it doesn’t have a good epoll now but don’t worry, you can do AIO polls now the AIO part of AIO is still crap, though
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# ? Feb 7, 2025 20:45 |
It's a long weekend and I keep thinking about writing my own database "build*" process what is wrong with me? *not really build but a basic ui for generating a manifest for something like flywayDB without having to janitor xml so really just drag and drop a run order, specify rollbacks etc but taking the file list from a diff of the work branch to the master so you don't have to list anything manually and oh god why can't I stop
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mystes posted:My impression of pinterest years ago it was just companies trying to get free advertising through social media and there were no actual users, and it seemed like it only got less popular from that point. They're seriously having an IPO? I managed to capture a video of some of IPO trading, live like it's the 20th Century again, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykDCLu5iRFM&t=71s
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Powerful Two-Hander posted:It's a long weekend and I keep thinking about writing my own database "build*" process what is wrong with me? I've found Flyaway to be pretty fragile, but then our whole build process is pretty fragile
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i spent all day making a progressbar for our webapp's bootstrap script loading the actual ~1 MB (compressed) js and css data. i develop it in firefox and when i try it in chrome, the loving browser reports the amount of uncompressed data in its progressevent, so the progress bar hilariously breaks way out of the right side of the containing div. edge worked correctly. ie 11 didn't work because i used arrow functions (and probably would have broken on promises next) web "development" ![]()
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webdev is such a joke that it shouldn’t even be considered programming
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you'd think that in 2019 things like the number of bytes returned by a file download progress event would no longer be an issue. i wonder if chrome reports the number of raw 24-bit rgb pixels decoded so far if you attach a progress event handler on an image file download
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CRIP EATIN BREAD posted:webdev is such a joke that it shouldn’t even be considered programming idk the number of dumb poo poo problems that web devs keep having to solve because no one has solved them in meaningful ways is kind of astonishing
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its amazing that web "devs" keep coming up with new and terrible ways to "solve" already solved problems
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Shaggar posted:its amazing that web "devs" keep coming up with new and terrible ways to "solve" already solved problems some of us are actually just interested in building apps instead of new frameworks, op
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akadajet posted:some of us are actually just interested in building apps instead of new frameworks, op and we can't wait to get those apps started after we're done gluing together a usable framework from 300 disparate node dependencies
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Shaggar posted:its amazing that web "devs" keep coming up with new and terrible ways to "solve" already solved problems they should come up with better error messages so I don’t have to hit google for everything. thanks spring boot for giving me http 503 and then nothing in terms of what actually is wrong (turns out the spring boot application function has to be in the same dir or higher than the rest controllers)
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DaTroof posted:and we can't wait to get those apps started after we're done gluing together a usable framework from 300 disparate node dependencies I love having a 350mb node_modules folder
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DaTroof posted:and we can't wait to get those apps started after we're done gluing together a usable framework from 300 disparate node dependencies AggressivelyStupid posted:I love having a 350mb node_modules folder last time i installed/ran our front-end service locally it was over two gigs on disc and the npm dependency list was over 1000 lines long. it takes about five to ten minutes to bootstrap and basically makes my dev machine unusable while doing so. gently caress web development
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Aramoro posted:I've found Flyaway to be pretty fragile, but then our whole build process is pretty fragile is it more fragile than "get someone in the services team to copy and paste the contents of anything up to 30 scripts into a terminal and run them"? because that's the current deploy process!
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Powerful Two-Hander posted:is it more fragile than "get someone in the services team to copy and paste the contents of anything up to 30 scripts into a terminal and run them"? because that's the current deploy process! it absolutely is not. flyway isn't the perfect solution but sheeeeeeit is it better than no solution
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Oneiros posted:last time i installed/ran our front-end service locally it was over two gigs on disc and the npm dependency list was over 1000 lines long. it takes about five to ten minutes to bootstrap and basically makes my dev machine unusable while doing so. what uhh, what does it .... do at least in general terms
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Private Speech posted:what uhh, what does it .... do queries the backend for data with tons of redundant / duplicate requests because no one understands debouncing / locking then presents it to our users in half a dozen subtly different visual design patterns and with various parts of the page contradicting each other because there's no consistency between the various backend services and everything is async. and live reloading, which i guess is a vitally important feature, except when it breaks. also half the time the backend throws a 500 the front-end does nothing because error handlers are just straight up missing.
