bob dobbs is dead posted:you can tell that they arent wallowing in despair if they get back to you quick, which is a remarkably good proxy for those 3 making me think real hard about my current employment
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# ? Feb 8, 2025 03:58 |
ultrafilter posted:I've had at least one email address with an underscore. It's not as common as it used to be but underscore is a valid character in an email address. I know it's valid, but I never actually saw anyone use it. ![]()
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had a super smug " i know the answer to this random coding question with no relationship to any job anyone has ever had and you havent figured it out yet" interview yesterday; im glad this thread exists to show that this is a practically universal experience and i shouldn't beat myself up about it
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update on my dives into hr linkedin: a video is going around of a guy talking about how you can reduce employee 'ghosting' where they accept your offer but then don't show up to work. the tips are entirely around making sure you seem warm and engaging and basically emotional manipulation stuff so the hire feels bad about leaving. not a single mention of 'your offer wasn't good enough' someone in the comments wrote this: quote:Even though lack of company engagement a factor, it is only partly to blame. Employees with multiple job offers sometimes feel emboldened and make bad decisions. Our culture has become more transactional, and....for lack of a better word....more selfish. It really is a matter of the "golden rule", treating others the way you would want to be treated yourself. and they're all commenting on it talking about how much they agree just felt like reminding everyone that these are the people you're dealing with on the other end
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also lots of 'how DARE they not show up IN THIS ENVIRONMENT!?' they're entirely in a bubble. i'm scrolling and scrolling trying to find anyone pointing out that maybe they should make better offers but not a single one has yet
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it's hilarious to get mad about that happening though since they typically have no clue what the other offer was. we tried to get a guy a few weeks ago and were bummed when he turned us down but he ended up at apple so I can't be too mad, I like my company but having a big name like that on your resume early in your career can be a huge plus we have another good candidate who I really hope works out, the guy I interviewed on friday just. didn't. loving. talk. I let him go 15 minutes early which I don't think I've ever done before but it was just because we'd run out of stuff to talk about. usually with other designers even if I don't think they're a good fit we can bullshit pleasantly to fill the time and the process isn't painful
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the alternative to employee "ghosting" is that they show up for a few weeks, people have to spend time training them, and then their other offer comes in and they leave, having contributed nothing. they won't even put your company on their resume, so it is basically equivalent to having ghosted, but significantly worse for the employer. if you want people to be loyal to your company, ie less "transactional" and less "selfish", you are going to need a different framework than at-will employment under capitalism
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It is highly unprofessional to pretend that your workplace isn't a job This is advice employers actually need to hear
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i got an offer and made a counteroffer and they said “no” and i realized i hadn’t mentally prepared for making a decision based on the original offer, whoops!
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I'm waiting on a response to a counter-offer right now, but I'm already prepared to accept the base offer since it is a 30% increase
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I gave a counter about 3 weeks ago, yesterday the recruiter finally responded that he will have the updated offer today... I still don't have it, and I am not holding my breath ![]()
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I put in my two weeks notice today. At the end I'll have a week to clear my head between jobs, then starting at newjob the following week with a total compensation increase of nearly 100%. Hell yeah
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titaniumone posted:I put in my two weeks notice today. At the end I'll have a week to clear my head between jobs, then starting at newjob the following week with a total compensation increase of nearly 100%.
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ShadowHawk posted:It is highly unprofessional to pretend that your workplace isn't a job
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always ask for a .5 figgie bump at a new job you got nothing to lose
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I just got a $5k increase to base starting salary approved for a total base salary of $115k Accepted the offer, starting in a month pending a background check.
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EIDE Van Hagar posted:always ask for a .5 figgie bump at a new job you got nothing to lose how much is that?
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The Fool posted:I just got a $5k increase to base starting salary approved for a total base salary of $115k wow. those would be good figgies around here.
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they’re good figgies here too full remote positions are nice
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President Beep posted:how much is that? 10^0.5 = 316% of the original offer
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competitor company wants to move forwards and thinks i’m a strong candidate. the only catch is that i’ve been in consulting my whole life and this is a tier 1 support job. the pay looks good from what i can tell on glassdoor and the work will probably be interesting because you’re only going to be seeing the problems that make it to you- but i have a sinking feeling that this will be a step back in my career. any support goons itt who’ve worked this before and can speak to this?
