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double nine
Aug 8, 2013

Phenotype posted:

She was the young girl that wandered into town with her brother with a story about how they were looking for their dad, and they ended up working for the brothel/saloons. They turned out to be grifters and got caught stealing, and Cy Tolliver beat them half to death and shot them the rest of the way.

like I said, gruesome death.


Lutha Mahtin
Oct 10, 2010

Your brokebrain sin is absolved...go and shitpost no more!

Lucania posted:

I'd love to hear how she made an enemy out of Neil deGrasse Tyson (One-sided, from his side).

probably eleanor being obnoxiously horny for him

double nine
Aug 8, 2013

God, Glenn's just the worst

Oct 11, 2006

Freshly Squeezed
I think this is the first episode of the show that I haven’t really found funny, it was good but it felt a little like a rehash.

Dec 23, 2014

Its really more of an emotional episode than a funny one, but I think it works.

Feb 14, 2012
I want to see a whole episode of Tahani getting bullied by her mirror centaur.

Strom Cuzewon
Jul 1, 2010

Regy Rusty posted:

Can't wait to meet 70 year old Doug Forcett hell yah

For those who aren't podcast fans, my favourite detail is how Doug Forcett is just the yearbook photo of Michael Schur' I think. Who had an extremely odd day when he came to visit the set and Ted Danson was very excited to meet him.

in a well actually
Jan 26, 2011

dude, you gotta end it on the rhyme

Lucania posted:

I'd love to hear how she made an enemy out of Neil deGrasse Tyson (One-sided, from his side).

Something like this:

Dec 28, 2005


double nine posted:

like I said, gruesome death.

Yeah that was an awful death. Her head was caved in, one eye going off to the side, still trying to fight her way out. Plus they were both young kids who didn't realize the full extent of their actions.

I just couldn't stop picturing Eleanor the second Bell's character turned mean though.

Norwegian Rudo
May 8, 2013

Doltos posted:

Yeah that was an awful death. Her head was caved in, one eye going off to the side, still trying to fight her way out. Plus they were both young kids who didn't realize the full extent of their actions.

I just couldn't stop picturing Eleanor the second Bell's character turned mean though.

That's not really how I remember it. My recollection is that her character was basically a sociopath, while her brother was more collateral damage. Also, wasn't it Kim Dickens character who shot them because she couldn't take more of Tolliver's beating them?

Bell was also a guest star on an early season episode of The Shield. IIRC she didn't fare too well there either, although I think she survived.

Norwegian Rudo fucked around with this message at 20:41 on Nov 9, 2018

Jul 24, 2007

You must defeat Sheng Long to stand a chance.

Norwegian Rudo posted:

That's not really how I remember it. My recollection is that her character was basically a sociopath, while her brother was more collateral damage. Also, wasn't it Kim Dickens character who shot them because she couldn't take more of Tolliver's beating them?

I wouldn't say sociopath, she had a mean streak but she wasn't violent or anything, she was just a low-caliber con man. Cute, young-looking girl with a sad story and big puppy-dog eyes. They didn't focus much on her brother, but it felt like the two of them were just grifters who just wandered into Deadwood to hustle some money out of people and eventually steal a bunch of poo poo and run. And yeah, young kids who thought that, if their beginner's hustle worked on the idiots in their old town, Tolliver and Swearengen wouldn't see right through it.

May 27, 2004

This Christmas get "Shoes"

:pwn: :pwn: :pwn: :pwn: :pwn:
Sounds like a cheerful show, sad i never got around to watching it. Christ :stare:

Jan 28, 2009

CPColin posted:

Wasn't it Blake?

Netflix subtitles had it as Blake, and he was in a little Jags jersey (anyone know if it's Bortles' number on it?).

May 16, 2009

Look! A teddybear doll!
It's soooo cute!

Gaz-L posted:

Netflix subtitles had it as Blake, and he was in a little Jags jersey (anyone know if it's Bortles' number on it?).

Yep. Number 5.

Apr 13, 2002

21 Muns posted:

Huh, that didn't really take me out of the episode, but your reaction here is very similar to my reaction to the monster taxi a couple of weeks ago; kind of ruined that episode for me (which is a shame because I otherwise liked the Jason plot) and did some serious damage to my engagement with the season as a whole. I really liked this episode, but I see what you mean about that gag; I think it's part of a larger problem where staying on Earth is making the writers antsy to keep the wacky fantastical over-the-top comedy going, but it's really clashing with the distinction between the real world and the non-real-world that the series stayed in for most of the first two seasons. I think the first symptom of this was the Americana-themed restaurant; it was really funny, but it was also written exactly the same way that the fake Good Place's gag businesses were written in seasons one and two - actually probably a fair bit sillier. At the time, I laughed off the bit with the "real" gun and assumed it was just Chidi being naive and jumpy, but in retrospect, given some of the jokes that have happened since then, I think it was just meant to be taken at face value.

