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Jul 6, 2015

Thought I'd post what my resume looks like, with all the personal information redacted. It's probably not perfect, but it seems to be well received and I rarely don't receive a callback if I tenuously fit the job description.

qhat fucked around with this message at 19:55 on Oct 7, 2018


Nov 20, 2005


qhat posted:

You've wasted a lot of white space at the top on your address. Shove it on to one line, or better yet, remove it entirely. They only really care about your email and phone number. It looks like you could definitely get this cleanly onto one page, rather than one and a quarter awkward pages.

i was kinda wondering about that but hemmed toward tradition. But yeah with a couple extra lines and some language fuckery I should be able to get it down to 1

thanks for the feedback again y'all, i'll take another swing at it later today i reckon and send it to triplebyte etc before tomorrow

Jun 29, 2002

I, for one, welcome our new mouse overlords.
- separate out the list of programming languages from the miscellaneous other. hiring managers are primarily concerned with "does this person have experience in the type of programming that we do", which starts with the language.
- along those lines, add a summary statement at the top that says you have N years of experience and have done X and Y types of development
- you don't need a fancy box.
- reduce the size of the section headers.
- this poo poo will fit on one page easily.

Jun 30, 2012

cannot legally be sold as vodka

Ciaphas posted:

oooookay, as promised i just finished spending a few hours on resume and i think it's a lot better but i could use feedback on a couple things

- i have no idea how to "jazz" it up further or what, my sense of style has abandoned me. i wonder if a bit of blue on key phrases would be good or something?
- That second page is loving dire, should I just delete it or just trim down to one page (what should i wipe out in this case)
- other feedback?

there were a couple more things i wanted to slip in but couldn't really justify their presence, namely that i've got instincts like whoa for memory problems and debugging in general, but i guess i can bring those up at interviews instead

I'm just a board goon with a copy of indesign but I quickly mocked this up

qhat hast lots of good advice, the address could be shrunk down etc but I've always found that being bold with white space pays off. there is not point fitting masses of information on one page if it all just blurs into one.

this test page is still a bit wall of text-y to my eyes but that can also be fixed by fiddling around with your sentences as others have suggested. pm me if you want the file etc

Nov 20, 2005


i got down to one page with better language (i think...) and just striking my dumb first job since it's nothing really relevant except as a look-at-me, and figured i'd ask for one last bit of feedback

also i did a draw :3:

(feel like there's more fiddling with spacing i can do and the like but i'm kinda shrugging at this point)

Ciaphas fucked around with this message at 01:17 on Oct 8, 2018

Symbolic Butt
Mar 22, 2009

I know it sounds shallow but... I really don't like the font

it clashes specially hard with the John Doe at the top

Nov 20, 2005


i wasn't sure about that either so I'll probably just steal qhat's font choices if I'm honest

not shallow at all, if it bugs the eye that's all the more incentive to pass it over

sorry/thanks qhat? :v:

Ciaphas fucked around with this message at 01:29 on Oct 8, 2018

Nov 20, 2005


for some reason at 2am the whim took me to go ahead and do the triplebyte signup and send my fixed up resume out, programming quiz included. said i did 'exceptionally well' despite a couple best guesses and four outright idk's out of 35

guess i'm talking to someone on hangouts this afternoon to see if they like me or not and want to send me on somewhere

prisoner of waffles
May 8, 2007

Ah! well a-day! what evil looks
Had I from old and young!
Instead of the cross, the fishmech
About my neck was hung.

Achmed Jones posted:

don’t lie or mislead, but don’t shy away from being like “yo I did a hard thing and did it well”


Ciaphas posted:

for some reason at 2am the whim took me to go ahead and do the triplebyte signup and send my fixed up resume out, programming quiz included. said i did 'exceptionally well' despite a couple best guesses and four outright idk's out of 35

guess i'm talking to someone on hangouts this afternoon to see if they like me or not and want to send me on somewhere

knock 'em dead, tiger

Jun 18, 2003

and it turns out the awesome job at my current company that I thought I could apply for ended with HR sending me an email that can be summarized as "don't bother."

welp, back to looking at other companies!

prisoner of waffles
May 8, 2007

Ah! well a-day! what evil looks
Had I from old and young!
Instead of the cross, the fishmech
About my neck was hung.

