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Maxwell Lord
Dec 12, 2008

I am drowning.
There is no sign of land.
You are coming down with me, hand in unlovable hand.

And I hope you die.

I hope we both die.


Grimey Drawer

howe_sam posted:

Hahaha, on the podcast Jameela is so pissed about Simone getting in the way of Chidi and Eleanor.

I figured her for being more pro-Eleanor and Tahani.


Mar 7, 2013

Creepy little garbage eaters

The new podcast intros and intros are great, as you might expect.

double nine
Aug 8, 2013

howe_sam posted:

Hahaha, on the podcast Jameela is so pissed about Simone getting in the way of Chidi and Eleanor.

not gonna lie, was also a bit defensive about it and then the MRI scene happened and the cuteness of it all overwhelmed me (and Eleanor being on board in the driver's seat with it all).

Jan 28, 2009

double nine posted:

not gonna lie, was also a bit defensive about it and then the MRI scene happened and the cuteness of it all overwhelmed me (and Eleanor being on board in the driver's seat with it all).

I almost think she WAS jealous, until she realised that Chidi was too much of a wuss to actually go for it, and that meant she could play matchmaker, and thus be 'better' than Chidi at something. Plus she was probably an awesome wing-woman at the bars her friends and her used to hit.

Jan 23, 2007

It never stops.

As someone who would definitely end up in The Bad Place, I cackled like an absolute idiot when Jason fell out of the safe with both whipped cream canisters and whipped cream chargers.

Jan 28, 2009
RE: the podcast I dunno, Stalin's Bachelor recap podcast sounds like a good time.

Apr 7, 2013

If this were any other show I'd be worried about how long before the gang and Michael are all back together, but the pace this show moves at I'm sure we'll have to wait to episodes at the most.

Feb 15, 2001

caligulamprey posted:

As someone who would definitely end up in The Bad Place, I cackled like an absolute idiot when Jason fell out of the safe with both whipped cream canisters and whipped cream chargers.

“He died doing what he loved - a ton of whip-its” and the fact that he brought a snorkel to breathe in the safe are probably my 2 favorite jokes of the series.

Jan 28, 2009
The snorkel is really great, because it tells a lot about Jason in such a small detail. Like, he knows that a snorkel helps you breathe in places where it's hard to breathe normally, but he hasn't quite made it to WHY it does that.

Jan 14, 2010

Gaz-L posted:

The snorkel is really great, because it tells a lot about Jason in such a small detail. Like, he knows that a snorkel helps you breathe in places where it's hard to breathe normally, but he hasn't quite made it to WHY it does that.

And when it doesn't work, his first instinct is "this snorkel must be broken"

Aug 17, 2008

Because we are behind I'm watching Masterchef Australia almost every day at the moment, and I still thought most of the accents where ok while watching this episode.
I cannot wait for this season. This is the best show on television!

Regy Rusty
Apr 26, 2010

Gaz-L posted:

The snorkel is really great, because it tells a lot about Jason in such a small detail. Like, he knows that a snorkel helps you breathe in places where it's hard to breathe normally, but he hasn't quite made it to WHY it does that.

And he DID manage to finally understand it, but only with the benefit of having the hindsight to look back on it once he was dead.

Jason is good

May 27, 2004

This Christmas get "Shoes"

:pwn: :pwn: :pwn: :pwn: :pwn:

GreyjoyBastard posted:

- Of course Eleanor pronounces it "jiff" :argh:
She really is becoming a better person on Earth :)

Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~

pwn posted:

She really is becoming a better person on Earth :)

Someone just guaranteed themselves a spot in the Bad Place

Jan 28, 2009
That's honestly probably why that line's there. Either side can take it as proof that Eleanor's gotten better or is still trash.

May 7, 2006

by VideoGames

Gaz-L posted:

That's honestly probably why that line's there. Either side can take it as proof that Eleanor's gotten better or is still trash.

Perhaps the point is that the answer will always be in the middle

Jul 21, 2008

The sky is full of words you've gifted me.

Gaz-L posted:

That's honestly probably why that line's there. Either side can take it as proof that Eleanor's gotten better or is still trash.

The line is there to prove that Eleanor is still a human trashfire even while she makes an effort to be a good person.

Lutha Mahtin
Oct 10, 2010

Your brokebrain sin is absolved...go and shitpost no more!

the point is to tweak the annoying nerd viewers of the show who the creators know are going to debate it endlessly online

Dec 8, 2007

next week michael sneaks down to earth one more time, tells the doorman "I'll be back in a giffy"

Jan 28, 2009
The next step is Michael going down full-time, right? The Judge makes is a competition where Trevor and Michael try and pull the group to their side, maybe with Janet as a referee?

