LividLiquid posted:This show is always an exercise in writing yourself into a corner and then being a goddamn magician about getting yourself out of it, but this really feels like the final arc. See I'm expecting the next place it goes to be the world finds out about the manifesto and the brainy bunch accidentally dooms all of humanity to endless torture/breaks the entire system for everyone
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# ? Feb 18, 2025 13:05 |
Kaedric posted:Weren't folks giving someone poo poo because it was 'creepy' to like Janet in that waitress outfit? Let me help you out here. Saying someone is physically attractive is not inherently weird! It's possible to appropriately express attraction to someone because they took off their shirt. On the other hand, there is no appropriate way to express attraction to someone specifically because they had to put their hair in pigtails and wear daisy dukes, because that is infantilizing. Hope that helps! To get back on topic a bit, Chidi would call the fact that you brought that up in relation to this a 'false equivalence'. It's a logic term.
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Nah it's because Chidi is a dude so everyone gets a pass. For some reason it's popular now for straight men to talk about how another dude turns them on so people jumped on that bandwagon.
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Otherkinsey Scale posted:Let me help you out here. Saying someone is physically attractive is not inherently weird! It's possible to appropriately express attraction to someone because they took off their shirt. On the other hand, there is no appropriate way to express attraction to someone specifically because they had to put their hair in pigtails and wear daisy dukes, because that is infantilizing. Actually I only posted that comment because I thought it was dumb that it was OK to like Chidi, but not Janet, or at least not to express it. I think it is cool and good to post about liking the way people look and nothing anyone posted actually bothered me. Your post however is possibly one of the stupidest things I've ever read but keep on being incredibly condescending, that's cool too.
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OctaviusBeaver posted:Nah it's because Chidi is a dude so everyone gets a pass. For some reason it's popular now for straight men to talk about how another dude turns them on so people jumped on that bandwagon. It’s bc it’s nice to have things in common with women
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why would you do this to me
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Hitting the report button is a conflict of virtue ethics (not wanting to be a snitch) and shared ethical responsibility (making sure as few people as possible see that image)
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Neither the post about Janet nor the posts about Chidi were bad. Now the post 3 above me on the other hand...
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I don't know a thing about anime, so whatever people are saying about that post... yeah, I don't get it. And don't explain it. Seriously. It's fun enough for me to watch you all react to this thing that I absolutely don't get. I guess I know how old people feel now. ... (sadly) Oh....
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I wonder if the writers ever think huh should we flesh out this points system concept nah no way will people over analyze our light hearted take on the after life
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Malcolm Turnbeug posted:Hitting the report button is a conflict of virtue ethics (not wanting to be a snitch) and shared ethical responsibility (making sure as few people as possible see that image) deontology could come down on either side
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How many points is being totally ripped?
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Kaedric posted:Actually I only posted that comment because I thought it was dumb that it was OK to like Chidi, but not Janet, or at least not to express it. I think it is cool and good to post about liking the way people look and nothing anyone posted actually bothered me. Because both comments exist in a context of a society where women are still judged mainly by appearance, but guys taking care of their appearance is judged as "gay'.
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Doltos posted:I wonder if the writers ever think huh should we flesh out this points system concept nah no way will people over analyze our light hearted take on the after life After listening to a bunch of the podcast, I don't think the writers are all that opposed to people overanalyzing the points system. I think we're supposed to think about the system and notice the holes and come to the same conclusion as Michael (it's fundamentally broken and unfair).
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Harrow posted:After listening to a bunch of the podcast, I don't think the writers are all that opposed to people overanalyzing the points system. I think we're supposed to think about the system and notice the holes and come to the same conclusion as Michael (it's fundamentally broken and unfair). yeah I don't think it's subtext or a matter of interpretation that the whole system is broke right now, it's explicitly the thing we're supposed to be thinking.
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Accretionist posted:How many points is being totally ripped? Being totally ripped is not sufficient, you must share your total rippedness with appreciative audiences.
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Yeah it depends on whether you use your powers for good or for evil.
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Tequila25 posted:Because both comments exist in a context of a society where women are still judged mainly by appearance, but guys taking care of their appearance is judged as "gay'. If you really want to get into it you can add society's multiple hosed up ways of fetishising black people, although tbh I haven't seen that itt.
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OctaviusBeaver posted:Nah it's because Chidi is a dude so everyone gets a pass. For some reason it's popular now for straight men to talk about how another dude turns them on so people jumped on that bandwagon. Tequila25 posted:Because both comments exist in a context of a society where women are still judged mainly by appearance, but guys taking care of their appearance is judged as "gay'.
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Otherkinsey Scale posted:On the other hand, there is no appropriate way to express attraction to someone specifically because they had to put their hair in pigtails and wear daisy dukes, because that is infantilizing. Is Daisy Duke somehow an infantile character? Like, if your argument is that it’s sexist, then sure. But as I recall, the iconography of that character is that of a voluptuous adult woman, like a pinup calendar. I’m not defending anyone creeping on Janet, but I don’t think she was supposed to look underage or childlike. It wasn’t a schoolgirl uniform. D’Arcy Carden is 38.
