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Senor Tron
May 25, 2006

tarlibone posted:

So let me get this straight:

This menu contains items like "Grand Canyon Dog: A two foot 'freedom' baguette, hollowed out and filled with hot dogs, mac & cheese, bacon and our world famous brown mustard and spicy wasabi chilli. Served with an onion ring tower and our world famous apple ranch dressing" and "Ol' Faithful: Every 10 minutes your water will fire a blast of our world famous beefy beef chilli into your mouth from a fire extinguisher. We will keeping [sic] firing until you tell us to stop!"... and your takeaway is that the prices are unrealistic?

(I'm just kidding. My takeaway was that they didn't use an Oxford comma, and there are other grammatical mistakes.)

That's actually what stood out to me as well.

Here's a worrying thought, on Earth Michael and Janet are mortal right? Is there any way they can accumulate good points given they know the rules?


The Lord Bude
May 23, 2007


tarlibone posted:

So let me get this straight:

This menu contains items like "Grand Canyon Dog: A two foot 'freedom' baguette, hollowed out and filled with hot dogs, mac & cheese, bacon and our world famous brown mustard and spicy wasabi chilli. Served with an onion ring tower and our world famous apple ranch dressing" and "Ol' Faithful: Every 10 minutes your water will fire a blast of our world famous beefy beef chilli into your mouth from a fire extinguisher. We will keeping [sic] firing until you tell us to stop!"... and your takeaway is that the prices are unrealistic?

(I'm just kidding. My takeaway was that they didn't use an Oxford comma, and there are other grammatical mistakes.)

Obviously the ol' Faithful is ridiculous but I'd totally eat the Grand Canyon Dog.

Aug 1, 2014

Am I a... bad person?
AM I‽‽‽

Fun Shoe

The Lord Bude posted:

Obviously the ol' Faithful is ridiculous but I'd totally eat the Grand Canyon Dog.

I'm not a hot dog fan, but I love the idea of two feet of "freedom" baugette filled with chilli hot dog mac. And the notion that they called it a "freedom" baugette is just a perfect caricature for an American themed restaurant from hell. Actually... how positive are we that they're not just in an even bigger bad place? Because that restaurant was not much different than the pun-themed Good Place Neighborhood restaurants.

The Mount Rushmore was even more preposterous, with four deep fried heads of lettuce and barbecue ranch sauce (among other things).

Feb 11, 2015

by Cyrano4747

BlueBayou posted:

The menu includes "The Paunch Burger"

Holy christ this entire menu is gold, Ol' Faithful has me losing my poo poo

e: also we know it's not a Bad Place restaurant because it serves more than one goddamn food

Jul 19, 2007

You've got to admit, you are kind of implausible

So ... who do we petition to keep Janet in that waitress' uniform?

Lord Hydronium
Sep 25, 2007

Non, je ne regrette rien

The Grand Canyon Dog sounds like the successor to the Sloppy Jessica from Brooklyn Nine-Nine (mac-and-cheese chilli pizza on a bun):

(I would eat both and probably regret it immediately.)

Renaissance Spam
Jun 5, 2010

Can it wait a for a bit? I'm in the middle of some *gyrations*

Senor Tron posted:

That's actually what stood out to me as well.

Here's a worrying thought, on Earth Michael and Janet are mortal right? Is there any way they can accumulate good points given they know the rules?

Wait wait wait...

What if the metaphysics of the show are actually Dualist?

What if there is no "bad place", merely different layers of the material realm overseen by a cold bureaucracy that decides when a person has accumulated enough punishment/good deeds that they go up a "level" or down depending on how they've responded?

Goatse James Bond
Mar 28, 2010

I've made a huge mistake.

Davros1 posted:

So ... who do we petition to keep Janet in that waitress' uniform?

please do not make the thread creepy thank you

Nov 18, 2000


Besides, not a waitress.

Nov 26, 2004

Ask me about the shitty opinions I have about Paradox games!
It really annoyed me that they said "England is leaving Europe".
loving Americans.

Feb 12, 2008

Klungo make bessst ever video game, 'Hero Klungo Sssavesss Teh World.'

Taear posted:

It really annoyed me that they said "England is leaving Europe".
loving Americans.

Scotland voted for Independence in this timeline.

Nov 26, 2004

Ask me about the shitty opinions I have about Paradox games!

Klungar posted:

Scotland voted for Independence in this timeline.

Did Wales and Northern Ireland too then?

Jezza of OZPOS
Mar 21, 2018

"this gun will go off when your order is ready" is just the funniest poo poo i've heard all week

Timeless Appeal
May 28, 2006
Not sure if this has already been mentioned, but I love how Jason recognized that Trevor was evil when he named him as Megatron despite being amused by him.

Jul 24, 2007

You must defeat Sheng Long to stand a chance.

You misunderstand. Megatron was the name that he wanted Trevor to call him.

Jul 19, 2007

You've got to admit, you are kind of implausible

Timeless Appeal posted:

Not sure if this has already been mentioned, but I love how Jason recognized that Trevor was evil when he named him as Megatron despite being amused by him.

All the Transformers names Jason gave were names he wanted to be called.

Robot Hobo
May 17, 2002

Phenotype posted:

You misunderstand. Megatron was the name that he wanted Trevor to call him.
This is Jason we're talking about. I think, somehow, it still counts.

RBA Starblade
Apr 27, 2008

Going Home.

Games Idiot Court Jester

BlueBayou posted:

The menu includes "The Paunch Burger"

I don't see Guy's Big Balls anywhere on here

Apr 8, 2005

Father of Ajax!

