explains a lot about marklogic then
# ? Sep 21, 2020 20:37 |
# ? Jan 24, 2025 14:45 |
interesting call with recruiter that brought me this position they actually wanted to give me a coaching session so that I can be better prepared going in to the interview tomorrow
# ? Sep 21, 2020 20:55 |
The Fool posted:interesting call with recruiter that brought me this position
# ? Sep 21, 2020 21:01 |
bob dobbs is dead posted:explains a lot about marklogic then previous
# ? Sep 21, 2020 22:14 |
The Fool posted:interesting call with recruiter that brought me this position you have found one of the rare but existent Good Recruiters. keep them in your contacts list until one of you retires. if you’re in nyc refer me to them, i don’t even need a new job right now but recruiters like that are invaluable.
# ? Sep 21, 2020 22:38 |
PIZZA.BAT posted:i had to google this and this seems pretty good those 12 points are fairly good, but I've been reading his ideas about interviewing, and, well, this bit seems a bit dodgy.: quote:You’re going to see three types of people in your interviews. At one end of the scale, there are the unwashed masses, lacking even the most basic skills for this job. They are easy to ferret out and eliminate, often just by asking two or three quick questions. At the other extreme you’ve got your brilliant superstars who write lisp compilers for fun, in a weekend, in Assembler for the Nintendo DS. And in the middle, you have a large number of “maybes” who seem like they might just be able to contribute something. maybe if you're hiring at FAANGS that is workable, but I don't think that makes sense for 90% of the companies out there unless there's a massive surplus of qualified programmers I missed somehow
# ? Sep 21, 2020 22:48 |
every superstar itt feel free to post your thoughts (mere rockstars not welcome tho)
# ? Sep 21, 2020 22:57 |
The Joel test is twenty years old and was written by a guy at a very small company. It was good advice for that time and situation, but it shouldn't be taken as a universal prescription for how to do things.
# ? Sep 21, 2020 23:04 |
ultrafilter posted:The Joel test is twenty years old and was written by a guy at a very small company. It was good advice for that time and situation, but it shouldn't be taken as a universal prescription for how to do things. almost everything in that list except the hallway test is applicable to every shop
# ? Sep 21, 2020 23:06 |
quote:For this example, lets put two programmers, Jeff and Mutt, in open cubicles next to each other in a standard Dilbert veal-fattening farm. Mutt can’t remember the name of the Unicode version of the strcpy function. He could look it up, which takes 30 seconds, or he could ask Jeff, which takes 15 seconds. Since he’s sitting right next to Jeff, he asks Jeff. Jeff gets distracted and loses 15 minutes of productivity (to save Mutt 15 seconds). I feel like this is a personal attack. Maybe Mutt just wanted to have a conversation and wasn't thinking of productivity like that. gently caress you Jeff, we're no longer friends. But yeah, I do feel that a lot of this applies to the modern environment with some slight updates needed. Like, does any company not use version control? Isn't that just kind of a given in this day in age; like even non-technical manager types know what it is at this point and know something is wrong if it isn't there?
# ? Sep 21, 2020 23:24 |
recruiters are messy bitches who love drama.
# ? Sep 21, 2020 23:45 |
drunk mutt posted:I feel like this is a personal attack. the only point i’m giving my previous employer is for having a bug database. only half the engineering teams used it though there was a big initiative to try to start using source control while i was there though. it was because an entire customer’s code was lost when an employee left and they wiped his hard drive. woopsy. PIZZA.BAT fucked around with this message at 01:00 on Sep 22, 2020 |
# ? Sep 22, 2020 00:24 |
holy poo poo lmao
# ? Sep 22, 2020 00:50 |
PIZZA.BAT posted:almost everything in that list except the hallway test is applicable to every shop see at my current employer that's the only one we unequivocally do, well that and fixing bugs before anything else some of the other ones are debatable - there's source control but commits only come every few months and it's cvs, there's build scripts of sorts, there's definitely specifications but not exactly up-to-date (barely for the current year if that), there's a vague schedule, there was a bug tracker at one point but nobody used it, and the working environment is fairly quiet, probably more than any other place I've seen, though my coworker still keeps chatting with me but he's a bit junior so whatever then again that's the same place with a custom standard library and stuff, so could be worse
# ? Sep 22, 2020 07:03 |
Why do you ppl work at these places? I would 180 out of any place that doesn't have version control and proper CI set up. The list is not great though, and lol at all the "read my series of posts on how to X" crosslinks.
# ? Sep 22, 2020 09:22 |
the list is good and using hyperlinks to add to a written text in a natural way is a sadly lost art.
# ? Sep 22, 2020 09:30 |
PIZZA.BAT posted:the only point i’m giving my previous employer is for having a bug database. only half the engineering teams used it though I'm not sure a bug tracker is useful without the ability to refer to a specific version of the software so I'm not sure you can even hand them that one
# ? Sep 22, 2020 11:35 |
Xarn posted:Why do you ppl work at these places? I would 180 out of any place that doesn't have version control and proper CI set up. one of my standard interview questions (as the prospective hire) is "What kind of CI do you have?". If they answer with anything other than 1-click builds I don't want to work there. To me it's the canary in the coalmine. If they don't care about how the code gets into the codebase at a software company, what else are they shortchanging / not bothering with?
