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Nomnom Cookie
Aug 30, 2009

Captain Pike posted:

Apple wants to interview me. I’m intimidated by things I’ve read about the tech screening, and I have no idea if I want to live in Cupertino,

Would anyone who is/has worked there be willing to PM me?

could you really live with yourself benefitting from the ongoing atrocity known as touch bar


distortion park
Apr 25, 2011

bob dobbs is dead posted:

i saw a job posting from them at 67k

annualized, i got paid more than that at my internship

It's the same in the UK. I ended up making double what they were advertising their comp as.

The MUMPSorceress
Jan 6, 2012


Gary’s Answer

Captain Pike posted:

Apple wants to interview me. I’m intimidated by things I’ve read about the tech screening, and I have no idea if I want to live in Cupertino,

Would anyone who is/has worked there be willing to PM me?

I reached a working solution for 2/5 whiteboard problems. ppl care way more that you engage well, ask for help when you need it, and don't act like a loving weirdo.

and you're not gonna live in Cupertino. you're gonna get really paid but your not gonna afford Cupertino.

Hunter2 Thompson
Feb 3, 2005

Ramrod XTreme
apple has the team members youre applying to work with interview you, not a random panel like other companies

as such, you’re less applying to the company as a whole, and more that team in specific

if it turns out the team isnt a good fit either because of the technical knowledge requirements or the culture and attitudes they have, you’re not totally eliminated. they will likely refer you to interview for another team in another department if it’s clear you’re able to do stuff and it seems like a better fit

so go for it, the chances aren’t bad

even if it doesn’t work out, there’s not much to lose

Jimmy Carter
Nov 3, 2005

just got an offer for 3x my current salary which, while rad, makes me really question the journey I took to get here because I spent way too many years doing stuff that really did not make me happy in the hopes that I would get a job like this. I don't know if there's something special about this time of year, but in the last couple of days, multiple people from my past have texted me going 'heyyyyyyy how's your current job? because we've got something open over here right now'.
The thing that almost killed my offer was that I appeared extremely internet around the edges and I had to convince them that I'm not going to show up and just be an edgy dick to work with, so I guess make sure you keep the YOSPOS in an airtight container out there.

anyways, the impostor syndrome is kicking in and I'm terrified because for once in my life I'll actually be responsible for something that has Real Implications if I gently caress it up.

Dec 13, 2006

interviewing is hell. this was me this summer:

TheFluff posted:

when i started looking around for a new job and going to interviews a few weeks ago i felt really confident in myself as a programmer, that i was really starting to feel like i could rely on myself to tackle almost any problem

now i feel like poo poo and like im at the edge of a nervous breakdown and i have absolutely no confidence i will get any decent job at all, i'll be stuck writing garbage tier broken webapps in javascript for eternity

that was posted after I felt like I hosed up on a videoconferencing coding session with the tech lead at a medium sized edtech company. I ran out of time, probably because I went for an overly complicated solution. he was very nice about it though, and so was everyone else at the company, and I eventually ended up getting hired. I started this tuesday and so far it seems like I made the right choice.

hang in there, goons. learning what to say in interviews took me a lot of loving up, and even then, a lot of the time you get rejected for basically no reason at all. don't let it get to you.

dan luu's blog is great btw, he has both quite interesting post about various nerdery but also some great career advice and stories about how basically every company is weird as gently caress in one way or another.

TheFluff fucked around with this message at 06:54 on Oct 12, 2018

Dec 13, 2006


dan luu posted:

At the last conference I attended, I asked most people I met two questions:

1) Do you know of any companies that aren't highly dysfunctional?
2) Do you know of any particular teams that are great and are hiring?

Not one single person told me that their company meets the criteria in (1). A few people suggested that, maybe, Dropbox is ok, or that, maybe, Jane Street is ok, but the answers were of the form "I know a few people there and I haven't heard any terrible horror stories yet, plus I sometimes hear good stories", not "that company is great and you should definitely work there". Most people said that they didn't know of any companies that weren't a total mess.

