Progressive JPEG posted:oh yeah if you actually worked with someone thats different, good point oops i know i responded to you but wasn't my intent to counter what you posted, your first post was right on. people def aren't going to remember you being a lovely interviewee unless it involved assault charges or something CPColin posted:That's a pro dodge. yeah "i don't ask" could mean "i don't ask but we definitely expect you to volunteer and will punish you at review time if you don't"
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# ? Feb 19, 2025 12:39 |
Also gently caress coding tests
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Cold on a Cob posted:oops i know i responded to you but wasn't my intent to counter what you posted, your first post was right on. people def aren't going to remember you being a lovely interviewee unless it involved assault charges or something it’s a very strangely worded answer and that is worrying the correct answer was one word: no
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qhat posted:So, right now after a beer or two, I'm thinking turning down the counter-offer is absolutely the correct thing to do. At the end of the day, the counter offer is in the company's best interests; not necessarily mine. It exists because they have no idea who the replacement is and are scared it could be someone who has no idea what they are doing. I can help with that in my notice period, but ultimately that's their problem. I would say if the problem is money only take the counter offer and keep enjoying an otherwise good workplace. on the other hand i guess it will end up ruining some of that relationship because now it’s somewhat public that you almost left i remember one coworker did something like that in the past: almost quit but then they reached a deal and he still works there and has good relations and this was 5 years ago
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e: oh wow this is huge here's the timg version![]()
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Rex-Goliath posted:e: oh wow this is huge here's the timg version that's way too many words The letter should read "I am resigning my position at company effective on date." How you have the conversation when you drop that letter on your boss' desk is another matter entirely
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it's a joke
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Penisface posted:I would say if the problem is money only take the counter offer and keep enjoying an otherwise good workplace. on the other hand i guess it will end up ruining some of that relationship because now it’s somewhat public that you almost left It's not public, the only people who know are my boss and his direct manager (the CEO).
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I'm actually considering taking the counter offer but with the condition of a severe 2-3 months severance if I'm let go without cause within the next 12 months. That could at least guarantee they don't try to ninja replace me when the current project is done.
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qhat posted:It's not public, the only people who know are my boss and his direct manager (the CEO). not too bad then. I would consider that changing jobs is extra stress and your future coworkers might not be as pleasant. my position right now is somewhat similar as in I quit mostly because of money (but also due to the startup mess and full of poo poo boss). in my case the company never even tried to counter offer but i am pretty sure i would have stayed if they had. i don’t consider myself a greedy person and the sum they were paying was less than i made 3 years ago on a 4 day week gig so i feel i made the correct decision
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qhat posted:I'm actually considering taking the counter offer but with the condition of a severe 2-3 months severance if I'm let go without cause within the next 12 months. That could at least guarantee they don't try to ninja replace me when the current project is done. if you think they could pull that then to me this sounds like you don’t trust each other enough as it is. probably better to bail now and not risk the offer in hand
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I guess this is another nice thing about capitalism how salary min maxing on both sides of the employee-employer divide will eventually lead to lovely work environments where nobody trusts anyone else and everyone’s afraid of losing good people or getting laid off suddenly
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please never take a counter offer
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Penisface posted:if you think they could pull that then to me this sounds like you don’t trust each other enough as it is. probably better to bail now and not risk the offer in hand If you're that concerned that they're going to get rid of you and you're going to end up in a position to have to look for a new job, probably should take the job that you've already done the work to get.
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qhat posted:I'm actually considering taking the counter offer but with the condition of a severe 2-3 months severance if I'm let go without cause within the next 12 months. That could at least guarantee they don't try to ninja replace me when the current project is done.
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just did some some job application homework “you’ll have 90 minutes, but it shouldn’t take you more than 30!” 20 minutes for the single-threaded version, 10 more for a safely concurrent version, 30 more yet for a safely concurrent version that passed their “is your concurrent version actually faster” test. and to get there I had to ignore all their hints about using synchronized and instead use a concurrent collection and an atomic. hope it’s right, or else I’ll look like a jackass! I might look like one anyway!
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qhat posted:Just handed in notice and reminded why it sucks. you should take it. EA loving sucks to work for (especially in vancouver, where i think you are?)
