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Coffee Jones
Jul 4, 2004

. . . .

ThePeavstenator posted:

Out of curiosity I took a look at open positions at Twitch. Are Amazon subsidiaries pretty independent or are they all just Amazon with a different logo on the building?

I see purple twitch hoodies around town worn by people too old to ever have anything to do with twitch, so I think they like to maintain their separate identity from The Mothership.

Any large business is gets run like separate small businesses, so Whole Foods, Amazon Restaurants, Amazon Prime Now, Amazon Fresh are effectively competitors.


Jun 18, 2004

by Fluffdaddy
Slippery Tilde
i hate hoodies so much. What a boring, repressive thing to wear. I am angry. ANGRY ABOUT HOODIES.

skimothy milkerson
Nov 19, 2006

qhat posted:

Lol this diamond always seems to resurface. Did they ask you if python can run with multiple threads too?

you sure can... sort of

very carefully

Achmed Jones
Oct 16, 2004

Gazpacho posted:

i hate hoodies so much. What a boring, repressive thing to wear. I am angry. ANGRY ABOUT HOODIES.

pullover hoodies 👎

zipup hoodies 😻

Mar 3, 2013

Achmed Jones posted:

pullover hoodies 👎

zipup hoodies 😻

q effing t

May 27, 2001


Achmed Jones posted:

pullover hoodies 👎

zipup hoodies 😻

Nov 12, 2016


Achmed Jones posted:

pullover hoodies 👎

zipup hoodies 😻

i used to be on team pullover

i also used to be a complete dipshit

still am but nonetheless

Nov 12, 2016


remember when low tax held that pullover vs zip up poll and it stayed at exactly 50/50 for a week

Feb 26, 2016


Achmed Jones posted:

pullover hoodies 👎

zipup hoodies 😻
I've got different zipper hoods for different types of weather.

Jun 18, 2004

by Fluffdaddy
Slippery Tilde
You have one year of json experience? I am sorry my client wants at least three years of Json experience. I will keep your information on file sir

Feb 26, 2016


Gazpacho posted:

You have one year of json experience? I am sorry my client wants at least three years of Json experience. I will keep your information on file sir
What exactly could you learn in 3 years of using JSON that you couldn't in one?

Jun 18, 2004

by Fluffdaddy
Slippery Tilde

Jun 18, 2004

by Fluffdaddy
Slippery Tilde
whenever this happens (e.g. "API experience") I can't resist the urge to argue with the recruiter, tell them that X either isn't actually a skill or isn't one that requires development. which is of course pointless, beep boop what is your number sir

Mahatma Goonsay
Jun 6, 2007
hmmmm you mention react here, but do you have experience with javascript??????

Kind Friend
Sep 9, 2013

Gazpacho posted:

whenever this happens (e.g. "API experience") I can't resist the urge to argue with the recruiter, tell them that X either isn't actually a skill or isn't one that requires development. which is of course pointless, beep boop what is your number sir

have you considered lying

Jun 18, 2004

by Fluffdaddy
Slippery Tilde
only when I know what the right lie is

Mar 3, 2013

i have one million years experience with json

distortion park
Apr 25, 2011

What sort of response times have people got when applying via a companies own website? I've been trying to avoid recruiters so far this time but at least they actually get you into interview fairly quickly

Jun 18, 2004

by Fluffdaddy
Slippery Tilde
same week / months

Aug 5, 2008

pointsofdata posted:

What sort of response times have people got when applying via a companies own website? I've been trying to avoid recruiters so far this time but at least they actually get you into interview fairly quickly

anywhere between 6 hours and 4 months

good luck

e: this does not count the ones i never got any sort of reply to or acknowledgement of. honestly i sort of wouldn't be surprised if i got an email back about an application from >1 year ago at this point

Apr 1, 2006

I'ma buck you up.
I’ve gotten calls 3+ months after accepting and starting a position before, but this round of hunting I was getting direct contacts real fast. My experience was like <24 hours-2 weeks for the ones that actually got back to me.

Apr 3, 2010
That's actually like perfect timing since I plan to bounce around May.

Hunter2 Thompson
Feb 3, 2005

Ramrod XTreme
here’s a trick that sometimes works

find the job posting on linkedin, if it exists on linkedin.

linkedin tells you who posted a job. go visit the poster’s page with your visibility set to public. maybe even add the job poster as a connection

I’ve gotten way better response rates doing this than just applying through the company’s site.

Apr 3, 2010
I've been using linked in while my hired profile ~activates~, but I have not checked out the poster's profile. Thanks for the tip.

distortion park
Apr 25, 2011

Tetramin posted:

I’ve gotten calls 3+ months after accepting and starting a position before, but this round of hunting I was getting direct contacts real fast. My experience was like <24 hours-2 weeks for the ones that actually got back to me.

