Notorious b.s.d. posted:foreigners get hella smug about American living conditions because they see poo poo in the news Yeah let me tell you about the time a decade ago I was unemployed from my junior level job going under thanks to corporate bankruptcy and my diabetic wife was living off free samples of insulin from her doctor because we had no insurance. The entire software industry is not your fancy rear end job in NYC fintech and you should probably acknowledge that.
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# ? Feb 12, 2025 07:48 |
first interview I gave I brought in the applicants mother tied to a chair, handed them a gun, and then told them they “weren’t what we were looking for” when they questioned shooting her
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feedmegin posted:Yeah let me tell you about the time a decade ago I was unemployed from my junior level job going under thanks to corporate bankruptcy and my diabetic wife was living off free samples of insulin from her doctor because we had no insurance. that would run counter to his gimmick though
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feedmegin posted:The downside is that someone who is good at their job (which is rare) works for your competitor, not you. Sorry if this isn't enough incentive for you. yeah why should i gaf what happens to my employer. does my employer gaf what happens to me
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feedmegin posted:Yeah let me tell you about the time a decade ago I was unemployed from my junior level job going under thanks to corporate bankruptcy and my diabetic wife was living off free samples of insulin from her doctor because we had no insurance. unemployed computer touchers in the usa are just as hosed as any other unemployed ur not making nbsd wrong here
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feedmegin posted:Yeah let me tell you about the time a decade ago I was unemployed from my junior level job going under thanks to corporate bankruptcy and my diabetic wife was living off free samples of insulin from her doctor because we had no insurance. cobra was passed in 1985, son if you failed to avail yourself of your legally guaranteed benefits in 2008, idk what to tell you feedmegin posted:The entire software industry is not your fancy rear end job in NYC fintech and you should probably acknowledge that. first, i don't work in fintech. secondly, the entire software industry is made up of people making multiples of the median wage in america even relatively lovely software jobs in 3rd-rate shithole employment markets pay better, have better benefits, and easier living than the jobs that average americans hold
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Kevin Mitnick P.E. posted:unemployed computer touchers in the usa are just as hosed as any other unemployed ur not making nbsd wrong here higher unemployment benefits, an almost permanently tighter job market (with one notable dry spell), and deeper pockets certainly make a difference do you seriously believe that losing your $80k/year software job is at all the same as losing a $10/hour factory job in rural kentucky
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Notorious b.s.d. posted:cobra was passed in 1985, son if your previous employer shuts down, theres no health plan for you to cobra into
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FMguru posted:if your previous employer shuts down, theres no health plan for you to cobra into that's only possible if your previous employer liquidates -- i.e. chapter 7 it happens, but it's extraordinarily rare most failing companies go through chapter 11 and/or sell themselves to more successful competitors. both outcomes mean cobra still works
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i am really shocked at how much pushback i am getting on the general thesis of "computer touchers have it good"
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Notorious b.s.d. posted:higher unemployment benefits, an almost permanently tighter job market (with one notable dry spell), and deeper pockets certainly make a difference naw now you're talking specifics and asserting they apply generally. how hosed you are if you get fired is extremely situational
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Kevin Mitnick P.E. posted:naw now you're talking specifics and asserting they apply generally. how hosed you are if you get fired is extremely situational yeah, well, however "situational" it is, it's a lot easier to get fired from a high paying job with full benefits than a low-paying job with none every time
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like seriously ![]() when i was on the phones i coulda gotten fired and had a job a week later paying at least 80% what i was making before. now, i can expect to spend at least a month but maybe 6 months+ going through hiring pipelines while waiting for my unemployment benefit of 15% of base pay to kick in. how hosed would i have been then, how hosed would i be now, you still have nfk
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Kevin Mitnick P.E. posted:like seriously if you have been working in software for a couple years and you don't have the savings to support a six month dry spell, i don't know what to tell you can't fix stupid
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Notorious b.s.d. posted:if you have been working in software for a couple years and you don't have the savings to support a six month dry spell, i don't know what to tell you gently caress you too
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lollin a little too cause i would've been hosed a lot worse back then eatin beans and rice 3x a day hopin my parents send me new pants for christmas if my pay got cut 20% and now id just sit on my dick playin fallout for a year, but yknow thats due to the specifics of my respective situations and poo poo you didnt know
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Notorious b.s.d. posted:i am really shocked at how much pushback i am getting on the general thesis of "computer touchers have it good" "computer touchers generally have it good" and "no computer toucher should ever have any reason to struggle" are not the same claims also cobra exists but it ain't cheap
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last cobra letter i got said i could have my lovely hdhp for the low low price of $1500 a month. before that was an actually decent plan with copays and a maximum out of pocket that would have made healthcare affordable when i was on the phones, if premiums were 0. $3300 a month on cobra every time i get a cobra letter the reaction is the same. who is buying cobra coverage. are they on a respirator or some poo poo
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Kevin Mitnick P.E. posted:lollin a little too cause i would've been hosed a lot worse back then eatin beans and rice 3x a day hopin my parents send me new pants for christmas if my pay got cut 20% and now id just sit on my dick playin fallout for a year, but yknow oh the P.E. stands for pants engineer
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love to pay $900/mo for cobra. at least my state is good and was able to get myself state healthcare for free, paying the $3 for an ambulance ride would’ve been tough though.