Dec 28, 2005


Gaz-L posted:

The next step is Michael going down full-time, right? The Judge makes is a competition where Trevor and Michael try and pull the group to their side, maybe with Janet as a referee?

Oh hell ya. I'm fully on board for Adam Scott deviously ruining the group dynamics while Michael tries to keep up

Jul 25, 2011

Avoid breathing
radioactive dust.
College Slice

Gaz-L posted:

The next step is Michael going down full-time, right? The Judge makes is a competition where Trevor and Michael try and pull the group to their side, maybe with Janet as a referee?

I'm hesitant to try and guess what's going to happen, because at best I'm wasting my time and worst-case I actually get it right, but I figure they'll want to keep up the rapid pace of plot development, and still have one impossible thing happen every episode, which doesn't work well with being set in the real world. So I reckon the Judge will find out in the next episode (how did Trevor get approval to visit?), and the Good Place will get involved because Bad Place people interfering freely on Earth has to be breaking all kinds of rules, keeping Michael busy up there, plus as a demon who is doing clearly good things, where does he belong now? Maybe Janet will go to be with Jason and even if she can't create things on Earth she'd presumably still have all her knowledge. And they'll probably realise at some point that they've all been helped by Michael, because despite hiding for the rescues he spoke with all of them face-to-face like, maybe a week ago.

Regy Rusty
Apr 26, 2010

I think that without most of the people in charge realizing it yet, this whole experiment with these four humans just keeps snowballing and has the potential to upend the entire way the afterlife functions. Sean is doing what he's doing, not out of official capacity, but because he personally can't stand that they got away, and now they're interfering on Earth in a way that (presumably) isn't allowed.

Very excited to see where this all goes.

Mar 7, 2013

Creepy little garbage eaters

If Janet doesn't spend sometime next to the giant fuckoff magnets in that mri machine I don't what the show is good for.

Goatse James Bond
Mar 28, 2010

I've made a huge mistake.

howe_sam posted:

If Janet doesn't spend sometime next to the giant fuckoff magnets in that mri machine I don't what the show is good for.

You're an awful person for wanting Janet to be hospitalized for magnet poisoning.

and also you are 100% correct

Goatse James Bond
Mar 28, 2010

I've made a huge mistake.

Regy Rusty posted:

I think that without most of the people in charge realizing it yet, this whole experiment with these four humans just keeps snowballing and has the potential to upend the entire way the afterlife functions. Sean is doing what he's doing, not out of official capacity, but because he personally can't stand that they got away, and now they're interfering on Earth in a way that (presumably) isn't allowed.

Very excited to see where this all goes.

Sean knocked it out of the park this episode.

although I wish we knew how he got out of the unmarked catacomb room he was hoping to extrajudicially imprison Michael in

May 7, 2006

by VideoGames

Regy Rusty posted:

I think that without most of the people in charge realizing it yet, this whole experiment with these four humans just keeps snowballing and has the potential to upend the entire way the afterlife functions. Sean is doing what he's doing, not out of official capacity, but because he personally can't stand that they got away, and now they're interfering on Earth in a way that (presumably) isn't allowed.

Very excited to see where this all goes.

I think a big clue in that direction was the line "we torture 30 billion humans, who cares about these four?"

Goatse James Bond
Mar 28, 2010

I've made a huge mistake.

precision posted:

I think a big clue in that direction was the line "we torture 30 billion humans, who cares about these four?"

Incidentally, the rough estimate of all humans who have ever lived is a bit north of 100 billion.

And since when has this show played fast and loose with time?

eke out
Feb 24, 2013

i forgot there was a podcast and this ep is so good

Oct 19, 2012

by Nyc_Tattoo

Weatherwax posted:

Because we are behind I'm watching Masterchef Australia almost every day at the moment, and I still thought most of the accents where ok while watching this episode.
I cannot wait for this season. This is the best show on television!

Accents vary immensely here, from door to door. There is no such thing as the average aussie accent anymore.

Evil Mastermind
Apr 28, 2008

Regy Rusty posted:

I think that without most of the people in charge realizing it yet, this whole experiment with these four humans just keeps snowballing and has the potential to upend the entire way the afterlife functions. Sean is doing what he's doing, not out of official capacity, but because he personally can't stand that they got away, and now they're interfering on Earth in a way that (presumably) isn't allowed.

Very excited to see where this all goes.

I don't know if Shawn's thinking on that level yet. So far it seems more personal; not only did he let what may be the first humans ever escape the Bad Place, they also got one of his demons on their side. They're making him look pretty bad, and he seems to be pretty high-rank in terms of management.

