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Mar 28, 2004

All I needed was that fatty blunt...

King of Breakfast

PokeJoe posted:

i went here and took the little quiz at the bottom

show me the results


daw shame that test looks just for SDEs

i wish i was good at programming


Aug 24, 2004

take it anyway.

Mar 28, 2004

All I needed was that fatty blunt...

King of Breakfast

PokeJoe posted:

take it anyway.

i did a first round at linkedin itself once upon a time

i do not have any development experience on my linkedin

the role wasn't for SDE or any sort of software design

they still insisted to start off with programming test exams because "everyone has to be a dev to work at linkedin" and i was like "that's not my strength", them: "it's a prerequisite for all employees regardless of role" and then i said i didn't feel like i would end up being a good fit then and thanks for your time

how do you ... only hire devs for all roles?

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene

Sniep posted:

i did a first round at linkedin itself once upon a time

i do not have any development experience on my linkedin

the role wasn't for SDE or any sort of software design

they still insisted to start off with programming test exams because "everyone has to be a dev to work at linkedin" and i was like "that's not my strength", them: "it's a prerequisite for all employees regardless of role" and then i said i didn't feel like i would end up being a good fit then and thanks for your time

how do you ... only hire devs for all roles?

i once interviewed at a bank where they made me sit down and do business cases. all technology hires are required to do, seriously, mba-style business cases. for like four hours.

i don't have an mba

i was applying to be a low-level manager of sysadmins

Captain Foo
May 11, 2004

we vibin'
we slidin'
we breathin'
we dyin'

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

i once interviewed at a bank where they made me sit down and do business cases. all technology hires are required to do, seriously, mba-style business cases. for like four hours.

i don't have an mba

i was applying to be a low-level manager of sysadmins

SWOT analysis:

W: whatever the gently caress that idea was

The MUMPSorceress
Jan 6, 2012


Gary’s Answer
Man, at epic they just hired you first made you take a 3 month course on health care and pass a test and do an on-site at a customer before you could do important projects, all while being paid your full salary. seems better than expecting domain knowledge up front.

bob dobbs is dead
Oct 8, 2017

Peeps are idiots, Leslie.
Nap Ghost

jit bull transpile posted:

Man, at epic they just hired you first made you take a 3 month course on health care and pass a test and do an on-site at a customer before you could do important projects, all while being paid your full salary. seems better than expecting domain knowledge up front.

wtf is this, the 1940s

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene

bob dobbs is dead posted:

wtf is this, the 1940s

it's rural wisconsin, that's what it is

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene

jit bull transpile posted:

Man, at epic they just hired you first made you take a 3 month course on health care and pass a test and do an on-site at a customer before you could do important projects, all while being paid your full salary. seems better than expecting domain knowledge up front.

it wasn't even domain knowledge. just like, general business case poo poo. literally the worthless poo poo that MBAs do in their first year

which is irrelevant to, idk, maybe 95% of technology jobs?

Jun 25, 2000


jit bull transpile posted:

also become a white or "model minority" man if at all possible.
Remember to file a change of ethnicity form.

Jun 25, 2000


Notorious b.s.d. posted:

it wasn't even domain knowledge. just like, general business case poo poo. literally the worthless poo poo that MBAs do in their first year

which is irrelevant to, idk, maybe 95% of technology jobs?
This is like how programmer interviews include trivia on first year CS terminology.

I once had one of the onsite interviewers give me a "straightforward" question about binary traversals, a term I'd never heard until that interview since I don't have a CS background. Instead of whiteboard coding I ended up having to spend the first 20 minutes getting a crash course on jargon.

That company ended up giving me an offer despite his negative recommendation.

Jul 6, 2015

a company once gave me not one, not two, three, four, but five tree/graph whiteboarding problems in the interview while focusing very little on my actual experiences. i was dizzy after the interview, really didn't like the company or the people afterwards, and still didn't get the role anyway :shrug:

Chopstick Dystopia
Jun 16, 2010

lowest high and highest low loser of: WEED WEE
had an architectural whiteboard today that was just building data plumbing between a bunch of 3rd party REST APIs

very much like actual work so it ruled imo

edit: the hardest part was realising they weren't trying to trick me with their questions lol

4lokos basilisk
Jul 17, 2008

company that had a really interesting coding challenge but ended up passing me over now started sending me some e-mails "since you probably applied to us in the past, here's a link to our newsletter and internship program". very good look there guys, you are both spamming me with your "like our stuff and join our fan page" bullshit and treating me like my 10 odd years of actual experience might qualify me to join an internship or something. i am so glad this was a bullet dodged.

