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May 8, 2007

Say WHAT?! You KNOW that post is wack, homie!
If Pillboi's motivation is because he thinks it's a secret mission, wouldn't his motivation be corrupt too based on what we know?


pseudorandom name
May 6, 2007

Corrupt motivation only invalidates point gains, corrupt motivation that stops you from losing points works just fine.

Jul 28, 2008

A little EQ, a touch of reverb, slap on some compression and there. That'll get your dickbutt jiggling.

Zeeman posted:

If Pillboi's motivation is because he thinks it's a secret mission, wouldn't his motivation be corrupt too based on what we know?

I think it still would count if he thinks he is being a secret agent to help others. Then in addition anything he does while helping the elderly work too.

But, someone else said upthread, part of the point of all this is to question how the system works because it really is bullshit.

Supercar Gautier
Jun 10, 2006

If Pillboi keeps helping the elderly because he agrees that a mission to help the elderly is important, then that's a good enough motivation IMO.

Jul 28, 2008

A little EQ, a touch of reverb, slap on some compression and there. That'll get your dickbutt jiggling.

It felt like Tahani's "What a weird creep, why was I ever friends with him?" about Elon Musk might have been an adlib. Or a Jameela Jamil request.

Watermelon Daiquiri
Jul 10, 2010
I'm kinda disappointed that people from Florida dont actually automatically go to the bad place...

Jan 28, 2009

JossiRossi posted:

It felt like Tahani's "What a weird creep, why was I ever friends with him?" about Elon Musk might have been an adlib. Or a Jameela Jamil request.

Jameela did seem to be just shy of corpsing as she delivered it.

Feb 17, 2011

Watermelon Daiquiri posted:

I'm kinda disappointed that people from Florida dont actually automatically go to the bad place...

Wasn't this established in the first season?

Supercar Gautier
Jun 10, 2006

JossiRossi posted:

It felt like Tahani's "What a weird creep, why was I ever friends with him?" about Elon Musk might have been an adlib. Or a Jameela Jamil request.

I could easily see it coming directly from the writer's room, as a way to deliberately course-correct from previous Musk namedrops and better match his increasing grodiness.

Watermelon Daiquiri
Jul 10, 2010

MiddleOne posted:

Wasn't this established in the first season?

It was mentioned but then what would be the point of this past episode unless they were doing it to make jason feel better or being from florida merely has a massive penalty assigned that can be overcome

Supercar Gautier
Jun 10, 2006

Shawn was probably just being extremely flippant about Florida's shockingly poor good/bad ratio. A lot of of the "[not really evil thing] docks you a ton of points" jokes could be attributed to demon snark.

Jan 28, 2009
Wasn't that also when Shawn was pretending to be the Judge?

double nine
Aug 8, 2013

Being french is still an automatic -10000 points, right? That should not be up for debate but here we are so ... please confirm?

Aug 9, 2011

He plays for the dreamers that forgot how to dream, and the lovers that forgot how to love.
I like that Jason is getting wiser with this new mission, although he's also getting more sober due to the hard choices. He made the choice that his father was beyond help and that they should concentrate on Pillboi. That can't have been easy for him. He's finally having to grow up.

double nine
Aug 8, 2013

I wouldn't mind Eleanor showing her dark side some more as a change of pace. The character was beginnning to get one-note and eleanor's mean streaks are kind of hilarious. (Obv. I still hope she gets enough points but let her have some fun first). Also having the others try and convince Eleanor to be good is a good mix-up for what had become kind of the rote formula.

Goatse James Bond
Mar 28, 2010

I've made a huge mistake.
now i miss florida, what with the perfectly 100% accurate portrayal of Jacksonville

Jul 21, 2008

The sky is full of words you've gifted me.

Gaz-L posted:

Previous episodes kind of felt like it was more going for the 'Tahani's so pretty even straight girls are into her'. Sort of like Leslie's infatuation with Ann on P&R. This is the first time Eleanor being into women was brought up outside that context and it just came off to me like the writers wanting to make it explicit that she is queer.

