Wheany posted:as time goes by, the number of quotation marks around the word developers increases there must be some reason that happens, but i haven%E2%80%99t figured it out yet
# ? May 7, 2019 16:53 |
# ? Jan 15, 2025 04:58 |
are there any legal or ethical issues with just copy-pasting a function out of an open source project with no explicit license?
# ? May 7, 2019 18:51 |
HoboMan posted:are there any legal or ethical issues with just copy-pasting a function out of an open source project with no explicit license? legally, no licence = 100% copyrighted even if you can view the code. They might sue you I guess?
# ? May 7, 2019 18:53 |
HoboMan posted:are there any legal or ethical issues with just copy-pasting a function out of an open source project with no explicit license? the law generally assumes that all rights are reserved by default, so without a license it might as well be closed/proprietary
# ? May 7, 2019 18:57 |
welp got this broken-rear end js library that just so happens to have a function that does exactly what I need, but the rest of the library is garbage
# ? May 7, 2019 18:57 |
HoboMan posted:welp you can always ask the developer to clarify. if you're lucky they just forgot to specify it or whatever i had a developer contact me for something like that once. the code was licensed mit but he wanted to know about the logo, so i just made it cc-by-sa
# ? May 7, 2019 19:08 |
i wrote a zsh completion once that was pretty basic but someone asked me to throw a license on it so they could include it some collection of completions in the zsh-users repo. seemed like a trivial thing at the time but i can understand why they'd want it explicitly stated that i didn't give a gently caress.
# ? May 7, 2019 20:15 |
It's me, I like chef. I am a terrible person. But god drat is it nice once it's all setup.
# ? May 7, 2019 21:57 |
ratbert90 posted:It's me, I like chef. I am a terrible person. chef is miserable and, like all dsls, should be destroyed and all its creators rounded up and executed
# ? May 7, 2019 22:20 |
ratbert90 posted:It's me, I like chef. I am a terrible person. most things are nice when they’re all set up. the differentiation is about how horrible it is to get them to that state (and what happens when the requirements change)
# ? May 7, 2019 23:33 |
I spent my day flattening ridiculous abstract hierarchies it was a good day
# ? May 8, 2019 01:21 |
HoboMan posted:are there any legal or ethical issues with just copy-pasting a function out of an open source project with no explicit license?
# ? May 8, 2019 02:03 |
puppet > chef
# ? May 8, 2019 03:45 |
crazypenguin posted:ah, yeah stroustrup brings it up a lot when talking about c++ template/concept syntax. originally c++ didn't have the template<typename T> boilerplate but it was added because people were worried that it wouldn't be obvious that a function was a template and that'd be a big problem for some reason. no language since which has generic syntax inspired by c++ has included similar boilerplate and it's never been an issue, and now that templates aren't a new exotic thing everyone wishes we could get rid of the boilerplate.
# ? May 8, 2019 03:56 |
what boilerplate except the word "template"?
# ? May 8, 2019 04:18 |
most languages manage to make due with void foo<T>(T arg) rather than template<typename T> void foo(T arg); and c++ could have as well
# ? May 8, 2019 04:22 |
Plorkyeran posted:most languages manage to make due with void foo<T>(T arg) rather than template<typename T> void foo(T arg); and c++ could have as well Developers are giant babies.
# ? May 8, 2019 07:34 |
Aramoro posted:Developers are giant babies.
# ? May 8, 2019 08:13 |
Aramoro posted:babies are giant developers.
# ? May 8, 2019 08:41 |
Just got told that work is paying 2k/mo for 30mb of data in cosmos lol E: plans to change this have just been pushed to 2020 gonadic io fucked around with this message at 10:20 on May 8, 2019 |
# ? May 8, 2019 10:16 |
gonadic io posted:Just got told that work is paying 2k/mo for 30mb of data in cosmos lol lmao
# ? May 8, 2019 11:01 |
gonadic io posted:Just got told that work is paying 2k/mo for 30mb of data in cosmos lol ask for a 24k/yr raise since wasting that much money apparently don't matter to them
# ? May 8, 2019 13:24 |
mystes posted:Being able to view the source code does not make it open source. being open source doesnt necessarily mean you can c/p code into your fart app, either
# ? May 8, 2019 13:25 |
HoboMan posted:ask for a 24k/yr raise since wasting that much money apparently don't matter to them This is the same place that gave me a 5k raise. I gave my notice, and the hiring for my replacement is at 30k above what I'm on. Going to go do rust, can't wait to encounter exactly the same stupid choices but in a new different lang
# ? May 8, 2019 13:32 |
at least it will be fearless zero-cost stupidity
# ? May 8, 2019 14:09 |
anyone dealt with nested objects in dapper before?
