LividLiquid posted:Knits. Like from a sweater. The kind you'd pick at. Huh you just went and made up an etymology that's a neat trick
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# ? Feb 9, 2025 21:07 |
Yes. You pick knits. You are a nitpicker. At least that's how it was explained to me by my fourth grade teacher and oh good how long have I bean spreading this?
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LividLiquid posted:Yes. You pick knits. You are a nitpicker. Nah you pick nits. They're louse eggs
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You ever just not get corrected for years, even when you're correcting other people and you realize that the source of your knowledge was dubious as gently caress to begin with and it's pretty embarrasing? ... Me neither. Gotta' go. Bye.
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Regy Rusty posted:Huh you just went and made up an etymology that's a neat trick I hear folk do that ![]()
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LividLiquid posted:You ever just not get corrected for years, even when you're correcting other people and you realize that the source of your knowledge was dubious as gently caress to begin with and it's pretty embarrasing? Eh, English is weird. Plus no one ever sees this written out so it's a mute point
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GreyjoyBastard posted:- "No no no, Michael, you're confused. Evidence isn't a good thing that you want, it's a bad thing that you have to destroy or you go to jail." I wonder if this will actually come true. Michael goes to the accountants and destroys all the files.
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Why does Eleanor never try to say “gently caress” or “poo poo” anymore
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General Dog posted:Why does Eleanor never try to say “gently caress” or “poo poo” anymore Someone should be fired for that.
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I'm hoping the Peeps will turn out to be foreshadowing, like they go to the actual "Hell's Kitchen" in the Bad Place, find Samuel Pepys as a demon, and kill him by throwing him into a vat of chili.
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LividLiquid posted:Knits. Like from a sweater. The kind you'd pick at. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nitpicking Don’t gently caress with the idiom master, son ![]() Edit ![]()
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Alright so, my guess: the "rules" system is terrible, and pre-God. This entire world is pre-capital G "God", just "the point system" (you'll note that "Jacksonville Pool" is terrible because the point system is arbitrary) . Ultimately Janet, who is the single most evolved and powerful thing in the Universe, will sacrifice herself to make Michael God, that manifesto becomes the Bible (without a "rule book" the devote become happiness pumps), and Michael institutes a more "fair" system having learned about loss from losing Janet and other emotions from the humans and gone back to the beginning of time using Jeremy Bearemy. That's why we haven't met God yet. She ![]() Of course now that they've introduced the concept of going in to Janet's void they run into the Matrix problem of not being able to know if we're not already inside a void. Which, of course, brings back the possibility that this is all a Bad Place simulation. (my ultimate guess is still that this whole thing is teaching Janet something. She has a very friendly face and a pleasant voice, I like seeing her emote so it'd be fun, I like when she was just shaking her head and saying "Here we go" at Michael) I like this show, the fight scene was surprisingly well shot for a network sitcom (though there's a solid 6 second shot of Shaun's stuntman's face). I'm a little tired of the constantly changing locations, I think they can go back to a single place for a bit now, but I'm excited to see where the show goes ![]()
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The fight scene was so good because they got the fight coordinator from the Bourne movies.
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Gaz-L posted:The fight scene was so good because they got the fight coordinator from the Bourne movies. It was also easier to follow ![]()
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Watermelon Daiquiri posted:but she didnt know doug's situation somehow It's shown Janet sometimes has to "look stuff up", she doesn't have EVERY bit of information in her head. It's also shown that "looking stuff up" takes time. So, in the time between when it became clear Janet was going to lose the ability to "look stuff up", and the time she DID lose contact, Janet only downloaded what she thought she would need. Janet downloaded Kung Fu movies for self defense (or just because she knew Jason liked them). She downloaded every first aid book she could find. And she downloaded blackmail or valuable information for some people but not ALL. Even for this show it would be hard to make the the characters who literally blackmail or emotionally manipulate their way around the world multiple times likable. We only saw them do it once but there is a scene missing about an hour before that of them telling that manager they would give him that information if he would give them jobs. How else did two people who had no evidence they even existed yesterday get those jobs in the first place? Or ANY of the jobs or things they got? But Janet didn't have time to look up Doug. He's so off the grid there was no way they'd ever interact with him. Like how Michael never knew what Eleonore was up to: he was too vain, he's still a demon, to think she'd ever catch on so he never looked up the info (and he was the only one who had access to their "Bad Place" file because he was the architect.) TL;DR: anything they get is from blackmail material we're never shown them using, and anything they don't know is them being too vain to/not having the time to look up.