I mean the Tahani stuff came off as pretty explicit that she was bi to me.

Goatse James Bond
Mar 28, 2010

I've made a huge mistake.
This episode wasn't quite as good as Jeremy Bearimy or Dance Dance Resolution, but it was really good.

Jul 21, 2008

The sky is full of words you've gifted me.

For the first few episodes of this season I really enjoyed them but had this worrying feeling the show didn't seem to have a direction it was going.

The past two episodes have alleviated that worry. I mean I still have no idea what direction it's going, but I feel more confident that the writers do, and that makes me feel better.

Dec 31, 2007

by astral
I had no idea this show was back holy poo poo yes.

Aug 1, 2002

"Nothing a shitload of bleach won't fix"

GreyjoyBastard posted:

This episode wasn't quite as good as Jeremy Bearimy or Dance Dance Resolution, but it was really good.

This show seems to have this going on a lot. Even the really good episodes are up against stuff like Jeremy Bearimy, so it feels almost like a letdown when they aren't all at that level. It's not, the show is still amazing but it's a weird problem to have.

Apr 24, 2010
Grimey Drawer

pseudorandom name posted:

Corrupt motivation only invalidates point gains, corrupt motivation that stops you from losing points works just fine.

The group's motivation is no longer corrupt since they're trying to save people expecting to not get rewarded for it.

It's the opposite of Eleanor trying to score points to get into the good place. They're doing good despite "knowing" they're not getting points, which is precisely why they're gonna get points. (Unless they realize this and corrupts it again.)

double nine
Aug 8, 2013

I fully expect a situation to arise where "but I know I'm not getting into the good place, so I am altruistic which means I do get into the good place but now I know that and now my motivation is corrupt so I'm not getting into the good place but now I'm being altruistic so I do get in the good place but now my motivation is corrupt and I'm going to the bad place but now my stomach hurts"

Maxwell Lord
Dec 12, 2008

I am drowning.
There is no sign of land.
You are coming down with me, hand in unlovable hand.

And I hope you die.

I hope we both die.


Grimey Drawer
I particularly loved “None of your exes have gotten over you.” “You’re drat right.” Like I knew Kristen Bell was good but she just has Eleanor down.

Propaganda Machine
Jan 2, 2005


SirSamVimes posted:

I mean the Tahani stuff came off as pretty explicit that she was bi to me.

Yeah, I'm really bad at reading between the lines for sexual preferences, but even I figured out that Eleanor was bi earlier on. I thought there was something else to it even, not just Tahani being hot, but I could easily be wrong.

Apr 21, 2010

Deceitful and black-hearted, perhaps we are. But we would never go against the Code. Well, perhaps for good reasons. But mostly never.
Elanor was surprised to realize she was into Tahani, which was easy to read at the time as an entirely straight history but can also be seen as just a reflection on how much she didn't like her early on.

pseudorandom name
May 6, 2007

xerxus posted:

The group's motivation is no longer corrupt since they're trying to save people expecting to not get rewarded for it.

It's the opposite of Eleanor trying to score points to get into the good place. They're doing good despite "knowing" they're not getting points, which is precisely why they're gonna get points. (Unless they realize this and corrupts it again.)

We were talking about Pillboy's corrupt motivations. My point was that even if Pillboi decides not to rob a gas station because he's a secret NASA investigator, he's still not robbing gas stations.

Jul 24, 2007

You must defeat Sheng Long to stand a chance.

So maybe it's been a double bluff by Michael this whole time? "Oh no, now that you know you can't be saved your motivations are corrupt" - "Now that they think they can't be saved all the good they're doing can't have corrupt motivations"?

Sep 11, 2001

At the end of everything, hold onto anything

Fun Shoe

BioEnchanted posted:

I like that Jason is getting wiser with this new mission, although he's also getting more sober due to the hard choices. He made the choice that his father was beyond help and that they should concentrate on Pillboi. That can't have been easy for him. He's finally having to grow up.

