That's a perfectly fine option, you can also use GitLab or GitHub options
# ? Aug 9, 2020 20:02 |
# ? Nov 4, 2024 04:51 |
i use jekyll and github pages and it's fine-ish
# ? Aug 9, 2020 20:18 |
animist posted:oh, lmao I started one like 6 years ago with jekyll and hosted on github pages that I keep meaning to update and never do. I've been meaning to look in to maybe switching to gatsby instead, maybe I'll get to that in the next few decades.
# ? Aug 9, 2020 21:08 |
90% of tech bloggers blog about how they've migrated their blog to a new stack and promise they'll really post more content in the near future
# ? Aug 9, 2020 22:28 |
Shinku ABOOKEN posted:what is so extreme about systemd? every service that systemd provides you have to do anyways so you might as well integrate it in your service manager and get it over with. the argument about it being single point of failure is something I don't buy since for such a critical component you better have a single point of failure and focus your attention there instead of a billion points of failure. yeah, kinda true MrMoo posted:Usually with Systemd cruft doesnt stay around too long. lol
# ? Aug 10, 2020 01:30 |
Doom Mathematic posted:More to the point, if you type .Find instead of .find then on executing the code you should just get an exception saying "Hey, .Find isn't a function" and showing you the line of code with the typo. That shouldn't take an hour to debug, so I'm curious whether something else is going on here. i was wondering whether to elaborate on this. the reason it took so long was that under some other conditions - that i still don't know whether are legitimate - the array is null, and i was confusing javascript's undefined member exception with its null reference exception, because i'm not even conversational with the standard language errors. that is, i thought that my logic for skipping the whole section when the array was null was wrong, and that's what i spend my time trying to "fix." someone with experience definitely wouldn't have taken so long to figure it out, but i think i was particularly off-balance because in the world i come from, "you typed a member name wrong" and "you tried to invoke a method with a null receiver" are completely different kinds of errors.
# ? Aug 10, 2020 01:51 |
Sagacity posted:90% of tech bloggers blog about how they've migrated their blog to a new stack and promise they'll really post more content in the near future yeah I was gonna say, the correct answer is to make your new artisanal blog engine the subject of your second (and penultimate) post. be sure to mention whatever faddish tech you used so you can curse at yourself as you fail to remember what you learned on that weekend three years ago it'll be a fun lil project though!
# ? Aug 10, 2020 02:25 |
I use ghost. It's mediocre, but works, so idgaf. I find that the online editor + preview makes it easier for me to write than doing a bunch of generated static pages.
# ? Aug 10, 2020 07:26 |
Sagacity posted:90% of tech bloggers blog about how they've migrated their blog to a new stack and promise they'll really post more content in the near future This is why I use something someone else wrote even if I have to fight sometimes.
# ? Aug 10, 2020 07:30 |
i don’t even have a blog
# ? Aug 10, 2020 08:20 |
Xarn posted:I use ghost. Lack of either a fully responsive UI or an Android app is a major bother with Ghost. How are you gonna type your magnum opus on the toilet?
# ? Aug 10, 2020 08:26 |
69% of websites use wordpress
# ? Aug 10, 2020 13:02 |
Twerk from Home posted:69% of websites use wordpress The bad 69%. The not nice 69%
# ? Aug 10, 2020 13:19 |
nooo the Optional<T> type in Swift thread got closed, nooo (ps it was absolutely not me who started it, but it was interesting having another perspective)
# ? Aug 10, 2020 18:14 |
strong poe's law energy in that thread
# ? Aug 10, 2020 18:51 |
post a link?
# ? Aug 10, 2020 19:46 |
oh yeah sorry https://forums.swift.org/t/optionals-cause-more-problems-than-they-solve/39221
# ? Aug 11, 2020 01:19 |
pokeyman posted:oh yeah sorry to me this sounds like “waaah I have to define the schemas being used to communicate between my services as a professional software developer”
# ? Aug 11, 2020 02:33 |
yeah that person just screams web "developer" they sound like a loving moron
# ? Aug 11, 2020 05:00 |
idk why they're using swift. they don't seem to get much out of it having trouble copy pasting from other languages is a new one though. that was the poe's law moment for me
# ? Aug 11, 2020 05:07 |
The Swift-fans are using "a?.b?.c?.d?.e()" as an example of why the Maybe type is good, so I don't think either side is looking good here
# ? Aug 11, 2020 08:18 |
SAVE-LISP-AND-DIE posted:The Swift-fans are using "a?.b?.c?.d?.e()" as an example of why the Maybe type is good, so I don't think either side is looking good here
# ? Aug 11, 2020 08:37 |
SAVE-LISP-AND-DIE posted:The Swift-fans are using "a?.b?.c?.d?.e()" as an example of why the Maybe type is good, so I don't think either side is looking good here lol at going 5 deep but c# has null conditional operators and it's real good poo poo.