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Do we know anything about Chidi's family? I can only remember being shown his friends/girlfriends in the past. I ask only because I realised that everyone else was given the chance to, if not mend their relationship with their families, at least to accept who they are - Jason accepts what his Donkey Doug is like, Tahani discovers she and her sister are united in both being hosed up by their parents, Eleanor sees that her mother was capable of growth even if she wasn't there for her. Chidi just loses a great relationship (even if he did it the best way he could).
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I've been thinking, being pyschologically tortured, like in the fake Good Place, I think I could deal with that. But being physically tortured, like what's supposed to happen in the Bad Place, nuh-uh, no way! What do you think? Would you rather be physically or psychologically tortured?
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General Dog posted:Why does Eleanor never try to say “gently caress” or “poo poo” anymore 2+ years of trying to be a better person.
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greententacle posted:I've been thinking, being pyschologically tortured, like in the fake Good Place, I think I could deal with that. But being physically tortured, like what's supposed to happen in the Bad Place, nuh-uh, no way! What do you think? Would you rather be physically or psychologically tortured? I'm psychologically torturing myself every day baby ![]()
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greententacle posted:I've been thinking, being pyschologically tortured, like in the fake Good Place, I think I could deal with that. But being physically tortured, like what's supposed to happen in the Bad Place, nuh-uh, no way! What do you think? Would you rather be physically or psychologically tortured? Yeah, even the soul squad agreed with that. But the innovation in Michael's neighborhood was that it would be more fun for demons. Vicki certainly seemed to be having a blast.
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I really hate being bored and lonely so just being in eternal solitary confinement should be pretty effective on me but on the other hand I imagine I would probably hate having lava poured into my eyes also so it's probably kind of a tossup
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InsertPotPun posted:(you'll note that "Jacksonville Pool" is terrible because the point system is arbitrary) Objection, your honor. Plaintiff is drawing conclusions in direct opposition to established facts.
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Jacksonville Pool rules because it's Calvinball on a pool table.
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"Either I'm doing something but have no idea what that is, or I'm doing nothing, and WINNING!"
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TheUnifiedHeart posted:Do we know anything about Chidi's family? I can only remember being shown his friends/girlfriends in the past. I ask only because I realised that everyone else was given the chance to, if not mend their relationship with their families, at least to accept who they are - Jason accepts what his Donkey Doug is like, Tahani discovers she and her sister are united in both being hosed up by their parents, Eleanor sees that her mother was capable of growth even if she wasn't there for her. Chidi just loses a great relationship (even if he did it the best way he could). I think the only mention of Chidi's family has been when he was served his mom's maafe in The Good Plates, back in S1.
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He also missed his mom's back surgery because he promised his landlord's nephew that he'd help him with his phone!
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Selachian posted:I think the only mention of Chidi's family has been when he was served his mom's maafe in The Good Plates, back in S1. We also know that at some point his mom had back surgery, which he wasn't there for because he had promised to help his landlord's nephew figure out his new phone. Edit: fork, beaten
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greententacle posted:I've been thinking, being pyschologically tortured, like in the fake Good Place, I think I could deal with that. But being physically tortured, like what's supposed to happen in the Bad Place, nuh-uh, no way! What do you think? Would you rather be physically or psychologically tortured? I'd like to be physiologically tortured. 24/7 osmotic shock baby!
