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Symbolic Butt
Mar 22, 2009

edit: wrong thread


Apr 1, 2006

I'ma buck you up.

Dijkstracula posted:

Started a job last year with a 2h commute each way so I've been getting up at 5:45 every morning, pretty envious of all you who've managed to retain night owl status


how can you do this for a year without blowing your brains out. 4 hours in traffic every single day

Sep 30, 2009

You've got to be pretty careful you don't burn out if you're putting yourself through that every day

Jun 25, 2000


Symbolic Butt posted:

you shouldn't be comparing yourself to your wife like that though, it's kind of weird imo
Did you know when you donate blood components the blood center sells those to a local hospital? The Red Cross can get a thousand dollars for a unit of platelets, and you can give two units every week or two.

What I'm saying is it wasn't until my second year at BigCo that my total lifetime earnings finally exceeded my implied value as spare parts.

Mar 18, 2003

You can't spell 'vector field' without me, Professor!

Chalks posted:

You've got to be pretty careful you don't burn out if you're putting yourself through that every day

Yep this is what I've discovered. I'm renting a spare bedroom for a few nights a week down there, which has helped, but it's still, like, holy christ what am I doing with myself

Symbolic Butt
Mar 22, 2009


ShadowHawk posted:

Did you know when you donate blood components the blood center sells those to a local hospital? The Red Cross can get a thousand dollars for a unit of platelets, and you can give two units every week or two.

What I'm saying is it wasn't until my second year at BigCo that my total lifetime earnings finally exceeded my implied value as spare parts.

Arcteryx Anarchist
Sep 14, 2007

Fun Shoe
Wait wait wait, so you’re telling me I can get a thousand bucks for a bag of blood?

Apr 1, 2006

I'ma buck you up.

ShadowHawk posted:

Did you know when you donate blood components the blood center sells those to a local hospital? The Red Cross can get a thousand dollars for a unit of platelets, and you can give two units every week or two.

What I'm saying is it wasn't until my second year at BigCo that my total lifetime earnings finally exceeded my implied value as spare parts.

how often do you watch porn

Aug 24, 2004

Dijkstracula posted:

Yep this is what I've discovered. I'm renting a spare bedroom for a few nights a week down there, which has helped, but it's still, like, holy christ what am I doing with myself

lifehack: move to the spare bedroom and ditch your other place

Mar 18, 2003

You can't spell 'vector field' without me, Professor!

PokeJoe posted:

lifehack: move to the spare bedroom and ditch your other place
I'd get a dedicated parking spot since it's in the deepest darkest suburbs too so don't think this hasn't crossed my mind

Jun 25, 2000


lancemantis posted:

Wait wait wait, so you’re telling me I can get a thousand bucks for a bag of blood?
If you're a blood bank and selling it to a hospital, yes.

If you're an end donor, then no.

Also that's the price of separated components, whole blood is a little cheaper.

Mar 5, 2005
Can't post for 24 minutes!

ShadowHawk posted:

If you're a blood bank and selling it to a hospital, yes.

If you're an end donor, then no.

:thermidor: :thermidor: :thermidor: :thermidor: :thermidor:

Jan 25, 2005

a last drink with no ice

ShadowHawk posted:

you can give two units every week or two.


Jun 25, 2000

Of components, namely platelets.

Red cells is one unit every 8 weeks. Plasma one unit every 2-4 weeks.

Jun 25, 2000

I get the sentiment here but I can't really get mad at the Red Cross raising money this way. And paying donors substantial amounts damages the supply in weird ways (you start getting a lot more contaminated product)

4lokos basilisk
Jul 17, 2008

updates on the non-compete front:
1) apparently, every other engineer signed it in the past (so i should too?)
2) somehow even under a 3 year NDA i am still legally able to start a company and get investors because i know the secret sauce (which, i repeatedly stressed, is under NDA) - boy the lack of information flow is one of the main reasons i am leaving this company, i wish i was informed enough to even do my basic work everyday
3) when asked "what happens if i dont sign", they said that they would really like me to sign because it would help cover their asses when some investor comes in to audit. it remains a mystery why i should care about this

so in closing they sort of agreed that we can change some of the wording, so now i think i am going to ask for two things:
1) payment and royalties for the IP i developed for them as a test assignment back when i had signed nothing yet - a weeks pay should be enough, because i know that the guys used the results in their presentations
2) a nice severance - going to go with shadowhawk's suggestion of 2 weeks pay
3) non-compete period down to 1 year, and wording specific to the industry and sub-field

i think now it's important to not ask for too much because at some point they're going to realise that it's not worth it

gonadic io
Feb 16, 2011

I'm looking at moving jobs and the first feeler I get is from a vc blockchain bullshit startup promising an "exceptional package" that means 90% stock options otherwise they'd have called it "salary" right?

4lokos basilisk
Jul 17, 2008

gonadic io posted:

I'm looking at moving jobs and the first feeler I get is from a vc blockchain bullshit startup promising an "exceptional package" that means 90% stock options otherwise they'd have called it "salary" right?

it means the ceo has/is a huge dick

Nov 12, 2016


gonadic io posted:

I'm looking at moving jobs and the first feeler I get is from a vc blockchain bullshit startup promising an "exceptional package" that means 90% stock options otherwise they'd have called it "salary" right?

everyone says their package is amazing. their package could be ‘you work for free for the exposure’ and they’ll call it amazing. gotta find out the details

gonadic io
Feb 16, 2011


Penisface posted:

it means the ceo has/is a huge dick

it's a vc blockchain startup I think that goes without saying

Mao Zedong Thot
Oct 16, 2008

gonadic io posted:

it's a vc blockchain startup I think that goes without saying

Big block energy

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene

Rex-Goliath posted:

everyone says their package is amazing. their package could be ‘you work for free for the exposure’ and they’ll call it amazing. gotta find out the details

Aug 24, 2004

If you don't think your own package is amazing then who else ever will? You've got to have confidence

Aug 15, 2011

by Shine
I applied for a gig at the local tech college where I’d more-or-less be MSPing for a bunch of community orgs they contract with.