At the same time, he did connect with his father and just MIGHT have saved him in some way.

Guy A. Person
May 23, 2003

There are already people who do good stuff because they believe -- but don't know for certain -- that there is a heaven and someone judging their actions. I don't think it's been explicitly stated that this doesn't get you points, the closest thing we know is that Tahani didn't get points because her motivations were corrupt but even then she also was super vain and pompous amongst other flaws that certainly cost her points.

We only know that knowing about the Good Place specifically negates any points you get past that point. I gotta think that's a special case, unless it's true that only a handful of super elite people get into the Good Place, but I kind of figured that was at least partially Bad Place propaganda.

Cafe Barbarian
Apr 22, 2016

There's one roulade I can't sing
Mitch Narito as Donkey Doug was inspired. His take on Manny's earnest but idiotic delivery was amazing, every single line read a gem.

Jul 21, 2008

The sky is full of words you've gifted me.

Guy A. Person posted:

We only know that knowing about the Good Place specifically negates any points you get past that point. I gotta think that's a special case, unless it's true that only a handful of super elite people get into the Good Place, but I kind of figured that was at least partially Bad Place propaganda.

We don't know that at all though. Michael and Janet are just assuming that if they know about the system then their good deeds will always be corrupted by the desire to go to the Good Place, but I'm guessing that if they do good while under the impression that they're going to the Bad Place regardless then they are doing good things for the sake of goodness and benefiting others so they'll still be earning points.

Mar 7, 2013

Creepy little garbage eaters

SirSamVimes posted:

We don't know that at all though. Michael and Janet are just assuming

I think it's safe to say if anyone knows how the mechanics of the Good Place scoring system works it's the not-a-robot with the accumulated knowledge of the universe.

Jul 21, 2008

The sky is full of words you've gifted me.

howe_sam posted:

I think it's safe to say if anyone knows how the mechanics of the Good Place scoring system works it's the not-a-robot with the accumulated knowledge of the universe.

Given that no human has ever found out the truth about the afterlife, how would she know?

Dec 8, 2007

this was the hardest I’ve ever laughed at this show, which is really saying something

Senor Tron
May 25, 2006

xerxus posted:

The group's motivation is no longer corrupt since they're trying to save people expecting to not get rewarded for it.

It's the opposite of Eleanor trying to score points to get into the good place. They're doing good despite "knowing" they're not getting points, which is precisely why they're gonna get points. (Unless they realize this and corrupts it again.)

Do they get a cut of good points given for acts done by people they motivated to do good, like some supernatural Amway?

Sep 29, 2005

I represent the Philippines

Phenotype posted:

So maybe it's been a double bluff by Michael this whole time? "Oh no, now that you know you can't be saved your motivations are corrupt" - "Now that they think they can't be saved all the good they're doing can't have corrupt motivations"?

Unlikely considering he and Janet were preparing to disappear into eternity forever.

SirSamVimes posted:

Given that no human has ever found out the truth about the afterlife, how would she know?

She was literally built for The Good Place.

Watermelon Daiquiri
Jul 10, 2010

Senor Tron posted:

Do they get a cut of good points given for acts done by people they motivated to do good, like some supernatural Amway?

It's called the Medium Place :v:

Supercar Gautier
Jun 10, 2006

Senor Tron posted:

Do they get a cut of good points given for acts done by people they motivated to do good, like some supernatural Amway?

I think so, that's how Mindy racked up all those posthumous points. She died before founding her charity, but then her sister used her plans to do it and that set in motion a shitload of good acts by others.


Powered Descent
Jul 13, 2008

We haven't had that spirit here since 1969.

I just want to say that Kirby Howell-Baptiste (Simone) did an amazing job portraying Eleanor In Virtual Simone's Body, and then Eleanor Pretending To Be Janet In Virtual Simone's Body. The bit went by very quickly but she channeled Eleanor perfectly.

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