# ? Aug 11, 2020 08:58 |
haskell has do notation and it’s good for that
# ? Aug 11, 2020 09:05 |
Xik posted:lol at going 5 deep but c# has null conditional operators and it's real good poo poo. yeah, also the new nullable scopes force you to explicitly declare anything that can be null which is nice but in practice not quite as nice as having first-class optional/maybe types
# ? Aug 11, 2020 09:15 |
Xik posted:lol at going 5 deep but c# has null conditional operators and it's real good poo poo. this is v. useful if I remember it exists but also what the: quote:The null-conditional member access operator ?. is also known as the Elvis operator.
# ? Aug 11, 2020 09:44 |
"Too much mental load!" scream the neophyte 21st century coders. Beyond the stars, BASIC twitches under its blanket of bugs.
# ? Aug 11, 2020 09:53 |
Powerful Two-Hander posted:this is v. useful if I remember it exists but also what the: if you squint hard and are a mega boomer it kinda looks like a hair curl just over a man's eyes, like elvis and superman wore. also never use the null coalesce operator on something that isn't supposed to be null. great way to sweep bugs under the carpet.
# ? Aug 11, 2020 09:54 |
No Pants posted:yeah, also the new nullable scopes force you to explicitly declare anything that can be null which is nice but in practice not quite as nice as having first-class optional/maybe types i'd class the c# nullable reference stuff as 'better than nothing'. i'm disappointed they're not introducing Optional<T> and Result<T, TErr> types into the std lib tbh
# ? Aug 11, 2020 11:33 |
Powerful Two-Hander posted:this is v. useful if I remember it exists but also what the: The question mark makes the hair. If you want a horror, the Elvis operator is a direct null compare, so anything that overloads null comparison (e.g. Unity3d's monobehaviour null compare) will produce incorrect results relative to code:
# ? Aug 11, 2020 12:56 |
The Elvis operator is ?: not ?.
# ? Aug 11, 2020 13:59 |
CPColin posted:The Elvis operator is ?: not ?. It’s the Elvis-after-a-fork-incident operator
# ? Aug 11, 2020 14:02 |
redleader posted:i'd class the c# nullable reference stuff as 'better than nothing'. i'm disappointed they're not introducing Optional<T> and Result<T, TErr> types into the std lib tbh i think it was a great compromise with years of old code. and f# has both of those things so maybe c# will get them in a few versions
# ? Aug 11, 2020 14:58 |
raminasi posted:i think it was a great compromise with years of old code. and f# has both of those things so maybe c# will get them in a few versions LanguageExt is the de facto implementation of functional-style data structures in C#, for the weenies who can't move to F#. It would be nice if it got some nod from MS so it could see more wide adoption - kinda like how JSON.NET was a virtually universal .NET JSON library for years, and even MS referenced it in its frameworks (they've only started using an in-house replacement like last year).
# ? Aug 11, 2020 17:26 |
redleader posted:i'd class the c# nullable reference stuff as 'better than nothing'. i'm disappointed they're not introducing Optional<T> and Result<T, TErr> types into the std lib tbh better to leave them out than to gently caress then up like java did
# ? Aug 11, 2020 17:57 |
does c# really need more ways of doing the same thing
# ? Aug 11, 2020 18:22 |
brap posted:does c# really need more ways of doing the same thing i vote yes. also bring in xml literals imo
# ? Aug 12, 2020 07:34 |
looks like https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ has a broken certificate rip web developers
# ? Aug 12, 2020 10:58 |
Sapozhnik posted:I prefer async/await there's no inherent reason why async/await can't give useful stack traces. i don't know if it doesn't in js because the spec is poo poo and accidentally made it impossible or if v8 just doesn't give a gently caress. probably both.
# ? Aug 13, 2020 00:15 |
# ? Nov 4, 2024 04:51 |
Chalks posted:looks like https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ has a broken certificate lol if you use 3rd party hosting for dependencies
# ? Aug 13, 2020 01:10 |