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May 29, 2007

FMguru posted:

yeah there are three aspects to the unlimited vacation scam
1) they dont have to hand you a check for unused pto when you leave
2) people feel pressure to not be seen as "abusing" the system, they calibrate the threshold for abuse against their coworkers, the effect is a ratcheting down of people taking time off
3) the intentionally amorphous definitions of "getting your job done" and "abusing the system" give management an excuse to fire/downsize people in a way that makes it harder to sue for wrongful termination

Heroku's unlimited vacation policy owned as a remote employee for this reason. The Canadian government mandates a minimum defined set of vacation weeks that can be paid when leaving or reimbursed at the end of the year if not used. At some point, they wanted to change the policy for Canadian employees from "unlimited vacations" to "N weeks according to experience".

Since many of us had decent managers that did allow to go for more than the default N weeks (2-4 years for juniors-tech lead ranks iirc), there was a bunch of angry e-mail threads that resulted in a policy of "unlimited vacation with N weeks minimum, and please do enter vacation time in the tracking system so we can be compliant", which is frankly the best of both worlds.

Accept unlimited vacations if it comes with a clearly defined base number of weeks you are guaranteed to take and get paid. Proceed with extreme caution otherwise, and consult employees in the exact group you'd be working with to know what things are like, and then a different group just to see how widespread it is of a practice.


Jan 1, 2013
how about i discourse with the brain and make deals directly

May 29, 2007

trust your coworkers above your management :getin:

champagne posting
Apr 5, 2006


MononcQc posted:

trust your coworkers above your management :getin:

Sep 9, 2003

Big ol' smile.
One of my coworkers is at the cap of 440 hours of vacation and is just merrily throwing money away by not even taking half-days here and there so it can keep accruing. I wish my boss would be more forceful about it.

Pie Colony
Dec 8, 2006

MononcQc posted:

Since many of us had decent managers that did allow to go for more than the default N weeks (2-4 years for juniors-tech lead ranks iirc)

drat that's a good vacation policy

also, i'm taking interviews at 2nd choice companies right now to prepare for my 1st choice companies, but the interviews for the latter will most likely happen much later. what's the downside of accepting an offer knowing that if another offer was made in ~1 month i'd jump ship?

Nov 4, 2010

just had first phone screen in a while. i came away from it more embarrassed than i have been in a long time as i have apparently forgotten how to have a normal human conversation

post hole digger
Mar 21, 2011

my company's not great, but we have an unlimited policy and, although I'd prefer a non-unlimited policy, i dont think ive ever personally had a request denied. I do think it encourages people to take less time off though (I dont have that problem)

Nomnom Cookie
Aug 30, 2009

Pie Colony posted:

drat that's a good vacation policy

also, i'm taking interviews at 2nd choice companies right now to prepare for my 1st choice companies, but the interviews for the latter will most likely happen much later. what's the downside of accepting an offer knowing that if another offer was made in ~1 month i'd jump ship?

it means youre a dick

Nov 20, 2005


Kevin Mitnick P.E. posted:

this i can understand. a way around the federal requirement that all exempt employees receive the same benefits

i don't get unlimited pto (12hrs accrued/month) and I get 0 sick leave as an overtime-exempt salaried employee

When I'm out of PTO and work less than 40 hours a week I either have to make it up the next week if its the first week of the pay period (2 weeks), or forfeit it on the leave form as LWOP (Leave Without Pay)

Nov 20, 2005


between those, taking $1600 of medical benefits away from us over the last summer, cutting our retirement match by a quarter, my anemic raises and the Internet Free Zone nature of the workplace I'm still considering taking $10k cash out of retirement and just loving quitting until YOTJ happens on its own, even if it means forfeiture of unemployment and insurance for a while

being here makes me loving cross and mentally upset as we know by now

Nov 20, 2005


(by the way I work for a contractor that works for the air force so the feds are drat well aware I'm not getting the spirit of the FLSA benefits--they just unsurprisingly don't care)