Pendragon posted:

and it turns out the awesome job at my current company that I thought I could apply for ended with HR sending me an email that can be summarized as "don't bother."

welp, back to looking at other companies!

yikes. is HR speaking for the hiring manager?

Jun 18, 2003

based on multiple accounts, yes. I don't feel it was malicious, more of "we already got a lot of good candidates and you already have a strike against you being at a different office so v:geno:v".

exact phrase was "set your expectations properly" which is pretty good business-speak.

Jun 29, 2002

I, for one, welcome our new mouse overlords.
the only appropriate response to "set your expectations properly" is "go gently caress yourself"

Diva Cupcake
Aug 15, 2005

Pendragon posted:

exact phrase was "set your expectations properly" which is pretty good business-speak.
that's not business-speak; that's transparently rear end in a top hat-speak.

Symbolic Butt
Mar 22, 2009


Diva Cupcake posted:

that's not business-speak; that's transparently rear end in a top hat-speak.

Jul 6, 2015

Ciaphas posted:

i wasn't sure about that either so I'll probably just steal qhat's font choices if I'm honest

not shallow at all, if it bugs the eye that's all the more incentive to pass it over

sorry/thanks qhat? :v:

The font is the latin modern sans font from LaTeX.

Jan 25, 2005

a last drink with no ice

Diva Cupcake posted:

that's not business-speak; that's transparently rear end in a top hat-speak.

Nov 20, 2005


Had that triplebyte phone interview

Not sure I did great, I think I talked the talk ok but when it came to walking the walk I barely got halfway through both the new code (tic tac toe) and maintenance (buggy web scraper) timed tests :\

Guess we'll see in 48hrs but all that newfound confidence gonna leak like a sieve if this falls flat :ohdear:

Hunter2 Thompson
Feb 3, 2005

Ramrod XTreme
don't sweat it too much, you're gonna have to burn at least a few interviews before you get good at it. interviewing is a learned skill.

Pythagoras a trois
Feb 19, 2004

I have a lot of points to make and I will make them later.
Can someone recommend a good data structures and algorithms refresher reference? Need to brush up on interviews 101.

May 29, 2007

the first few chapters of the algorithm design manual by skienna is usually pretty good, and it contains a bit of exercises that are worded like trap interview questions

Captain Foo
May 11, 2004

we vibin'
we slidin'
we breathin'
we dyin'

Pendragon posted:

based on multiple accounts, yes. I don't feel it was malicious, more of "we already got a lot of good candidates and you already have a strike against you being at a different office so v:geno:v".

exact phrase was "set your expectations properly" which is pretty good business-speak.

that's extremely strong gently caress-you language

Hunter2 Thompson
Feb 3, 2005

Ramrod XTreme

MononcQc posted:

the first few chapters of the algorithm design manual by skienna is usually pretty good, and it contains a bit of exercises that are worded like trap interview questions


his lectures are on youtube too, if you want to watch the problems get worked through

the Cormen algorithms book is also good when i need to see something explained in a different way.

also do a bunch of hackerrank problems to figure out what topics you need to study most

Jun 1, 2000
The worms crawl in,
The worms crawl out.

