustifiably admitting gross negligence. I told him not to sign it and he didn't, so they fired him anyway but now he's getting his 2 weeks of pay. He said he would buy me a beer next week.

Wait so what was the incentive to sign? Was it "sign this or you're fired" or "sign this and by the way you're fired".

I'm assuming he didn't get any severance pay? Why would anyone sign anything while being fired otherwise?


Sep 9, 2003

Wanna run with my crew, hah? Rule cyberspace and crunch numbers like I do?

Also I got a new job. A lateral move pay wise but a more exciting company with hopefully better work. Feels good... things were not going well at old job and I was starting to feel the pressure to :getout:

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