Jun 18, 2004

by Fluffdaddy
Slippery Tilde

Pie Colony posted:

also, i'm taking interviews at 2nd choice companies right now to prepare for my 1st choice companies, but the interviews for the latter will most likely happen much later. what's the downside of accepting an offer knowing that if another offer was made in ~1 month i'd jump ship?
the risk of any short tenure is that people will suspect you were terminated, or might likewise quit on them. you might do it once but don't make a habit of it

Janitor Prime
Jan 22, 2004


What da fuck does that mean

Fun Shoe

Gazpacho posted:

the risk of any short tenure is that people will suspect you were terminated, or might likewise quit on them. you might do it once but don't make a habit of it

It's better to leave a gap in the resume than leave a 1 month turd on there that raises eye brows

prisoner of waffles
May 8, 2007

Ah! well a-day! what evil looks
Had I from old and young!
Instead of the cross, the fishmech
About my neck was hung.

Ciaphas posted:

between those, taking $1600 of medical benefits away from us over the last summer, cutting our retirement match by a quarter, my anemic raises and the Internet Free Zone nature of the workplace I'm still considering taking $10k cash out of retirement and just loving quitting until YOTJ happens on its own, even if it means forfeiture of unemployment and insurance for a while

being here makes me loving cross and mentally upset as we know by now

don't. don't?

try to find a way to continue being employed without going nuts. having a job sends a signal about you to potential employers. you want them to get that signal. you don't want them to get the other signal.

Nov 20, 2005


prisoner of waffles posted:

don't. don't?

try to find a way to continue being employed without going nuts. having a job sends a signal about you to potential employers. you want them to get that signal. you don't want them to get the other signal.

yeah I just need to stop thinking about it, reflection is what really gets me upset I think

Lord Stimperor
Jun 13, 2018

I'm a lovable meme.

Janitor Prime posted:

It's better to leave a gap in the resume than leave a 1 month turd on there that raises eye brows

A month gap is basically 'I was renovating my house' or 'I went on a culinary trip around the country'

Jan 28, 2008

i'd think that most people don't quit on job on friday and start another on monday

now, i have had coworkers do that before but one or even two months isn't too unusual between jobs, especially if you have to move

post hole digger
Mar 21, 2011

didn't do so hot in my interview today :sweatdrop:

Nov 20, 2005


Lord Stimperor posted:

A month gap is basically 'I was renovating my house' or 'I went on a culinary trip around the country'

amazes me that non-:thermidor: people can be sufficiently monied as to just go without income for a month (and add considerable expense at that) and be okay at the end

savings seem to accrue far too slowly for that :\

Jan 28, 2008

PTO payout from last job helps at least for some. probably not more than a week or two tops though

Nov 20, 2005


i've spent money on two vacations as an adult, one to seattle for PAX in the late aughts when it first got going and wasn't so terrible, and one to DC to see my brother in 2012

both were over the weekend affairs and the latter was aborted early because of storm sandy (made it out of BWI after 20hrs in the airport on the last flight out)

probably 60% of my PTO gets frittered away on mental health days, 30+% on personal days (poo poo to do etc), and <10% on "i don't have an excuse I'm just lazy" days

Jun 18, 2004

by Fluffdaddy
Slippery Tilde
feedback: "all the interviewers liked you, but just not in that way"

Lord Stimperor
Jun 13, 2018

I'm a lovable meme.

Ciaphas posted:

amazes me that non-:thermidor: people can be sufficiently monied as to just go without income for a month (and add considerable expense at that) and be okay at the end

savings seem to accrue far too slowly for that :\

Do you get unemployment benefits where you live? That makes it a hell easier.

Alternatively someone can simply lie that they had the money to take a month off. Maybe that makes them appear a bit more independent and in a better bargaining position. I dunno.

Nov 20, 2005


Lord Stimperor posted:

Do you get unemployment benefits where you live? That makes it a hell easier.