A few people had suggestions for (2), but the most common answer was something like "LOL no, if I knew that I'd go work there". The second most common answer was of the form "I know some people on the Google Brain team and it sounds great". There are a few teams that are well known for being great places to work, but the fact that they're so few and far between that it's basically impossible to get a job on one of those teams. A few people knew of actual teams that they'd strongly recommend who were hiring, but that was rare. Much rarer than finding a developer who I'd want to work with who would consider moving. If I flipped the question around and asked if they knew of any good developers who were looking for work, the answer was usually "yes".

champagne posting
Apr 5, 2006


bob dobbs is dead posted:

dont stop sending resumes

try snacker news

I turned on the “let recruiters pester me” on LinkedIn and it’s gotten me an interview so far

Aug 5, 2008

Boiled Water posted:

I turned on the “let recruiters pester me” on LinkedIn and it’s gotten me an interview so far

When I was looking, I turned that on and got basically nothing, since I got New Job at Prestigious Company, I turned it off and the recruiters won’t shut the gently caress up

Sep 14, 2003

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

i'm not sure a clearance has been worth anything since the massive cutbacks around the sequester

lotta S and TS clearances running around working for piss

even if it did net you more money, it's usually not worth the toll on your sanity working on gov't contracts

bob dobbs is dead
Oct 8, 2017

Peeps are idiots, Leslie.
Nap Ghost

Arcsech posted:

When I was looking, I turned that on and got basically nothing, since I got New Job at Prestigious Company, I turned it off and the recruiters won’t shut the gently caress up

Yeah, my sister got a job at the goog for a few years touching computers and she gets 3-4 recruiter spams a day

I get roughly the same amount having gone to plutocrat school and worked at two famous startups

Recruiters can't tell you how old swift is but they can deffo tell you how famous the goog or plutocrat school is

Aug 14, 2003

Motherfucker's got an
armor-piercing crowbar! Rigoddamndicu𝜆ous.

I worked for a consulting company for a couple of years and now I get tons of recruiter spam from consulting recruiters even though I have the thing switched off and don't want to do placement consulting either

Nov 20, 2005


Arcsech posted:

When I was looking, I turned that on and got basically nothing, since I got New Job at Prestigious Company, I turned it off and the recruiters won’t shut the gently caress up

I didn't know it was even an option so I've turned it on as of now since I can't even seem to get the local recruiters to call me back

Probably regret it in a few years but gently caress it we regret a lot of things

Nov 20, 2005


that reminds me is LinkedIn itself useful as a job search engine or will I just keep wandering into outdated posts/information like so far

bob dobbs is dead
Oct 8, 2017

Peeps are idiots, Leslie.
Nap Ghost

Ciaphas posted:

that reminds me is LinkedIn itself useful as a job search engine or will I just keep wandering into outdated posts/information like so far

its ostensibly for talkin to recruiters only it's not any fuckin good for talkin to recruiters

Nov 20, 2005


oh well, i'll apply out the normal way

i consider it a good day if i get at least one app out a day at this point, i know that's nowhere near enough but i keep judging myself before i even apply once i find a match ("no, i'm not even close on the listed requirements on this even if i think i could adapt")

trying to stop doing that :v:

bob dobbs is dead
Oct 8, 2017

Peeps are idiots, Leslie.
Nap Ghost

Ciaphas posted:

oh well, i'll apply out the normal way

i consider it a good day if i get at least one app out a day at this point, i know that's nowhere near enough but i keep judging myself before i even apply once i find a match ("no, i'm not even close on the listed requirements on this even if i think i could adapt")

trying to stop doing that :v:

here's a lil flowchart for whether you should apply:

Nov 20, 2005


yeah i know it's detrimental of me to even pretend the hiring process is rational enough for my not quiiite matching to matter

i blame brainworms as usual but all i can do is try not to let it affect me!

Aug 5, 2008

bob dobbs is dead posted:

here's a lil flowchart for whether you should apply:

absolutely. I was 10000% not qualified for the job I applied for at my new company. I ended up getting a different job than I applied for but I still fuckin love it

Aug 24, 2004

Yeah I didn't know a single technology my current job uses and they hired me and then taught them to me. Apply apply apply

Symbolic Butt
Mar 22, 2009

I reached the point there are no more places left to apply so I just sent my resume to the same places where I was rejected already to get rejected again lol

bob dobbs is dead
Oct 8, 2017

Peeps are idiots, Leslie.
Nap Ghost

Symbolic Butt posted:

I reached the point there are no more places left to apply so I just sent my resume to the same places where I was rejected already to get rejected again lol

... find another site thing? apply for remote jobs? where the hell do you live that you actually run out of places to apply to?

Hunter2 Thompson
Feb 3, 2005

Ramrod XTreme
<checks yospos.xlsx> :butt lives in a city in brasil

Symbolic Butt
Mar 22, 2009


meatpotato posted:

<checks yospos.xlsx> :butt lives in a city in brasil

I'm legit flattered I'm on a yospos.xlsx

Hunter2 Thompson
Feb 3, 2005

Ramrod XTreme
you were my secret santa two years ago! i still have that dancy skeleton guy in my kitchen

Symbolic Butt
Mar 22, 2009

oh yeah! now I feel bad for forgetting that

Jul 6, 2015

It's good to talk about salary. But don't act like they're going to disappear if you don't apply to poo poo like right now this second. Don't get anxious about it, if you're already earning then take your time and find a company you really like that also pays well, and treat any rejections as good interview practice, which it is. And also, ask lots of interesting questions in interviews because even if you get rejected, you might learn something that you can bring back to your current company.

