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Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene

pointsofdata posted:

Just saw "the bulk of turnover is voluntary" as an hr response to a glassdoor review about high turnover

way to drat with faint praise, hr

"at least we're not having mass firings!"


Nomnom Cookie
Aug 30, 2009

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

the catch is that much of this is already true if you work a high-paying white collar job in the u.s.

the united states is a very, very good place to be a rich software dweeb. the pay is unrivaled. every QoL marker is very high. it's just a good life, which is why people come here.

it is a very, very bad place to be poor. you don't want to be a working stiff in the united states. there are no meaningful legal protections for you, and the social safety net is threadbare.

all of this is true :/

Jul 4, 2004

So hot ...

pointsofdata posted:

Just saw "the bulk of turnover is voluntary" as an hr response to a glassdoor review about high turnover

the volunteering will continue until morale improves

Nov 12, 2016


pointsofdata posted:

Just saw "the bulk of turnover is voluntary" as an hr response to a glassdoor review about high turnover


Jul 6, 2015

Someone should make a thread titled "poo poo people say on Glassdoor" where people post poo poo they've seen people say on Glassdoor. It'd be goldmined in minutes I bet.

bob dobbs is dead
Oct 8, 2017

Peeps are idiots, Leslie.
Nap Ghost

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

the catch is that much of this is already true if you work a high-paying white collar job in the u.s.

the united states is a very, very good place to be a rich software dweeb. the pay is unrivaled. every QoL marker is very high. it's just a good life, which is why people come here.

it is a very, very bad place to be poor. you don't want to be a working stiff in the united states. there are no meaningful legal protections for you, and the social safety net is threadbare.

i knew peeps who paid $160k/year all up for private school and day care and considered it cheap

he was pretty up in the line of people for the :thermidor: but you know, not free

free great schooling, pay $1.5 million for a home

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene

bob dobbs is dead posted:

i knew peeps who paid $160k/year all up for private school and day care and considered it cheap

he was pretty up in the line of people for the :thermidor: but you know, not free

free great schooling, pay $1.5 million for a home

paying for private school is a choice, it’s free by default in all 50 states

also computer touchers tend to make a lot of money

e.g. I don’t know too many people with daycare bills because they prefer to employ nannies

Jul 6, 2015

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

paying for private school is a choice

This does not seem like much of a choice in America. Okay free schools, but the best teachers get paid private, and the best students taught by the best teachers get scholarships.

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene

qhat posted:

This does not seem like much of a choice in America. Okay free schools, but the best teachers get paid private, and the best students taught by the best teachers get scholarships.

private schools often pay much less than public, and have lesser credential requirements

(hint: private schooling is almost never about education)

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene
if you only look at uppermost quintile households, you would conclude the u.s. has the best public education in the world. because kids in computer touchers income bracket households have great outcomes

if you looked at only the bottom two quintile households, you would draw very different conclusions

Jul 6, 2015

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

private schools often pay much less than public, and have lesser credential requirements

(hint: private schooling is almost never about education)

That's weird to me. Well, in the UK at least, you get paid significantly more than public, and btw if you get paid public you get paid dogshit. We're talking £25k or less. Although I have teacher friends here in Canada and they get paid v.nice. UK though, as someone who had experienced both systems, private there is significantly augmented over public.

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene
oh I forgot you are a non-American

yeah private schooling in America is nearly always about either race or religion.

4lokos basilisk
Jul 17, 2008

just my 0.02€ but making high figgies in the us under the current state of things seems like there is also a significant chance to have your high quality life ended by some desperate guy with a gun

i mean it's not at brazil levels of armored corollas yet but uhh it does seem a lot like jit bull is correct and the figgies are mostly meant for ensuring that you get to life your life in safety without crippling medical debt etc. whilst in a more egalitarian country i just will not have to worry about this poo poo because for the most part the system is not rigged to churn people to poverty and desperation

that said i will probably still accept an offer to work in SV or even the US in general because i come from eastern europe where you do not look a gift horse in the mouth

bob dobbs is dead
Oct 8, 2017

Peeps are idiots, Leslie.
Nap Ghost

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

oh I forgot you are a non-American

yeah private schooling in America is nearly always about either race or religion.

if you're sending your kids to philips academy, it's ostensibly about religion but mostly about turbocompetitiveness

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene

Penisface posted:

just my 0.02€ but making high figgies in the us under the current state of things seems like there is also a significant chance to have your high quality life ended by some desperate guy with a gun

yes, but the odds are that the desperate guy will be you

(we have a high suicide rate in part because guns have a very high success rate. American men make a relatively normal number of attempts, but succeed more often than other countries)

Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

yes, but the odds are that the desperate guy will be you

(we have a high suicide rate in part because guns have a very high success rate. American men make a relatively normal number of attempts, but succeed more often than other countries)

a gun is a very effective tool for people looking to commit suicide, which is bad enough. the problem is that some of those people also avail themselves of its effectiveness in taking a few additional people along for the ride.

