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Oct 19, 2017

critical support for anarchists
Alpha Timeline got President Jeb!


cant cook creole bream
Aug 15, 2011
I think Fahrenheit is better for weather
I gotta give Trevor a compliment. Being so insufferable that he makes everyone else leave is a plan which really plays into his strengths. I actually thought he' play the long game by acting decent and earning their trust, but those demons tend to do the approach they find most fun.

double nine
Aug 8, 2013

Got to admit, if Brexit is the price we pay for the salvation of these 4 souls, I say that's worth paying.

Noise Machine
Dec 3, 2005

Today is a good day to save.

Doltos posted:

Plato being written Palto on the board made me a lot more uncomfortable than it should have.

Someone on reddit pointed out the misspelling and Chidi not being able to find the outside may have been allusions to Plato's Cave.

double nine
Aug 8, 2013

god ... forking ... this forking show man.

Robot Hobo
May 17, 2002
So the ability to summon knowledge and items from nowhere is a 'superpower' that Janet loses when on Earth, and from what Michael said, it seems that a demon's supreme deception skills are also a 'superpower' in the same way. But Trevor... he really just is that awful, right down to the core. Being stuck with only the powers of a regular mortal didn't slow him down even a little.

Noise Machine posted:

Someone on reddit pointed out the misspelling and Chidi not being able to find the outside may have been allusions to Plato's Cave.
In any show besides this or maybe The Venture Bros, I would say that's just a silly fan theory, and too much of a stretch to be true.

But yeah, I'm totally willing to believe that here.

Robot Hobo fucked around with this message at 15:29 on Oct 5, 2018

double nine
Aug 8, 2013

I don't know, Michael's inability to deceive might be because he is an fallen/ascended demon and the ethics get in the way of lying.

Robot Hobo
May 17, 2002

double nine posted:

I don't know, Michael's inability to deceive might be because he is an fallen/ascended demon and the ethics get in the way of lying.
In his conversation with Janet he did respond to her complaint about her powers not working on Earth by pointing out that he couldn't lie very well once he got there... but it could be that he's just wrong about the reason why. I'm not sure if an angel has ever un-fallen before in the show's mythology, and Janet may not be able to look that up for him now, so he may not have any frame of reference.

Propaganda Machine
Jan 2, 2005

I liked Janet's ever increasing humanity. The way she reacted to thought of getting marblized at the end of the episode was a huge contrast from the dispassionate way in which she described the process way back when. She fears death now!

And the allegory of the cave thing is really cool. Didn't think of it myself but it fits beautifully.

Aug 1, 2014

Am I a... bad person?
AM I‽‽‽

Fun Shoe

Noise Machine posted:

Someone on reddit pointed out the misspelling and Chidi not being able to find the outside may have been allusions to Plato's Cave.

Maybe, but a much more plausible explanation is that he's so exhausted that his brain isn't working correctly. He's disoriented and can't spell simple words. That, and I know what the allegory of the cave is, and it really doesn't fit here: it's about one's perceptions of reality (and by extension, normality) being based on the limits of one's lifetime of experiences. Chidi is experiencing actual reality as he always has; he's just tired and isn't thinking straight, and it's making him act strangely. The gag continues as he acquires a socket wrench (w/ attached socket) and has no idea how he came to possess it, and he even has an auditory hallucination.

I loved this episode. It was so satisfying seeing Trevor getting whisked off into the nothingness with nary a thought. And I loved how Janet works like a printer and starts summoning things from the queue she built up while in the real world.

The Lord Bude
May 23, 2007


Lutha Mahtin posted:

lol trevor is such a dipshit

jason and tahani though, i feel both good and bad for them in this awful bar


also please note that just a couple days ago we were discussing "american" restaurants in australia???????????? what

Some of them are pretty much exactly what was depicted here. Places like that are practically the biggest food craze in the country. I can walk to maybe 7 of them from my house.

There's this new food truck near me that serves soft serve ice cream; but the cone is a donut.

Robot Hobo
May 17, 2002

The Lord Bude posted:

There's this new food truck near me that serves soft serve ice cream; but the cone is a donut.
"And if you gaze long into 'Merica, 'Merica also gazes into you."

Propaganda Machine
Jan 2, 2005


tarlibone posted:

Maybe, but a much more plausible explanation is that he's so exhausted that his brain isn't working correctly. He's disoriented and can't spell simple words. That, and I know what the allegory of the cave is, and it really doesn't fit here: it's about one's perceptions of reality (and by extension, normality) being based on the limits of one's lifetime of experiences. Chidi is experiencing actual reality as he always has; he's just tired and isn't thinking straight, and it's making him act strangely. The gag continues as he acquires a socket wrench (w/ attached socket) and has no idea how he came to possess it, and he even has an auditory hallucination.

