Heh. My first full-time job doing this was writing perl and java 1.2 on an NT 4 network for a porn startup whose core technology was completely fictional.
# ? Aug 9, 2018 05:01 |
# ? Oct 13, 2024 14:31 |
the talent deficit posted:dbt is great for stuff that fits in a single db. spark is good for everything else im looking at dbt right now and it looks real nice, going to field test it on our dwh i think
# ? Aug 9, 2018 07:57 |
Fiedler posted:you're right. apple misses out on a lot of really good software by not standardizing on windows. now that they're basically just the iphone company there's an opportunity to sell off the faltering mac business and transition over to a superior pc platform. i'm certain that microsoft would offer very reasonable prices for an enterprise agreement covering windows, office, sql server, dynamics, and visual studio. i can't tell if this is ironic or not
# ? Aug 9, 2018 08:15 |
although reading more im not sure id consider dbt to be an etl tool, not in the context commonly used in modern discourse at least
# ? Aug 9, 2018 08:18 |
DELETE CASCADE posted:materialized views: cool and also good gently caress yeah
# ? Aug 9, 2018 08:40 |
I sure love opening a file and immediately filling my working copy, diff, and then pull requestwith a bunch of trailing whitespace removal
# ? Aug 9, 2018 10:46 |
CRIP EATIN BREAD posted:my first lovely programmer job was being a temp at a place optimizing sql queries to speed up crystal reports that were embedded in ASP 1.0 pages, which used COM objects for database access. Mao Zedong Thot posted:extremely literal a bit afterwards half the company got sold off and i left because i didn't want to help with the transition because it was going to be a clusterfuck. also my loving college was going to pay me more for research, with health benefits, and free tuition, so that sweetened the pot
# ? Aug 9, 2018 15:00 |
current terrible contractor status: not too bad, honestly. the amount of work is pretty reasonable and the app is small so i might walk away from this without feeling exploited.
# ? Aug 9, 2018 19:12 |
also just really super loving impressed by quality of this rust code i'm looking at from this mit kid. it's written by someone who has barely graduated college but seem to understand rust better than i do, and the code is well organized and easy to deal with so far. i mean, i shouldn't be that surprised but i guess i was expecting it to be more...well, terrible, and less professional. this is also a not so subtle humblebrag about me keeping up with mit students. DONT THREAD ON ME fucked around with this message at 19:37 on Aug 9, 2018 |
# ? Aug 9, 2018 19:26 |
ime more terrible = more professional, not less. that kid's inexperience is showing
# ? Aug 9, 2018 21:49 |
MALE SHOEGAZE posted:this is also a not so subtle humblebrag about me keeping up with mit students. i hate to pop your balloon here but mit students are just a normal bell curve pushed a little bit to the right maybe, not some cabal of super geniuses
# ? Aug 9, 2018 22:05 |
also academic environments have very little to do with the, from their point of view, mythical, production environment
# ? Aug 9, 2018 22:08 |
I used Buildroot to create a container for a gigantic pile of poo poo python2 application our company has that uses a combination of: - QT4 - MongoDB - Socat - 52 separate libraries, most of which are just "backport this to python2" It took me 3 days to get it running on CentOS7. It took me another week to clean out all the PEP8 warnings. It took me another week to get it going in BuildRoot. Why Buildroot? Because I don't want that poo poo spread out on my system. This is the first time I have used BuildRoot + Docker, and it works pretty well!
# ? Aug 9, 2018 22:24 |
raminasi posted:i hate to pop your balloon here but mit students are just a normal bell curve pushed a little bit to the right maybe, not some cabal of super geniuses yeah i'm pretty bad about this kind of thinking in general.
# ? Aug 9, 2018 22:40 |
also yeah nm i found the bodies
# ? Aug 9, 2018 22:51 |
why the hell did you use a loving week on pep8, who cares
# ? Aug 9, 2018 23:13 |
if i were your boss and found out you were janitoring white space for a week, i'd fire you
# ? Aug 9, 2018 23:14 |
sometimes i go a whole week without doing anything at all
# ? Aug 9, 2018 23:15 |
Is there seriously not an automated tool which can fix PEP8 warnings?
