Caruana going for it against Ding. e: Grischuk has generated a very good position against So. Space advantage, and bishops pointing at the king. Hand Knit fucked around with this message at 16:49 on Mar 11, 2018 |
# ? Mar 11, 2018 16:21 |
# ? Jan 25, 2025 20:34 |
Hand Knit posted:Caruana going for it against Ding. And So resigns.
# ? Mar 11, 2018 18:14 |
PotatoJudge posted:And So resigns. Looking over the game, d5 seems like the culprit. Jan + Sopiko called it an interesting move at the time, but it seems like it commits the sin of opening the centre when you're not caught up in development, and creates the huge hole on c5 that white uses to force the trade on e4 then lift the rook.
# ? Mar 11, 2018 18:22 |
Less decisive this round with Sasha defeating So and kramnik rather poetically being unable to crack open 'his' opening in the city it's named after. Keeps it nice and tight for the tournament. Unfortunately at work all this week so not going to be follow it live for the next 5 days.
# ? Mar 11, 2018 21:03 |
Loving Africa Chaps posted:Less decisive this round with Sasha defeating So and kramnik rather poetically being unable to crack open 'his' opening in the city it's named after. I was going to post something pithy about Closed Ruy v Berlin Defense as if I know anything about it but then, lo and behold Berlin Wall Holds and the Closed Ruy does not.
# ? Mar 12, 2018 00:22 |
Day 2 Results: So's terrible start continues and the rest of the games end in draws. Grischuk 1 - So 0 Mamedyarov 1/2 - Aronian 1/2 Kramnik 1/2 - Karjakin 1/2 Ling 1/2 - Caruana 1/2 Chess.com write up with anotated games Dan King wraps Grischuck/So. Sopiko Guramishvili looks at yesterday's Aronian/Liren game for Chess24 Pepe Cuenca looks at yesterday's Aronian/Liren game for Chess24 ChessNetwork looks at yesterday's Caruana/So game. As Mentioned he explains things for beginners more which is great for dumbasses like me. PGNs Final bits of news: * Surprise surprise the AGON website is a total poo poo show still. * Chess.com mentions that they don't mention Chess24 because they mad that Chess24 had the nerve to beat them in court. Lmao loving morons. * Speaking of the players making GBS threads on the event, the players can now poo poo at the event because they have running water in the toilets. Yes the toilets having running water is news at this event * It's apparently a bit quieter now though. * They still only have one toilet. * I can spell Mamedyarov without looking now. Mamedyarov. Mamedyarov. Openings through round 2: Seriously who cares about this stuff aside from me? * English Opening, * Catalan x 2 * King's Indian * Ruy Lopez (Fianchetto), Ruy Lopez (Berlin), Ruy Lopez (Closed) * Nimzo Indian Standings: Kramnik first on tiebreaker. I think that's because he beat Grischuck who is above Karjakin in the standings, who Mamedyarov beat. Today/Tonight's Games algebra testes fucked around with this message at 00:39 on Mar 12, 2018 |
# ? Mar 12, 2018 00:31 |
1.e4 in every game. I wonder when the last time that happened. We have one Berlin (not the endgame line, though), one Italian, one Najdorf, and one Wesley So deciding how to answer 1...e5.
# ? Mar 12, 2018 14:08 |
So I guess the Sicilian is going to be a wild as it looks to the naked eye? e: Hand Knit posted:1.e4 in every game. I wonder when the last time that happened. We have one Berlin (not the endgame line, though), one Italian, one Najdorf, and one Wesley So deciding how to answer 1...e5. I love when we get the classical and the berlin at the same time. ~variety~ algebra testes fucked around with this message at 14:50 on Mar 12, 2018 |
# ? Mar 12, 2018 14:47 |
"Very good apm" "Is that a.... star craft thing?" "Yes" - An actual honest to god exchange I just heard on the chess24 stream between 2 Grandmasters.
# ? Mar 12, 2018 15:11 |
Oh god Levon
# ? Mar 12, 2018 15:57 |
algebra testes posted:Oh god Levon Might be regretting some choices right now. e: Like he's losing from such a fundemental "I did not understand the opening on a basic level" game.
# ? Mar 12, 2018 16:23 |
Hand Knit posted:Might be regretting some choices right now. I hate seeing chess dad getting beaten up like this
# ? Mar 12, 2018 16:37 |
28.Kh2 g=Q+ 29.Kxg1 f2+ 30.Kh1 Rh3+ 31.Kg2 f=Q# is the stuff of my worst nightmares
# ? Mar 12, 2018 17:07 |
Hand Knit posted:Might be regretting some choices right now. I saw him go into a berlin against kramnik and i was like drat, levon is ready to show the world he is going to take this tournament and then everything seemed to fall apart from kh1 rg8 Fabi/Shak is a really sharp ending
# ? Mar 12, 2018 17:27 |
Fabi might have missed it, the computers have swung back to even and now he has 4 minutes for 9 moves or whatever.
# ? Mar 12, 2018 17:30 |
Shak says gently caress your draw we're playing 4 min blitz with a 30 second increment.
# ? Mar 12, 2018 17:49 |
Oh god tick tock
# ? Mar 12, 2018 17:52 |
algebra testes posted:Oh god tick tock Made time control, this seems alot better for black now with the h and e pawn racing down the board
# ? Mar 12, 2018 18:03 |
Loving Africa Chaps posted:I saw him go into a berlin against kramnik and i was like drat, levon is ready to show the world he is going to take this tournament and then everything seemed to fall apart from kh1 rg8 0-0 and h3 without black castling is a huge "doesn't have an elementary understanding of the position" fuckup. Since black hasn't committed to castling kingside, the g3 and h3 squares basically have giant neon flashing "punch me" signs. In the first 10 moves of the game, Lev spent 2 creating a giant weakness that he then has to spend the rest of the game trying to undo.
