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Sep 29, 2005

I represent the Philippines
There were also some openings in the premiere for people figuring it out, like Mike O'Malley warning Michael to be alone when he uses the key, which felt like they were setting things up for someone to catch him.

Also, prediction: whenever they all end up back in the afterlife, Simone will be there (because time is meaningless and she was pulled from whenever she died). Or, this would probably not fit in with the themes of the show but I feel Simone is someone who would totally want to study all the scientific aspects of this whole deal if she were to find out.


Senor Tron
May 25, 2006

Argue posted:

Also, prediction: whenever they all end up back in the afterlife, Simone will be there (because time is meaningless and she was pulled from whenever she died). Or, this would probably not fit in with the themes of the show but I feel Simone is someone who would totally want to study all the scientific aspects of this whole deal if she were to find out.

My guess right now is that at some point they end up back in the afterlife, all having managed to become better people and are being sent as a group to the Good Place. Simone isn't with them however which leads to Chidi not wanting to take the deal.

Nov 26, 2004

Ask me about the shitty opinions I have about Paradox games!

GreyjoyBastard posted:

Sean knocked it out of the park this episode.

although I wish we knew how he got out of the unmarked catacomb room he was hoping to extrajudicially imprison Michael in

He's called Shawn because he has absolutely the worst possible spelling of the name.

I'm so glad they put it on Netflix here as soon as it's been on in the US, I wish more companies did that sort of thing.

Aug 5, 2004

by Lowtax

Taear posted:

He's called Shawn because he has absolutely the worst possible spelling of the name.

In what world is "Shawn" worse than "Sean"? That's not how you pronounce it.

Strom Cuzewon
Jul 1, 2010

Simone: Best new character, or best character period?

Evil Mastermind
Apr 28, 2008

Regy Rusty posted:

Thinking on what level? That's exactly what I'm saying, for him it's personal and it's driving him to take drastic measures.

Oh, sorry, I misread what you said. My bad.


Taear posted:

He's called Shawn because he has absolutely the worst possible spelling of the name.

Flight Bisque
Feb 23, 2008

There is, surprisingly, always hope.
Shaun is a worse spelling than Shawn, don't @ me.

Democratic Pirate
Feb 17, 2010

Frenchify it: Seauxn?

Oct 19, 2012

by Nyc_Tattoo

Democratic Pirate posted:

Frenchify it: Seauxn?


Nov 26, 2004

Ask me about the shitty opinions I have about Paradox games!

Aardark posted:


In what world is "Shawn" worse than "Sean"? That's not how you pronounce it.

It's the American spelling. You'll have a hard time finding a person that's not American/Canadian (and sometimes Chinese) with that spelling as their first name.
At least for me it'd be pronounced really differently whereas I can at least see Sean being pronounced the same as Shaun.

Regy Rusty
Apr 26, 2010

I'm usually a stickler for spelling characters names right but Shawn is so offensive to me that it just can't stay in my brain as the way his name is spelled.

I shall endeavor to fight this impulse in the future.

Lutha Mahtin
Oct 10, 2010

Your brokebrain sin is absolved...go and shitpost no more!

The Lord Bude posted:

Brisbane is very highly saturated with American restaurants - they've been the number 1 fad for a number of years now and we have far more of them than Sydney. There are 7 American restaurants within walking distance of my house and all of them serve chilli fries.

imo anyone who says "American food" and can't spell "chili" is going to the bad place

Mar 24, 2010

SHINee's back

Shawn is indeed terrible. Shaun, however, is just fine!

Oct 19, 2012

by Nyc_Tattoo

Lutha Mahtin posted:

imo anyone who says "American food" and can't spell "chili" is going to the bad place

More countries spell it with two i's and two l's. So you're outvoted.

Lutha Mahtin
Oct 10, 2010

Your brokebrain sin is absolved...go and shitpost no more!

the term comes from Spanish, so, no.

e: also do you really not know the difference between chili and chile lol

Lutha Mahtin fucked around with this message at 15:10 on Sep 29, 2018

Timeless Appeal
May 28, 2006
Another little theory I want to put forward: Did it look like Jason was actually going to change and it was just hosed up by Michael's intervention?