Captain Foo posted:

that's extremely strong gently caress-you language

yeah find a new job somewhere else holy poo poo

The MUMPSorceress
Jan 6, 2012


Gary’s Answer

Ciaphas posted:

Had that triplebyte phone interview

Not sure I did great, I think I talked the talk ok but when it came to walking the walk I barely got halfway through both the new code (tic tac toe) and maintenance (buggy web scraper) timed tests :\

Guess we'll see in 48hrs but all that newfound confidence gonna leak like a sieve if this falls flat :ohdear:

I thought their process was way over focused on challenges at the cost of properly getting to know a candidate so don't sweat it too much. They're very geared toward x10 types imo

Jun 18, 2004

by Fluffdaddy
Slippery Tilde
had a successful on-site with a profitable web company

but they're a PHP shop and I reallly don't want to code PHP or have it on my resume for the future

not really in a position to refuse them outright, I thought of telling them that I want to explore options further but that probably amounts to a refusal

Gazpacho fucked around with this message at 03:23 on Oct 9, 2018

jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004


“Open Vacation Policy – Get the job done, enjoy your time off”

champagne posting
Apr 5, 2006


jesus WEP posted:


“Open Vacation Policy – Get the job done, enjoy your time off”

“never ever get to take time off”

or possibly

“rear end in seat policy in place”

jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004

im in the uk so idk if companies can implement the Unlimited Denied Vacation Requests policy that works so well in the states

Jul 6, 2015

Protip for whenever you see something on the description that isn't clear: Ask them.

champagne posting
Apr 5, 2006


jesus WEP posted:

im in the uk so idk if companies can implement the Unlimited Denied Vacation Requests policy that works so well in the states

this seems like a good place to start:

this employer might be more fygm so who knows what they'll want. I mean I've recently been fired for not fitting into the startup mentality (aka work 'till you drop, kiss rear end and praise working late and from home).

Jan 25, 2005

a last drink with no ice

jesus WEP posted:


“Open Vacation Policy – Get the job done, enjoy your time off”

some places actually mean this, apparently. just make sure at the on-site that you ask everyone you talk to about the last vacation they took and be prepared to bail if a majority of them don’t have good answers.

Jul 16, 2010

#1 Loser at SpaceChem
remember that even if you do end up being able to take an appropriate amount of vacation, such a policy also means "you won't get paid out any accrued-but-unused vacation when you leave"

Sep 10, 2003

peed on;


Jabor posted:

remember that even if you do end up being able to take an appropriate amount of vacation, such a policy also means "you won't get paid out any accrued-but-unused vacation when you leave"
yeah there are three aspects to the unlimited vacation scam
1) they dont have to hand you a check for unused pto when you leave
2) people feel pressure to not be seen as "abusing" the system, they calibrate the threshold for abuse against their coworkers, the effect is a ratcheting down of people taking time off
3) the intentionally amorphous definitions of "getting your job done" and "abusing the system" give management an excuse to fire/downsize people in a way that makes it harder to sue for wrongful termination

jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004

Jabor posted:

remember that even if you do end up being able to take an appropriate amount of vacation, such a policy also means "you won't get paid out any accrued-but-unused vacation when you leave"
this would only apply if you lived in some theoretical hellscape of a country where workers aren’t legally entitled to a minimum amount of paid leave

Lord Stimperor
Jun 13, 2018

I'm a lovable meme.

AFAIK a few companies have experimented with completely unfixed working hours, i.e. come and go as you please. The result was that people actually spent more time in the office. I guess if I were cynic I'd say that these policies are designed to make people pressure each other into exploitation. Sort of the evil twin of a bohemian work/life balance.

Jan 1, 2013
there's no need for fixed working hours anymore

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene

FMguru posted:

yeah there are three aspects to the unlimited vacation scam
1) they dont have to hand you a check for unused pto when you leave
2) people feel pressure to not be seen as "abusing" the system, they calibrate the threshold for abuse against their coworkers, the effect is a ratcheting down of people taking time off
3) the intentionally amorphous definitions of "getting your job done" and "abusing the system" give management an excuse to fire/downsize people in a way that makes it harder to sue for wrongful termination

the last time I had "unlimited vacation," it meant that my boss was gone four months a year, and i got one week at christmas

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene

jeffery posted:

there's no need for fixed working hours anymore

i would hate working with you


Nomnom Cookie
Aug 30, 2009

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

the last time I had "unlimited vacation," it meant that my boss was gone four months a year, and i got one week at christmas

this i can understand. a way around the federal requirement that all exempt employees receive the same benefits

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