ADINSX posted:Because they realize once the immediate fire is put out the organization will go right back to creating a bunch of small new fires yeahhhh i don’t like to be too cynical but it sure seems like orgs that manage to get themselves into a mess like that never get out because they’re completely unable to change. there are exceptions obviously but it seems like bad just stays bad in general. jony neuemonic fucked around with this message at 20:03 on Apr 28, 2018 |
# ? Apr 28, 2018 19:46 |
# ? Jan 13, 2025 09:21 |
ADINSX posted:Relational databases definitely still have a place in the world, but work best as a view of the data, not the source of truth. this is literally my company's niche so if anyone finds themselves in a situation where they have to deal with this problem look into marklogic
# ? Apr 28, 2018 21:30 |
Rex-Goliath posted:this is literally my company's niche so if anyone finds themselves in a situation where they have to deal with this problem look into marklogic ”MarkLogic website” posted:note that you can not disclose, without MarkLogic prior written consent, any performance or capacity statistics or the results of any benchmark test performed on MarkLogic. lol
# ? Apr 28, 2018 21:39 |
yeah our licensing is really really strict
# ? Apr 28, 2018 21:53 |
HoboMan posted:sounds like your holding it wrong, op
# ? Apr 28, 2018 23:55 |
uncurable mlady posted:most the time people complain about poor db performance, they really just need better schemas and queries I'm currently running a query that does an aggregation with group by on 50 million unique keys for fun Saturday night, motherfuckers
# ? Apr 29, 2018 01:44 |
Arcsech posted:lol
# ? Apr 29, 2018 01:44 |
lets play the "guess which one is Oracle" game
# ? Apr 29, 2018 01:48 |
Star War Sex Parrot posted:Oracle tries this bullshit too, so if you ever read an academic paper on databases they're typically referred to as "DBMS X" our CEO used to be larry’s right hand man
# ? Apr 29, 2018 01:50 |
uncurable mlady posted:most the time people complain about poor db performance, they really just need better schemas and queries i agree with this, but i have executed some insanely lazy and bad presto/athena queries and they both routinely impress me with fast as heck return times
# ? Apr 29, 2018 05:18 |
We used to do OLAP on vertica. Any thoughts?
# ? Apr 29, 2018 09:32 |
qhat posted:We used to do OLAP on vertica. Any thoughts?
# ? Apr 29, 2018 13:27 |
qhat posted:We used to do OLAP on vertica. Any thoughts? Star War Sex Parrot posted:It’s got C-Store lineage, which immediately made it interesting due to the Stonebraker connection. I think it’s just rotting on the vine after HP’s acquisition, though. I can’t recall hearing much lately all of the classic column-oriented OLAP stores are being slow-motion murdered by hadoop and spark
# ? Apr 29, 2018 14:59 |
So I'm in a pickle: Is it polite/a good idea to say "Hey I have two in-person interviews in town, let's see how that goes before you fly me out to DC from Denver."? I'd like to spare them buying tickets and poo poo if I end up taking something down the street. The job is in Rockville MD and apparently they like me, but if I'm nearly done here, what do I say? Edit: quote:Hi Mr. Whale, I have a final today and tomorrow with two in town opportunities. Space Whale fucked around with this message at 17:10 on Apr 30, 2018 |
# ? Apr 30, 2018 17:08 |
Since the local interviews are soon, tell them you're a bit busy because things are hectic right now and may need a few days/weeks before being able to leave and will confirm dates later. If it works with one of the local ones, say that things changed and you have to no longer pursue things with them (but are open to blah blah later) and if it bombs with the local ones come back with "sorry about the delay, would your team be good with day x? I'm free around then" and see how it goes. They won't and can't ask details, and I'm frankly pretty certain they'll be understanding if it includes flying people out.
# ? May 1, 2018 00:19 |
I've seen a lot of people having trouble not divulging too much information when trying to schedule interviews. I know this is not true, but I keep imagining that they treat every human interaction like at A/T post. If you don't pour your personal business onto everyone you interact with, I'm sure it's easy to say "Things are up in the air at the moment, let's talk next Monday to schedule a flight". Or "I'd like to take the day off on Thursday".
# ? May 1, 2018 00:28 |
just book the flight. if you have to cancel because a first offer was loving amazing, you have to cancel. it happens
# ? May 1, 2018 00:40 |
i have a few contacts i could pursue on the side but i don't actually understand how contracting works. do i need to set up a company?
# ? May 1, 2018 15:14 |
Thanks. Also, >
# ? May 1, 2018 15:50 |
oh yeah, the rejections are piling up, I'm giving up for a while because it's just too much but here's a funny story: I did this one technical interview and the dude proposed a quick "bonus problem" because we still had some time left in the interview. I solved it with itertools.product and the dude didn't like it, so later I spent some time writing a custom artisanal variation of the generalized cartesian product that the problem required and sent it to him. His answer was "No, you're doing it wrong, you should've used recursion".
