Shaggar posted:mongo isn't a database, its a heap dont choose mongo or you will be in a heap of trouble.
# ? Jul 21, 2018 14:50 |
# ? Oct 11, 2024 13:55 |
Shaggar posted:mongo isn't a database, its a heap and the heap isn't a heap
# ? Jul 21, 2018 15:08 |
the nosql movement is a joke
# ? Jul 21, 2018 15:15 |
watching developers try to efficiently implement joins and transactions at the application level on top of mongo because their leadership got caught up in the nosql hype is fun to watch
# ? Jul 21, 2018 15:16 |
its the nesting that kills me. like yeah no joins sucks but it doesnt add that much cognitive overhead if you just accept the poo poo performance. its the nesting that kills me. change a document? hope you remembered to update that document everywhere its been nested! good luck! no transactions is balls though
# ? Jul 21, 2018 15:46 |
denormalisation bites again!
# ? Jul 21, 2018 16:03 |
tef posted:
Doesn't postgres have a pubsub Is it like mongo vs. postgres where postgres is a better document db than the actual document db
# ? Jul 21, 2018 16:08 |
it's a heap of poo poo
# ? Jul 21, 2018 17:11 |
Fiedler posted:great, you've figured out that you want to write developer tools. now immediately go apply for those jobs. worst case is you're not hired and you try again in 6 months. yeah there's a fair amount of these jobs out there. just look up some tools that you've used or thought about using and see if they have a careers page. if they do, apply for one that looks interesting. if you don't get an interview, re-apply in 3 months. if you interview but don't get the job, reapply in 6 months
# ? Jul 21, 2018 17:37 |
case in point, a former coworker of mine just went to google to do open source tools engineering. idk what he's gonna be working on but it sounded really good.
# ? Jul 21, 2018 18:06 |
Fiedler posted:great, you've figured out that you want to write developer tools. now immediately go apply for those jobs. worst case is you're not hired and you try again in 6 months. yeah, do this. it's not as hard as you're assuming shoegaze. you won't get most the jobs you apply to in any area, but just start doin' it and itll work out. IMHO you should spend your year looking for a good job that you would want, not studying (I mean, unless thats what you want to do). you seem p smart and competent and just need to shoot the job-getting odds, not get more booksmart
# ? Jul 21, 2018 19:02 |
Shaggar posted:mongo isn't a database, its a heap more like a miserable little pile of objects
# ? Jul 21, 2018 19:06 |
if u literally think its a binary good/bad use/don't use choice between nosql and mysql/postgres you clearly aren't doing anything serious both things have applications "lets use mysql for a distributed cache!" and "lets put our data model truth store in mongo!" are both dumbass ideas
# ? Jul 21, 2018 19:08 |
Mao Zedong Thot posted:yeah, do this. it's not as hard as you're assuming shoegaze. you won't get most the jobs you apply to in any area, but just start doin' it and itll work out. IMHO you should spend your year looking for a good job that you would want, not studying (I mean, unless thats what you want to do). you seem p smart and competent and just need to shoot the job-getting odds, not get more booksmart Yeah this was my thought, exactly.
# ? Jul 21, 2018 20:12 |
just use spanner for everything it's cool
# ? Jul 21, 2018 20:26 |
bob dobbs is dead posted:Doesn't postgres have a pubsub now, sorta on the other hand mongo has a v good btree now
# ? Jul 21, 2018 21:42 |
tef posted:on the other hand mongo has a v good btree now
# ? Jul 21, 2018 21:56 |
it's a lock-free (well maybe wait-free) concurrent b-tree, it's pretty neat
# ? Jul 21, 2018 22:08 |
tef posted:it's a lock-free (well maybe wait-free) concurrent b-tree, it's pretty neat
# ? Jul 21, 2018 22:50 |
Pretty neat is Toku's fractal tree, free indexes.
