why would you even ask that though? are you trying to hire the other candidates? learn what the interviewer's bar for impressive is? cause it doesn't really tell you anything about the company
# ? Oct 10, 2018 02:32 |
# ? Jan 18, 2025 18:22 |
Pie Colony posted:why would you even ask that though? are you trying to hire the other candidates? learn what the interviewer's bar for impressive is? cause it doesn't really tell you anything about the company quote:- what's the most impressive thing you've seen out of someone else you've interviewed recently
# ? Oct 10, 2018 02:35 |
yeah but like (1) you ask that of the interviewer after they are already done interviewing you, and (2) for you it literally doesn't matter what caliber of candidates they're interviewing. idk seems like a weird question to me
# ? Oct 10, 2018 02:37 |
To be honest I'd rather just ask those questions outright. Not everything about interviewing has to involve a cloak and dagger.
# ? Oct 10, 2018 02:46 |
I don't ask it in those words exactly, usually something like "what's the most impressive thing you've seen from a developer you usually don't work with on a daily basis?", but it's worth asking. You might get a terrible red-flag answer like "we had a guy who wrote his own encryption algorithm, and we decided to use it in production! ". You'll probably never hear anything that bad, but at least usually get a few minutes of smalltalk with the interviewer out of it. I've gotten some great answers about some interesting tools being developed internally and had good conversations about them with the interviewers. Worst case, you get a non-answer like MBBR got. ThePeavstenator fucked around with this message at 03:02 on Oct 10, 2018 |
# ? Oct 10, 2018 02:57 |
I thought it was an interesting question when I saw it in the op and it seemed appropriate at the time. probably won't use it again though haha
# ? Oct 10, 2018 03:01 |
"what's the most impressive thing you've seen from a coworker" definitely seems like a better question, though as an interviewer i'd still probably take several minutes to come up with an answer (despite working with lots of smart people) since so many impressive things are a team effort i've had so many interviews run over (both as an interviewer and interviewee) and the first thing to get cut is time for questions. so as an interviewee if i only have a couple of minutes to learn about the place i'll spend the next couple years of my life at, i'd go for questions that give more information rather than, like the previous poster said, probably never hearing a red flag but maybe getting some small talk out of it
# ? Oct 10, 2018 03:13 |
every time i've asked the "what's the most impressive thing you've seen in a recent candidate" question it's felt awkward, so i've stopped asking it (especially with big tech companies that already have a reputation of rejecting good candidates) though ive started asking interviewers if there are any common misconceptions outsiders have about the job/product i'm interviewing for, it's been a useful way to address misconceptions I may not know i even held
# ? Oct 10, 2018 03:25 |
my bitter bi rival posted:I asked "what's the most impressive thing you've seen out of someone else you've interviewed recently" and she said "nothing, thats why we're still interviewing" lol :jimfromtheofficeface:
# ? Oct 10, 2018 04:19 |
ive found "where would you like the team to be in a year" to be a pretty good question to ask used it a couple places and got a lot of info about what they're trying to actually do and obstacles (technical or institutional) that they're expecting along the way
# ? Oct 10, 2018 05:31 |
yeah 'what's the most impressive thing you've seen out of a coworker' is probably a much better way to put it. basically i just use it to gauge if the interviewer is a dumbass or if they're talking to really smart people. also sometimes they'll accidentally admit that they found someone who was really impressive and weren't able to hire them due to lowballing or something like that.
# ? Oct 10, 2018 12:06 |
ciaphas, what do you get paid, total comp we're all strangers here, we can tell you if you're not getting paid enough figgies
# ? Oct 10, 2018 16:02 |
bob dobbs is dead posted:ciaphas, what do you get paid, total comp I'm curious too because his job sounds like a nightmare
# ? Oct 10, 2018 17:59 |
bob dobbs is dead posted:ciaphas, what do you get paid, total comp well this is the part i'm scared ritually to death of because i'm gonna sound like a bougie gently caress, but about $94k/y now plus 3 weeks/year PTO, no sick leave, technically salaried but i don't get paid for less than 40 so worst of exempt and non, really (e) or maybe not, my measure of success since HS was "can i make it to 100k/yr before I have my midlife crisis" (not phrased that way necessarily, but) but I guess that's changed in the decades since
# ? Oct 10, 2018 18:03 |
Not quite as crushingly bad as I thought but you could be making probably +50k if you move out of Vegas to a computer city and get a similar job. And you'd get sick leave
# ? Oct 10, 2018 18:19 |
quote:Finally, looking for work today is a radically different experience than even five years ago. Eighty percent of jobs are now found through networking, not through the traditional channels we used to rely on such as recruiters and applying directly.