Jun 1, 2012

Kilometres Davis posted:

had an architectural whiteboard today that was just building data plumbing between a bunch of 3rd party REST APIs

very much like actual work so it ruled imo

edit: the hardest part was realising they weren't trying to trick me with their questions lol

You can see this thought process in candidates minds when you ask them a question and they're search for the trick or the gotcha. No I really do just want you to talk about cache eviction strategies or document storage etc.

I think this is an important tip for interviews, answer the question you've been asked. If they suck at asking questions they probably suck at employing you as well.

Diva Cupcake
Aug 15, 2005

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

i once interviewed at a bank where they made me sit down and do business cases. all technology hires are required to do, seriously, mba-style business cases. for like four hours.

i don't have an mba

i was applying to be a low-level manager of sysadmins
same but mine drilled me on OKRs and how to apply them to their existing case work. i mean, it was fine but if being an Andy Grove disciple was a pre-req at least put it on the job posting.

this was just for an architecture role

Apr 3, 2010

jit bull transpile posted:

apple moves really slow.

yeah I finally got an email to setup an interview 2 months after I sent my application in lol

I decided to take a break from interviewing so I can just focus on the whiteboarding skills instead of having 2-3 interviews a week on top of that studying mess. Also, I think I'm going to shoot for Colorado instead of SF and NY. I didn't realize a few of the tech giants had a presence out there.

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene

elite_garbage_man posted:

yeah I finally got an email to setup an interview 2 months after I sent my application in lol

I decided to take a break from interviewing so I can just focus on the whiteboarding skills instead of having 2-3 interviews a week on top of that studying mess. Also, I think I'm going to shoot for Colorado instead of SF and NY. I didn't realize a few of the tech giants had a presence out there.

the entire state of colorado is smaller than nyc dude

"shooting for colorado" is like aiming for pittsburgh

jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004

i mean yeah if you value literally nothing in life other than job i guess that’s true

Jul 6, 2015

FYI it's okay and also encouraged to ask clarifying questions in interview and it can count against you if you don't

Jan 25, 2005

a last drink with no ice

AWWNAW posted:

if it makes you feel any better I’ve been getting paid to write software for 20 years and my first job paid like 30k. I didn’t break 100k until 6 years ago

that does, actually. i have 10 years of experience with the tech but 8 of that has been in academia so maybe i can blame that.

i’m a white man in nyc fintech though, so no improvements possible on that front.

Flat Daddy
Dec 3, 2014

by Nyc_Tattoo
drat according to it looks like even in austin a big4/faang would add like 80% to my total comp as a level-just-above-entry.

i hosed up when practicing a variation of the literal first question in CTCI though so I’ve got a ways to go

Aug 15, 2011

by Shine

raminasi posted:

that does, actually. i have 10 years of experience with the tech but 8 of that has been in academia so maybe i can blame that.

i’m a white man in nyc fintech though, so no improvements possible on that front.

Start wearing those polo shirts with the crocodile on them, drink a lot of Red Bull, regularly prompt people to “High five [me], brah!”* while raising your hand in the traditional manner for that activity?


*: Alternative and generally-acceptable constructions include “Up high!” (while performing the same gesture as previously noted). There may also be regional variations as well.

big scary monsters
Sep 2, 2011


raminasi posted:

that does, actually. i have 10 years of experience with the tech but 8 of that has been in academia so maybe i can blame that.
yeah, i went into research with my eyes open that it'd be years before i caught up with even graduate salaries in the private world. i think it was a post-grad degree, 3 years experience and a job change before i hit what big 4 consulting firms were offering straight out of a bachelor's. top end of academia is not bad though, my knowledge is of the uk but profs often make £60-80k and once you're in upper admin six figgies is common - some VCs are pushing towards half a million. course that all meant a bit more when the pound was stronger

also good luck getting that tenure position now without killing yourself with grants and publishing, should have tried being born 20-30 years earlier if you really wanted it

Oct 25, 2017

i haven't washed my penis since i jerked it to a phtotograph of george w. bush in 2003

Schadenboner posted:

*: Alternative and generally-acceptable constructions include “Up high!” (while performing the same gesture as previously noted). There may also be regional variations as well.

after performing this ritual you may, on occasion, go for a "low five", requested with the phrase "down low". if you know the person very well, try taking your hand away at the last second while saying "too slow", for a refreshing change of pace

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene

jesus WEP posted:

i mean yeah if you value literally nothing in life other than job i guess that’s true

this is the "interviewing and recruiting" thread, not the "best places to go skiing" thread

narrowing your job hunt to a small market because a few big companies opened secondary offices there isn't necessarily a good idea

jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

this is the "interviewing and recruiting" thread, not the "best places to go skiing" thread

narrowing your job hunt to a small market because a few big companies opened secondary offices there isn't necessarily a good idea
picking a place you would be happy living seems like an important part of a job search to me, a normal human with a life outside my job

Aug 15, 2011

by Shine


after performing this ritual you may, on occasion, go for a "low five", requested with the phrase "down low". if you know the person very well, try taking your hand away at the last second while saying "too slow", for a refreshing change of pace

This maneuver is also generally approved for use on children (although consult with your Pediatrician).