Assuming that we don't get some kind of huge bombshell twist that this was really a fake Earth (which would admittedly be awesome and classic Good Place), I definitely think that this season has been a big step down in quality from the first season and certainly the second season, which is really too bad because for the most part it's just as good; it's exploring such interesting ground in terms of character development and thematic development, but it just has so many nagging completely unnecessary suspension-of-disbelief-piercing moments that seem to come from the writers not knowing how to handle so much Earth. I don't remember any problems like that in the first two seasons.
The Judge said them being on Earth is changing everything.

But also, this takes place in the Parks and Rec universe, which got pretty wacky in its last season.

Jan 28, 2009
At this point, I wouldn't be shocked if the 99th precinct gets phasers this season.

(Holt would insist on calling them the boring real world name the eggheads give them. Rosa would pretend like she isn't down with them right until someone blows a hole in a wall. And Jake and Amy would probably jointly be stoked because I feel like Star Trek would be a thing they'd be into as a couple)

Democratic Pirate
Feb 17, 2010

I like to imagine that Eleanor was a huge jerk to NdGT without knowing who he was, and then slammed him really hard when he got offended and explained why he is an ~important figure in science~. She probably wouldn’t recognize him.

Norwegian Rudo
May 8, 2013
I looked up Sepinwall's Deadwood Rewind to see if he had any pertinent thoughts about her character, but he didn't really.

In the comments Jim Beaver says that the arc was supposed to be significantly longer, but rumour was one of the kids (or more likely their agent) tried to strong-arm the production for more money so they met a swift and brutal end...

Nov 29, 2015

Belgians ITT
(ie Me)

Hawkgirl posted:

Excuse me, why would anyone be ashamed of loving Barenaked Ladies :colbert:

what if she's actually ashamed to like barenaked ladies

Dec 28, 2005


Norwegian Rudo posted:

I looked up Sepinwall's Deadwood Rewind to see if he had any pertinent thoughts about her character, but he didn't really.

In the comments Jim Beaver says that the arc was supposed to be significantly longer, but rumour was one of the kids (or more likely their agent) tried to strong-arm the production for more money so they met a swift and brutal end...

That's always my favorite bits of background information for a show. I love when characters disappear for reasons beyond the show storyline.

Dec 30, 2005

Politeness costs nothing
I'm really impressed with this week's podcast. I didn't realize that Princess Caroline was an animal trainer.

Mar 5, 2004

Letterkenny is in rural Canada, and this show constantly surprises me in unexpected ways, so I'm calling that instead of going to see Doug, they're bouncing to Modines and meeting up with Dery because why not at this point

Jul 15, 2006

Whalley posted:

Letterkenny is in rural Canada, and this show constantly surprises me in unexpected ways, so I'm calling that instead of going to see Doug, they're bouncing to Modines and meeting up with Dery because why not at this point

If everyone lived like Wayne the Good Place would be full! (If you don’t watch Letterkenny, start. First season is on Hulu)

Dec 28, 2005

Squirrely Dan's steak recipe is top notch

Jul 15, 2006

Doltos posted:

Squirrely Dan's steak recipe is top notch

Nah, that’s overhandlin’ the meat.

May 8, 2008


So am I just totally blanking in Eleanor having a sibling or is that something they haven’t mentioned? Trying to think why else Eleanor and her mom would be in the maternity ward unless Eleanor has a kid somewhere out there (which I normally wouldn’t entertain that idea but you never know with this show).

Sep 29, 2005

I represent the Philippines
Eleanor's mother, having just given birth to Eleanor, tried to pass Eleanor off as her little sister.

May 8, 2008

Wow I’m dumb haha. I figured these were based off her memories so that’s why I didn’t even think about it like that.

Apr 30, 2009

Say what now?
NdgT could have been a twitter thing.

Anyway this episode was good compared to other shows but kind of weak compared to the others. Mostly I just don't care that much about the romances between Chidi-Elanor or Tahani-Jason. The cancer patient look gag was really weird and then they skipped right past it and did nothing with the concept of reliving memories being painful. I liked how Vicki experienced no time passing while she was cocooned.