# ? May 1, 2018 23:15 |
Symbolic Butt posted:oh yeah, the rejections are piling up, I'm giving up for a while because it's just too much That sucks. Are you unemployed? If yes, you should still continue to observe job postings daily, or you risk missing a really good opportunity.
# ? May 1, 2018 23:26 |
yes I am but it's just driving me crazy at this point lol
# ? May 1, 2018 23:36 |
Symbolic Butt posted:oh yeah, the rejections are piling up, I'm giving up for a while because it's just too much the best answer is to say you did and see what they define recursion as he probably wanted to see memoization because for some reason those questions are really popular hobbesmaster fucked around with this message at 23:45 on May 1, 2018 |
# ? May 1, 2018 23:42 |
Symbolic Butt posted:oh yeah, the rejections are piling up, I'm giving up for a while because it's just too much keep at it! I have been in your shoes and I hate it and I definitely quit a lot but it is not a good idea and I can tell you from experience that you're just going to feel guilty the whole time you're on break so you might as well power through it
# ? May 1, 2018 23:45 |
Symbolic Butt posted:oh yeah, the rejections are piling up, I'm giving up for a while because it's just too much same except im still shotgunning resumes because i love recruiter spam maybe related, anyone used Glider.ai for any online coding challenge things? looks like i'm going to need a webcam and they specifically say to disable anything that uploads poo poo in the background so overall it sounds like a winner.
# ? May 1, 2018 23:58 |
It's a real kick in the teeth to get rejected because your interviewer is an objective idiot, but just remember that if they did give you an offer, you'd actually have to work with this imbecile every single day.
# ? May 2, 2018 00:09 |
Shaman Linavi posted:same except im still shotgunning resumes because i love recruiter spam if they demand a webcam during the interview it suggests to me that they're never going to trust their people and its going to be the kind of place where you have to log your clock-in and -out times
# ? May 2, 2018 00:28 |
qhat posted:It's a real kick in the teeth to get rejected because your interviewer is an objective idiot, but just remember that if they did give you an offer, you'd actually have to work with this imbecile every single day. yeah I don't feel that bad for this one (it was the most interesting company that I was able to get into the hiring process though) the kick in my mouth is the feeling of inadequacy that this whole fruitless job search is giving me. there are no other job ads to submit anymore, the fact that I got no offers at all for this long is signalling to me that I have no place in programming
# ? May 2, 2018 00:38 |
Symbolic Butt posted:yeah I don't feel that bad for this one (it was the most interesting company that I was able to get into the hiring process though) the just world fallacy is nonsense in general but double nonsense as far as anything to do with who gets the high paying jobs is concerned it's frustrating, yes, but for god's sake don't get your self-worth dragged by this ritual supplication bullshit
# ? May 2, 2018 00:46 |
the fact that youre being called for interviews means you are qualified for these jobs. they threw away a hundred junk resumes to bring you and a couple of other people in. it doesnt seem like it but youre close. if you werent you wouldnt hear back from anyone at all, just sending out resumes and hearing nothing back, shouting into the void (been there, done that) you just havent clicked with an interviewer yet (which, as this thread has amply demonstrated, is largely a matter of pure chance and utter bullshit). keep plugging away, maybe work on your interviewing skills. but dont give up or even slacken your search
# ? May 2, 2018 00:53 |
oh I don't think I'm a bad programmer. I'm bad for yospos standards sure, but not for most of the jobs that I applied for, I'm proud enough to recognize this. I also feel like I'm above average at solving these dumb coding challenges/brainteasers. but yeah, I don't even think it's productive to speculate why I'm inadequate and I don't want to hijack the thread more with me whining. sorry, just venting.