Alternatively someone can simply lie that they had the money to take a month off. Maybe that makes them appear a bit more independent and in a better bargaining position. I dunno.

in theory here in Nevada you get right around $1k/mo if you're terminated without cause, but Nevada is also at-will so lol cause

and on that second note dang I wish i could justify that lol. tell myself the lie that i have enough money enough times and it becomes true enough

Ciaphas fucked around with this message at 22:22 on Oct 9, 2018

Jun 30, 2012

cannot legally be sold as vodka
your a good poster and person Ciaphas, you will make it to the promised land of figgies :unsmith:

Hunter2 Thompson
Feb 3, 2005

Ramrod XTreme

Ciaphas posted:

amazes me that non-:thermidor: people can be sufficiently monied as to just go without income for a month (and add considerable expense at that) and be okay at the end

savings seem to accrue far too slowly for that :\

i hate to be that guy, but...

if you've got ~10 years of C++ chops (and aren't spending 3.5k on candles a month) and can't save up a few months of emergency fund then you're getting severely underpaid my frend

Jul 6, 2015

Gazpacho posted:

the risk of any short tenure is that people will suspect you were terminated, or might likewise quit on them. you might do it once but don't make a habit of it

In general if I see a short tenure followed by a gap, unless I hear something very reasonable for quitting a job so quickly, my standing assumption is already it's because they got fired. Leaving a bad job for another very quickly is not a bad thing if it's a one off, they probably left for a much better deal or the company turned out immediately to be something it didn't initially appear. But yeah making a habit of that is as bad or worse than getting fired.

Ellie Crabcakes
Jan 31, 2008

Stop emailing my boyfriend Gay Crungus

Gazpacho posted:

feedback: "all the interviewers liked you, but just not in that way"
What is the professional equivalent of The Friend Zone?

Nov 20, 2005


meatpotato posted:

i hate to be that guy, but...

if you've got ~10 years of C++ chops (and aren't spending 3.5k on candles a month) and can't save up a few months of emergency fund then you're getting severely underpaid my frend

that or I’m far worse with spending than I realize but I think not

opened a mint account anyway just to make sure lol :v: we’ll see in a few months once the fallout from my disability settles down

Jul 6, 2015

Gazpacho posted:

feedback: "all the interviewers liked you, but just not in that way"

I've had this before, I just put down to arbitrary bs between interviewers and not being able to make their mind up, and then choosing to err on the side of caution by not hiring. I've sometimes seen those postings up for a very long time too and always wondered if I should send a friendly "hey, still interested if you've not found anyone yet" email.

Aug 15, 2011

by Shine

FMguru posted:

1) they dont have to hand you a check for unused pto when you leave

WIsconsin isn't a payout state anyways. I've never encountered "unlimited" PTO so maybe that's why?


Janitor Prime
Jan 22, 2004


What da fuck does that mean

Fun Shoe

Peeny Cheez posted:

What is the professional equivalent of The Friend Zone?


Dec 30, 2008

i have a string of 1.5 to 2 year jobs and now I’m stuck in my current job for the sake of my Career Narrative

Sep 10, 2003

peed on;


MononcQc posted:

trust your coworkers above your management :getin:
trust only your fists

Sep 9, 2003

Wanna run with my crew, hah? Rule cyberspace and crunch numbers like I do?

FMguru posted:

trust only your fists

Your co-workers will never help you

Sep 10, 2003

peed on;


ADINSX posted:

Your co-workers will never help you

post hole digger
Mar 21, 2011

I asked "what's the most impressive thing you've seen out of someone else you've interviewed recently" and she said "nothing, thats why we're still interviewing" lol :jimfromtheofficeface:

Nov 12, 2016


my bitter bi rival posted:

I asked "what's the most impressive thing you've seen out of someone else you've interviewed recently" and she said "nothing, thats why we're still interviewing" lol :jimfromtheofficeface:


dunno if i would consider that a red flag but that's definitely an entertaining answer


Sep 14, 2003

my bitter bi rival posted:

I asked "what's the most impressive thing you've seen out of someone else you've interviewed recently" and she said "nothing, thats why we're still interviewing" lol :jimfromtheofficeface:


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