# ? May 8, 2019 14:17 |
gonadic io posted:Just got told that work is paying 2k/mo for 30mb of data in cosmos lol lpl
# ? May 8, 2019 15:05 |
gonadic io posted:Just got told that work is paying 2k/mo for 30mb of data in cosmos lol how?
# ? May 8, 2019 17:31 |
Shaggar posted:how? Storing telemetry messages one per document with a short TTL. Lots of reads, lots of writes, just not much data held at rest.
# ? May 8, 2019 17:37 |
if ur doing telemetry application insights is probably cheaper and its also built for it.
# ? May 8, 2019 17:39 |
Shaggar posted:if ur doing telemetry application insights is probably cheaper and its also built for it. For our other stuff we use iot with its underlying eventhub and it works great, it's just this rear end backwards legacy system that does it the dumb way and nobody wants to take responsibility for fixing it
# ? May 8, 2019 17:48 |
yeah any of those document stores as a service are not cheap for high write throughput. we looked at it for something and it would have cost easily 10x more than anything else we looked at.
# ? May 8, 2019 17:48 |
yeah even amazon's dynamodb is ridiculously expensive for what it gives you
# ? May 8, 2019 17:58 |
HoboMan posted:anyone dealt with nested objects in dapper before? yes. I think so anyway, do you meant like "returning an object of type Butt that has a property output of type Fart" in one query? If so you can do it by adding a lambda split into the dapper query, I'll see if I can find an example because I've only used it once before thinking "this was dumb I should have returned multiple sets" be aware:it splits on a certain return value name iirc so if your column order ever changes you're hosed. edit: example here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7472088/correct-use-of-multimapping-in-dapper tbh if i was using it now id probably have used the multiple result set functions and bound to separate objects then glued them together or something because it avoids a "wtf is this expression doing here" when you look at it later edit 2: modified example to use consistent butt/fart syntax Powerful Two-Hander fucked around with this message at 20:00 on May 8, 2019 |
# ? May 8, 2019 19:48 |
thanks for the reply, yeah we got an object that has other objects as properties and wanted to know what the best way to get that in and out of the database using dapper. i just spent the last 3 hours trial-and-error learning about undocumented angular lifecycle hook behavior though so my brain hurt and i'll look at this dapper stuff later. gently caress angular by the way
# ? May 8, 2019 20:21 |
HoboMan posted:gently caress angular by the way
# ? May 8, 2019 21:36 |
if you think angular is bad imagine how bad angularjs (angular 1) was. i still have nightmares about that poo poo
# ? May 8, 2019 21:37 |
HoboMan posted:thanks for the reply, yeah we got an object that has other objects as properties and wanted to know what the best way to get that in and out of the database using dapper. i dont know how far you can chain the split if you have multiple child objects....i guess maybe you can nest it idk. QueryMultiple (https://dapper-tutorial.net/querymultiple) works though as well, so instead of returning one row with all the data (or splitting into multipel calls you just split into multiple return results and map them in order. that assumes you have control over your db code though!
# ? May 8, 2019 22:10 |
CRIP EATIN BREAD posted:yeah even amazon's [any AWS product] is ridiculously expensive for what it gives you fixed
# ? May 8, 2019 22:18 |
# ? Jan 15, 2025 04:58 |
Arcsech posted:fixed dynamo really is exceptionally expensive in comparison to many of the other services. writes are charged in 1kb blocks (same as cosmo). we spend less than $1k/mo on rds for this and it would have cost nearly $30k/mo using dynamo.
# ? May 8, 2019 23:13 |