Jan 25, 2005

a last drink with no ice

big scary monsters posted:

yeah, i went into research with my eyes open that it'd be years before i caught up with even graduate salaries in the private world.

i guess i just didn’t, even though, like, duh. what’s frustrating is that i’ve jumped to industry and none of that experience seems to count at all

Apr 26, 2006
comp sci research experience is useful if you're going to do a job where you do research. for typical development roles it really doesn't help and it may be a warning sign that everything you know is out of date.

there are exceptions, but for most it doesn't matter.

Dec 30, 2008

shag is right? that’s basically what I was going to suppose. I don’t even have a college degree

Apr 26, 2006
if your research wasn't pure comp sci or if it was totally unrelated like if you were doing research in healthcare statistics that would be something that would definitely help you going into a job developing healthcare analytics software.

but for a company that's building regular old web poo poo they're gonna want to see past web projects and knowledge of atleast somewhat current development concepts.

Nov 20, 2005


WRT relocating, how much assistance can I expect or reasonably ask for (if any) when it comes to getting out of an apartment lease?

I think I'm due to re-sign in April and would likely switch to month to month if I can, but that's quite a lot more expensive to stretch out

Dec 30, 2008

the only time I relo'd for a company, they just arranged everything and I never saw a bill, including what the landlord wanted for the lease

big scary monsters
Sep 2, 2011

academic research has its advantages though, i moved to industry for a bit and decided it wasn't for me. a funded researcher has the kind of freedom that you only get otherwise if you're C-level or self-employed: you can basically set your own goals, your own hours, even your own colleagues to an extent. as long as you keep bringing in that sweet grant money and publishing on a regular basis nobody is going to tell you you're wrong. plus usually generous holiday as well as universities closing days, a couple conference junkets a year maybe

if that's worth zero job security for like a decade minimum and a hefty pay cut is a decision you have to make yourself i guess

Jan 25, 2005

a last drink with no ice

Shaggar posted:

if your research wasn't pure comp sci or if it was totally unrelated like if you were doing research in healthcare statistics that would be something that would definitely help you going into a job developing healthcare analytics software.

mine was totally unrelated...but the industry it’d get me in pays like poo poo as well :v:

big scary monsters posted:

academic research has its advantages though, i moved to industry for a bit and decided it wasn't for me. a funded researcher has the kind of freedom that you only get otherwise if you're C-level or self-employed: you can basically set your own goals, your own hours, even your own colleagues to an extent. as long as you keep bringing in that sweet grant money and publishing on a regular basis nobody is going to tell you you're wrong. plus usually generous holiday as well as universities closing days, a couple conference junkets a year maybe

if that's worth zero job security for like a decade minimum and a hefty pay cut is a decision you have to make yourself i guess

yep this is exactly right. i just decided it wasn’t quite worth it for me.

The MUMPSorceress
Jan 6, 2012


Gary’s Answer

Ciaphas posted:

WRT relocating, how much assistance can I expect or reasonably ask for (if any) when it comes to getting out of an apartment lease?

I think I'm due to re-sign in April and would likely switch to month to month if I can, but that's quite a lot more expensive to stretch out

apple paid me a stipend for the costs of selling my house but it didn't end up fully covering things. if I had to break a lease they would have covered the fee straight up. but, it's gonna depend on the company. epic offered a flat 1500 in relocation cash and no assistance with actually coordinating that move.

Nov 20, 2005


so possible-but-variable. good enough, really, thanks

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene

Ciaphas posted:

so possible-but-variable. good enough, really, thanks

the labor market is so tight that they're likely to offer you a signing bonus without you asking anything

i would avoid discussing relocation until after you're at the offer stage. that's one of those sweeteners you ask for after the salary negotiations are done

(you don't want to end up with a lower salary bid because you dared to ask for relocation!)


Nov 20, 2005


hell, i'll be ecstatic getting any sort of offer at all

or even a face to face for that matter, though now that i'm going back to work at helljob on monday idk how to make the time for that anymore

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