Timeless Appeal
May 28, 2006
I feel like Eleanor is going to figure out that something is weird and invalidate the whole experiment by realizing that she was resurrected for some weird purpose.

I just wonder if that happens in the finale or like the next episode.

The Lord Bude
May 23, 2007


Rocksicles posted:

Yeah pregnancy is everywhere down here.

Sure if you stretch the definition of pregnancy to include someone carrying around a couple of El Jannah chickens and $100 worth of hotpot. (that was just by day 2 mind you).

Oct 19, 2012

by Nyc_Tattoo

The Lord Bude posted:

Sure if you stretch the definition of pregnancy to include someone carrying around a couple of El Jannah chickens and worth of hotpot. (that was just by day 2 mind you).

You came all this way and didn't get baked and sit at Harry's snarfing down chilli fries all day like it was your job?

Always next time.

Regy Rusty
Apr 26, 2010

Evil Mastermind posted:

I don't know if Shawn's thinking on that level yet. So far it seems more personal; not only did he let what may be the first humans ever escape the Bad Place, they also got one of his demons on their side. They're making him look pretty bad, and he seems to be pretty high-rank in terms of management.

Thinking on what level? That's exactly what I'm saying, for him it's personal and it's driving him to take drastic measures.

May 7, 2006

by VideoGames

Regy Rusty posted:

Thinking on what level? That's exactly what I'm saying, for him it's personal and it's driving him to take drastic measures.

Apropos of nothing, I just finished the story mode of the game your avatar is from and OH MY GOD

Regy Rusty
Apr 26, 2010

precision posted:

Apropos of nothing, I just finished the story mode of the game your avatar is from and OH MY GOD

HA I just replied to your post in games chat about that.

The Lord Bude
May 23, 2007


Rocksicles posted:

You came all this way and didn't get baked and sit at Harry's snarfing down chilli fries all day like it was your job?

Always next time.

Not an optimal use of a Sydney trip. Brisbane is very highly saturated with American restaurants - they've been the number 1 fad for a number of years now and we have far more of them than Sydney. There are 7 American restaurants within walking distance of my house and all of them serve chilli fries. In general we also have just as good, or possibly better chinese food; with the exception of Hotpot which appears to be super common in Sydney but very rare in Brisbane.

What sets Sydney apart from the other capitals is the very substantial, and very highly concentrated Middle Eastern population in the western suburbs; therefore any trip to Sydney needs to focus on the consumption of Middle Eastern and Afghan food. There is very little Middle Eastern Cuisine in Brisbane. And of course Hotpot; since there isn't much of that here. Finally; Sydney has Cow and the Moon Gelato in Enmore, which won best Gelato in the world a few years back - The need to hit that daily dictates much of my other travel plans. I'm proud to report I consumed 21 scoops of gelato during my 2 weeks in Sydney itself.

Oct 19, 2012

by Nyc_Tattoo

The Lord Bude posted:

Not an optimal use of a Sydney trip. Brisbane is very highly saturated with American restaurants - they've been the number 1 fad for a number of years now and we have far more of them than Sydney. There are 7 American restaurants within walking distance of my house and all of them serve chilli fries. In general we also have just as good, or possibly better chinese food; with the exception of Hotpot which appears to be super common in Sydney but very rare in Brisbane.

What sets Sydney apart from the other capitals is the very substantial, and very highly concentrated Middle Eastern population in the western suburbs; therefore any trip to Sydney needs to focus on the consumption of Middle Eastern and Afghan food. There is very little Middle Eastern Cuisine in Brisbane. And of course Hotpot; since there isn't much of that here. Finally; Sydney has Cow and the Moon Gelato in Enmore, which won best Gelato in the world a few years back - The need to hit that daily dictates much of my other travel plans. I'm proud to report I consumed 21 scoops of gelato during my 2 weeks in Sydney itself.

Lahembajin is the finest thing on bread. I'll fight anyone who dares suggest otherwise.


Mar 29, 2007

"The entire history of this incarnation is one of temporal orbits, retcons, paradoxes, parallel time lines, reiterations, and divergences. How anyone can make head or tail of all this chaos, I don't know."

Timeless Appeal posted:

I feel like Eleanor is going to figure out that something is weird and invalidate the whole experiment by realizing that she was resurrected for some weird purpose.

I just wonder if that happens in the finale or like the next episode.

Oh yeah, definitely that. She pulled a thoughtful face that wasn't really called attention to when she heard the name 'Charles Brainman' that makes me think she's going to start realising soon that something is up.

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