javascript has lots of jobs and i am willing to deal with javascript in exchange for being able to eat and have a roof over my head
# ? Mar 17, 2018 00:57 |
# ? Jan 25, 2025 06:41 |
Pollyanna posted:javascript has lots of jobs and i am willing to deal with javascript in exchange for being able to eat and have a roof over my head Actual quote from a guy who was found dead six months later from substance abuse
# ? Mar 17, 2018 01:10 |
qhat posted:Actual quote from a guy who was found dead six months later from substance abuse poo poo, this explains the whiskey and brandy
# ? Mar 17, 2018 01:38 |
they call it a job because they have to pay you to do it
# ? Mar 17, 2018 01:48 |
Notorious b.s.d. posted:they call it a job because they have to pay you to do it
# ? Mar 17, 2018 02:27 |
kloa posted:are you guys using typescript when you code in js? trying to find a way to not hate js in the future if I ever need to touch it again.
# ? Mar 17, 2018 02:36 |
typescript makes it feel almost possible to have javascript be ok
# ? Mar 17, 2018 07:11 |
Notorious b.s.d. posted:they call it a job because they have to pay you to do it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77Y6CIyyBcI&t=5s
# ? Mar 17, 2018 18:14 |
A friend shared this video with me and "That's what the money is for" has become a regular response to "well, X is a good idea but obviously so-and-so won't want to do it" at my workplace since then. What I'm trying to ask is should I watch the rest of Mad Men or is being aware of this exchange enough
# ? Mar 17, 2018 18:17 |
TimWinter posted:A friend shared this video with me and "That's what the money is for" has become a regular response to "well, X is a good idea but obviously so-and-so won't want to do it" at my workplace since then. Season 1 was good but I was mainly into it for the setting
# ? Mar 17, 2018 18:18 |
TimWinter posted:A friend shared this video with me and "That's what the money is for" has become a regular response to "well, X is a good idea but obviously so-and-so won't want to do it" at my workplace since then. mad men repeatedly teases the viewer that its characters will learn something or develop but they never do it's just a bunch of cool 1960s interior design and costume set pieces populated by sad, empty, terrible people you want to strangle
# ? Mar 17, 2018 18:26 |
Notorious b.s.d. posted:mad men repeatedly teases the viewer that its characters will learn something or develop but they never do so it's yopos?
# ? Mar 17, 2018 19:02 |
TerminalRaptor posted:so it's yopos? no they're too good-looking for yospos/soyboy
# ? Mar 17, 2018 19:09 |
# ? Mar 17, 2018 19:10 |
Gazpacho posted:More like diaper growth
# ? Mar 18, 2018 17:47 |
so what does “we are growing quickly” truly mean and how come companies like to overextend themselves so much?
# ? Mar 18, 2018 17:49 |
Pollyanna posted:so what does “we are growing quickly” truly mean and how come companies like to overextend themselves so much? gently caress making good products or services. ROI for the investors bithccccc
# ? Mar 18, 2018 18:03 |
I have this theory that there is much less of a need for engineers than ppl + companies think
# ? Mar 18, 2018 18:09 |
Pollyanna posted:so what does “we are growing quickly” truly mean and how come companies like to overextend themselves so much? It's an excuse for why the starting salary is poo poo, pay raises are frozen, benefits are bad, and workload is high. Just think of how good everything will get when the company is on solid ground! Just kidding, now we need to streamline and you aren't needed anymore.
# ? Mar 18, 2018 18:31 |
Pollyanna posted:so what does “we are growing quickly” truly mean and how come companies like to overextend themselves so much? "we are unprofitable"
# ? Mar 18, 2018 21:15 |
Pollyanna posted:I have this theory that there is much less of a need for engineers than ppl + companies think software has a very low cost of goods sold (COGS), which makes it appealing as an asset to own or sell to others development is not part of the COGS. it's an r&d expense. software development is extremely expensive and extremely risky and often fails entirely.