# ? Oct 10, 2018 18:21 |
PokeJoe posted:Not quite as crushingly bad as I thought but you could be making probably +50k if you move out of Vegas to a computer city and get a similar job. And you'd get sick leave believe me im working on it. interviewed triplebyte two days ago so i "should" be hearing back today, though i don't feel i did well at the practicals so i'm not too hopeful
# ? Oct 10, 2018 18:22 |
Ciaphas posted:amazes me that non- people can be sufficiently monied as to just go without income for a month (and add considerable expense at that) and be okay at the end Ciaphas posted:well this is the part i'm scared ritually to death of because i'm gonna sound like a bougie gently caress, but about $94k/y now plus 3 weeks/year PTO, no sick leave, technically salaried but i don't get paid for less than 40 so worst of exempt and non, really Spend less on candles.
# ? Oct 10, 2018 18:23 |
Yeah it sounds like your budget is blown. Your expenses should be pretty low as a single dude unless you've got tons of debt
# ? Oct 10, 2018 18:26 |
Ciaphas posted:well this is the part i'm scared ritually to death of because i'm gonna sound like a bougie gently caress, but about $94k/y now plus 3 weeks/year PTO, no sick leave, technically salaried but i don't get paid for less than 40 so worst of exempt and non, really i got paid more my first job out of college but i went to plutocrat school find an opportunity to move out to a tech city and i bet youll be able to catch a cool 40, 50, 60k increase and maybe options or rsu's your budget is hosed tho. i saved 2/3 my takehome in menlo park getting paid proper figgies bob dobbs is dead fucked around with this message at 18:35 on Oct 10, 2018 |
# ? Oct 10, 2018 18:28 |
The thing is I genuinely can't tell because i just got off of 2 months of disability (66% pay, untaxed so I have to pay that later) and that ate into the nonretirement reserves I had, plus Mint only can access 90 days on a new account for a long while beforehand I was also sinking ~$650/mo in psychologist (and will be doing so again starting tomorrow ), probably ~$100/mo in doctor visits/office fees, my rent is $1500 and my car is $420 (nice). Typical takehome per biweekly check's just shy of 2k. dunno how any of that or my salary compares to averages in the vegas area Ciaphas fucked around with this message at 18:36 on Oct 10, 2018 |
# ? Oct 10, 2018 18:33 |
Ciaphas posted:The thing is I genuinely can't tell because i just got off of 2 months of disability (66% pay, untaxed so I have to pay that later) and that ate into the nonretirement reserves I had, plus Mint only can access 90 days on a new account your car is far too expensive
# ? Oct 10, 2018 18:46 |
Captain Foo posted:your car is far too expensive Yeah you're paying 5k a year on the car alone before gas and insurance and whatever you spend on it. What kind of car is it? You could get an efficient one for 2 years of payments or so on your current one and probably be better off.
# ? Oct 10, 2018 19:46 |
'17 chevy volt, leased april 2017, put $75 of gas, $200 of punctured tire and nothing else in it since i got it except electric juice but i've never successfully quantified what that adds to my electric bill, if it's anything significant. but i drive very little, odo reads 5800mi at the ha;fway mark bad decision i always make because i've never had any car collateral to soften the blow of buying and like an idiot rear end in a top hat i figured leasing would be ok since at least i get New every 3 years and don't have to maintain the thing when it starts breaking Ciaphas fucked around with this message at 19:51 on Oct 10, 2018 |
# ? Oct 10, 2018 19:49 |
Ciaphas posted:'17 chevy volt, leased april 2017, put $75 of gas, $200 of punctured tire and nothing else in it since i got it It's not impossible to afford that lease with your income but it is ill advised. If at all possible you should consider buying a used economy car when your lease ends instead of getting a new one. Especially since you don't drive much anyway, it doesn't sound like you're even getting a lot of utility out of the car. Why spend more than necessary?
# ? Oct 10, 2018 20:13 |
PokeJoe posted:It's not impossible to afford that lease with your income but it is ill advised. If at all possible you should consider buying a used economy car when your lease ends instead of getting a new one. Especially since you don't drive much anyway, it doesn't sound like you're even getting a lot of utility out of the car. Why spend more than necessary? because I routinely choose wrong
# ? Oct 10, 2018 20:43 |
Americans are constantly bombarded with ads and cultural cues to convince you to blow all your money on poo poo you don't need, don't feel bad about it. Just try to be aware of it
# ? Oct 10, 2018 21:24 |
PokeJoe posted:Americans are constantly bombarded with ads and cultural cues to convince you to blow all your money on poo poo you don't need, don't feel bad about it. Just try to be aware of it this, yeah. I don't think I can fully deprogram the consumerist mindset out of my own head
# ? Oct 10, 2018 21:28 |
my corolla lease is only 200 bucks a month and its hard to imagine an amount of money i would have to make that could convince me to upgrade to anything else since i just use it to sit in traffic
# ? Oct 10, 2018 21:32 |
PokeJoe posted:Americans are constantly bombarded with ads and cultural cues to convince you to blow all your money on poo poo you don't need, don't feel bad about it. Just try to be aware of it
# ? Oct 10, 2018 21:38 |
Corla Plankun posted:my corolla lease is only 200 bucks a month and its hard to imagine an amount of money i would have to make that could convince me to upgrade to anything else since i just use it to sit in traffic ya I pay 179 for a Mazda 3 and I'm only considering something more expensive because I keep getting profiled based on my car and dyke status when I look for houses closer to my office. there's just no reason to spend extravagantly on a car unless you have a lot of liquid cash or it has a substantive impact on other areas of your life.
