You haven't used a library to do rest bullshit in this language I mean WTF were you being asked to do, glue-code, or make a library, or architect a big project?
# ? Jun 8, 2018 16:32 |
# ? Jan 18, 2025 15:12 |
after turning down that offer for a company and a 12% raise, I got an offer today for another place with a 45% raise
# ? Jun 8, 2018 17:43 |
Valeyard posted:a 45% raise
# ? Jun 8, 2018 17:44 |
Valeyard posted:after turning down that offer for a company and a 12% raise, I got an offer today for another place with a 45% raise Huzzah
# ? Jun 8, 2018 18:26 |
Space Whale posted:Tell me if I'm wrong, but, isn't python easy to pick up? even if python is easy to pick up I'd bet my rear end the interviewer would ask about the tricky parts (like say putting lists in default arguments) to check if the person *really* have python experience. I mean if they were general programming questions he'd be fine with any language or pseudo-code even.
# ? Jun 8, 2018 18:58 |
Did you mean to write something in this post? Seem it didn’t go through
# ? Jun 8, 2018 19:13 |
talked to some fintech guys on the phone today. they were looking for people interested in functional programming and it actually seemed like a pretty cool place to be to actually get better at programming, but ugh, fintech. they did send a small homework test though, said it'd take about 1 to 1.5 hours but no time limit, most common languages allowed. they also said it was more about clarity and simplicity than about performance, but to feel free to use functional patters where it was appropriate. three small tasks, two of them trivial, third was to implement a very small and trivial RPN expression evaluator. I did in in python and the idiomatic way is to just have a simple for loop and use a list as a stack, but since they said to use functional programming I ended up doing it with reduce instead and it was much uglier. well, idk. guess I'll see if they get back and maybe talk to them some more.
TheFluff fucked around with this message at 20:59 on Jun 8, 2018 |
# ? Jun 8, 2018 20:47 |
yeah python is a tough one for demonstrating functional style. I'd have used haskell or sml for that because it's a kind of cliche problem to solve in a language like that to demonstrate pattern matching and recursion for anything trickier than that I'd go back to python lol
# ? Jun 8, 2018 21:09 |
Symbolic Butt posted:yeah python is a tough one for demonstrating functional style. I'd have used haskell or sml for that because it's a kind of cliche problem to solve in a language like that to demonstrate pattern matching and recursion I don't know either of those though They're explicitly not looking for people with actual professional experience in functional languages though, an interest and some familiarity with the concepts is enough, or so they claim
# ? Jun 8, 2018 21:53 |
If your interviewer is dead set on asking worthless trivia about scripting languages then just imagine how much of an rear end in a top hat they'll be to actually work with.
# ? Jun 8, 2018 23:07 |
there was this one interview the guy asked me the most ridiculous python trivia like what's the difference between __getattr__ and __getattribute__
# ? Jun 8, 2018 23:22 |
Symbolic Butt posted:there was this one interview the guy asked me the most ridiculous python trivia like what's the difference between __getattr__ and __getattribute__ i had one that asked me what the difference was between __new__ and __init__ and when I didn't know he canceled the interview and all further steps
# ? Jun 8, 2018 23:26 |
Flaming June posted:i had one that asked me what the difference was between __new__ and __init__ and when I didn't know he canceled the interview and all further steps I assume the correct answer is a rant about how basing anything on the way c++ does a thing is a terrible idea?
# ? Jun 8, 2018 23:42 |
Symbolic Butt posted:even if python is easy to pick up I'd bet my rear end the interviewer would ask about the tricky parts (like say putting lists in default arguments) to check if the person *really* have python experience. i got asked this exact question for this job i just got offered lol along with other questions about magic methods
# ? Jun 9, 2018 00:19 |
Flaming June posted:i had one that asked me what the difference was between __new__ and __init__ and when I didn't know he canceled the interview and all further steps this is very good. he told you that he's a complete moron and then he didn't waste any more of your time.
# ? Jun 9, 2018 00:31 |
Flaming June posted:i had one that asked me what the difference was between __new__ and __init__ and when I didn't know he canceled the interview and all further steps I kinda see the point of this question: it's to check if you're familiar with the way python implements classes. __new__ creates the new instance (thus some people are pedantic about calling it the actual constructor) and __init__ is called afterward to customize (or should I say initialize?) it. they got bad names imo however it's a mostly irrelevant internal detail unless lol if you take doing OOP in python that seriously. Valeyard posted:i got asked this exact question for this job i just got offered lol questions about magic methods are largely bullshit but this one gotcha about lists in default arguments I actually think serves as a good question for checking if the person has any python experience. because it gets everyone at some point.