BlueBayou posted:

The menu includes "The Paunch Burger"

The World's Largest Tater Tot

A potato the size of [sic] human head is stuffed with tater tots, cornmeal and a can of Pabst blue ribbon. Served with a side of ground beef ketchup and a stick to bust it open with.

This better not be Megan Amram again. You're going to make a comedy singularity and implode the Earth. Stop!

Oct 19, 2012

by Nyc_Tattoo

Davros1 posted:

So ... who do we petition to keep Janet in that waitress' uniform?

GreyjoyBastard posted:

please do not make the thread creepy thank you

I too like attracitive women in denim skirts and plaid shirts..:hfive:

Jezza of OZPOS
Mar 21, 2018

the only criticism I have with that menu is the misspelling of Four Loko and also the one menu item that doesn't contain anything "world famous"

Mar 24, 2010

SHINee's back

Rocksicles posted:

I too like attracitive women in denim skirts and plaid shirts..:hfive:

Me three

Oct 19, 2012

by Nyc_Tattoo

Canadian Lingerie

Dec 28, 2005


Taear posted:

It really annoyed me that they said "England is leaving Europe".
loving Americans.

You're all England. Tough. Shoulda thought about that before being invaded by the Picts.

Nov 26, 2004

Ask me about the shitty opinions I have about Paradox games!

Robot Hobo posted:

This is Jason we're talking about. I think, somehow, it still counts.

He also called Chidi Jazz, the only black Transformer.

Doltos posted:

You're all England. Tough. Shoulda thought about that before being invaded by the Picts.

That makes even less sense than what they said on the show buddy.

Aug 16, 2003
Also, (since apparently some of you haven't watched it) the Paunch burger was also referenced many times in Parks and Recreation as the prototypical terrible fast food local joint.

Jan 31, 2013

by Azathoth

cheeeeesecake posted:

Also, (since apparently some of you haven't watched it) the Paunch burger was also referenced many times in Parks and Recreation as the prototypical terrible fast food local joint.

I will not stand for this Hungry Heifer erasure.

Dec 28, 2005


Taear posted:

That makes even less sense than what they said on the show buddy.

Why don't you go ride a lorry about it

Mar 29, 2007

"The entire history of this incarnation is one of temporal orbits, retcons, paradoxes, parallel time lines, reiterations, and divergences. How anyone can make head or tail of all this chaos, I don't know."

I feel bad, but I’d eat the landfill fries on that menu.

Robot Hobo
May 17, 2002

The_Doctor posted:

I feel bad, but I’d eat the landfill fries on that menu.
The Landfill Fries are the thing on that menu that you could have just told me was on the menu of a real restaurant, maybe an indie BBQ place, and I would have never questioned it. If Guy Fieri had it on the menu at one of his restaurants, he'd have added at least three more ingredients.

The tuna lollipops though... Those sound pretty good. I'd order that.

clown shoes
Jul 17, 2004

Nothing but clowns down here.
I sent that menu to several friends who are from the same garbage place I am from and they totally believed that it was real. The only thing they questioned was the hubcap.

Feb 7, 2006

One Road. Two Friends. One Ass.

The_Doctor posted:

I feel bad, but I’d eat the landfill fries on that menu.

I'm pretty sure I've made something two ingredients off from that some drunk night.

Feb 15, 2001

I’d guess “landfill fries” is a riff on the classic upstate garbage plate.

Maxwell Lord
Dec 12, 2008

I am drowning.
There is no sign of land.
You are coming down with me, hand in unlovable hand.

And I hope you die.

I hope we both die.


Grimey Drawer
It’s amazing that they can generate this insane quantity of jokes for something that’s just a location for 1/3 of an episode at most.

Like it can’t all be Megan Amram can it?

(I am reminded of the time P&R’s writers made up a full community college course catalog.)

Jun 11, 2001

Put this Nazi-lover on ignore immediately!
From the episode 1 podcast, "We crumb from a land down under" wasn't Megan Amram, so I guess all the writers are in on the game now.

Feb 18, 2014

clown shoes posted:

I sent that menu to several friends who are from the same garbage place I am from and they totally believed that it was real. The only thing they questioned was the hubcap.

Oh that's a real thing.

Oct 19, 2012

by Nyc_Tattoo

Aug 21, 2006

I guess that I don't need that though
Now you're just some QB that I used to know
I was convinced the Judge was going to toss in "and there is a comedy on Network TV about ethics" when listing everything going off the rails.

Dec 19, 2012

Robot Hobo posted:

This is Jason we're talking about. I think, somehow, it still counts.

Does his actor improv bits because I remember seeing one of the gag reels from S1 where he basically does the same scene over again (him guessing how he died) but with incredulously dumb things that are still very Florida. Or is it a case of the writers having multiple options and letting the actor do them all and then picking the best one in editing?

Because I think this is a case of that.


Feb 12, 2008

Klungo make bessst ever video game, 'Hero Klungo Sssavesss Teh World.'

Xelkelvos posted:

Does his actor improv bits because I remember seeing one of the gag reels from S1 where he basically does the same scene over again (him guessing how he died) but with incredulously dumb things that are still very Florida. Or is it a case of the writers having multiple options and letting the actor do them all and then picking the best one in editing?

Because I think this is a case of that.

From the podcast, it seems it's mostly the latter, where the writers will have alt-lines available for different takes, but the actors do get some leeway to improv.

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