# ? Sep 22, 2020 16:51 |
PCjr sidecar posted:I lean towards providing a simple curl | md5 example and a show off tf example. PIZZA.BAT posted:this would be the pro move, yeah This was indeed the pro move and thank you guys for the advice. I ended up doing a powershell example, a curl | md5 example, and a tf/azure function(python) example They specifically called it out as one of the best submissions they've had, I was the only candidate to submit multiple languages, and one of two candidates to submit a complete application (not just for this position, but for overall hiring for this team)
# ? Sep 22, 2020 17:07 |
you did too much
# ? Sep 22, 2020 19:13 |
The Management posted:you did too much maybe, but it was like 2 hours of work while watching tv, not really worried about it
# ? Sep 22, 2020 19:20 |
The Fool posted:maybe, but it was like 2 hours of work while watching tv, not really worried about it whats tf here? tensorflow?
# ? Sep 22, 2020 20:20 |
terraform, i bet the next step is you gotta confirm that all the other candidates weren't sucky cuz the company is sucky or bad at sales
# ? Sep 22, 2020 20:21 |
ugh, two interviews today from same company, both of them almost entirely useless. just wanted to shoot the poo poo, tell me about stuff they did when they started a long time ago, and asked me no technical questions at all. I can yak with these guys all day but it’s just a waste of time and probably a red flag.
# ? Sep 22, 2020 22:19 |
The Management posted:ugh, two interviews today from same company, both of them almost entirely useless. just wanted to shoot the poo poo, tell me about stuff they did when they started a long time ago, and asked me no technical questions at all. I can yak with these guys all day but it’s just a waste of time and probably a red flag. i assume its a position that theyve already decided who they want to hire (probably an internal candidate) so you get all dressed up and take time off and something that is a literal waste of your time
# ? Sep 22, 2020 22:25 |
theres also they just decided on you based on resume and projects i once did that when i was a complete noob to givin interviews and just decided to hire a dude cuz he had real good gh projects. it was a great hire but i prolly shouldnt have done that uhh i actually read peeps code on github every time to procrastinate on doin actual work so i am basically a weirdo monster and you should pretend i dont exist
# ? Sep 22, 2020 23:47 |
I've had people shoot the poo poo with me and I usually just take it as an informal behavioral interview. do you want to work with someone who can't have a conversation? if there's no technical questions at all for the whole loop it's pretty bad but if it's just one or two people then eh
# ? Sep 22, 2020 23:59 |
same. shooting the poo poo lets me know a lot more than an algo interview about the company interviewing me. best is when we shoot the poo poo while I solve the thing I guess but that's hard to pull off
# ? Sep 23, 2020 00:18 |
yeah I always take it as them checking if you are a psycho TBH. people start talking about the most sexist and awful poo poo when they sense the conversation is no longer ‘formal’.
# ? Sep 23, 2020 00:45 |
Economy must be recovering. After a few months of silence I got two pieces of recruiter spam today. I guess it's nice to feel wanted.
# ? Sep 23, 2020 01:23 |
the recruiter spam never stops because when the pickings get slimmer they have fewer warm leads so to make quota and eat they spam harder when pickings are fat they still spam to get while the getting is easy
# ? Sep 23, 2020 01:29 |
that reminds me of one of my favorite hr/recruiting phenomena - the booth at the job fair for a company that isnt hiring (they booked that booth a year ago, before the downturn, and the hr team needs to justify its continued budget and headcount, so the show goes on)
# ? Sep 23, 2020 01:45 |
Share Bear posted:whats tf here? tensorflow? team fortress
# ? Sep 23, 2020 02:14 |
FMguru posted:that reminds me of one of my favorite hr/recruiting phenomena - the booth at the job fair for a company that isnt hiring also seemingly every person at every company in a hiring freeze deludes themselves that it is ending next month.
# ? Sep 23, 2020 07:31 |
Cybernetic Vermin posted:also seemingly every person at every company in a hiring freeze deludes themselves that it is ending next month. and all those people that just left, we will totally get new headcount to replace them
# ? Sep 23, 2020 15:12 |
i will repeat programmers act like you are not allowed to lie in business you are totally allowed to lie
# ? Sep 23, 2020 18:36 |
yeah all the laws are just about which very specific lies you can’t tell, and even those are feeling pretty soft these days, eg tesla
# ? Sep 23, 2020 19:39 |
is linkedin still the place I should be pressing the jobs button or is there a newer site with an even dumber name I should be using?
# ? Sep 24, 2020 05:17 |
I've had better luck with Indeed. I think it depends on where you are and what your specialty is.
# ? Sep 24, 2020 12:47 |
# ? Jan 24, 2025 14:45 |
ultrafilter posted:I've had better luck with Indeed. I think it depends on where you are and what your specialty is. i got my current job through indeed
# ? Sep 24, 2020 14:13 |