# ? Mar 18, 2018 21:16 |
Pollyanna posted:so what does “we are growing quickly” truly mean and how come companies like to overextend themselves so much? they're increasing profits by not giving their employees a good quality of life. they overextend because it suckers in people who don't have a wealth of knowledge of technology corporate doublespeak to ask like the 'pos
# ? Mar 18, 2018 21:18 |
im so glad the company i'm starting at tomorrow has been profitable for most of its life. hope that makes it less likely that i'll get loving owned
# ? Mar 18, 2018 23:26 |
the fact that the companies that are hiring the most are also the ones offering the shittiest opportunities does not fill me with confidence in the industryNotorious b.s.d. posted:software has a very low cost of goods sold (COGS), which makes it appealing as an asset to own or sell to others i just kinda get the sense that the "everyone needs engineers there are so many positions and so few people to fill them!!!" line everyone's spewing is exaggerated
# ? Mar 18, 2018 23:28 |
Pollyanna posted:the fact that the companies that are hiring the most are also the ones offering the shittiest opportunities does not fill me with confidence in the industry
# ? Mar 18, 2018 23:29 |
Star War Sex Parrot posted:er, some of the companies that are offering the best opportunities are also always hiring, so Im not sure I get your point keep in mind that im an idiot so i am definitely missing something but yeah im used to recruiters reaching out and stuff so im still very very oblivious
# ? Mar 18, 2018 23:31 |
Pollyanna posted:"everyone needs engineers there are so many positions and so few people to fill them!!!*" * for the 20% under market rate that we're willing to pay theyd rather have requisitions open for a year than pay someone what theyre worth im not sure that this is true for engineers, but its def true for programmers from what ive seen (i am not a programmer so grain of salt)
# ? Mar 19, 2018 01:19 |
If you can't find the right person for the job, you're not paying enough. Plain and simple.
# ? Mar 19, 2018 03:31 |
quote:Our client base is both stable and diverse and to keep things exciting we put 20% of our resources into potentially lucrative but risky startup opportunities. If your vision doesn’t include retirement before age 65 then this job is not for you! like, what does this even mean? instead of paying people more they invest money into startups that keep failing? edit: i think i reading this wrong the first time but it still sounds silly Shaman Linavi fucked around with this message at 05:04 on Mar 19, 2018 |
# ? Mar 19, 2018 05:01 |
feel totally not ready for an interview tomorrow, also i'm up way too late right now lol
# ? Mar 19, 2018 05:25 |
the trick to interviewing is to arrive so tired you don’t have the energy for self doubt
# ? Mar 19, 2018 07:24 |
Shinku ABOOKEN posted:the trick to interviewing is to arrive so tired you don’t have the energy for self doubt Can confirm this is a winning strategy.
# ? Mar 19, 2018 08:28 |
welp, tomorrow is my last day at this company after 12 years. I hope to never touch MUMPS code ever again
# ? Mar 19, 2018 09:48 |
the mumps curse is forever
# ? Mar 19, 2018 12:49 |
Shinku ABOOKEN posted:the trick to interviewing is to arrive so tired you don’t have the energy for self doubt when doing this at a google interview I couldn’t do simple arithmetic by the end of the 2nd person’s questions
# ? Mar 19, 2018 13:55 |
I have no idea how my interview went. Everyone there was sleepy.
# ? Mar 19, 2018 14:08 |
Poniard posted:I have no idea how my interview went. Everyone there was sleepy. mine went well, they want me for a second interview this week, but couldn’t be bothered to plan it
# ? Mar 19, 2018 14:18 |
what's a good bs answer for "what does your dream job look like?", all my dreams are long dead
# ? Mar 19, 2018 14:20 |
HoboMan posted:what's a good bs answer for "what does your dream job look like?", all my dreams are long dead you give me all the money, and i do whatever i want.
# ? Mar 19, 2018 14:25 |
# ? Jan 25, 2025 06:41 |
HoboMan posted:what's a good bs answer for "what does your dream job look like?", all my dreams are long dead hope they're a bunch of dorks and recognize this https://xkcd.com/1346/
# ? Mar 19, 2018 14:50 |