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Feb 26, 2016


Gazpacho posted:

What songs best describe your work ethic? (Dell)
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap :colbert:

Joan Jett version :black101:


Feb 14, 2010

Boiled Water posted:

My (now previous thank gently caress) boss always took this approach: I get you to develop whatever I feel like. Heck to whomever wants things I don't want.

I have lingering bitterness with a boss I had who moved on. Smart guy, but he would decide on broad solutions to problems he didn't completely understand and fend them off to me (being busy, which is fine, that's what team leads have to do). If he had the time to implement itself he would have understood enough of the problem to have seen that his initial thoughts were flawed, meaning his directions on implementation strategy were really flawed...

But that's the rub, he was too confident in his ability to deliver whatever he proposed off the cuff that attempting to discuss alternate solutions felt like pulling out teeth. Smart guy, unlike the charlatan bitcoin fuckwit he hired to take his place. Not that smart in the end I guess.

4lokos basilisk
Jul 17, 2008

homercles posted:

I have lingering bitterness with a boss I had who moved on. Smart guy, but he would decide on broad solutions to problems he didn't completely understand and fend them off to me (being busy, which is fine, that's what team leads have to do). If he had the time to implement itself he would have understood enough of the problem to have seen that his initial thoughts were flawed, meaning his directions on implementation strategy were really flawed...

But that's the rub, he was too confident in his ability to deliver whatever he proposed off the cuff that attempting to discuss alternate solutions felt like pulling out teeth. Smart guy, unlike the charlatan bitcoin fuckwit he hired to take his place. Not that smart in the end I guess.

i am feeling something similar now - my boss is competent (really competent in some areas), but he is far too busy and seems to be bikeshedding software project management from first principles

my spider sense should have been screaming at me when he said he had implemented some internal purchase management software in php

Feb 14, 2010

In retrospect I think a lot of it comes down to the system of managerial deference that I got ingrained into me at some impressionable point in my life, to the point where you don't undermine your boss under any circumstance. Somehow the system managed to fillet my spine right from my body without me realising.

Mar 3, 2013

my first several managers were absentees of one sort or another so now I mostly just ignore managers or strive to placate with the least amount of effort possible such that I can better continue to ignore them

Symbolic Butt
Mar 22, 2009

bombing an interview feels bad

prisoner of waffles
May 8, 2007

Ah! well a-day! what evil looks
Had I from old and young!
Instead of the cross, the fishmech
About my neck was hung.

homercles posted:

In retrospect I think a lot of it comes down to the system of managerial deference that I got ingrained into me at some impressionable point in my life, to the point where you don't undermine your boss under any circumstance. Somehow the system managed to fillet my spine right from my body without me realising.

we are all taught subordination by like a bazillion things in life so you probably shouldn't feel like you are extra bad or culpable, imo

prisoner of waffles
May 8, 2007

Ah! well a-day! what evil looks
Had I from old and young!
Instead of the cross, the fishmech
About my neck was hung.

Bloody posted:

my first several managers were absentees of one sort or another so now I mostly just ignore managers or strive to placate with the least amount of effort possible such that I can better continue to ignore them


Apr 26, 2006

Jimmy Carter posted:

found out that I bombed so hard at an interview recently that they had to redefine the job listing, and immediately after they hired someone from my team. Whoops.

anyways, I have an interview coming up that's fairly PM-y and doesn't involve programming. Post your best strategies on how to re-phrase the question of 'how do you prioritize opposing requests from different teams?' because that's what the job primarily is.

whatever request generates the most guaranteed profit wins. The trick is to tell sales you're definitely taking their request seriously and then turn around and focus the team on work for which you have been paid or contracts have been signed.

