i am just glad Ciaphas got to have a in person interview and a confidence boost that and i am probably putting in my notice next week
# ? Dec 14, 2018 10:33 |
# ? Jan 19, 2025 16:19 |
interviewing status: still garbage after putting in some 45-50 minutes to a personality and iq test for a bank they replied with "we don't think you really want this". this was after the first interview with their team leader who seemed enthusiastic about me
# ? Dec 14, 2018 12:21 |
got rejected from the place I went to wed. have a phone screen with another place today. I’m sure it is a good sign that they have a weird bug on their homepage.
# ? Dec 14, 2018 12:37 |
Boiled Water posted:interviewing status: still garbage Reply, in person, with, "You don't know me, mother fucker!" to show you really do.
# ? Dec 14, 2018 15:48 |
i must be interviewing at a real start up, the cto sat in on my technical phone screen. shouldn't they have something better to do?
# ? Dec 14, 2018 16:11 |
Mahatma Goonsay posted:i must be interviewing at a real start up, the cto sat in on my technical phone screen. shouldn't they have something better to do? For smal companies it's not that uncommon, startup or not. If the company is small enough, the CTO is probably only one level above your boss and the cost of hiring a developer isn't nothing. Would it be a waste of time for the CTO to be involved in a decision to budget another 100k/year for AWS? The answer to that last one is yes, because AWS is a hungry god that you must unquestioningly appease by shoveling money into its gaping, firey maw
# ? Dec 14, 2018 17:42 |
PhyrexianLibrarian posted:this seems like the best thread to complain about a google on-site giving me literally zero system design questions, and 3 different questions about turning inputs into graphs, and then traversing those graphs graphs!!!! god I loving love graphs!!!!! they are everything in the world!!! everything is a graph!! crush them up and snort them and do a million knight moves theory problems in 15 minutes!!! universal constant!!!!!!! hail graphs!!!!!!!! shove a graph up my butt!!!!! depth first depth first depth first depth first depth first depth first depth first depth first depth first a* depth first
# ? Dec 14, 2018 17:43 |
nobody loving uses or gives a poo poo about graphs, graphs are a solved problem. no one loving cares. stop asking graph theory questions. god drat.
# ? Dec 14, 2018 17:43 |
if your work involves heavy knowledge of graph theory you aren’t interviewing anyone for it, you’re reaching out through your post doc connections or google alumni
# ? Dec 14, 2018 17:46 |
actually a lot of people use and give a poo poo about graphs but that doesn't mean anyone needs to be solving graph theory questions on a whiteboard google-style
# ? Dec 14, 2018 18:40 |
here's my graph theory he's good
# ? Dec 14, 2018 18:54 |
oof, second tech interview (different company ) didn't go so hot--seems i stumble hard when my coding is being directly observed, missed a really obvious solution to a problem we were working on with the old tic-tac-toe saw i guess they still want to do the next stage maybe, or at least he says so, so no harm no foul i guess, but man i definitely do better when i can separately try to talk and walk god help me if they ever try to enforce pair programming like someone else in here was, lol Ciaphas fucked around with this message at 19:10 on Dec 14, 2018 |
# ? Dec 14, 2018 19:07 |
I might be moving to a new gig within my workplace under a whole different division; should be cool and maybe a lot more visible in other news i'm doing a favor assignment on an old project to fix a few bugs while the main dev is out and I think they introduced some majorly bad regressions in simple things in the time since I and the other old dev left like i don't understand how you could gently caress up this badly
# ? Dec 14, 2018 19:43 |
Ciaphas posted:oof, second tech interview (different company ) didn't go so hot--seems i stumble hard when my coding is being directly observed, missed a really obvious solution to a problem we were working on with the old tic-tac-toe saw in my interview for current job at a FAANG, doing a really simple RLE encoder on a whiteboard, my big check was if (c = last_char){ for 5 minutes it sat there on the whiteboard, the silliest little mistake of = instead of ==, while we hashed out other problems in the code, until i noticed it especially if you haven't sat on the other side of the table, EVERYONE stumbles live. it's fine. don't beat yourself up, don't stress that they're reaching the "wrong" conclusions about you
# ? Dec 14, 2018 19:58 |
JawnV6 posted:in my interview for current job at a FAANG, doing a really simple RLE encoder on a whiteboard, my big check was if (c = last_char){ yeah i kinda have to work through and past the whole self-incriminating thing i do. lizard brain character trait in this case I'd written myself into a trap where I needed to set a string, call a function, then unset that string (because that function's supposed to check gamestate after a move--we were writing CanPlayerWinThisTurn(Player, Board) essentially) long story short i went into a rabbit hole of refactoring functions instead of just setting/unsetting the drat string and being done, out of feeling like I had to optimize that out/clean it up. letting perfect be the enemy of good-enough, kinda thing
# ? Dec 14, 2018 20:06 |
Pollyanna posted:graphs!!!! god I loving love graphs!!!!! they are everything in the world!!! everything is a graph!! crush them up and snort them and do a million knight moves theory problems in 15 minutes!!! universal constant!!!!!!! hail graphs!!!!!!!! shove a graph up my butt!!!!! depth first depth first depth first depth first depth first depth first depth first depth first depth first a* depth first Pollyanna posted:nobody loving uses or gives a poo poo about graphs, graphs are a solved problem. no one loving cares. stop asking graph theory questions. god drat. b& for mod sass
# ? Dec 14, 2018 20:56 |
I think everyone starts doing incredibly bad at graph problems (it's not an intuitive topic and it has quite a bit of different theory) but eventually things click and you *get it* and then you start having fun with these problems not saying graphs are super important, just explaining what's the deal. also I may be biased because I like math
# ? Dec 15, 2018 02:35 |
Pollyanna posted:nobody loving uses or gives a poo poo about graphs, graphs are a solved problem. no one loving cares. stop asking graph theory questions. god drat. my gimmick is that i seriouspost. next
# ? Dec 15, 2018 02:36 |
bfs/dfs is kind of tricky to get right in interview style problems but they are important topics to understand the modelling of control flow in computer programming imo
# ? Dec 15, 2018 02:38 |
graph posted:my gimmick is that i seriouspost. next [hands out a probe] thank u, next
# ? Dec 15, 2018 02:41 |
also also the erdos-renyi graph is one of my pet topics I just like graph theory ok
# ? Dec 15, 2018 02:41 |
Symbolic Butt posted:also also the erdos-renyi graph is one of my pet topics sounds like me on hour 10 of a candyflip
# ? Dec 15, 2018 02:42 |
Symbolic Butt posted:I just like graph theory ok in practice however...