Progressive JPEG
Feb 19, 2003

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

the catch is that much of this is already true if you work a high-paying white collar job in the u.s.

the united states is a very, very good place to be a rich software dweeb. the pay is unrivaled. every QoL marker is very high. it's just a good life, which is why people come here.

it is a very, very bad place to be poor. you don't want to be a working stiff in the united states. there are no meaningful legal protections for you, and the social safety net is threadbare.

i had a coworker in the bay area who got hantavirus at yosemite during that outbreak in 2012, they survived but as a complication they effectively couldn't use a computer anymore and left the company, im sure that threadbare safety net worked great for them once they needed it

ultimately if you're gonna self insure by living and working in the US you basically need to already have 10 million in the bank

disclaimer: im now living in NZ and earning over 3x the local median income in the sweden of the south (with better weather), seeing that happen to someone was a major factor in the move

Progressive JPEG fucked around with this message at 19:26 on Nov 28, 2018

Janitor Prime
Jan 22, 2004


What da fuck does that mean

Fun Shoe
Counterpoint: just don't get sick and continue to act like you'll never get sick. Once you have "enough" wealth leave to a better country before you get sick

Aug 5, 2008

Janitor Prime posted:

Counterpoint: just don't get sick and continue to act like you'll never get sick. Once you have "enough" wealth leave to a better country before you get sick

this is basically my plan, yeah

and hoping that if i'm wrong that health/long-term disability insurance doesn't gently caress me over (lol it will if i ever need it)

The MUMPSorceress
Jan 6, 2012


Gary’s Answer

Penisface posted:

just my 0.02€ but making high figgies in the us under the current state of things seems like there is also a significant chance to have your high quality life ended by some desperate guy with a gun

i mean it's not at brazil levels of armored corollas yet but uhh it does seem a lot like jit bull is correct and the figgies are mostly meant for ensuring that you get to life your life in safety without crippling medical debt etc. whilst in a more egalitarian country i just will not have to worry about this poo poo because for the most part the system is not rigged to churn people to poverty and desperation

that said i will probably still accept an offer to work in SV or even the US in general because i come from eastern europe where you do not look a gift horse in the mouth

I mean my opinion should come with a grain of salt because I literally have ptsd from growing up in the ghetto and am mentally unable to accept my present financial situation yet somehow I spent 30k on airfare this year.

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene

Progressive JPEG posted:

i had a coworker in the bay area who got hantavirus at yosemite during that outbreak in 2012, they survived but as a complication they effectively couldn't use a computer anymore and left the company, im sure that threadbare safety net worked great for them once they needed it

every job I’ve ever had offered long term disability insurance, at 70-80% of final salary

additionally this is one of the very few things covered by America’s threadbare social safety net — social security will chip in enough to keep you alive

(you really, really want that group disability policy tho)

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene
foreigners get hella smug about American living conditions because they see poo poo in the news

that poo poo is genuinely horrifying, but it happens to average Americans, not overpaid computer dweebs

working a software job means money and comfort and safety, rivaling or exceeding conditions in every other country on earth

Nomnom Cookie
Aug 30, 2009

unless your LTD plan decides not to pay out for whatever reason. SSDI is its own special ball of poo poo, being persistence-tested welfare for people who really really don’t want to work in addition to sometimes accidentally providing benefits to the disabled

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene

Janitor Prime posted:

Counterpoint: just don't get sick and continue to act like you'll never get sick. Once you have "enough" wealth leave to a better country before you get sick

the only health scenario I worry about is early retirement
  • if you are 65 or over, the government takes care of you
  • if you are disabled, the government takes care of you
  • if you are employed, your employer takes care of you

if you are under 65, able bodied, and you retire, it’s a crap shoot

private insurance markets are unhealthy and you might literally have to move across state lines to get reasonable healthcare

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene

Kevin Mitnick P.E. posted:

unless your LTD plan decides not to pay out for whatever reason. SSDI is its own special ball of poo poo, being persistence-tested welfare for people who really really don’t want to work in addition to sometimes accidentally providing benefits to the disabled

again, only a problem for poor people. computer touchers just pay a lawyer

Nov 20, 2005


i cracked open my retirement today to the tune of $5k ($3.5k after withholding) since I don't expect short term disability to get through appeals before February

assuming it pays at all of course, assuming me and doctor(s) can successfully justify it (assuming it deserves to be justified, being mere anxiety/depression/idkwtf anymore)

Ciaphas fucked around with this message at 06:51 on Nov 29, 2018

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene

Ciaphas posted:

i cracked open my retirement today to the tune of $5k ($3.5k after withholding) since I don't expect short term disability to get through appeals before February

assuming it pays at all of course, assuming me and doctor(s) can successfully justify it (assuming it deserves to be justified, being mere anxiety)

you should probably talk to a lawyer if they denied your initial claim

also, you should post in BFC to fix your budget because a few months out of work should not be driving you to crack open your 401k