That was my experience last time as well (including hearing from people months after starting elsewhere). I suppose I should just hold my nose and find a recruiter I like

Jan 25, 2005

a last drink with no ice
my boss told me today in a surprise 1-on-1 that the bonus pool he's getting to work with is stupid small and that the only way i'm going to get what i deserve is to find a new job (not in those exact words but that was the sentiment)

so now i plan to wfh more often and use the time for job searching lol

interviewing is garbage but so is not getting paid what you could be!!

Jun 18, 2004

by Fluffdaddy
Slippery Tilde
jss: firing off so many resumes that google thinks i'm a robot

Jun 25, 2000


raminasi posted:

my boss told me today in a surprise 1-on-1 that the bonus pool he's getting to work with is stupid small and that the only way i'm going to get what i deserve is to find a new job (not in those exact words but that was the sentiment)

Sep 10, 2003

peed on;


raminasi posted:

my boss told me today in a surprise 1-on-1 that the bonus pool he's getting to work with is stupid small and that the only way i'm going to get what i deserve is to find a new job (not in those exact words but that was the sentiment)
this training video has some helpful suggestions for getting the raise you deserve

Nov 12, 2016


raminasi posted:

my boss told me today in a surprise 1-on-1 that the bonus pool he's getting to work with is stupid small and that the only way i'm going to get what i deserve is to find a new job (not in those exact words but that was the sentiment)

so now i plan to wfh more often and use the time for job searching lol

interviewing is garbage but so is not getting paid what you could be!!

this is a good boss and it's a shame you're gonna have to leave him behind

Sep 10, 2003

peed on;


Rex-Goliath posted:

this is a good boss and it's a shame you're gonna have to leave him behind
come to rest in a better company, settle in, and then recruit your old boss to come work for you

distortion park
Apr 25, 2011

FMguru posted:

come to rest in a better company, settle in, and then recruit your old boss to come work for you

My current boss did this

Jan 25, 2005

a last drink with no ice

Rex-Goliath posted:

this is a good boss and it's a shame you're gonna have to leave him behind

yeah I’ll miss him

Jun 18, 2004

by Fluffdaddy
Slippery Tilde
unnnnnnngggggh i hate recruiters so fuckin much. "sorry you're not quite the right shade of blue, i will call you if something comes up."

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene

Gazpacho posted:

unnnnnnngggggh i hate recruiters so fuckin much. "sorry you're not quite the right shade of blue, i will call you if something comes up."

so i know you enough from your posting to say that you probably hosed up something much more serious than your particular shade of blue

the good news is that external recruiters don't have the same loyalties or compliance issues as inside recruiters, so if you ask the motherfucker how you hosed it up, you might get a valuable answer

Jun 18, 2004

by Fluffdaddy
Slippery Tilde

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

so i know you enough from your posting to say that you probably hosed up something much more serious than your particular shade of blue
you know that I have spent years doing jobs that paid but were not based on technology that is fashionable, subject to stupid organizational mandates that kept me from doing rational things. when a recruiter (internal or external) plays buzzword bingo on my resume I lose every time.

in any case knowing how i hosed up is not a way out, which is why I've started applying for junior roles with a master's degree

Gazpacho fucked around with this message at 00:39 on Nov 17, 2018

Jun 18, 2004

by Fluffdaddy
Slippery Tilde
btw nobody has expressed any interest in whether I abused build tools

Apr 1, 2006

I'ma buck you up.
I asked this in bfc but I wanna ask here too...

My offer letter says I get 80 hours of PTO.

I accept offer and get a link to complete their onboarding on the ultipro hr system.

after completing that, I get an email with several PDFs, one is the vacation policy. the policy says you get 40 hours during year one, 80 year 2.

Aside from the part that says pto is accrued monthly with no annual rollover(have a lot of questions about how that works), I’m operating under the assumption that the second form I got is some sort of old form.

when I have them explain the policy to me on day 1, if it’s the worst case and it is indeed 40 hours for the first year, is it reasonable to explain that my offer explicitly says 80 hours and that I accepted the offer heavily based on that? 40 hours for a year is totally not competitive with the local market and I accepted because I was given 55(slight pay cut from last job but I was unemployed 6mo so fine) plus 80 hours?

I feel a little bit hosed over here unless it was the best possible scenario which is “yeah that form is old, you get two weeks of pto”. I would have at least sent some sort of counter for higher salary based on the poo poo pto

e: I feel like I should make clear that I don’t feel comfortable walking away from the offer even if they do give me a poo poo pto package. I can’t afford to stay unemployed. so if the worst happens, I’m eating it with a grin and waiting 6 months till I can put the upgraded title on my resume.

Tetramin fucked around with this message at 00:56 on Nov 17, 2018

Sep 9, 2003

Big ol' smile.
Yes, absolutely bring that up and press them on it. And if you do end up leaving, say that's why.


Hunter2 Thompson
Feb 3, 2005

Ramrod XTreme
bring that up ASAP with the recruiter. don’t wait until day 1.

if they tell you that its 40 and non-negotiable, then at least you can restart your job search quickly. waiting until your first day wastes everyone’s time.

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