# ? Oct 10, 2018 22:26 |
Corla Plankun posted:my corolla lease is only 200 bucks a month and its hard to imagine an amount of money i would have to make that could convince me to upgrade to anything else since i just use it to sit in traffic i drive an unnecessarily fast car to work every day and it still makes me smile every single time i get in the thing, but even if you are a car person you shouldn't go crazy on leases.
# ? Oct 10, 2018 22:40 |
just kinda wanted a nice ev i guess at the time it didnt seem quite so unacceptable
# ? Oct 10, 2018 22:43 |
i just got a GTI and it is 100% worth the too much a month im paying because I love driving and it is a very fun car also seriously considering jumping into the job hunt circus again because new job kind of stinks and I could use those extra figgies
# ? Oct 10, 2018 22:58 |
Ciaphas posted:just kinda wanted a nice ev i guess It's not like you bought a new Ferrari and entombed yourself in impossible debt, it's just an area of your finances you could optimize without a big QoL drop if you're feeling like you have troubles making ends meet. You seem like you're too hard on yourself for doing stuff that essentially everyone does.
# ? Oct 10, 2018 23:25 |
PokeJoe posted:It's not like you bought a new Ferrari and entombed yourself in impossible debt, it's just an area of your finances you could optimize without a big QoL drop if you're feeling like you have troubles making ends meet. You seem like you're too hard on yourself for doing stuff that essentially everyone does. hi, this is the other ciaphas! the one that's smarter* and less loving dour because he's drowned he brainworms in and you're absolutely correct on all accounts. I beat myself up way too goddamned much by default, it's a problem i'm kind of awaiting resolution on vv ed* and also far better looking
# ? Oct 11, 2018 00:30 |
its a hard balance, it seems like going full mr moustache and attacking every expense is going to be pretty stressful for you. on the other hand getting a bit of savings under you would be of enormous benefit. gotta find that middle path. the actual answer is go get paid more per suggestion, saving becomes a lot easier when the pile of money is bigger. * i'm a boring straight white dude in a stable releationship who has never had mental illness challenges so probably deeply unqualified to give advice, please feel free to ignore.
# ? Oct 11, 2018 00:45 |
n’thing what everyone else is saying about your comp. it should be higher although idk what the c++ market looks like. your experience in just years alone should be putting you over six figs. your security clearance is the biggest modifier and should be placing a very large boost on your comp. the fact you can do your job without the internet should also make you much more valuable to your employer as well but unfortunately idk if that skill transfers at all in terms of comp. i also have no clue what the vegas market looks like for devs but i doubt it alone is what’s causing your wage to be where it is. i think your employer is just a dick that doesn’t understand you need to pro-actively retain talent- not wait until you have a staffing crisis to reevaluate what your employees are worth. also that ‘sub 40 no pay’ thing is bullshit and alone should be causing you to buck. frankly it doesn’t even sound legal
# ? Oct 11, 2018 01:03 |
nah s'all good. i appreciate all the answers. just need to start paying more attention is all (paying cash for therapy isn't gonna help but lol thanks america, whaddaya gonna do, i definitely need it) (ed) I'm still not entirely 100% certain it is but attempting a callout and getting my money would just end in silent retaliation eventually, and I can't call that bluff they legally get away with it here by me signing the leave request form for LWOP, and it's an easy disciplinary excuse to not sign that, so welp Ciaphas fucked around with this message at 01:15 on Oct 11, 2018 |
# ? Oct 11, 2018 01:07 |
# ? Jan 18, 2025 18:22 |
Rex-Goliath posted:n’thing what everyone else is saying about your comp. it should be higher although idk what the c++ market looks like. your experience in just years alone should be putting you over six figs. your security clearance is the biggest modifier and should be placing a very large boost on your comp. the fact you can do your job without the internet should also make you much more valuable to your employer as well but unfortunately idk if that skill transfers at all in terms of comp. i'm not sure a clearance has been worth anything since the massive cutbacks around the sequester lotta S and TS clearances running around working for piss
# ? Oct 11, 2018 01:20 |