Feb 14, 2010

i wish shaggar was my manager, it would make ignoring him so much more fulfilling

Aug 14, 2003

Motherfucker's got an
armor-piercing crowbar! Rigoddamndicu𝜆ous.

vetterly trip report: got an interview request a few hours after my profile went public. local company with an actual product you can buy on Amazon too which surprises me a bit because I was expecting fart app providers from the coastal tech hubs

Jan 28, 2008

Munkeymon posted:

vetterly trip report: got an interview request a few hours after my profile went public. local company with an actual product you can buy on Amazon too which surprises me a bit because I was expecting fart app providers from the coastal tech hubs

companies with real products pay less :v:

Jul 6, 2015

The performance review numbers are in. I got a 10% raise for exceptional performance last year and to take on new responsibilities in the coming weeks like actually managing people. I also hear back about my interview today so I'm looking forward to potentially dropping a "yeah so these guys offered me 30% on top of what you just raised me to".

Hunter2 Thompson
Feb 3, 2005

Ramrod XTreme
technical phone interview trip report: temporarily lost the ability to tell which of two numbers was greater wtf lol

Kind Friend
Sep 9, 2013

a long time ago, possibly in a previous incarnation of this thread, someone posted a list of questions to ask when interviewing. does anyone still have that?

Jan 2, 2008

Mexican Apple Shipment posted:

a long time ago, possibly in a previous incarnation of this thread, someone posted a list of questions to ask when interviewing. does anyone still have that?

I'm partial to this list

Mar 3, 2013

Mexican Apple Shipment posted:

a long time ago, possibly in a previous incarnation of this thread, someone posted a list of questions to ask when interviewing. does anyone still have that?

check the op

distortion park
Apr 25, 2011

this is a good list. I've also asked (and been asked) what the interviews are working on that day. Can cut through some of the bullshit and makes sure you have an accurate understanding of the sort of work they do.

distortion park
Apr 25, 2011

also you can ask if devs own their applications after deployment or do they just throw it over a wall

Kind Friend
Sep 9, 2013

Bloody posted:

check the op

wow thanks i am a fool

Hunter2 Thompson
Feb 3, 2005

Ramrod XTreme
be prepared to answer these questions, also from somewhere in this thread


"why are you interested in my company/division/team?"
"why are you leaving your current job?"
"tell me about a project you did recently"
"tell me about a time you had a conflict with someone/your boss/a peer"
"tell me about a time you couldn't meet a deadline"
"tell me about a project that you're most proud of"
"tell me about a project that you're not proud of. what would you do differently today?"

Aug 5, 2008

meatpotato posted:

be prepared to answer these questions, also from somewhere in this thread

can confirm, have gotten at least 3 of these from every company ive interviewed with, usually all or all but one

Sep 17, 2018
Well I got ghosted completely after a phone interview so I guess I didn't impress the people on the other end. This is after sharing a meal with the CEO and getting a thumbs up to proceed.

Like I"m not saying I was THE GUY but I figure I would at least make the first cut for this tiny security company in the Midwest. I would be surprised any other candidates had the experience like I did so maybe I misread what they were after.

Time to try elsewhere.

Aug 5, 2008

UNWISE.EXE posted:

Well I got ghosted completely after a phone interview so I guess I didn't impress the people on the other end. This is after sharing a meal with the CEO and getting a thumbs up to proceed.

Like I"m not saying I was THE GUY but I figure I would at least make the first cut for this tiny security company in the Midwest. I would be surprised any other candidates had the experience like I did so maybe I misread what they were after.

Time to try elsewhere.

or somebody forgot they were supposed to follow up with you

or they ran into financial problems and aren't hiring anyone

try elsewhere, sure. but honestly probably not your fault

e: you could always send a follow-up email, I have literally had the "forgot to follow up" thing

May 10, 2004

You are about to embark on a great journey. Are you ready, my friend?

Arcsech posted:

e: you could always send a follow-up email, I have literally had the "forgot to follow up" thing

This. Sending a follow up email is professional and in fact looks good.

Mention why you're sending the email.
Specifically mention the time you interviewed and for the title of position.
Let them know you're still interested and would love to hear about any next steps.
Ask for an update.

Jul 6, 2015

Turns out I didn't get the job, I screwed up on one of the 3 whiteboards I had that day and apparently that was enough to reject. Oh well. I was stoked to potentially be earning a lot more, but I wasn't keen on the mandated pair programming they seemed to be in love with.