# ? May 2, 2018 00:59 |
Had a really strange "technical" interview today, with a satellite imaging company I really want to work for. I already had my preliminary chat with the HR recruiter, talked about my interests and background which are big data pipelines and geospatial systems (exactly what they need for the role), additionally I used to work at one of the companies that this company ultimately bought, so I was already familiar with some of their stuff. Anyway, I get the call, and the connection quality is pretty bad and he has a slight accent, so off the bat I'm having a hard time understanding him. He tells me about the role again and asks about the project I'm working on. For awhile I think we're clicking, though he isn't saying much. I feel like I was able to answer every question he had about the project and my background, we're using a lot of the same technologies (we both use google cloud stuff), etc. He asks me if I have any questions, and honestly I don't really... I'd like to eventually get to some of the questions listed on the first page, but I'd rather do that in person, ideally with members of the team I'll be on. I've already chatted with a friend that works there, so I've got a pretty good idea about how things run. Anyway, after that, the interview sort of just... ends. He says he'll pass along his feedback to HR, and that it was great talking to me (but in one of those canned ways)... It was scheduled to take 45 minutes but we get through it in 20, and I guess I get nervous when something goes really short because it could be a bad sign (or maybe they scheduled it longer to give me plenty of time for questions) So I hope I get next steps or a "no" tomorrow.... I'm gonna be really bummed if they pass on me without even an in person interview... I honestly don't know what else I could have done. Phone interviews are the worst
# ? May 2, 2018 02:25 |
on the other hand im a goddamn moron but i have so many contract offers i'm considering starting a company. the real question is the name. I was thinking Programming and Information Systems Services
# ? May 2, 2018 02:26 |
Programming and Information Systems Services and Solutions(sssss)
# ? May 2, 2018 02:28 |
HoboMan posted:on the other hand im a goddamn moron but i have so many contract offers i'm considering starting a company. the real question is the name. badass
# ? May 2, 2018 02:32 |
Software by HoboMan: Information Technology Services
# ? May 2, 2018 02:35 |
So the COO, my immediate bosses (on paper) boss, casually approached me today to ask how things were going because I'm tired and beat up and I have my quarterly on Thursday and he wanted to see if I had any agenda items to discuss. One of my team members was fired for loving an unrelated project she used to be on up, so I'm down to 3. I asked if I was getting someone else and they are immediately replacing her with someone else from our help desk/tier 1 pool. Of course the replacement is kind of bottom of the barrel but at the end of the day its like rote data entry off of excel keys and project workbooks so whatever. At least I don't have to loving do it. He also told me they are going to begin hiring to my products standard as its harder to configure and implement, and that I would be receiving another support person and two implementer in the near future pending hires. I will run a team of 5 support and 2 implementers and be responsible (see quote below) for this product. I segued this into a conversation and reconfirmed we are discussing salary in June. We are moving offices at the end of Q3, beginning of Q4 and I mentioned I would like my own office, or I would like a room with my team in it and a big rear end television to put the remote S.VP/COO of [Product Name] on. This structure is similar to two other products that currently exist. He endorsed this and will make it happen when they sit down to hammer out floor plans when the remodel is done. The area I need assistance and advice on is title for my role. I discussed my role in an earlier post (quoted below bolded most relevant) and mentioned I would like a title change and some new loving business cards. Considering the advice I received earlier in the thread I asked immediately for Product Manager (former sales, I'm a big believer in asking for everything and making someone say no. Shoot your shot etc etc) and he shot it down pretty hard. Not because it's not an appropriate or doesn't describe what I do but because more senior people have asked for and have not been given it, and the CEO has made a decision that he does not want to use that title in the corporate structure. My COO said that I could come up with something else to ask for and he would consider anything but Product Manager is out. He suggested something like "Product Analyst" if I really wanted something like that as well as "Enterprise Implementation Manager", "CRM Implementation Manager" or well anything but Product Manager so what the gently caress ya'll think I should ask for quote:I work for an enterprise software company that has been in business for about 5 years and are currently growing out of the "Start Up" mentality. We have a core software product that is an electronic medical records system that integrates medical charting, prescription pads, pharmacy communication, med tracking, patient tracking, rounds and a bunch of poo poo. Its scaleable from single doctor general practice to large nation-wide hospitals. I started in implementation for them and was responsible from taking a new client from sales, structuring their chart, customizing the software and teaching all the doctors, nurses and staff what buttons to press. e: I also host a series of discovery meetings with the client, create and document client processes to build into the software, build it into the software, train client on how to use software and troubleshoot post go live. Trimson Grondag 3 posted:yep this is a hybrid between product management and sales engineering, in a larger company it would be two jobs but pretty common for them to be combined in a smaller company. id call yourself a product manager if you can. Rails was hot as gently caress like 5-7 years ago and a C-level exec of Ultimate Software advised that I learn to code it because it's going to be super in demand for a while and it would get me loving paid and they couldn't find enough devs to use it and no one was writing in it. He told me this over several expensive whiskeys and cigars in a cigar bar in Weston Florida while i tried to sell him copiers. god bless that man. E: someone advised that I learn2code and I would love to but don't have time right now. Waroduce fucked around with this message at 03:17 on May 2, 2018 |
# ? May 2, 2018 02:56 |
Symbolic Butt posted:the kick in my mouth is the feeling of inadequacy that this whole fruitless job search is giving me. there are no other job ads to submit anymore, the fact that I got no offers at all for this long is signalling to me that I have no place in programming
# ? May 2, 2018 04:07 |
Symbolic Butt posted:yeah I don't feel that bad for this one (it was the most interesting company that I was able to get into the hiring process though) Consider it a shot on goal. You're doing something right if you're even getting to that stage and it's just a matter of time before you get lucky.
# ? May 2, 2018 06:01 |
# ? Jan 13, 2025 09:21 |
I remember spending 6 months solidly applying for jobs and I never got any offers in that time, so yeah it would be accurate to say I felt pretty worthless even though I was still solving complex problems in that time. Then when I finally got an offer and saw the internal state of that company, my mindset changed from "I'm worth way less that I thought" to "holy loving poo poo no, I was right all along how did these people even get their jobs".
# ? May 2, 2018 06:18 |