Even his backsliding wasn't that bad. While he went back to being a criminal, he did do so while being less of a dirt bag. He was stealing out of responsibility instead of just being a dirtbag. Then he recognized how he was falling into old habits and was genuinely considered how to even further change himself as a person. Jason may not have become a good person, but without Michael's intervention, he is progressing into being a better person.

Mar 29, 2007

"The entire history of this incarnation is one of temporal orbits, retcons, paradoxes, parallel time lines, reiterations, and divergences. How anyone can make head or tail of all this chaos, I don't know."

Go do crime.

The Lord Bude
May 23, 2007


Lutha Mahtin posted:

imo anyone who says "American food" and can't spell "chili" is going to the bad place

I'm well aware of the various regional cuisines of the United States, but here in Australia it's like chinese food in the 1970s - dozens of restaurants springing up serving a hodgepodge of barbeque, US style burgers, soul food, creole, buffalo wings and a smattering of things like chilli dogs and chilli fries and philly Cheesesteaks. Some of these places also serve poutine; which is of course Canadian (and vastly superior to chilli fries:can:) We're only just starting to come out the other end with restaurants that are actually specifying a cuisine and sticking to it; but these are rare.

Chili vs Chilli is a regional spelling difference I think. I have my dictionary set to Australian English and both are apparently correct.

double nine
Aug 8, 2013

I have a more generic prediction- the first season was a bit of a slow burn. Season 2 was a rollercoaster that started with the amazing episode 2 and was thrilling all the way through. This time I expect episode 2 and 3 to be setting up a new normal and episode4 to be the one which is the :vince: pull out the rug from under our feet. This structure is similar but different so fans are kept on their toes

Nov 4, 2009

Or you can see me at The Riviera. Tuesday nights.
Pillowfights with Dominican mothers.
The first person I ever met with the name "Shawn" spelled it that way exactly, and it makes me happy that this show uses it (even if it's everyone's least fav spelling).

Oct 19, 2012

by Nyc_Tattoo

Lutha Mahtin posted:

the term comes from Spanish, so, no.

e: also do you really not know the difference between chili and chile lol

Yeah one's French and one's Spanish. You spell it the French way.

thanks alot assbag
Feb 18, 2005

So have people noticed that the guy making the documentary that botched Tahani's time in the monastary is the same person as the judge in Jason's first dance competition?

It seems like the Bad Place has already been causing the four humans to backslide. Wouldn't be surprised if he was also "helping" Chidi's friend when he busted his legs.

Sep 29, 2005

I represent the Philippines
I was wondering if that guy, or the lady who told Chidi not to eat blueberries, were bad place reps, but it looks like they hadn't found the humans or couldn't reach them until Michael started nudging them (giving their hacker an in into the judge's system), which he only started doing after they backslid.

edit: thematically, that would also be an incredibly easy out--if they were caused to backslide by demons, the experiment was already tainted before Michael interfered, and he could explain his behavior away as trying to stop the demons, which I think would be too lazy a solution.

Argue fucked around with this message at 16:58 on Sep 29, 2018

May 16, 2009

Look! A teddybear doll!
It's soooo cute!

I bet it might come up. It’s the sort of thing that they’d do.

Regy Rusty
Apr 26, 2010

thanks alot assbag posted:

So have people noticed that the guy making the documentary that botched Tahani's time in the monastary is the same person as the judge in Jason's first dance competition?

It seems like the Bad Place has already been causing the four humans to backslide. Wouldn't be surprised if he was also "helping" Chidi's friend when he busted his legs.

It's.... not the same person though.

Also what Argue said.

Renaissance Spam
Jun 5, 2010

Can it wait a for a bit? I'm in the middle of some *gyrations*

Argue posted:

I was wondering if that guy, or the lady who told Chidi not to eat blueberries, were bad place reps, but it looks like they hadn't found the humans or couldn't reach them until Michael started nudging them (giving their hacker an in into the judge's system), which he only started doing after they backslid.

Ah, but they were specifically looking for the 4 specific humans; if we're gonna get Good Omens-y who's to say the Bad Place hasn't been sneaking agents onto earth to make sure they continue to dominate the scoreboard? I mean seriously if you were to tell me that Squalor News twit was a Bad Place rep I would agree in an instant.