Sep 9, 2003

Wanna run with my crew huh? Rule cyberspace and crunch numbers like I do?

qhat posted:

mandated pair programming they seemed to be in love with.


Apr 3, 2010
Sounds like you dodged a bullet.

Jimmy Carter
Nov 3, 2005


ultravoices posted:

This. Sending a follow up email is professional and in fact looks good.

Can Confirm. I'm going through an interview process right now and had to email the recruiter like 5 times to get things set up right despite them being in the same company and they can see my calendar. Would've probably not gone anywhere had I not kept the ball rolling.

Sep 10, 2003

peed on;


Arcsech posted:

or somebody forgot they were supposed to follow up with you

or they ran into financial problems and aren't hiring anyone

try elsewhere, sure. but honestly probably not your fault

e: you could always send a follow-up email, I have literally had the "forgot to follow up" thing
its really impossible to describe just how shambolic the hiring process is at most companies

another common cause of radio silence is that the hiring decision requires signoff of multiple stakeholders, and at least one of them is traveling/in a death march/on vacation at any time so the decision gets mooted

the req for the position being withdrawn or suspended is another one

yeah, follow up. what have you got to lose?

4lokos basilisk
Jul 17, 2008

updates - i was not fired this week, we'll have a face to face discussion about the present state & future of sdlc in this company next tuesday

i am feeling sort of hopeful because i had a phone chat and they seemed to get why i am unhappy and that there really is need for a change

so maybe i'll get fired next week

champagne posting
Apr 5, 2006


Penisface posted:

updates - i was not fired this week, we'll have a face to face discussion about the present state & future of sdlc in this company next tuesday

i am feeling sort of hopeful because i had a phone chat and they seemed to get why i am unhappy and that there really is need for a change

so maybe i'll get fired next week

much like business hiring is opaque and contains all sorts of things not related to you, so does firings.

champagne posting
Apr 5, 2006


ex-boss also posted a jobs posting for my current job and it's pretty funny looking. I mean, you'd think they'd learn to put in more specific requirements since having me, but no.

Jul 30, 2008

Eh tbf my former employer tried this for a couple of years after they went through a bad patch and drank the agile Kool Aid, it didn't last.

Sep 9, 2003

Wanna run with my crew huh? Rule cyberspace and crunch numbers like I do?

feedmegin posted:

Eh tbf my former employer tried this for a couple of years after they went through a bad patch and drank the agile Kool Aid, it didn't last.

well ok but they're gonna have to get their own forums account for my frequent YOSPOS breaks, I'm not sharing mine

carry on then
Jul 10, 2010

by VideoGames

(and can't post for 10 years!)

ADINSX posted:

well ok but they're gonna have to get their own forums account for my frequent YOSPOS breaks, I'm not sharing mine

pair programming
pair trace log reading
pair git unfucking
pair email reading
pair slack chatting
pair company time pooping

Dec 18, 2012


Establish the Buns


carry on then posted:

pair company time pooping

finally, a real team-building exercise

Symbolic Butt
Mar 22, 2009

I think I got a job :toot:

Symbolic Butt
Mar 22, 2009

pair programming is the best part of agile imo


Nov 20, 2005


I got a thing to go to tonight, I'm just gonna quote the intro part of the email:


Thank you for your interest and applying to roles at Aristocrat! We are reaching out to you since we kept your profile on file, as promised. We would like to connect live with you at our hiring event on Wednesday, September 19th from 4:00 pm - 7:00pm. This Hiring Event is deemed as a casual conversation with our Leaders to learn more about current and future opportunities, so please come as you are. This event is in conjunction with Boyd so you may find opportunities within either organization now that we are partners in the industry! Please reply back to me directly if you are able to come to meet the team.

The roles we are hiring for this event:
And then they go into the roles they're hiring rn, one of which I'm an almost-fit for (close enough to warrant applying in the first place, anyway)

So question since I've never even heard of a "hiring event" (it's at a meeting room in a local hotel, the Gold Coast): is this probably something worth going to? I have an easy excuse to get out with if i'd just be wasting my time

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