Nov 20, 2005


always assumed 10k ish would be enough since i have no home ownership/maintenance emergency concerns, live alone, never travel, try to keep the little spends in line (not always successfully, true), and hey, work's disability would be sure to keep me held up

and it did, 'til my brain broke in the same year as my back and they said 'no way jose' on a second go at leave

lovely lesson to have to learn under the circumstances but, well, hopefully i'll remember it if i get by :shrug:

Ciaphas fucked around with this message at 07:02 on Nov 29, 2018

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene
yeah this was a really bad way to learn that 10k is not an adequate emergency fund

you should definitely talk to a lawyer btw. merely talking about your problem is free and only a lawyer can tell you whether they can help

Jun 29, 2002

I, for one, welcome our new mouse overlords.

jit bull transpile posted:

I mean my opinion should come with a grain of salt because I literally have ptsd from growing up in the ghetto and am mentally unable to accept my present financial situation yet somehow I spent 30k on airfare this year.

30k on airfare? $2500 per month on airfare? $575 a week on airfare?


The MUMPSorceress
Jan 6, 2012


Gary’s Answer

Fiedler posted:

30k on airfare? $2500 per month on airfare? $575 a week on airfare?


a family member back home is fighting cancer and we've flown home a lot of times to take care of them. I'm physically too big to sit in coach because I'm a giant so we fly first.

what I'm trying to say is that I might describe stuff in a crisis like manner but in reality I can afford to drop money like that but my ptsd keeps me from accepting the idea I have a stable and safe living situation. it's hosed up.

4lokos basilisk
Jul 17, 2008

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

foreigners get hella smug about American living conditions because they see poo poo in the news

that poo poo is genuinely horrifying, but it happens to average Americans, not overpaid computer dweebs

working a software job means money and comfort and safety, rivaling or exceeding conditions in every other country on earth

i don't even think it's because i see poo poo in the news

it's more like this

jit bull transpile posted:

what I'm trying to say is that I might describe stuff in a crisis like manner but in reality I can afford to drop money like that but my ptsd keeps me from accepting the idea I have a stable and safe living situation. it's hosed up.

i don't have any diagnosed ptsd nor would i say i grew up in a ghetto but still having grown up in post soviet 90s and living in japan now i feel the way i like living my life doesn't fit - it's some accident of fate i got this computers gig and i better not get too greedy unless i fall off the train (or tech stops being a well paid sector) and then i end up back at square 1 with an unsustainable lifestyle

it's probably the same thing which gives some billionaire's kid the confidence to walk up on stage selling a juicer that they really actually do believe they are saving the world with, except the opposite

Aug 14, 2003

Motherfucker's got an
armor-piercing crowbar! Rigoddamndicu𝜆ous.

jit bull transpile posted:

physically too big to sit in coach

doesn't stop the people I get stuck next to

Jun 24, 2002

Hey stop worrying bout my acting bitch, and worry about your WACK ass music. In the mean time... Eat a hot bowl of Dicks! Ice T

Soiled Meat

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

working a software job means money and comfort and safety, rivaling or exceeding conditions in every other country on earth

agreed. im a loving idiot and i scrooge mcduck my way through life without ever caring about my bank account balance or consequences of my financial actions. it owns, but it's def not fair.

Nov 20, 2005


got a call from a recruiter this morning!!

it was the same recruiter who called me a week and a half ago, she didn't even know we had previously spoken and (again) offered me jobs i'm unqualified and anti-interested in

just kills my will to even fuckin try, this sort of thing. "finally, someone looked at my resume and saw something good to discu--oh"

Nov 20, 2005


should probably just give up on this anxiety treatment and go back to work tbh

Janitor Prime
Jan 22, 2004


What da fuck does that mean

Fun Shoe

Ciaphas posted:

got a call from a recruiter this morning!!

it was the same recruiter who called me a week and a half ago, she didn't even know we had previously spoken and (again) offered me jobs i'm unqualified and anti-interested in

just kills my will to even fuckin try, this sort of thing. "finally, someone looked at my resume and saw something good to discu--oh"

Hey Ciaphas, have you considered applying outside your country? A few years ago when I was looking for a job, I expanded my search and started applying to jobs in contries like Germany, Finland, Sweden and the Netherlands to keep myself busy. I got quite a few phone screens and managed to land 2 job offers from Germany! Ultimately I took a job at Amazon in Seattle, but still it was nice and refreshing to have all these other places to apply to.

Nov 20, 2005


I haven't, but i'm bound to admit that's more out of fear of the unknown than anything else--even realizing Las Vegas area wasn't gonna cut it alone took me way too long to admit :(

i'll keep that in mind when i'm ready to try again today/tomorrow

Captain Foo
May 11, 2004

we vibin'
we slidin'
we breathin'
we dyin'

Ciaphas posted:

should probably just give up on this anxiety treatment and



champagne posting
Apr 5, 2006


the recruiter who contacted me specializing in finding freelancers jobs has found me what appears to be a permanent position at a right wing bank

interviewing there Monday

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