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I would rather lick a fat nerds sweaty ball sack every day for the rest of my life than go back to level 1 support.
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yeah, "tier 1 support" on the it support desk means drinking from the firehose of initial email and phone reports (80% of which are password resets/lockouts). tier 2 deals with the things that tier 1 cant figure out, and tier 3 deals with the things that tier 2 cant figure (the knottiest or most severe issues). tier 1 it support is for people who can fog a mirror and have passed their a+ exam from context, youre talking about production support and not it support, but you might want to check to make sure your understanding of "tier 1" (the toughest cases that are passed up from stumped lower-level support people) matches prospective employers
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TBF though, there are days when I wish I could just knock out some Tier 1 tickets and feel like I actually completed something
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depends on what you want to do. do you want to stop travelling and consulting and instead hunker down on one product? e.g. this is a chance to move away from jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none to becoming a master of one
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PIZZA.BAT posted:competitor company wants to move forwards and thinks i’m a strong candidate. the only catch is that i’ve been in consulting my whole life and this is a tier 1 support job. the pay looks good from what i can tell on glassdoor and the work will probably be interesting because you’re only going to be seeing the problems that make it to you- but i have a sinking feeling that this will be a step back in my career. any support goons itt who’ve worked this before and can speak to this? support and consulting likely aren't that different in practice: you're the person that gets roped in when users gently caress up. sometimes they're loving up in initial implementation (consulting!) and sometimes they're loving up existing poo poo (support!) the career progression is nebulous because you're fixing someone else's bullshit either way, and the industry doesn't have a great way to measure soft skills
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apparently i don't know what tier 1 is and yeah it's not tier 1, it's the opposite. i shouldn't have called it that because they never did either. anyways- it's definitely work i'd be interested in. i'm not gonna lie though in the before-times i kind of liked being on the road and seeing new cities, meeting new people, stuff like that. but being able to finally have a reliable schedule at home would be really nice too. i think i'm going to sit down and think of a number they'll have to hit in order to make me jump and just go with that
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i am feeling a whole lot lately like i am interviewing for jobs that don't really exist and are just meant to keep me on the hook with a recruiter, not looking anywhere else, until they find something they can actually put me in fwiw: t1/t2/t3 chat, everyone's standards are different everywhere and job titles aren't even always relevant to what the job actually does so you want to pay very close attention to the things the actual hiring manager says for these jobs, the recruiter may not know what this job actually is and definitely does not care Mirthless fucked around with this message at 20:11 on Nov 4, 2020 |
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i verbally accepted my offer today. at the end of 2015 my total annual comp was $80k; five years later, at the end of 2020, it will be $300k. cheers to tech, the stupidest industry. (disclaimers: white, male, recruiter-bait resume, nyc)
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raminasi posted:i verbally accepted my offer today. at the end of 2015 my total annual comp was $80k; five years later, at the end of 2020, it will be $300k. cheers to tech, the stupidest industry. (disclaimers: white, male, recruiter-bait resume, nyc) nice!
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I wonder when I'll finally pop that sixth figgie lol![]() When the 10% corona furlough ends I'm probably gonna have to walk when they refuse to give me a raise to make up for the lost income
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CPColin posted:I wonder when I'll finally pop that sixth figgie lol you looking to inspire another thread title?
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Can I inspire a new one before I'm done inspiring the current one?