# ? Dec 15, 2018 03:18 |
FMguru posted:agreed that there is something likeable about graph in theory aaag probations
# ? Dec 15, 2018 04:52 |
today's AOC is hella graph theoretical: https://adventofcode.com/2018/day/15
Symbolic Butt fucked around with this message at 11:58 on Dec 15, 2018 |
# ? Dec 15, 2018 11:51 |
A week into this MSP thing, it’s going pretty well I guess? I think the current plan is to maybe do an MCSA and shop around the higher class MSPs? Maybe? E: I’m a complete fraud, unqualified for my role and unworthy of gainful employment in IT or any other sector. Discovery is imminent.
# ? Dec 15, 2018 15:10 |
Symbolic Butt posted:today's AOC is hella graph theoretical: https://adventofcode.com/2018/day/15 I’ve done every day up to this and took one look and nope the gently caress out I’m not getting paid to do this poo poo, that’s ridiculous
# ? Dec 15, 2018 15:54 |
It's not even particularly *difficult*, it's just long and tedious implementing your roguelike game engine to meet the spec hopefully tomorrow brings a fun level instead
# ? Dec 15, 2018 16:07 |
I liked doing it but it was way too long and I just don't have time left now to review my code and look up some neat graph connectivity algorithms to improve the solution
# ? Dec 15, 2018 17:49 |
guess im burning out. writing code when it isn't absolutely necessary seems like the most disgusting waste of time
# ? Dec 16, 2018 01:44 |
don’t open a text editor outside of business hours
# ? Dec 16, 2018 01:52 |
it's ok when you're unemployed lol
# ? Dec 16, 2018 02:52 |
Kevin Mitnick P.E. posted:guess im burning out. writing code when it isn't absolutely necessary seems like the most disgusting waste of time This isn't burning out. It's a realisation of fact
# ? Dec 16, 2018 20:44 |
today's problem was a bit like solving a sudoku puzzle
# ? Dec 17, 2018 02:11 |
JawnV6 posted:in my interview for current job at a FAANG, doing a really simple RLE encoder on a whiteboard, my big check was if (c = last_char){ Does that sort of mistake matter at all though on a whiteboard test?
# ? Dec 17, 2018 07:26 |
If the interviewer isn't an insecure rear end in a top hat who thinks their primary responsibility is proving that they're smarter than the candidate, then no, it doesn't matter at all. So basically a 50/50 as to whether it's relevant.
# ? Dec 17, 2018 07:38 |
hehehe told the boss today that i got a hugely better offer, and he said it was really sudden and surprising no, you dumbass, we have been talking about this for the last 2-3 months; even before i started you knew i was accepting an offer way way below market rate go ahead, hire that intern you were frantically talking to when i was leaving the office today, i am sure he is up to it i really wanted this job to work out well, i really did - i figured the low pay would be offset by wfh or more days off but nah
# ? Dec 17, 2018 09:02 |
that is how i feel my eventual leaving talk is going to go. they'll act all blindsided despite the fact it's something i mentioned very strongly and repeatedly in reviews this year.
# ? Dec 17, 2018 09:15 |
eh, they wouldn't hesitate to drop you out of the blue. why should you do them the courtesy of warning them that you're planning on leaving?
# ? Dec 17, 2018 09:31 |
# ? Jan 19, 2025 16:19 |
redleader posted:eh, they wouldn't hesitate to drop you out of the blue. why should you do them the courtesy of warning them that you're planning on leaving? in my case it's a japanese company so i guess the social contract of permanent employment still more or less works on the other hand i am not here to play the 50 year game of kiss rear end and they know that too
# ? Dec 17, 2018 09:49 |