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greententacle posted:I've been thinking, being pyschologically tortured, like in the fake Good Place, I think I could deal with that. But being physically tortured, like what's supposed to happen in the Bad Place, nuh-uh, no way! What do you think? Would you rather be physically or psychologically tortured? For sure psychologically. The demons have it right from the beginning. Getting hot pokers shoved up your urethra or whatever they do in the Bad Place would be much worse than passive aggressive party invites or whatever Michael had planned for his Bad Place.
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PostNouveau posted:Eh, English is weird. Plus no one ever sees this written out so it's a mute point I have a very particular set of skills..I WILL find you
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JossiRossi posted:I wonder if this will actually come true. Michael goes to the accountants and destroys all the files. the more I think about this the more plausible it seems
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PostNouveau posted:For sure psychologically. The demons have it right from the beginning. Getting hot pokers shoved up your urethra or whatever they do in the Bad Place would be much worse than passive aggressive party invites or whatever Michael had planned for his Bad Place. I don't want just any wasp nostrils. I want these wasp nostrils.
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e: thought I was on the last page already, so soundly beaten
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I think at some point that the judge or Michael mentioned that the 4 humans were destined/convicted to be eternally tortured lightly, or something to that effect - I remember there being an implication that there are degrees of bad place torture. Now there has also been nothing that shawn has said that corroborates that so it might be that the bad place demons have come to the conclusion that torturing people is too much fun to split them up into tepid/medium/heavy torture, but these 4 humans were not supposed to be tortured the same way that, say, a genocidal maniac is supposed to be treated. fakeedit: at some point the judge said that she still needed to decide where in the bad place the humans were supposed to move to, based on their score.
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Literally every piece of evidence of Bad Place torture outside of Michael’s neighborhood has been really loving horrific. Not sure where you’re getting that “light torture” thing at.
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Yeah the revolutionary part of Michaels proposal was just using psychological torture instead of physical.
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Didn't Eleanor pass the Judge's test anyway? So we know that there is a legitimate Good Place that people can go to. The barriers might be extremely strict but I don't think it's as hard to get in as people expect. It's still hard, and it seems like it's less about living a good life (like Doug) but to make big, important changes (like Mindy would have).
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CaveGrinch posted:Literally every piece of evidence of Bad Place torture outside of Michael’s neighborhood has been really loving horrific. Not sure where you’re getting that “light torture” thing at. Of course it *is* horrible. My take is that it s not supposed to be. In The Burrito, during Eleanor s test, the judge said that she' s testing Jason and Tahani to determine where in the bad place she is going to send them. This implies that their behaviour in the tests would have an effect on the punishment that followed. This is a contradiction with the rest of what we 've seen of the bad place, where all torture is on a gruesome level and torture forms are used pretty much interchangeably. In conclusion, its possible that not only is the points system unjust and sadistic, but the bad place itself is also not operating in the way it was supposed to.
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A clever thing the show does is the only tortures it actually describes are fairly cartoonish in how extreme they are, like wasps in nostrils and just ripping people in half - however there are other things that are implied but aren't described because it would conflict with the shows tone. Like the Museum, where Michael warns them to stay in the foyer, because beyond there there are rooms full of poo poo that they would never be able to unsee. I like how it toes that line. It allows hell to be funny-hellish, and the demons to have some humour with them, without letting the viewer forget that "Yeah, this is literal hell. it's only funny til your in it."
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# ? Feb 9, 2025 21:07 |
InsertPotPun posted:Alright so, my guess: the "rules" system is terrible, and pre-God. This entire world is pre-capital G "God", just "the point system" (you'll note that "Jacksonville Pool" is terrible because the point system is arbitrary) . Ultimately Janet, who is the single most evolved and powerful thing in the Universe, will sacrifice herself to make Michael God, that manifesto becomes the Bible (without a "rule book" the devote become happiness pumps), and Michael institutes a more "fair" system having learned about loss from losing Janet and other emotions from the humans and gone back to the beginning of time using Jeremy Bearemy. you on some evangelion 4.0 poo poo bro
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