Larry Hemsworth was amazing. He was great in Don't Trust the Bitch, and he was great here, too.
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# ? Feb 14, 2025 18:39 |
Patrovsky posted:Larry Hemsworth was amazing. He was great in Don't Trust the Bitch, and he was great here, too. I was so happy to see him again. I hope he remains an at least occasional presence this season.
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JossiRossi posted:I really hope Simone is not a Good Place agent, but yeah definitely possible. Dick hasn't been verboten for a while. Hell, The Judge said it earlier in the episode.
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Yeah the past couple eps haven't felt truly like "The Good Place." Granted yes, they're still good and smart and funny and clever, but it's just so different with Janet not being Janet-y. But with the ending of this episode that may change.
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I love that they set-up a season-long premise and then immediately blew it all up again ![]()
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CAPTAIN CAPSLOCK posted:Dick hasn't been verboten for a while. Hell, The Judge said it earlier in the episode. Last season, Shawn also told Michael that the other demons sometimes call him "that dick"
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I was honestly hoping that we'd get an episode of jumping forward year after year but this works too.
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None of the stuff recently brought up raises flags for me as standards violations, but I have to remind myself this is airing on ABC which is probably pound for pound one of the cleanest networks on TV right now (probably only beaten by pure kid-oriented and full-blown religious-focused channels) and which has been quick to avoid controversy or the appearance of associating with racists (as seen with black-ish and Roxanne respectively). "Dick" is going to be approved for literally any network show airing at any time, but beefers is probably just skating by because it sounds dirty but doesn't actually use any swear words, and I feel like S&P have been conditioned in general to only be sensitive to swears and offensive things related to religions and groups of people in general. Real interested to see where things go from here. I feel like the humans have to get clued in on the fact that they died and came back, and had all these rebooted lives, because if they never do that feels like two seasons of character development wasted, but if that happens that's got to be a disqualifier for making it into the good place if you know how the system works and that there's an actual afterlife reward for a good life instead of just taking it on faith.
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NowonSA posted:None of the stuff recently brought up raises flags for me as standards violations, but I have to remind myself this is airing on ABC which is probably pound for pound one of the cleanest networks on TV right now (probably only beaten by pure kid-oriented and full-blown religious-focused channels) and which has been quick to avoid controversy or the appearance of associating with racists (as seen with black-ish and Roxanne respectively). Actually it's NBC.
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drat, I remain dumb as hell then! Nevermind.
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NowonSA posted:Real interested to see where things go from here. I feel like the humans have to get clued in on the fact that they died and came back, and had all these rebooted lives, because if they never do that feels like two seasons of character development wasted, but if that happens that's got to be a disqualifier for making it into the good place if you know how the system works and that there's an actual afterlife reward for a good life instead of just taking it on faith. I'm hoping they restore all the memories erased by the reboots at some point and we get to see versions of the characters grappling with having 1000's of years of after-life experience dumped on them all at once.
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I predict the cliffhanger will follow the nature of last year’s cliffhanger where Shawn was in Michael’s office. We thought he was in the poo poo, buuuuuut...
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Oh Michael. You haven't really learned anything from the constant reboots, have you...
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Janet's arc feels like it's in limbo right now? She hasn't really done much other than being Michael's shoulder angel (who might need to get a bit more forceful, she's not used to talking back to her bosses) and having an unrequited crush on Jason. I dunno, there's something about her since the start of the season that makes her feel like she's just 'there' and maybe using occasional wacky hijinks using her omniscience.
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Looking at the episode titles on Netflix, I'm really interested in episode 7: Reboot 445*
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ApplesandOranges posted:Janet's arc feels like it's in limbo right now? She hasn't really done much other than being Michael's shoulder angel (who might need to get a bit more forceful, she's not used to talking back to her bosses) and having an unrequited crush on Jason. I dunno, there's something about her since the start of the season that makes her feel like she's just 'there' and maybe using occasional wacky hijinks using her omniscience. You just said it yourself, she is starting to talk back to michael and disagree with him - it's still in a hesitant phase but I think she's becoming more assertive this season.