# ? Mar 12, 2018 18:09 |
I will state with confidence that I could lose the Caruana-Mamedyarov position from either side.
# ? Mar 12, 2018 18:10 |
Seems like the day of 1.e4 ended in 3 draws and 1 win for black.
# ? Mar 12, 2018 19:24 |
tonberrytoby posted:Seems like the day of 1.e4 ended in 3 draws and 1 win for black. Non-zero chance you're getting ahead of yourself.
# ? Mar 12, 2018 19:31 |
Play resumes today for the next 3 days. Aman Hambleton will be on the chessbrah stream with Yasser for these games before Yasser goes to St Louis. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXcwGyqGY3c Chess network has done a video on the Aronian/Kramnik game.
# ? Mar 14, 2018 07:03 |
# ? Mar 14, 2018 14:03 |
Nobody wants to play spanish after yesterday. Maybe Caruna wants to borrow the power of old memes to break Kramnik's winning streak. In russian game you beat Kramnik.
# ? Mar 14, 2018 14:18 |
Chucky sac'd a piece.
# ? Mar 14, 2018 14:28 |
Grischuk has played a piece sacrifice against Ding. Topalov won quite a spectacular game in this line a couple years ago or so. Time to see if Ding knows the book. Karjakin has spotted Aronian a pawn in a QGA and I gotta say... I'm not really sure where Karjakin gets everything back here. Aronian will have trouble if he ever has to castle, but I dunno if he's gonna have to castle.
# ? Mar 14, 2018 14:29 |
Christ just looked at the games and shak and so have traded everything off in 20 moves!
# ? Mar 14, 2018 14:59 |
I see I picked a bad day to be out in the afternoon. Grischuk missed a win against So and Kramnik is in the process of swindling Caruana?
# ? Mar 14, 2018 18:13 |
I don't really watch chess stuff usually, but the start of this tournament I noticed on twitch (chessbrah guys), and they're easily the best commentators for someone who doesn't really follow a ton of high level chess. They rely much less on using the name references for stuff and more on just explaining while showing moves, and keeping the current board on the side I found a tremendous help while they explore potential moves. Like it gives an anchor I can reference when they start going a bit fast. That and Yasser has a great personality. It might also help that this tournament seems to have a lot fewer draws than expecting, and even a lot of those seemed pretty hard fought.
# ? Mar 14, 2018 20:42 |
What the gently caress even is this tournament https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nth6BkF3Bcg 50 minutes of breakdown(!) algebra testes fucked around with this message at 23:21 on Mar 14, 2018 |
# ? Mar 14, 2018 22:04 |
Kramnik Caruana was just an absolutely epic game. Swings back and forth with fabi coming back when he was in what looked like a losing position and under ridiculous time pressure, pretty much playing the increment for 15 moves to make time control. Think it's a also great example of why computers aren't great at predicting what human players are going to do. At one point if you go through the game stockfish has Kramnik up a giant amount and wants him to under promote (this means getting a pawn on your opponents back rank and choosing something other then a queen) to prevent a check on the king. A human player 5 hours into a game like that just isn't going to be thinking the same way. Loving Africa Chaps fucked around with this message at 07:27 on Mar 15, 2018 |
# ? Mar 15, 2018 07:24 |
I think you are talking about move 44, and Stockfish sees Bxd8 following no matter what you promote to, check or no check. Stockfish has a tendency to underpromote in those situations because it thinks it is slightly more likely the opponent will not take if you underpromote. So d8=Q Bxd8 still would have left Kramnick in the position Stockfish considered best for white.
# ? Mar 15, 2018 13:31 |
e: fell for dodgy pgns! algebra testes fucked around with this message at 14:18 on Mar 15, 2018 |
# ? Mar 15, 2018 14:14 |
I like the Yasser & Anime Hair coverage so much! Especially of the insane Grischuk game.
# ? Mar 15, 2018 16:35 |
Doctor Malaver posted:I like the Yasser & Anime Hair coverage so much! Especially of the insane Grischuk game. Anime hair is definitely the better chessbrah for commentry imo.
# ? Mar 15, 2018 16:48 |
Results were 4 draws but Aronian/Grischuck was wild as hell.
# ? Mar 16, 2018 00:19 |
Things not going well for Levon Peter and Jan are talking about Leisure Suit Larry vs Day of the Tentacle
# ? Mar 16, 2018 18:26 |
Really good technical game by Mamedyarov to move into a tie for first. e: And a really cute attempt by Kramnik at the swindle. Hand Knit fucked around with this message at 19:50 on Mar 16, 2018 |
# ? Mar 16, 2018 19:39 |
# ? Jan 25, 2025 20:34 |
bigfoot again posted:Things not going well for Levon Peter said in a banter blitz he learned English playing Leisure Suit Larry. Hand Knit posted:Really good technical game by Mamedyarov to move into a tie for first. drat I had such a long week as soon as the games started I just fell asleep on the couch and woke up after it was all over. I think we can say "Shak - Bad Beater" may no longer be a thing. He'd be such an exciting competitor for Magnus. e: the worst part about the Aronian thing is if he takes the bishop with check yesterday he probably wins, and if he wins he's only half a point from the leaders even with a loss. It's kinda amazing how razor thin the margins are. algebra testes fucked around with this message at 00:29 on Mar 17, 2018 |
# ? Mar 16, 2018 23:40 |