Oct 19, 2017

critical support for anarchists
I mean, at that point, we might as well theorize that Eleanor's parents were both demons who were too up themselves to recognize who each other were.

Personally, I think it fits the theme of the show best if Not Vice is just Not Vice, run by humans who want to earn money and Show People Interesting Foreigners without thinking about their own actions very much.

May 7, 2006

by VideoGames

The_Doctor posted:

Go do crime.

Let's get some sushi and NOT PAY!

Jun 10, 2006


I love how Simone's actress can't cover up that she's clearly from London. Should've just let her use her real accent to be honest. Do like that they've brought in a new character in the 3rd season and she's instantly great, though.

Mar 29, 2007

"The entire history of this incarnation is one of temporal orbits, retcons, paradoxes, parallel time lines, reiterations, and divergences. How anyone can make head or tail of all this chaos, I don't know."


I love how Simone's actress can't cover up that she's clearly from London. Should've just let her use her real accent to be honest. Do like that they've brought in a new character in the 3rd season and she's instantly great, though.

Really? I’m from London and I couldn’t have told you that.

Strom Cuzewon
Jul 1, 2010

I really hope they don't lean into the love triangle stuff with Chidi - Eleanor and Simone were adorable together in the MRI both, and it's really nice just to see people being friends without any baggage

Lutha Mahtin
Oct 10, 2010

Your brokebrain sin is absolved...go and shitpost no more!

Rocksicles posted:

Yeah one's French and one's Spanish. You spell it the French way.


Jet Jaguar
Feb 12, 2006

Don't touch my bags if you please, Mr Customs Man.

Strom Cuzewon posted:

Simone: Best new character, or best character period?

She had me at "We're going to just jab needles in your brain, and you'll be awake the whole time." So good!

Tahani's phone was great. I need to freeze-frame it. Goodbye, The Edge's real number that not even Bono knows!

Oct 19, 2017

critical support for anarchists

Lutha Mahtin posted:


Please don't start "should chili have beans in it" discourse in this thread bc it will devolve into me tripleposting about how Texans are fools who need to learn how to love

Toast Museum
Dec 3, 2005

30% Iron Chef

Strom Cuzewon posted:

I really hope they don't lean into the love triangle stuff with Chidi - Eleanor and Simone were adorable together in the MRI both, and it's really nice just to see people being friends without any baggage

In the podcast they talk about intentionally avoiding that angle, so I think we're good.

There Bias Two
Jan 13, 2009
I'm not a good person

Jet Jaguar posted:

She had me at "We're going to just jab needles in your brain, and you'll be awake the whole time." So good!

This is exactly how an actual neurobiologist would act.

Robot Hobo
May 17, 2002
With this show's ability to turn even mundane things into gold, I kind of want an episode explaining how Michael managed to do everything he did on Earth.

The doorman explained that he's powerless on Earth, and only has the abilities available to any normal human. He still managed to travel all over the world, pay for travel arrangements for Jason, get costumes and props, and a bunch of other background things to make this all work. He did all of that despite presumably being dropped into one place with just the clothes on his back.

What I'm saying is, nevermind Chidi, I want Michael to be my life coach.

Nov 25, 2007

Jet Jaguar posted:

She had me at "We're going to just jab needles in your brain, and you'll be awake the whole time." So good!

Tahani's phone was great. I need to freeze-frame it. Goodbye, The Edge's real number that not even Bono knows!

My favorite part is that she left Taylor Swift's number in there.

Jun 20, 2003

Toast Museum posted:

In the podcast they talk about intentionally avoiding that angle, so I think we're good.

Awesome, because yeah I agree too. I also think Eleanor easily falls in love with Chidi when he’s the closest thing she’s got to a hot mailman, but in the living world, she’s got too many options to realize Chidi is her boy, at least not until after a LOT of growth.

Also yeah Simone is adorable and the MRI scene made me grin real big. Eleanor is an excellent wingman.


Lutha Mahtin
Oct 10, 2010

Your brokebrain sin is absolved...go and shitpost no more!

MaxieSatan posted:

Please don't start "should chili have beans in it" discourse in this thread bc it will devolve into me tripleposting about how Texans are fools who need to learn how to love

i was just setting up the easiest "well i guess we won't see you in the good place" alley oop and you have to deny my like this?? :cmon:

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