# ? Aug 9, 2018 23:17 |
of course there is
# ? Aug 9, 2018 23:38 |
Tankakern posted:if i were your boss and found out you were janitoring white space for a week, i'd fire you terrible programming: janitoring white space for a week aka python programming
# ? Aug 9, 2018 23:44 |
MALE SHOEGAZE posted:also yeah nm i found the bodies
# ? Aug 9, 2018 23:45 |
Tankakern posted:why the hell did you use a loving week on pep8, who cares yospos, birch
# ? Aug 9, 2018 23:52 |
CRIP EATIN BREAD posted:sometimes i go a whole week without doing anything at all same like this week I've spent maybe 3 days just aimlessly fiddling with some code I wrote 2 weeks ago because I can't quite get back in the groove to finish the implementation
# ? Aug 10, 2018 00:04 |
cinci zoo sniper posted:although reading more im not sure id consider dbt to be an etl tool, not in the context commonly used in modern discourse at least it's the T and maybe the L part, depending on your needs. it's obviously not suitable for every ETL process but it's great when it is suitable
# ? Aug 10, 2018 00:14 |
Tankakern posted:why the hell did you use a loving week on pep8, who cares When you open a python file and it’s a sea of goddamn yellow all over the place, it’s incredibly loving annoying. And yeah, of course I auto formatted, but a lot of poo poo needed to be hand fixed as well.
# ? Aug 10, 2018 02:39 |
I nice big gently caress you to LG today. idgi, they loaf off the Apache Cordova project, some wonderfully aspiring JavaScript framework for mobile devices, yet cannot be bothered to actually update their official packages to upstream versions even though WebOS is a primary supported platform. So yay lets have completely broken polyfills injected from random scripts for functions that LG themselves list as totally not supported on the hardware. The security theatre with Smart TVs is starting to take the piss too, LG warns in their documentation that having an open SSH port is too dangerous! You have to login to a dev portal with an account confirmed by local sales staff, then install a dev-mode app, enable dev-mode, enable a CA server, share keys about, and then you have a time restricted access to the Chrome developer tools in the TV, but it actually only really works with Chrome < v53. After 10 hours rinse and repeat. For some reason the clock has to be correct to login too, otherwise it just yields "Error". Also, for some reason having XHR access to third party sites is bad and blocked by default. In big red laters LG states that allowing API access is very bad (tm). I guess Corea didn't invent AWS? MrMoo fucked around with this message at 02:47 on Aug 10, 2018 |
# ? Aug 10, 2018 02:43 |
MrMoo posted:I nice big gently caress you to LG today. Yikes. Are you still thinking about contracting out some real time charting in JS and if so, have you thought about requirements and acceptance criteria?
# ? Aug 10, 2018 02:49 |
prisoner of waffles posted:Are you still thinking about contracting out some real time charting in JS and if so, have you thought about requirements and acceptance criteria? It looks like Chrome 69 is my saviour for this, it adds 2D OffScreenCanvas support so you can draw as slow as you want in a WebWorker. So performance out of the window my main issue is getting Plotly to look a bit closer to what is currently shown on Fox TV, that's probably not too difficult just tedious. Then all the remaining work is in my court by setting up the plumbing for real time updates.
# ? Aug 10, 2018 02:53 |
MrMoo posted:It looks like Chrome 69 is my saviour
# ? Aug 10, 2018 03:00 |
MrMoo posted:Chrome 69
# ? Aug 10, 2018 03:05 |
# ? Aug 10, 2018 03:44 |
Peeny Cheez posted:ftfy how dare you
# ? Aug 10, 2018 05:45 |
redleader posted:how dare you
# ? Aug 10, 2018 05:58 |
we finally got our own office
# ? Aug 10, 2018 12:38 |
NihilCredo posted:we finally got our own office im stoked to move in with you next week
# ? Aug 10, 2018 12:43 |
im terrible and my programming is terrible
# ? Aug 10, 2018 13:54 |
my new dog posted:im terrible and my programming is terrible
# ? Aug 10, 2018 14:08 |
my new dog posted:im terrible and my programming is terrible good news: we’re here to help with both problems
# ? Aug 10, 2018 17:04 |
# ? Oct 13, 2024 14:31 |
c j/tp s: we have a new analyst joining our team so my dbt pet project will actually be useful since following the best practices has me lay our data model out in small, easily comprehensible and naturally connected chunks. it's nice so far - our dwh architect of course instantly scoffed at everything (macros? just type it out in script lol; variables and functions? pentaho does all that better; etc), but he can go sniff his rear end with negatory snark about learning new tech since that's a major component of my job duties and since he still, 9 months in, is absolutely baffled by and unable to perform such complex devops manipulations as "ssh into centos box and type htop to see ram use or cat a config file in known path to check the variables" (decade of professional it experience)
# ? Aug 10, 2018 17:11 |