# ? Jul 21, 2018 23:37 |
most of my db knowledge can be summed up as: never use Oracle, never use mongo
# ? Jul 22, 2018 01:26 |
Ive become pretty interested in databases during my masters program and am strongly considering sticking around to do a PhD to do more databases research It helps that my advisor is rad as hell
# ? Jul 22, 2018 02:42 |
Star War Sex Parrot posted:Ive become pretty interested in databases during my masters program and am strongly considering sticking around to do a PhD to do more databases research write a paper titled: how to coax dbas into letting you run more and longer queries
# ? Jul 22, 2018 09:02 |
Fiedler posted:great, you've figured out that you want to write developer tools. now immediately go apply for those jobs. worst case is you're not hired and you try again in 6 months. also spend your time after this job writing tools hacking on Rust itself would be a good start so would hacking on Swift, or writing new static analyses for clang, or helping with the SBCL POWER9/ppc64le port, that sort of thing
# ? Jul 22, 2018 10:53 |
Rust hacking suggestion: take your functor thingy and profile the compiler and see if you can figure out why the slow part is slow, and what to do to fix it
# ? Jul 22, 2018 10:55 |
tool and library development is my favorite part about my job since I dont have to be nice to the customers at all. at this point most of my job is pointing people in the right direction or gesticulating wildly in front of a whiteboard about an algorithm or process. then whenever we run into a problem that doesnt have a fix off the shelf (deployment tools, source code generators, etc) I get to throw my headphones on and just knock out a bunch of code, and is probably the only time where the requirements are actually 100% known at start
# ? Jul 22, 2018 14:26 |
Star War Sex Parrot posted:So they implemented microsofts Bwtree? Meh no, they made a fast btree, wiredtiger it's not the same as it doesn't use indirection tbh the bw-tree has a lock, too, just on the flush buffers
# ? Jul 22, 2018 16:12 |
"is that turd shiny yet?" "no" "keep polishing, assholes!"
# ? Jul 22, 2018 16:23 |
tef posted:no, they made a fast btree, wiredtiger
# ? Jul 22, 2018 17:04 |
Boiled Water posted:write a paper titled: how to coax dbas into letting you run more and longer queries i wish i had come up with this this is wonderful
# ? Jul 22, 2018 17:26 |
i put my money where my mouth is and chucked dapper and mediatr at a project and folks, my needs are extremely suited.
jony neuemonic fucked around with this message at 19:59 on Jul 22, 2018 |
# ? Jul 22, 2018 19:53 |
returning to topic of job scheduling: anyone knows alternatives to rundeck? my job needs a gui shell for cron jobs with basic tooling like logging or execution emails, since one of our senior developers still doesnt know how to work with ssh tunnels or command line linux
# ? Jul 22, 2018 20:04 |
its literally to janitor 1 machine and i cant be arsed to spend a week reconfiguring rundeck and fixing process leak (its basically threads away and whoops you have 3rd of your ram occupied by ~something~)
# ? Jul 22, 2018 20:05 |
Boiled Water posted:write a paper titled: how to coax dbas into letting you run more and longer queries https://www.cs.cornell.edu/andru/cs711/2002fa/reading/sagas.pdf
# ? Jul 22, 2018 20:06 |
how often do they need to be rescheduled/tinkered with? it sounds like Luigi might be need-suiting maybe
# ? Jul 22, 2018 20:07 |
here is my db post: using nosql for cache is appropriate because a cache is supposed to lose data
# ? Jul 22, 2018 20:08 |
Corla Plankun posted:how often do they need to be rescheduled/tinkered with? it sounds like Luigi might be need-suiting maybe the most common use cases are to 1) read log after failed execution 2) manually run the job before schedule
# ? Jul 22, 2018 20:10 |
cinci zoo sniper posted:returning to topic of job scheduling: anyone knows alternatives to rundeck? my job needs a gui shell for cron jobs with basic tooling like logging or execution emails, since one of our senior developers still doesn’t know how to work with ssh tunnels or command line linux Fire ur Sr developer that can't be assed to do their job
# ? Jul 22, 2018 20:14 |
Star War Sex Parrot posted:oh right they got that in the wiredtiger acquisition yeah, tbh it started out no more reliable than the filesystem, which, eh, isn't so bad people resent it because it represents the truth that good engineering is useless without good docs, support, or onboarding, and mongodb only did the latter at first, and started acquiring the former recentlyhonestly, any database under a decade old won't be reliable. then again what about basho and riak, that well engineered software that had more conference attendees than users. the thing that gets me is the people who smarmed about a 'real' database, when none of them know what isolation level transactions run at, dump poo poo into persistent message queues 'to handle failure', and then slap a dht'd memcache atop and do stale reads. it's fine, i mean i'm not saying mongodb is good but frankly you can build a lossy system out of everything and everyone already has. the people making GBS threads on mongo are the sort of people who then go and use etc, consul, and a variety of home brew key value stores backed by mmap , complete with a homebrew replication system that's baked atop raft as it tuns out raft is designed for teaching, not performance. poo poo on mongo for all i care, it has a crappy name, poor transactional support, and well, god i tried to do a join once and it was awful but like, you do realise 'good and smart' engineers have repeatedly tried and failed to build something better in that market space
# ? Jul 22, 2018 20:18 |
# ? Oct 11, 2024 13:55 |
Shinku ABOOKEN posted:here is my db post: using nosql for cache is appropriate because a cache is supposed to lose data technically agreeing gossip, eventual consistency techniques are great for replicating data between caches
# ? Jul 22, 2018 20:20 |