The allegory, to me, was about the frustration of imperfection versus the ideal. The apple I just ate was not a platonic ideal apple; it was misshapen, bruised, and not very flavorful. But it was close enough to be an acceptable apple to me. Contrast that with Chidi's inability to make decisions. He is obsessed with attaining the most perfect thing to the point of taking an hour to select the best possible muffin, and Trevor succeeds in making him question whether he's running the most ideal study. The sleep deprivation just amplifies his frustration of being stuck in a cave.

Goatse James Bond
Mar 28, 2010

I've made a huge mistake.
this wasn't entirely my favorite episode but the judge chewout is making up for it

lol :stare:

"Good luck, frogman. Pullin' for ya."

Aug 1, 2002

"Nothing a shitload of bleach won't fix"

GreyjoyBastard posted:

this wasn't entirely my favorite episode but the judge chewout is making up for it

lol :stare:

"Good luck, frogman. Pullin' for ya."

After the podcast episode where they discuss her acting, I couldn't help but notice that she was just going crazy with how she was saying the lines. It was over the top, but not in a bad way.

Sep 9, 2003

Big ol' smile.
It was totally Leeyooney Teeyunes.

Jan 26, 2009

L-O-V-E :love:

P-O-M :toot:
I assumed it was a side effect of the changes to reality.

Aug 1, 2014

Am I a... bad person?
AM I‽‽‽

Fun Shoe

Propaganda Machine posted:

The allegory, to me, was about the frustration of imperfection versus the ideal. The apple I just ate was not a platonic ideal apple; it was misshapen, bruised, and not very flavorful. But it was close enough to be an acceptable apple to me. Contrast that with Chidi's inability to make decisions. He is obsessed with attaining the most perfect thing to the point of taking an hour to select the best possible muffin, and Trevor succeeds in making him question whether he's running the most ideal study. The sleep deprivation just amplifies his frustration of being stuck in a cave.

Hmmm. I hadn't really considered it on that level; I was taking a more literal approach. Not sure I'm 100% on board with this interpretation, but it is an interesting thought.

OK. I'm moving that theory from "Poppycock!" to "Hmmmm... interesting...."

Goatse James Bond
Mar 28, 2010

I've made a huge mistake.

McPhearson posted:

Not only is there a Jean Ralphio, there's also a Dennis Feinstien. Also, the safe Jason was locked in was a Swanson brand safe.

they got Ron Swanson to cameo in an ad on the Good Place Podcast

Maxwell Lord
Dec 12, 2008

I am drowning.
There is no sign of land.
You are coming down with me, hand in unlovable hand.

And I hope you die.

I hope we both die.


Grimey Drawer

seaborgium posted:

After the podcast episode where they discuss her acting, I couldn't help but notice that she was just going crazy with how she was saying the lines. It was over the top, but not in a bad way.

I think the key is Maya Rudolph is capable of playing very straight and stentorian but also cuckoo bananas, and of changing between the two very smoothly.

Mar 7, 2013

Creepy little garbage eaters

Eleanor is living at the Waltzing Motilda

I love this show.

Dec 28, 2005


GreyjoyBastard posted:

this wasn't entirely my favorite episode but the judge chewout is making up for it

lol :stare:

"Good luck, frogman. Pullin' for ya."

Jeff owns I want an entire show about Jeff

Aug 1, 2014

Am I a... bad person?
AM I‽‽‽

Fun Shoe

Doltos posted:

Jeff owns I want an entire show about Jeff

I don't know... there wouldn't be any jokes.

Robot Hobo
May 17, 2002

Doltos posted:

Jeff owns I want an entire show about Jeff
It would just be a half-hour each week of Jeff playing Battletoads on a NES, with the happiest smile on his face the entire time.

Supercar Gautier
Jun 10, 2006

Robot Hobo posted:

from what Michael said, it seems that a demon's supreme deception skills are also a 'superpower' in the same way.

Michael was only good at deception in the first season because he was able to mix in a lot of truth with his lie. He really was anxious about running his first neighbourhood. He really does have a weird affectionate fascination with humans. He really is bumbling and neurotic and awkward. He hid one key fact, but he didn't have to do a whole lot of pretending, and that's how he kept up the lie. Nothing to do with powers.

Aug 1, 2002

"Nothing a shitload of bleach won't fix"

tarlibone posted:

I don't know... there wouldn't be any jokes.

Just nothing he thought of as jokes, it could still be funny.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.
Michael lied just fine when he was persuading Tahani to go to Australia.

He just needs the intent to power his lies. Being mean just for being mean isn't his style now.

