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Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene

Gallatin posted:

You made the right choice!

there was never a right choice available


Aug 15, 2011

by Shine

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

there was never a right choice available


Captain Foo
May 11, 2004

we vibin'
we slidin'
we breathin'
we dyin'

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

there was never a right choice available

thread subtitle please

Aug 15, 2011

by Shine

Captain Foo posted:

YOSPOS subtitle please

Sep 20, 2004

Schadenboner posted:

YOSPOS subtitle please

Dec 18, 2012


Establish the Buns

My boss told me that I'm about to be promoted. This is my first non-internship job. Am I supposed to negotiate the raise they offer me?

Jul 6, 2015

Edit: yeah gently caress it, the guy below is right. Chisel them as much as you can, if you can. In my old company, promotion often didn't mean much more than a title change as a result of tenure, all raises tended to be handled at annual performance review unless you explicitly applied to another team at which point you could negotiate.

qhat fucked around with this message at 21:27 on Jan 28, 2019

Feb 12, 2009

by vyelkin

ThePeavstenator posted:

My boss told me that I'm about to be promoted. This is my first non-internship job. Am I supposed to negotiate the raise they offer me?
Yes, always negotiate.

qhat posted:

Only if your promotion results in a significant change/increase of responsibilities. I mean I guess you can try, but if you're just doing the same thing then there's a good chance they'll just laugh you back to your desk.

No, do not listen to this guy.

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene

ThePeavstenator posted:

My boss told me that I'm about to be promoted. This is my first non-internship job. Am I supposed to negotiate the raise they offer me?

you can always try!

Mao Zedong Thot
Oct 16, 2008

i would not negotiate a promotion, you have zero leverage "uhh pretty please can i get more money?"

you get promotions when you're already doing a job to that level, like what are you gonna do be an underperformer if they dont give you 5% on top of their 'offer'

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene

Mao Zedong Thot posted:

i would not negotiate a promotion, you have zero leverage "uhh pretty please can i get more money?"

you get promotions when you're already doing a job to that level, like what are you gonna do be an underperformer if they dont give you 5% on top of their 'offer'

the implicit threat is always that you will leave

(do not make that threat explicit, or someone may ask you to leave)

Feb 12, 2009

by vyelkin
Just LOL if you don't negotiate at all. What the gently caress is this horseshit advice? The worst they can say is "nah, take it or leave it."

Jan 25, 2005

a last drink with no ice
well you can’t really “negotiate” right? but you can ask.

Feb 11, 2005

i'm carpet bombing applications and apparently you have to login with facebook to apply at amazon

hell world

Aug 5, 2008
I would only negotiate a raise attached to a promotion if the promotion means a significant change in responsibility. like if you were getting “promoted” into a manager position or something

if it’s just developer 2 to developer 3 or whatever, no, don’t try to negotiate that. unless it’s a really pitiful raise and would make you immediately start job searching then w/e it doesn’t really matter because if you’re to that point your employer has already lost you

Sep 12, 2008
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KidDynamite posted:

i'm carpet bombing applications and apparently you have to login with facebook to apply at amazon

hell world

I just had to make a separate amazon jobs account. Don't know what you're doing.

Achmed Jones
Oct 16, 2004

KidDynamite posted:

i'm carpet bombing applications and apparently you have to login with facebook to apply at amazon

hell world

I didn’t

Feb 11, 2005

hm when i put in my email it just takes me to a page that says log in with facebook.

Achmed Jones
Oct 16, 2004

sounds to me like you set your account to use facebook as an identity provider. no idea if you can undo that, but a different email (even if it’s just a plus address) ought to get around it. that’s obnoxious tho for sure

Jan 25, 2005

a last drink with no ice
just got a perfunctory rejection because my solution to their hackerrank toy problem, despite passing their test suite and not being batshit crazy (as far as i could tell), was somehow incorrect? who knows, they didn't give a reason!

i'd forgotten how much i hate this poo poo

Sep 20, 2004
bullet dodged

Mao Zedong Thot
Oct 16, 2008

Gallatin posted:

bullet dodged

Jan 25, 2005

a last drink with no ice

Gallatin posted:

bullet dodged

i am trying real real hard to tell myself that. i'm in the perfect job hunting space (current job not fantastic but still has some good parts, and pays enough to be comfortable but not the idiot dollars i think i could be pulling down) and it's still demoralizing and terrible