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i'm currently betting on whether we'll make it a year between all-hands presentations on how yes, the current js framework is a dumpster fire and everyone hates working on it but this "new" js framework is totally gonna solve all our problems. we have three in various degrees of active use / decrepitude. in more homegrown terrible programming news, i recently discovered that my team's service's build script was caching every ruby gem we've ever pulled in and then copying them all into our deployment docker image, which would explain why the drat thing had grown to over a gig (not that it's particularly svelte after trimming that poo poo out). i've had a really bad habit of not paying much attention to infra & testing stuff during reviews (not that i'm much more than a novice in those areas myself) and i'm gonna have to fix that because god drat the entire build/deploy pipeline is a ticking time bomb waiting to blow up in our faces.
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that sucks but it actually sounds like things are a lot farther along than most places in terms of build scripts and docker images so you've at least got that going for you!
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Oneiros posted:last time i installed/ran our front-end service locally it was over two gigs on disc and the npm dependency list was over 1000 lines long. it takes about five to ten minutes to bootstrap and basically makes my dev machine unusable while doing so. try running create-react-app if you're curious what a 200mb hello world looks like the package-lock.json is 643kb i actually like react but holy poo poo the create-react-app scaffold is unrepentant garbage
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Wheany posted:i spent all day making a progressbar for our webapp's bootstrap script loading the actual ~1 MB (compressed) js and css data. i develop it in firefox and when i try it in chrome, the loving browser reports the amount of uncompressed data in its progressevent, so the progress bar hilariously breaks way out of the right side of the containing div. edge worked correctly. ie 11 didn't work because i used arrow functions (and probably would have broken on promises next) It's things like this that ensure we all have jobs. Our livelihoods depend upon our unique knowledge of web Woodoo (it's like Web Voodoo but more politically correct in IE 10+ and Chrome 42.0/Blink 182.1). Web development is like if civil engineers had sidewalk cement that didn't support certain versions of bicycles.
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DaTroof posted:try running create-react-app if you're curious what a 200mb hello world looks like Use parcel Create react app except not poo poo
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Sapozhnik posted:Use parcel how come whenever people talk about any dynamic language the solution is always an unironic “use THIS package” or “use THIS framework” when the problems are clearly systematic to the team or drive being the language?
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spoken like someone who clearly never tried parcel! joking of course, webdev is terrible (in before shaggar: this includes blazor)
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lol chome marked the bug WontFix a week ago https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=463622
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i introduced someone at work to "fetch", the Javascript convenience function for sending HTTP calls which is super easy and quick.The downside is it's not supported in explorer he used it on one page and his boss told him to remove it because it didn't work in his browser
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now to teach him about polyfills
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abigserve posted:i introduced someone at work to "fetch", the Javascript convenience function for sending HTTP calls which is super easy and quick.The downside is it's not supported in explorer IE has long term support till 2025, so only 6 more years of transpiling all your code into ECMAscript 5.
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Some Mazdas and some Nissans cannot stream over Bluetooth the 99% Invisible podcast because of the "% I" in the name so they made an alternate "99% invisible" podcast to work around it. More weirdness: https://www.reddit.com/r/gimlet/comments/bdxht4/hey_its_ben_from_the_reply_all_episode_140_i_have/ crazysim fucked around with this message at 12:03 on Apr 22, 2019 |
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I found out today that the reason two of our projects in the VS solution have a bunch of included files is because they're in the same directory (so all the unincluded files are *hopefully* part of the other project)
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quote if the internal monologue in your head while reading code is pretty much the same as audio off a dashcam video
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crazysim posted:Some Mazdas and some Nissans cannot stream over Bluetooth the 99% Invisible podcast because of the "% I" in the name so they made an alternate "99% invisible" podcast to work around it. lol if you didn't expect URL encoding immediately on description of the problem
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Skyl3lazer posted:I found out today that the reason two of our projects in the VS solution have a bunch of included files is because they're in the same directory (so all the unincluded files are *hopefully* part of the other project) the new project format includes all files in the directory by default. so that wouldn’t work too well
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Captain Foo posted:lol if you didn't expect URL encoding immediately on description of the problem It wasnt though, it was printf query strings according to that which is MUCH worse
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gonadic io posted:It wasnt though, it was printf query strings according to that which is MUCH worse it wasn't printf tho
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Captain Foo posted:it wasn't printf tho IDK I'm just going off the linked reddit posts where they crashed it with printf formatting patterns and not with other % chars that weren't valid for printf ![]()
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gonadic io posted:IDK I'm just going off the linked reddit posts where they crashed it with printf formatting patterns and not with other % chars that weren't valid for printf i was going off the podcast where they ended up concluding it wasn't printf
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# ? Feb 7, 2025 20:45 |
% In writes to memory, % i just reads the stack.
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