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Penisface posted:if you think they could pull that then to me this sounds like you don’t trust each other enough as it is. probably better to bail now and not risk the offer in hand I trust them, but you can never really know what people are thinking in business. Honestly it's just for insurance, I'd never expect to actually have to invoke it if the company is bargaining in good faith. Since it would essentially not cost the company a penny, them having an issue with it would say more about their intentions than their "honest" word ever could. qhat fucked around with this message at 22:28 on Jan 27, 2019 |
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qhat posted:I trust them, but you can never really know what people are thinking in business. Honestly it's just for insurance, I'd never expect to actually have to invoke it if the company is bargaining in good faith. Since it would essentially not cost the company a penny, them having an issue with it would say more about their intentions than their "honest" word ever could. OP: "Help! HELP! I'm stuck in a well!!!" Goons1-4: "Climb! Climb up and take our hands!" OP: "I'm thinking I should dig... should I dig?" Goon5: "NO! I was trapped in a well, and digging is a bad idea! Climb out!" Goons6-8: "Were lowering ropes! Take hold of a rope!" Goon9: "I've even tied a harness to the end of this one!" OP: "I can feel the ropes, but I don't want to hold onto them... should I dig?" Goon10: "No! If you dig, you'll hit water, and then you'll be proper hosed. I should know, I almost drowned." OP: "I dug a little bit just now, and I haven't hit water. I'm gonna keep digging..." Goons11-18: "No! Climb! Climb out!" OP: "Guys, I'm seriously stuck in this well! Help! HELP!!!" Goon19: "I was trapped in a well once. It took me two years, but I managed to build a climbing machine that pulled me to safety out of a well bucket and a pocket watch. I'm dropping the blueprints, extra buckets, and an assortment of pocket watches." Goon20: "I've engineered a jet-pack that will rocket you to safety. Stay where you are and we'll lower it down!"" "OP: "Thanks for your help, guys. I'm gonna keep digging. I'll find the Mines of Moria and I'll just walk to the surface." **Goons1-20 piss in the well** Goon21: "Guys, seriously... stop peeing in the well."
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Gallatin posted:OP: "Help! HELP! I'm stuck in a well!!!" Well half the people are saying take it because lol EA while the other half are saying never take the counter offer, so ![]()
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OP: “help help I’m trapped in a cage hanging over a pit of spikes and I set the rope holding the cage on fire”
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Qhat it took me 5 years and a lawsuit to recover what was promised in a counteroffer that I accepted. Just sayin
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Let me learn that lesson for you
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You made me do an effort post - presented without further comment. ------------------------------------------------------------------ QUIT: 11 EA SUCKS: 3 (2 stay, 1 quit) STAY: 2 [f the people saying to outright accept the counter (3), two of them are doing so because the new employer is EA. Also, one of them changed their mind given further information from you.] DEPENDS, I'M HELPING: 3 BAIL WHILE YOU CAN: =============================== Schadenboner posted:Ask him to pro-rate it to the middle of last year. That way you know if the counter-offer is a fake offer (that is, they pay you more while shopping your replacement). AWWNAW posted:I’ve only regretted not taking the counter once. and only because the counter was huge. if I’d taken it I just would’ve kept looking anyway while making more money and still hating the job. I think the general advice is good. it’s easy to be emotionally swayed by people wanting you to not leave. also 5% doesn’t seem like that much Gallatin posted:The first time this happened I accepted the counter, it was only match + a slight token and eventually I left anyway. PokeJoe posted:Yeah skip the counter if they wanted you that badly you wouldn't have to work for it PokeJoe posted:Always leave and say the pay is bad and they should have made it right earlier. How will they ever learn if these garbage last minute token offers work all the time. gently caress em Mao Zedong Thot posted:never accept the counter offer jesus WEP posted:5X Cold on a Cob posted:when i quit my job in october i took a counteroffer (sorta - they asked me back on contract) Penisface posted:if you think they could pull that then to me this sounds like you don’t trust each other enough as it is. probably better to bail now and not risk the offer in hand GenJoe posted:please never take a counter offer jesus WEP posted:you should in general not take the counter offer, but if you distrust your employer this much you should absolutely not take the counter offer, come on COUNTER: ================ Schadenboner posted:
Penisface posted:*** the talent deficit posted:you should take it. EA loving sucks to work for (especially in vancouver, where i think you are?) DEPENDS: ===================== Notorious b.s.d. posted:taking the counteroffer can be dangerous, but taking the counteroffer is also a chance to get paid more to do the same job Progressive JPEG posted:for what it's worth ive twice had counter offers upon turning in my resignation and in hindsight i think turning them down and moving on was 100% the right move in both cases Penisface posted:I would say if the problem is money only take the counter offer and keep enjoying an otherwise good workplace. on the other hand i guess it will end up ruining some of that relationship because now it’s somewhat public that you almost left
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yeah i was burned hard by accepting a counter offer but it was also my first job out of school and i’d decided to trust The Great Satan, Oracle of all companies. i wouldn’t accept a counter unless i felt really good about it
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Unless you're an executive managing hundreds/thousands of people and the board personally demands the business make a counter offer to keep you because you are a key employee (and your 500k salary reflects that) and that offer is comprehensive in bonus/stock/career advancement and you've run it by your lawyer and life coach, negotiated the contract language and everyone is cool, only then do you accept a counter offer. Otherwise never accept a counter offer. The counter offer is like getting back with an ex. Yeah sometimes, rarely, it works out. But in the vast majority of cases it doesn't.
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sounds like you're damned if you do, damned if you don't lol take the EA engine job, if and when it sucks leverage it to get a similar position elsewhere
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it is entirely possible to work for a game company in recent years and have normal hours, interesting problems to solve, and not be treated like disposable garbage. it's also possible to have the exact opposite experience; it's highly dependent on a) your role and b) the company you work for.
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Feisty-Cadaver posted:it is entirely possible to work for a game company in recent years and have normal hours, interesting problems to solve, and not be treated like disposable garbage. We know the role and company and it tells us its prolly the poo poo kind of game job
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I saw it in the wild, that an employee would have to sign an "assignment of inventions" agreement or some bullshit on the posting page. Yes, you are going to patent my *checks notes* Project Euler work in functional Python.
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Optimus_Rhyme posted:Unless you're an executive managing hundreds/thousands of people and the board personally demands the business make a counter offer to keep you because you are a key employee (and your 500k salary reflects that) and that offer is comprehensive in bonus/stock/career advancement and you've run it by your lawyer and life coach, negotiated the contract language and everyone is cool, only then do you accept a counter offer. Otherwise never accept a counter offer. right but the other option here is taking a job at electronic arts this is like choosing between getting back with an ex, and deciding to gently caress a bear not a hairy gay dude. an actual bear. the large, foul-tempered forest mammal
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Notorious b.s.d. posted:right but the other option here is taking a job at electronic arts but then https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQlIhraqL7o
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if he were working contract on a specific game project then yes, he probably shouldn't take the job, but I'd imagine the engine folks are a lot more entrenched in the company
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It's done, I declined the counter. Time for some bear loving.
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qhat posted:It's done, I declined the counter. Time for some bear loving. get it to wear a condom at least, i guess i dunno what that means in this metaphor
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Afterwards my manager actually confided in me that he almost quit before Christmas, and so did another co-worker. I guess never take the counter?
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bob dobbs is dead posted:get it to wear a condom at least, i guess here are some bear penis bones to liven up your day Size Mattered to Ancient Bear, Penis Bones Suggest https://www.livescience.com/39895-ancient-bear-penis-bone.html ![]()
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Notorious b.s.d. posted:here are some bear penis bones to liven up your day that's the "rib" that god took from adam to make eve
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qhat posted:It's done, I declined the counter. Time for some bear loving. good for you qhat posted:Afterwards my manager actually confided in me that he almost quit before Christmas, and so did another co-worker. I guess never take the counter? You made the right choice!
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# ? Feb 19, 2025 12:39 |
qhat posted:It's done, I declined the counter. Time for some bear loving. hahahha you idiot you declined the counter?!?! just kidding you did the right thing
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