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Holy poo poo ![]() Bill Cosby going to jail
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Give Janet a break; it's only been 3 episodes! 4 if you count the premiere as two.Senor Tron posted:Looking at the episode titles on Netflix, I'm really interested in episode 7: Reboot 445* That's interesting; that's not the title in the released list of episode names. I checked and there's no known previously mentioned reboot corresponding to that one; the longest one has an unspecified number, the shortest one was 556, and the one where Eleanor and Chidi fell in love was 119 or something like that. I really hope Simone is just a human. If she were a Good Place agent it would go against the thesis that humans can improve each other without divine intervention (granted, Michael already screwed that up but having Simone be a permanently installed Good Place agent would taint it way way worse).
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Argue posted:I really hope Simone is just a human. If she were a Good Place agent it would go against the thesis that humans can improve each other without divine intervention (granted, Michael already screwed that up but having Simone be a permanently installed Good Place agent would taint it way way worse). The only way I could see a twist like that working is if it's because the Good Place recognizes that the rules are massively stacked against humans and that they need to intervene or nobody will get in. Like it turns out what Michael and Janet are doing is what the Good Place folks have been doing all along, because if they didn't, almost nobody would actually make it into the Good Place at all. Though at the same time, that could get a little too "guardian angels" for my taste, but then again I'm sure if any show can twist something like that into an actually complex story then it's this one. The biggest hurdle for this theory being even remotely true, though, is that we've been pretty directly told there's only the one door down to Earth, so unless the Good Place agents on Earth have been there embedded for ages and don't go back and forth (which I guess could be the case?), that could get sort of awkward. Harrow fucked around with this message at 16:50 on Oct 12, 2018 |
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CPColin posted:Holy poo poo She was a great guest overall but that was quite the mic drop
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Janet seems like Janet to me; if anything is off, it's that Michael seems to have leaned way too hard into being good
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precision posted:Janet seems like Janet to me; if anything is off, it's that Michael seems to have leaned way too hard into being good Makes sense though, since his own life is on the line too. He has a huge uphill battle to fight, and he’s not winning
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precision posted:Janet seems like Janet to me; if anything is off, it's that Michael seems to have leaned way too hard into being good Really? The impression I get is that the ethical aspect has only partially clicked with him, and that his prime motivators rn are "do anything I can to save my rear end" and "turns out Actual Friendships are pretty good, so I should save their asses too, huh." There was a pretty strong parallel with Eleanor in this episode - they both desperately need other people, but spent most of their lives never realizing and acknowledging that. Once they have a reason to care, it becomes a lot easier for them to act like it... the problem being that it doesn't actually eliminate their self-centered and self-destructive tendencies, just mitigates them.
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Harrow posted:The only way I could see a twist like that working is if it's because the Good Place recognizes that the rules are massively stacked against humans and that they need to intervene or nobody will get in. Like it turns out what Michael and Janet are doing is what the Good Place folks have been doing all along, because if they didn't, almost nobody would actually make it into the Good Place at all. I was actually just kind of pondering that maybe it's the case that the Good Place actively is empty because nobody can get in with the way it's set up but the Good Place "angels" have never known how, or at least, never dared to try and change it. Maybe the Brainy Bunch finally make it to the Good Place, only for a shocked agent to fall all over him or herself to greet their first ever guests and they have to transfer from "how do we improve ourselves" to "how do we improve the system/others".
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The Good Place being empty seems too obvious, but I wouldn't be surprised if the show does that.
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lol that god-damned ending, gently caress
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The lady in Mindy's orientation video is the only actual Good Place being we've seen, right?
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Toast Museum posted:The lady in Mindy's orientation video is the only actual Good Place being we've seen, right? Yep, unless the whole good place sleeper agent thing is true.
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tsob posted:I was actually just kind of pondering that maybe it's the case that the Good Place actively is empty because nobody can get in with the way it's set up but the Good Place "angels" have never known how, or at least, never dared to try and change it. Maybe the Brainy Bunch finally make it to the Good Place, only for a shocked agent to fall all over him or herself to greet their first ever guests and they have to transfer from "how do we improve ourselves" to "how do we improve the system/others". The problem with the "The Good Place is empty" theory is that it basically implies that Mindy St. Clair is the literal greatest human being to ever live. Or, wait, maybe that's not actually a problem.