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Every time I get personally humiliated in a meeting while my worthless management team watches in silent approval I like to go to job boards to remind myself that I'm completely unemployable and as unworthy of job success as I am of meaningful interpersonal relationships!![]()
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That's too long for a thread title
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CPColin posted:That's too long for a thread title How about just "I'm completely unemployable and as unworthy of job success as I am of meaningful interpersonal relationships!"? E: Or maybe I should get that as a 'tar? ![]()
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Set it as your Zoom background
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so, I got a job that I'm way overqualified for (ie. they already gave me a laptop/phone and WFH before my second week, and i was doing onsite visits on my 6th day - straight up telling me they've never had people go onsite/get their gear until after the 3 month probation is up). I've also been doing all their "hard" tickets that have been sitting in queue cause people can't figure out how vlan's and firewalls work and poo poo like that ![]() The question I have is I took their initial offer, but I feel way undervalued now compared to my coworkers (who are probably making more, one guy who I befriended is making about 12k more, but he's been there 3 years), and with it being a Small Business (30 employees, CEO --> Tech Director/Manager --> IT Krew (Me) levels) I know its a pain in the rear end to get a raise - The job is fine, but should I wait for 3months before asking for a raise or should I do it sooner? I mean it kinda gives away my position that I'd be willing to leave at any notice if I don't get the raise - and I'm not really bluffing as the commute sucks (until WFH starts, which is usually after "6 months" but could be like next month for me)... and I do kind of have an open-ended offer at my old company when they have positions open from my old manager; they just don't have anything right now that I can bluff with (though that job sucked compared to this one but paid like 15k more) We're also hiring 2 other people for this position, starting like next week or the week after; so maybe wait to see how I compare to them after 2 weeks then ask? I've just never asked for a raise before, because I'd always be getting like the standard 6-10%/year at previous Big Telecoms/Government; and the offer I took was in the middle of the range I asked in the initial HR interview, but seeing it now I should have added 10k on top of that ![]() Hirez fucked around with this message at 07:21 on Nov 9, 2020 |
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Honestly I feel like getting a raise at a small business has got to be easier than getting a raise to something above the norm for your job role at a bigco. Like, you only need to convince one or two people in total that you deserve more money, and more money will appear. The only obstacle is if the people you need to convince are entirely opposed to giving employees more money, and nothing about that is going to change by waiting three months. Do you have regular 1-on-1 chats with the tech director? Are they aware that you're ramping up way faster than everyone else, are doing more work and taking on harder tickets than your colleagues? If so, then you can start grumbling a bit in your 1-on-1 about how now that you've gotten some familiarity with the work, you feel like the compensation doesn't quite match up with your level of responsibility and the value you're giving, and you'd like to see that be more equitable. Their response will tell you whether they agree and are willing to go to bat for you to get you more money, or are staunchly no-raises-ever and you should start looking for something new.
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# ? Feb 8, 2025 03:58 |
thanks, that's kinda what I was thinking... Jabor posted:Do you have regular 1-on-1 chats with the tech director? Are they aware that you're ramping up way faster than everyone else, are doing more work and taking on harder tickets than your colleagues? yea, the director is my manager, so I'm basically doing tickets that my colleagues escalate to him for whatever reason (can't figure it out / team lead is off somewhere onsite, etc). Hell I revamped their whole email support setup in 3 hours... They were doing a support@company.com account that forwards to literally everybody, and everybody is always replying all and the chains are loving insane; including shipping/accounting/development stuff; then theres those who only reply to the client so no one has any idea it's been completed or in progress or anything and then people spend time doing already done work ![]() I just made a support mailbox, had everyone add it to their outlook (and they were amazed you could do that) - now we just use that shared box and it auto cc's all replies, and also created a get this, a Completed/Done folder, where you move your poo poo when its done... now poo poo is actually traceable when people are off shift or whatever the gently caress... Then they were amazed at the labels/colours you can flag emails with.... ugh... going from Big loving Telecom & Big loving Government (eHealth) to small business is wild... I just remember my first job at a similar sized small business before I went into Big Co/Govt, it was like pulling teeth for anything, including oncall pay (lol $100/week to be oncall 24/7/365 gently caress you); though that company was a complete shithole, from owner all the way down... so I\ve always had that feeling that asking for a raise at a small company would seem it's basically taking it directly out of the owners pocket whereas at mega-co's, my manager is just given money to distribute. (I'd be asking for about 20% more than my offer but would be okay with 10% for reference) Hirez fucked around with this message at 10:18 on Nov 9, 2020 |
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