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Xealot posted:Is Daisy Duke somehow an infantile character? Like, if your argument is that it’s sexist, then sure. But as I recall, the iconography of that character is that of a voluptuous adult woman, like a pinup calendar.
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I thought the joke about having Janet in the America Restaurant waitress costume was funny because I thought it was a funny costume. We always see Janet being 100% serious, and she dresses the part. Seeing this totally serious robot (not a robot!) character going undercover as a waitress, complete with goofy outfit and her realizing that she can't just summon a bunch of beers because she's on Earth, was funny. Seeing her stay in that outfit for a while would have continued to be funny, at least for a little while. Honestly, I didn't see it as sexy at all. Yeah, it showed a few inches of her midriff, but other than that, I don't remember it being fetishized or even particularly revealing. Does anyone seriously look at that outfit and see it as a fetishized costume? Because I didn't. I saw it and my only thought was "that's hilarious!"
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I mean it's possible for an outfit to be attractive without being fetishized.
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SirSamVimes posted:I mean it's possible for an outfit to be attractive without being fetishized. not on the internet
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emgeejay posted:There's uh, definitely a "farmer's daughter" vibe to the Daisy Duke archetype, yes Granted, this is how I've always seen it portrayed, and it might have been super gross beforehand, but that's the version I absorbed through osmosis through poo poo like Seinfeld.
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SirSamVimes posted:I mean it's possible for an outfit to be attractive without being fetishized. I agree. It's just that ever since that comment was made, the assumption seems to be that whoever it was wanted to see Janet in that outfit because it was sexy, and it's misogynist to want to see women in sexy outfits (or something like that). Is it possible the OP just meant that it was a funny costume, and that is the reason why they wanted to see her in it more often? I ask because I didn't find the outfit sexy. I don't think it was ugly or anything, but it didn't strike me as fetishized (especially in terms of infantilism fetish), sexy, or even particularly attractive. It was just a goofy getup. Serious person + goofy outfit = comedy gold.
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yeah like... the outfit is sexy mostly because D'Arcy Carden is really goddamn hot and would probably look good even in a literal potato sack. like, she's probably the only person on earth who could make Sexy Gritty work.
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LORD OF BOOTY posted:Sexy Gritty okay now we're definitely in fetish territory
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Just saw the latest episode. I had not really been feeling this season but gently caress that was great ![]()
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tarlibone posted:I agree. It's just that ever since that comment was made, the assumption seems to be that whoever it was wanted to see Janet in that outfit because it was sexy, and it's misogynist to want to see women in sexy outfits (or something like that). Is it possible the OP just meant that it was a funny costume, and that is the reason why they wanted to see her in it more often? I ask because I didn't find the outfit sexy. I don't think it was ugly or anything, but it didn't strike me as fetishized (especially in terms of infantilism fetish), sexy, or even particularly attractive. It was just a goofy getup. Serious person + goofy outfit = comedy gold. As the poster who initiated this sequence of events: I was uncomfortable with the moderate level of objectification involved with the outfit (as a midriff-baring waitress outfit in a restaurant satirizing all the worst things about America and its restaurants) but this isn't a bad post either. that said I don't regret instigating a serious discussion of the Daisy Duke archetype Goatse James Bond fucked around with this message at 03:23 on Oct 22, 2018 |
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LividLiquid posted:As it's told now, she always seduces the stranger whose car broke down; not the other way around. This is my context for the archetype, as well. Daisy Duke isn’t specifically the point, though. What I’m saying is that I object to the suggestion that a woman in “revealing” clothing is somehow infantilized or disempowered inherently. As if she can’t possibly have sexual agency unless she’s dressed like a lawyer or something.
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At the risk of extending this line of discussion, they actually have an interesting conversation on the podcast about if they feel okay talking about Wills bod.
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I also like how their podcast appearances imply that Megan and D'arcy regress to being about 12 mentally when they're together. They're basically giggling about puns and boys and making fun of Marc the whole time.
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Does the podcast need to be watched in conjunction with the episode it relates to?
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Senor Tron posted:At the risk of extending this line of discussion, they actually have an interesting conversation on the podcast about if they feel okay talking about Wills bod. This show really *does* make people more ethical!
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Patrovsky posted:Does the podcast need to be watched in conjunction with the episode it relates to? I guess it depends on what you mean by "conjunction". The podcast definitely spoilers the whole plot of the episode, so I wouldn't listen to the podcast until you watch the corresponding episode.
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It's very simple, I think. How would you react if one of the actresses had a scene where she took her top off and walked around shirtless for a while, and tons of people started posting about how turned on they were? I think that would be pretty obviously gross. It shouldn't be any less gross just because it's a man that did it.
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has this thread really just degenerated into the equivalent of white people whining because they can't say the N word?
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# ? Feb 18, 2025 13:05 |
Phenotype posted:It's very simple, I think. How would you react if one of the actresses had a scene where she took her top off and walked around shirtless for a while, and tons of people started posting about how turned on they were? I think that would be pretty obviously gross. It shouldn't be any less gross just because it's a man that did it. Its ok to admit when sexy things are sexy. What its not ok to do is to be creepy about it, or over the top, or to reduce the person to that thing alone.
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