# ? Jun 9, 2018 00:51 |
hello im symbolic butt i know every bad part of python but i cant get a job lol
# ? Jun 9, 2018 00:52 |
qhat posted:you're always going to get a whiny baby in the on-site interview
# ? Jun 9, 2018 01:04 |
Symbolic Butt posted:there was this one interview the guy asked me the most ridiculous python trivia like what's the difference between __getattr__ and __getattribute__ I told him "whatever it is, if you get anywhere near it you're doing something terrible" and he just went on to another trivia q
# ? Jun 9, 2018 01:12 |
Gazpacho posted:the worst trivia interviewer i ever had was this fat slob at a mobile PBX company who wanted to hear e.g. Java's limit on the number of methods in a class You see the thing is he's a terrible enough programmer to be intimately familiar with that kind of thing, so he pretty much sprung his own trap there.
# ? Jun 9, 2018 01:25 |
Gazpacho posted:the worst trivia interviewer i ever had was this fat slob at a mobile PBX company who wanted to hear e.g. Java's limit on the number of methods in a class lmao, I'll admit though that I'm kinda happy that now I know this it's so stupid it's awesome
# ? Jun 9, 2018 01:30 |
whats the list in default arguments gotcha?
# ? Jun 9, 2018 01:48 |
Corla Plankun posted:whats the list in default arguments gotcha?
# ? Jun 9, 2018 01:50 |
Peeny Cheez posted:If I remember correctly, it's that the default list is created the first call and reused each subsequent call. What the gently caress
# ? Jun 9, 2018 01:51 |
Gazpacho posted:the worst trivia interviewer i ever had was this fat slob at a mobile PBX company who wanted to hear e.g. Java's limit on the number of methods in a class Lmao
# ? Jun 9, 2018 01:55 |
Peeny Cheez posted:If I remember correctly, it's that the default list is created the first call and reused each subsequent call. yeah if you do code:
what you need to do is: code:
Space Whale posted:What the gently caress
# ? Jun 9, 2018 01:56 |
Fiedler posted:this is very good. he told you that he's a complete moron and then he didn't waste any more of your time.
# ? Jun 9, 2018 02:02 |
Arcsech posted:yeah if you do This is ridiculous. Between poo poo like this and https://lwn.net/Articles/754163/ I really just keep wtfing.
# ? Jun 9, 2018 02:05 |
Lol. P-langs everyone.
# ? Jun 9, 2018 02:20 |
javascript remains the best p-lang
# ? Jun 9, 2018 03:02 |
Peeny Cheez posted:If I remember correctly, it's that the default list is created the first call and reused each subsequent call. it's not in the first call, it's assigned in the function definition statement code:
# ? Jun 9, 2018 04:19 |
back on topic: I did a coding test today, it was like 45 min of 3 incremental tasks, I almost missed the deadline, there was no countdown! there are a shitton of stages in the hiring process, stage 5 or something will be a 4 hour timed project which is insane but what choice do I have
# ? Jun 9, 2018 04:32 |
do you guys like coding challenges for interview screening? how long is optimal for one before you decide not to do it
# ? Jun 9, 2018 04:34 |
I might dedicate a whole weekend (friday night included) if there's something special about the job. otherwise a couple weeknights tops. yes, i like them but its not like i'm getting paid
# ? Jun 9, 2018 04:41 |
PokeJoe posted:do you guys like coding challenges for interview screening? how long is optimal for one before you decide not to do it If they're strictly timed, no.
# ? Jun 9, 2018 04:42 |
Fiedler posted:this is very good. he told you that he's a complete moron and then he didn't waste any more of your time. wish I could remember the name of the company so I know never to apply there again
# ? Jun 9, 2018 04:43 |
PokeJoe posted:do you guys like coding challenges for interview screening? how long is optimal for one before you decide not to do it I like coding challenges because I'm a huge sucker for brainteasers tbqh I feel like 2/3 problems and 30 min for each is pretty fair game. but I don't have much of a choice given my situation so I just accept whatever
# ? Jun 9, 2018 04:49 |
i like doing the pre-screen coding challenge things even better if they relate to the job and aren't just random leetcode questions
# ? Jun 9, 2018 04:50 |
PokeJoe posted:do you guys like coding challenges for interview screening? how long is optimal for one before you decide not to do it I've had a couple now with 90-minute coding challenges (done independently, without having to explain your thinking as you go) and that's a pretty good length imo. you get enough time to do a somewhat interesting problem, and if you spend 15 minutes planning/60 minutes coding/15 minutes cleanup and finalizing your solution you have plenty of time to breathe without dumping way too much time into it i haven't had a >2 hour one yet, making time for that would be pretty rough. the only coding challenge I liked that had someone watching was one where the interviewer just had me share my screen and I could use my own IntelliJ setup. the others are varying levels of okay, but really fuckin stressful because you're in a weird environment
# ? Jun 9, 2018 04:51 |
# ? Jan 18, 2025 15:12 |
I hate coding projects though, it's borderline abusive to make you spend days and overthink coding some bullshit library web app and then not receive any feedback on that
# ? Jun 9, 2018 04:51 |