I had hoped I would at least put 6 months in out here but I had forgotten just how loving weird the people out here really are.

Buncha goddamn rich Waukesha jerkoffs who built their father’s one-horse business into two-horse businesses and think the world owes them a thorough tongue-bath because of it.

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene

Schadenboner posted:

Buncha goddamn rich Waukesha jerkoffs who built their father’s one-horse business into two-horse businesses and think the world owes them a thorough tongue-bath because of it.

i have worked for at least one hundred of these dudes

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene
in at least one case the horses were literal, because a dude used profits from his dad's equipment rental to attempt to operate a for-profite stable

Jul 4, 2004

So hot ...

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

a for-profite stable
personally a fan of andrew calder's earlier works but to each their own

Jun 18, 2004

by Fluffdaddy
Slippery Tilde
two offers to decide between tomorrow

- one offers a good rate but the domain is weird and I don't know where I would fit in.
- the other is retail IT, something I've done, but the recruiter contacted me at my most desperate and I lowballed myself (yes, up front).

as I've said before, I don't have the particular framework experience that bay area companies assume everyone automagically has. the second job offers a chance to get some of that. Probably gonna take it, but is there any way to squeeze them for a better rate?

Aug 15, 2011

by Shine

Gazpacho posted:

two offers to decide between tomorrow

- one offers a good rate but the domain is weird and I don't know where I would fit in.
- the other is retail IT, something I've done, but the recruiter contacted me at my most desperate and I lowballed myself (yes, up front).

as I've said before, I don't have the particular framework experience that bay area companies assume everyone automagically has. the second job offers a chance to get some of them. Probably gonna take it, but is there any way to squeeze them for a better rate?

Well, walk in there swinging a big dick. Say “look, I like you guys but place X is offering me (whatever they’re offering plus, I dunno, 10-20%), let’s make this happen.”


Captain Foo
May 11, 2004

we vibin'
we slidin'
we breathin'
we dyin'

Schadenboner posted:

Well, walk in there swinging a big dick. Say “look, I like you guys but place X is offering me (whatever they’re offering plus, I dunno, 10-20%), let’s make this happen.”


Do this

Mar 18, 2003

You can't spell 'vector field' without me, Professor!

interviewing status: blocking on my application flowing through teams at BayAreaBigCo; meanwhile NYC startup is gonna fly me out after MLK weekend

so I guess this means I have to remember how to reverse a linked list again :negative:

Jul 6, 2015

"we have no QA, developers are the QA team also"

what bullshit answer is this corporate code for?

champagne posting
Apr 5, 2006


qhat posted:

"we have no QA, developers are the QA team also"

what bullshit answer is this corporate code for?

“we’ll never hire someone quit asking”

“qa is just a cost center”

or a combination of the two. I worked at a place who had outsourced qa to Russia and it worked well if slowish, however because it worked it also cost the same as just hiring people

Jun 18, 2004

by Fluffdaddy
Slippery Tilde
it's not code, its bad

Gazpacho posted:

regardless, the questions i ask to detect hell companies are

what's your QA process?
- "devs do it, somehow" is bad

Sep 30, 2009

qhat posted:

"we have no QA, developers are the QA team also"

what bullshit answer is this corporate code for?

it depends how small the company is tbh

Jul 6, 2015

Chalks posted:

it depends how small the company is tbh

SAP, so like 10k people

champagne posting
Apr 5, 2006


qhat posted:

SAP, so like 10k people

I’m doubling down on my cost center explanation

Jul 6, 2015

So this was a big networking event organized by them, which seemed weird since they only have 2 dev jobs open in Vancouver. I got super turned off after I heard that though, so I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks it's terrible.

4lokos basilisk
Jul 17, 2008

i dont mind taking on different responsibilities but in a huuge company i expect that there is at least an aspiration of a industry standard process in place, maybe that expectation is overly naive of me though

edit: in my interview status today i read from my next company's HR email something that went like "oh our HR process is divided between different teams, please contact one of the 5 different e-mails or the chatbot"

additionally they want me to pick an internal nickname to put on the badge

looking a little bit red flaggy here but let's roll on to see where this leads

4lokos basilisk fucked around with this message at 09:08 on Jan 8, 2019


Progressive JPEG
Feb 19, 2003

Penisface posted:

updates on the non-compete front:
1) apparently, every other engineer signed it in the past (so i should too?)
2) somehow even under a 3 year NDA i am still legally able to start a company and get investors because i know the secret sauce (which, i repeatedly stressed, is under NDA) - boy the lack of information flow is one of the main reasons i am leaving this company, i wish i was informed enough to even do my basic work everyday
3) when asked "what happens if i dont sign", they said that they would really like me to sign because it would help cover their asses when some investor comes in to audit. it remains a mystery why i should care about this

so in closing they sort of agreed that we can change some of the wording, so now i think i am going to ask for two things:
1) payment and royalties for the IP i developed for them as a test assignment back when i had signed nothing yet - a weeks pay should be enough, because i know that the guys used the results in their presentations
2) a nice severance - going to go with shadowhawk's suggestion of 2 weeks pay
3) non-compete period down to 1 year, and wording specific to the industry and sub-field

i think now it's important to not ask for too much because at some point they're going to realise that it's not worth it

still not clear on why you think you're obligated to sign this thing in the first place but you do you i guess

make sure that any explanations they give are in writing

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