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Kevin Mitnick P.E. posted:last cobra letter i got said i could have my lovely hdhp for the low low price of $1500 a month. before that was an actually decent plan with copays and a maximum out of pocket that would have made healthcare affordable when i was on the phones, if premiums were 0. $3300 a month on cobra
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yeah it’s a huge scam and pretending like it’s some sort of safety net for unemployed people is hilariously stupid
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summer children remember before aca? pre-existing conditions? get fired for cancer and without cobra no one will pay for your chemo until after your dead still a huge scam, just used to be a safety net as well
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I mean spending all your savings you've built up for the past 2 years in a six month dry spell also sucks balls too
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now that private insurance markets are drying up and blowing away cobra is relevant again
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there are a billion different ways to fall through the cracks in america unless you have capital-c Capital 80k a year is hella better than hourly work in a lot of ways but to poo poo on anyone who works for a living for having a hard time between jobs is a dick move. congrats on being comfortable, but there’s a lot of people pretty similar to you who aren’t for no fault of their own.
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Notorious b.s.d. posted:i am really shocked at how much pushback i am getting on the general thesis of "computer touchers have it good" well a lot of yosposters are broke-brained losers who never had a computer toucher job in the first place. its sort of sad that this was the subforum they picked, but here we are
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One of the coding challenges I took had 2 test cases. One was 5 lines with the result, the next a 30mb file and had no expected output only 1 submission allowed is this tdd?
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CRIP EATIN BREAD posted:well a lot of yosposters are broke-brained losers who never had a computer toucher job in the first place. judging from the stories on this page a lot of the computer touchers are not very good at living within their means, but that's more of a bfc topic than yospos being a computer toucher in america is a really, really, really good spot. as good as the working man has ever had it. be glad for what little you got
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elite_garbage_man posted:One of the coding challenges I took had 2 test cases. One was 5 lines with the result, the next a 30mb file and had no expected output sounds fine to me
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fritz posted:the deeper we get into this eternal 2018 the more i think an old boss of mine was right about never even interviewing stanford graduates
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fritz posted:the deeper we get into this eternal 2018 the more i think an old boss of mine was right about never even interviewing stanford graduates one of the hardest lessons for me to learn moving to the east coast is that the graduates of harvard, yale, penn, et al are exactly the same as the graduates of regional prestige universities i.e. mostly garbage. just like everyone else, but with rich parents, and an inflated self-opinion and some cool branded merchandise
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all people are trying to say is, if you lived somewhere that wasn't so relentlessly hell-bent on loving unfortunate people, you wouldn't have to worry so much, even if you didn't get quite as much money to take home
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Kevin Mitnick P.E. posted:last cobra letter i got said i could have my lovely hdhp for the low low price of $1500 a month. before that was an actually decent plan with copays and a maximum out of pocket that would have made healthcare affordable when i was on the phones, if premiums were 0. $3300 a month on cobra Yeah it was basically this. You can be reasonably well paid as a junior software engineer and still get hosed out the rear end on healthcare in the US if you become unemployed. I'm surprised this is even remotely controversial. The fact that it's even worse if you were a steelworker or something is pretty cold loving comfort if you have a dependent with a medical condition. Edit: in more 'the world isn't NYC' news lol at getting paid 80k as a junior in most of the US btw. feedmegin fucked around with this message at 11:31 on Dec 3, 2018 |
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TheFluff posted:all people are trying to say is, if you lived somewhere that wasn't so relentlessly hell-bent on loving unfortunate people, you wouldn't have to worry so much, even if you didn't get quite as much money to take home but that's socialism!
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CRIP EATIN BREAD posted:never show any weakness during an interview or I will loving eat you *Listening intently, nodding, taking notes* How do you feel about quote unquote "loyalty tests"?
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We're just starting interviews for Tim Winter's Bombastic Tech Productivity Cult, and I was hoping to get some pointers. It's like a typical farm in the hills cult, but obviously we write code instead of making apple cider, and most of the religious components are replaced with scrum. Any interviewing tips or advice what kind of candidates to look for? Positions are open at all levels (we replaced our furnace with a block chain "proof of heat" generator and secured funding almost immediately).
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Sometimes I set up a real Monty Hall problem but behind the door they choose is a pit of snakes where they are immediately pushed down into.
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this guy got pretty good results with his interview technique https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCXbib9MahE
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# ? Feb 12, 2025 07:48 |
Notorious b.s.d. posted:one of the hardest lessons for me to learn moving to the east coast is that the graduates of harvard, yale, penn, et al are exactly the same as the graduates of regional prestige universities i went to plutocrat school the key is to figure out if their parents are rich and bin the resume if the answer is yes one kid i knew had a site describing her horse farm that her uncle paid for
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