Jan 28, 2009
I like the implication that Trevor took the gig in season 1 because it let him rag on Michael and it counted as work.

Cafe Barbarian
Apr 22, 2016

There's one roulade I can't sing


I’m trying to think of other (particularly, network) comedies where the premise of the show gets constantly rewritten between seasons. Using Chapters makes so much sense for this show, as it really is a story rather than ‘these bunch of friends do wacky things for 22m then everything resets for next week’.

Yeah it sort of pretended to be a sitcom at first but it really is very far from that... They tear it down and rebuild it and then blow it up again like no show I've ever seen. What an amazing show.

Someone mentioned Simone, my theory is that she may be a Good Place agent. I imagine the actual good place people will get involved at some point since this affects them as well.

Feb 5, 2007
Switchblade Switcharoo
Yeah, I'm waiting for them to reveal the good place doesn't want retreads

Propaganda Machine
Jan 2, 2005

I like the idea of Simone as a good place agent, but it feels too ... nice, to be the case. If we've learned anything it's that the showrunners have Janet-like knowledge of any and all fan theories so as to subvert them. I feel like the only thing I probably know for sure is that for whatever reason transpires, nobody on Team Cockroach will lead very (relatively) long do-over lives. I'm just excited to see how that comes about and how long it takes.

muscles like this!
Jan 17, 2005

Phone posting so I don't have a link but Kristen Bell's Instagram has some detail shots of the restaurant showing that they did make a prop "Fourth of July" and also a picture of the menu.

Jan 16, 2008
Before she mends must sicken worse
The menu includes "The Paunch Burger"

The Lord Bude
May 23, 2007

I know it's a joke menu but good god were those prices chosen by someone who's never eaten in Australia, let alone Sydney. That restaurant would go broke in a matter of months. I particularly like the three dozen wings for the price most places would charge for 6; and the 'pay once eat all day' offer; on Sunday; the day when everyone in the restaurant is getting time and a half. Those burger meals are cheaper than Mcdonalds I think.

The Fuzzy Hulk
Nov 22, 2007


BlueBayou posted:

The menu includes "The Paunch Burger"

Binging with Babish is going to be busy for the next month.

Jun 4, 2011

Satanically Summoned Citrus

The Lord Bude posted:

I know it's a joke menu but good god were those prices chosen by someone who's never eaten in Australia, let alone Sydney. That restaurant would go broke in a matter of months. I particularly like the three dozen wings for the price most places would charge for 6; and the 'pay once eat all day' offer; on Sunday; the day when everyone in the restaurant is getting time and a half. Those burger meals are cheaper than Mcdonalds I think.

American prices. :fsmug:

Mar 7, 2013

Creepy little garbage eaters

BlueBayou posted:

The menu includes "The Paunch Burger"

It's Patton Oswalt's Black Angus bit made...sort of real.

Aug 1, 2014

Am I a... bad person?
AM I‽‽‽

Fun Shoe

The Lord Bude posted:

I know it's a joke menu but good god were those prices chosen by someone who's never eaten in Australia, let alone Sydney. That restaurant would go broke in a matter of months. I particularly like the three dozen wings for the price most places would charge for 6; and the 'pay once eat all day' offer; on Sunday; the day when everyone in the restaurant is getting time and a half. Those burger meals are cheaper than Mcdonalds I think.

So let me get this straight:

This menu contains items like "Grand Canyon Dog: A two foot 'freedom' baguette, hollowed out and filled with hot dogs, mac & cheese, bacon and our world famous brown mustard and spicy wasabi chilli. Served with an onion ring tower and our world famous apple ranch dressing" and "Ol' Faithful: Every 10 minutes your water will fire a blast of our world famous beefy beef chilli into your mouth from a fire extinguisher. We will keeping [sic] firing until you tell us to stop!"... and your takeaway is that the prices are unrealistic?

(I'm just kidding. My takeaway was that they didn't use an Oxford comma, and there are other grammatical mistakes.)

Feb 5, 2007
Switchblade Switcharoo

The Lord Bude posted:

I know it's a joke menu but good god were those prices chosen by someone who's never eaten in Australia, let alone Sydney. That restaurant would go broke in a matter of months. I particularly like the three dozen wings for the price most places would charge for 6; and the 'pay once eat all day' offer; on Sunday; the day when everyone in the restaurant is getting time and a half. Those burger meals are cheaper than Mcdonalds I think.

This takes place in the future when Australia is an economic powerhouse


Jun 4, 2011

Satanically Summoned Citrus

Azhais posted:

This takes place in the future when Australia is an economic powerhouse

I mean if the Jacksonville Jaguars are good, anything could happen!

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