Oct 15, 2001

Babylon 5 Street Team

raminasi posted:

it's still demoralizing and terrible

alternate thread subtitle

Nov 20, 2005


psiox posted:

alternate thread subtitle

couple really good ones today

Feb 11, 2005

raminasi posted:

i am trying real real hard to tell myself that. i'm in the perfect job hunting space (current job not fantastic but still has some good parts, and pays enough to be comfortable but not the idiot dollars i think i could be pulling down) and it's still demoralizing and terrible

I'm in the same spot and it's still crushing to get rejected

Oct 17, 2009

hoog emm xDDD
where do I post if my idiot "consulting" company assigned me a client where I'm working with information science grads to essentially click buttons in a VM and take notes.

For close to 100k a year. I'm gonna start day drinking lol

at no point in my 4 years since graduating with a BS in comp sci have I ever had to use anything more than soft skills and like, basic scripting that a monkey could do. The world is a joke. Tax me 100%

Jul 6, 2015

the only good thing about job interviews is once you succeed at just one, you get to instantly upgrade your lifestyle for the foreseeable future, perhaps forever!

Nov 12, 2016


Scionix posted:

where do I post if my idiot "consulting" company assigned me a client where I'm working with information science grads to essentially click buttons in a VM and take notes.

For close to 100k a year. I'm gonna start day drinking lol

at no point in my 4 years since graduating with a BS in comp sci have I ever had to use anything more than soft skills and like, basic scripting that a monkey could do. The world is a joke. Tax me 100%

yospos bithc

you achieved the dream. revel in it.

Feb 11, 2005

qhat posted:

the only good thing about job interviews is once you succeed at just one, you get to instantly upgrade your lifestyle for the foreseeable future, perhaps forever!

yeah i'm not going to do that. just save and hopefully retire by 45

champagne posting
Apr 5, 2006


Scionix posted:

where do I post if my idiot "consulting" company assigned me a client where I'm working with information science grads to essentially click buttons in a VM and take notes.

For close to 100k a year. I'm gonna start day drinking lol

at no point in my 4 years since graduating with a BS in comp sci have I ever had to use anything more than soft skills and like, basic scripting that a monkey could do. The world is a joke. Tax me 100%

make it automatic, tell no one, bring a book

Trimson Grondag 3
Jul 1, 2007

Clapping Larry
make it automatic, tell your boss, get promoted

Aug 15, 2011

by Shine

Trimson Grondag 3 posted:

make it automatic, tell your boss, get laid off.

the heat goes wrong
Dec 31, 2005
I´m watching you...
It could go either way, depending on company.
But hes offers "consulting", so

Boiled Water posted:

make it automatic, tell no one, spend first hours improving your skills, then tell your boss when you want to move on

Cold on a Cob
Feb 6, 2006

i've seen so much, i'm going blind
and i'm brain dead virtually

College Slice

Cold on a Cob posted:

when i quit my job in october i took a counteroffer (sorta - they asked me back on contract)

on monday i'm giving notice that i'm terminating that contract effective end of Feb


gently caress yeah it's done

not even gonna think about looking for a new job until april

then THE FEAR will consume me

Mar 18, 2003

You can't spell 'vector field' without me, Professor!

I have to say, it feels pretty nice to not have a job to go to

interviewing, recruiting, and also jobs are for suckers

Dec 30, 2008

I declined the Apple on-site:( they said they could come close to my other offer but couldn’t match it, and couldn’t schedule a flight until right before my other start date. she did say to get in touch if my new job sucks though

Jul 6, 2015

Dijkstracula posted:

I have to say, it feels pretty nice to not have a job to go to

interviewing, recruiting, and also jobs are for suckers

Not having a job when you want one, however, is the worst of them all. If you're not living off the excess interest from your savings, you're basically a sucker.

Jul 6, 2015

Not that I would change anything because honestly quitting my old job to go traveling and move to a new country was rad as hell. The immediate 6 months after moving while unemployed and desperate for a job though was easily the worst 6 months of my career, and I'd take going into a lovely stressful underpaid job over that every single time.


Aug 24, 2004

I was unemployed for 2 years and it was the most difficult period of my life. Now I press computer buttons and nearly all the issues I had then were solved by a steady income

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