Autumn Fella
Nov 1, 2010

One More Thing...
We're gonna want to have a new thread written up once the season ends. As soon as this one closes, they're gonna use it to post pornos.

Lutha Mahtin
Oct 10, 2010

Your brokebrain sin is absolved...go and shitpost no more!

OctaviusBeaver posted:

NdgT could have been a twitter thing.

Anyway this episode was good compared to other shows but kind of weak compared to the others. Mostly I just don't care that much about the romances between Chidi-Elanor or Tahani-Jason. The cancer patient look gag was really weird and then they skipped right past it and did nothing with the concept of reliving memories being painful.

let me guess: you loving love science

Regy Rusty
Apr 26, 2010

Roach Warehouse posted:

We're gonna want to have a new thread written up once the season ends. As soon as this one closes, they're gonna use it to post pornos.

Finally I'm gonna make the big bucks

Goatse James Bond
Mar 28, 2010

I've made a huge mistake.
- a memory widget? this is potentially crazy
- lol i knew there was a sight gag coming but it's good
- "you did die young and unaccomplished"
- man pick-a-pet day seems like a genius demon idea
- okay, what about the mirror centaur? oh lol tahani asked
- is that a hippo in the background during the half-second shot
- "you're going to show me how thoughtful and caring i am or i will rip off your demon head and shove it up whatever's where your butt should be"
- i like eleanor's iguana
- "and love is stronger than anything you can throw at us" "no it's not"
- "it's the only book they have in the sex ed section"
- "this is all just determinism" "what?" i love this show
- lol at both 444 and 445
- 'mom once made mac n cheese with wine instead of milk', enemies: neil degrasse tyson (note: one-sided, from his side, page 4815 of 162432, ambien hamster mishap, problematic halloween costumes
- "well he's very authoritative and i find that reassuring"
- "is sam the eagle here?" "no" snap :allears: it's their acting that makes it
- oh hey we're going to meet doug forcett! also "go through that makeshift portal, see if you explode"

this is gonna own

good episode

Goatse James Bond
Mar 28, 2010

I've made a huge mistake.

Harrow posted:

I think we're just supposed to accept that their version of Earth is a very wacky one. I mean, go back and listen to all of the things Jason says about Jacksonville in seasons 1 and 2. He says some outlandish poo poo that we're never really led to believe is incorrect. Most of what we're seeing this season is totally in line with Jason attending Lynyrd Skynyrd High School, a school that consists of a bunch of tugboats lashed together in a junkyard and where most of the classes are just selling dirty magazines door-to-door.

I thought they ran that "everything in Australia is <something> Nemo" joke into the ground, though. C'mon, you can do more Australia jokes than that.

nothing about any of this is inconsistent with our Jacksonville though

Lutha Mahtin
Oct 10, 2010

Your brokebrain sin is absolved...go and shitpost no more!

peope rag on florida and arizona but really, there are a LOT of places in america where the satire elements of this show are not that far off. i say this as a proud american

Aug 9, 2011

He plays for the dreamers that forgot how to dream, and the lovers that forgot how to love.
I liked the book titles, like "Philosophy for dingdongs... for morons"

Dec 28, 2005


Lutha Mahtin posted:

peope rag on florida and arizona but really, there are a LOT of places in america where the satire elements of this show are not that far off. i say this as a proud american

I've driven through Jacksonville and it's just a big sprawling city. Half of it seems empty or like another city was tacked on to it. Main cities in Florida all seem to follow the same pattern as Beach ---> Waterfront ----> Ghettos ----> Suburbs just like other port cities.

Jacksonville becoming this white trash stereotype full of idiots is great though. It's not just the Good Place doing it either since Ash vs the Evil Dead was obsessed with glorious Jacksonville too.

Guy A. Person
May 23, 2003

Strom Cuzewon posted:

For those who aren't podcast fans, my favourite detail is how Doug Forcett is just the yearbook photo of Michael Schur' I think. Who had an extremely odd day when he came to visit the set and Ted Danson was very excited to meet him.

He's very lucky to have that picture in his office

Apr 30, 2009

Say what now?

Lutha Mahtin posted:

let me guess: you loving love science



Renaissance Spam
Jun 5, 2010

Can it wait a for a bit? I'm in the middle of some *gyrations*

Whalley posted:

Letterkenny is in rural Canada, and this show constantly surprises me in unexpected ways, so I'm calling that instead of going to see Doug, they're bouncing to Modines and meeting up with Dery because why not at this point

Not gonna happen but I would be so stoked if they did a Good Place/Letterkenny crossover.

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