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precision posted:Janet seems like Janet to me; if anything is off, it's that Michael seems to have leaned way too hard into being good I think he still struggles to be good himself. This whole episode has him doing some very ethically dubious things, up to and including considering arson. He cares deeply about these four specific humans, but his default is still to lie and cheat.
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Harrow posted:I think he still struggles to be good himself. This whole episode has him doing some very ethically dubious things, up to and including considering arson. He cares deeply about these four specific humans, but his default is still to lie and cheat. the arson thing was a great gag even though it was immediately overshadowed
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Harper is so good, which is not a surprise, but his little quiver when he sees how hurt Eleanor is when her big speech didn't work? ![]()
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Arist posted:The problem with the "The Good Place is empty" theory is that it basically implies that Mindy St. Clair is the literal greatest human being to ever live. I mean, the only reason she was even considered for the Good Place is because she died immediately after deciding to do something that basically netted her a fuckton of points so that she didn't have the time to do enough bad poo poo to put her back in the red. Which, it's pretty obvious she'd have done given a few more years given her lifestyle. If I recall, a lot of the points accrued after she died but technically had to be alotted to her since she set the idea up and never distanced herself from it in some way and because she technically could have turned her life around but never had the chance to demonstrate if she would or not it left her in a bit of a limbo. tsob fucked around with this message at 20:12 on Oct 12, 2018 |
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If I remember correctly, the only confirmed individual we know as having made it to The Good Place is Abraham Lincoln (from Michael's line "all US presidents except Lincoln" when Eleanor asks him about who's in The Bad Place that would surprise her). Of course, it's unknown whether Michael's telling the truth there, but I think I'm willing to believe it given the whole "lies with an element of truth are always more convincing" element.
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Michael could just be repeating things he's been told about the Good Place though. It could all be a game of telephone basically
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I've said it before. The "good place people" set up the rules this way so no one would ever go to the good place and they would never have to do any work of any kind. The place isn't empty because the rules are dumb, the rules are dumb to keep the place empty.
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NecroMonster posted:I've said it before. The "good place people" set up the rules this way so no one would ever go to the good place and they would never have to do any work of any kind. The place isn't empty because the rules are dumb, the rules are dumb to keep the place empty. You might be right, but it seems pretty cruel for the tone of this show. It’s much more believable to me that innocent Good Place types would just misunderstand the human condition enough to accidentally set up an impossible task for them. It would line up with how little the demons understand humans as well.
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Hawkgirl posted:You might be right, but it seems pretty cruel for the tone of this show. It’s much more believable to me that innocent Good Place types would just misunderstand the human condition enough to accidentally set up an impossible task for them. It would line up with how little the demons understand humans as well. My own read is that the rules are sort of above the pay grade of either Place’s management. Neither the Good or Bad Place crews made the rules—they’re just another part of the system. We know that there are “impartial” players here like Gen the Judge and Jeff the doorman, so it might be that the rules are made by another neutral party.
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tsob posted:I mean, the only reason she was even considered for the Good Place is because she died immediately after deciding to do something that basically netted her a fuckton of points so that she didn't have the time to do enough bad poo poo to put her back in the red. Which, it's pretty obvious she'd have done given a few more years given her lifestyle. If I recall, a lot of the points accrued after she died but technically had to be alotted to her since she set the idea up and never distanced herself from it in some way and because she technically could have turned her life around but never had the chance to demonstrate if she would or not it left her in a bit of a limbo. That isn't how it's described on the show though. If she had lived long enough to actually make the charity and then died, the points she got would automatically have put her in the good place. The bad place argued that she didn't earn those points because she died beforehand. The whole argument was the good place and bad place in conflict over who should get her. It's a neat idea but I really don't think the facts we have support the idea of an empty good place.
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# ? Feb 14, 2025 18:39 |
If the idea is that most people who do manage earn enough points eventually ruin it for themselves, I could see that, maybe. But, again, that suggests that Mindy is still the only person to ever even get close to ultimately ending up there, which seems... off.
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