Jan 25, 2005

a last drink with no ice
isn’t Brazil about to elect a hitler, maybe you should be looking internationally

bob dobbs is dead
Oct 8, 2017

Peeps are idiots, Leslie.
Nap Ghost

raminasi posted:

isn’t Brazil about to elect a hitler, maybe you should be looking internationally

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene

Raluek posted:

yeah my take home is around the same (biweekly almost 2k on the dot) and my gross salary is 76,500. im not maxing my 401k tho, although i am contributing. youre making 23% more than i am but are taking home less? that cant all be due to the 401k

so normally i am all about averaging out consumption levels across your lifetime and poo poo, but not for 401ks

the 401k is an insanely good deal. nothing else even comes close. and your earlier inputs compound a lot more than your later inputs

max your 401k, son

do whatever you have to do to max out that tax benefit. do a little moonlighting. move into a cheaper apartment. don't lease a new car. whatever

you want to max that early in life, and keep it maxed as long as your career lasts, because it really matters a lot

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene

Fiedler posted:

you should be earning that amount as annual bonus.

jit bull transpile posted:

don't be ridiculous. very few people are getting bonuses that big and you shouldn't people's expectations to be that absurd.

comp structures vary widely for software developers

in the technology industry, facebook, amazon, apple, and google are infamous for paying rather ordinary salaries, and then using insane bonuses and stock grants to hit their famous pay numbers. (netflix is similar, but w/out the stock grants)

i currently work for a large financial firm so nearly all my pay is straight cash. bonus vs base comp depends on negotiating skill and height in the corporate ladder. (management gets paid as much as 3/4ths in bonuses. individual contributors tend to have ~25-30% of total pay in bonus)

i used to work at a large non-tech firm and their strategy was pretty simple: here is nice base pay, you will get 5-6% every year no matter what have fun. entry level pay sucked poo poo, but dudes who stayed for 20 years made bank. and then retired on 80% pensions.

startups just pay fuckall and then hope you will take magic beans for the rest of your comp

etc etc

Notorious b.s.d. fucked around with this message at 15:30 on Oct 13, 2018

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene

Captain Pike posted:

Apple wants to interview me. I’m intimidated by things I’ve read about the tech screening, and I have no idea if I want to live in Cupertino,

no one sane wants to live in cupertino, but working in cupertino does not mean you are obliged to live there

Sep 9, 2003

Big ol' smile.
But you should live and work in places that mean you don't have to drive every day, because the planet is dying.

May 27, 2001

who's in boston that's worth working for? i don't want to commute to the companies out by 128 and i don't even want to bother with ms, facebook, or the goog.

Symbolic Butt
Mar 22, 2009


raminasi posted:

isn’t Brazil about to elect a hitler, maybe you should be looking internationally

here let me quote you this

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

why on earth would someone fly you across the world and go through elaborate visa processes to get you residency?

i am not being snide. it's just a question you need to ask yourself. what is the point for my employer?

if you live in canada, looking at u.s. jobs, there's good reason -- it's very easy to get a nafta visa. the same is not true for, say, living in the u.s., looking at u.k. jobs.

Dec 13, 2006

there's a computer toucher shortage in europe and there are definitely companies willing to sponsor visas. stockholm is full of computer touching expats. on my team we have people from croatia, brazil, india, the philippines, russia and scotland. mostly pretty ordinary web programmers too with a few years of experience, not senior level.

TheFluff fucked around with this message at 17:33 on Oct 13, 2018

Jul 6, 2015

Europe pays bad and is expensive so it can't be that short. Or am I just thinking about London?

Dec 13, 2006


qhat posted:

Europe pays bad and is expensive so it can't be that short. Or am I just thinking about London?

well, yeah, everyone pays bad compared to the us, and london was a terrible place with absurd costs of living even before brexit. stockholm also has high costs of living but at least you still get stuff for your taxes, especially if you have kids. only reason I brought stockholm up though was because that's where I am.

champagne posting
Apr 5, 2006


You get paid less, but get things like free health care and your coming children, free or cheap university. Depending on where you fall on the fygm scale


Jul 6, 2015

I just remember when I moved from the London to Canada, I'd spent a year and a half out of work and I immediately got a salary exactly that of my previous wage, only with cheaper cost of living. Never move to London.

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