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# ? Feb 9, 2025 20:58 |
I loved that the Good Place reps are basically just Lemony Snicket's version of adults. Also, did Jason get hotter over Christmas or is it just me? Seven more days until we see Chidi see that Time-Knife!!!
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Mameluke posted:I loved that the Good Place reps are basically just Lemony Snicket's version of adults. Oh my god yes Like an entire committee of Mr. Poes
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Malcolm Turnbeug posted:Glad to see people like the Orville I thought I was the only one tbh it’s a fun show It could do with nudging itself a skosh more towards the sci-fi adventure side of the spectrum. Drop some of the more frat-boy-y bodily function humour (Bortus eating cactuses is funny, jokes that are basically just "Kelly said dick on a spaceship" or "Gordon referenced Seinfeld" are pretty much the poo poo people hate Family Guy for) and go more for a tone like, say, a lighter Farscape, and you've got something possibly great. Without that, the show is probably stuck at 'pleasant, maybe pretty dece sometimes'.
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Regy Rusty posted:Well the Judge is probably the only afterlife being out there who might be persuaded that there's a real problem here Michael's probably gonna try and argue that the rules themselves and the utilization of unintended consequences is wrong and knows that the Judge should have the authority to determine the legitimacy of the interpretation. It's very possible no one ever brought it up.
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IMO the series should end with the judge rejecting Michael's appeals and affirming that, under modern capitalism, every single human being will live a life of moral failure that results in eternal damnation. A force so malicious that it legitimately outweighs any attempts to do good on a smaller scale
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xbilkis posted:IMO the series should end with the judge rejecting Michael's appeals and affirming that, under modern capitalism, every single human being will live a life of moral failure that results in eternal damnation. A force so malicious that it legitimately outweighs any attempts to do good on a smaller scale it then cuts to the Museum of Torture and pans to a sign saying "Greatest Forms of Torture Invented By Humans" and pans across a few like Mustard Gas, Waterboarding, and Internet Shock Porn to reveal the worst thing ever: Capitalism
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Gaz-L posted:It could do with nudging itself a skosh more towards the sci-fi adventure side of the spectrum. Drop some of the more frat-boy-y bodily function humour (Bortus eating cactuses is funny, jokes that are basically just "Kelly said dick on a spaceship" or "Gordon referenced Seinfeld" are pretty much the poo poo people hate Family Guy for) and go more for a tone like, say, a lighter Farscape, and you've got something possibly great. Without that, the show is probably stuck at 'pleasant, maybe pretty dece sometimes'. Yeah none of this is incorrect but I smoke a lot of weed which puts it up a few notches
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TaurusTorus posted:It's Chidi Sees the Time-Knife that has me pumped Mameluke posted:Like, what is the Time-Knife? And why is Chidi seeing it so important? I wanna know! emgeejay posted:boy, I can't wait for Chidi to see that time knife Watermelon Daiquiri posted:cant wait for that time knife!!! curiousCat posted:THE TIME KNIFE CUTS THE PANCAKES Piell posted:Can't wait for Chidi to see the time knife next week Mameluke posted:Seven more days until we see Chidi see that Time-Knife!!!
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I appreciate the finale blurb: 01/24/2019 (09:30PM - 10:00PM) (Thursday) : Various events occur, in a certain specific order.
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curiousCat posted:I appreciate the finale blurb: Obviously written by a Neutral Janet.
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I don't think the answer was entirely satisfactory; Doug Forcett explicitly structured his life to make sure that he avoided unintended consequences. I guess it could be that everything he did prior to his revelation already put him too far into the negatives but I'd have appreciated them addressing it considering they specifically mentioned him by name. Edit: Also it really WAS because Chidi kept using almond milk! Argue fucked around with this message at 05:48 on Jan 11, 2019 |
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What I realize is that this theme of unintended consequences and the world being too complicated to do any good isn't coming out of the left field. The idea was constantly brought up in previous episodes. This show is really, uh, just uh, something really good. It's a legitimately excellent show!
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So, in a way, was the whole "nobody getting into the Good Place for 500 years" thing. When they got to the judge she was willing to take their case because she hadn't had one in ages.
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Also, The Good Place feels like it sucks. It is filled with.... liberals.
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Mordiceius posted:Also, The Good Place feels like it sucks. It is filled with.... liberals. glad im not the only one to feel like good place reps are kinda sorta stereotypical milquetoast liberals
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Neoliberal was the word that came to my mind.
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Watermelon Daiquiri posted:glad im not the only one to feel like good place reps are kinda sorta stereotypical milquetoast liberals I was laughing and like "holy gently caress, they're white liberals" and my wife chimed up and said, "and probably white middle-class feminists."
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And it was anti-capitalist propaganda this whole drat time ![]() The last season had now better be the gang being sent back to Earth to reform global society ![]()
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The real bad place was capitalism.
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"pop that binch"
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Argue posted:I don't think the answer was entirely satisfactory; Doug Forcett explicitly structured his life to make sure that he avoided unintended consequences. I guess it could be that everything he did prior to his revelation already put him too far into the negatives but I'd have appreciated them addressing it considering they specifically mentioned him by name. It’s entirely that lovely kid.
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Holy poo poo, they're just outright attacking capitalism now? I didn't think this show could get better and bam. Also the IHOP joke is brilliant. They've trained me to think that common American acronyms won't stand for the same thing, and then it's actually got "pancakes" in it.
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I can't wait for
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Argue posted:I don't think the answer was entirely satisfactory; Doug Forcett explicitly structured his life to make sure that he avoided unintended consequences. I guess it could be that everything he did prior to his revelation already put him too far into the negatives but I'd have appreciated them addressing it considering they specifically mentioned him by name. I'd wager some of it is stuff like having lived on land that was forcefully taken from the natives hundreds of years ago and helping people who are bad or do bad things. I imagine that merely living in the Americas as a non-indigenous person (and even then) is a defacto point hit because of the consequences of that existence. PostNouveau posted:Holy poo poo, they're just outright attacking capitalism now? I didn't think this show could get better and bam. They're not shouting out against Capitalism, per se, but if you read between the lines, it totally is. It's just that most people wont quite catch it or come to that conclusion.
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Xelkelvos posted:They're not shouting out against Capitalism, per se, but if you read between the lines, it totally is. It's just that most people wont quite catch it or come to that conclusion. Yeah they won't be able to directly say "capitalism is a moral rot eating away our souls!" but that 60 seconds or so of Michael tallying up all the sins you can't escape in the system is about as radical as one can be on network TV.
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Xelkelvos posted:it then cuts to the Museum of Torture and pans to a sign saying "Greatest Forms of Torture Invented By Humans" and pans across a few like Mustard Gas, Waterboarding, and Internet Shock Porn to reveal the worst thing ever: Capitalism That would be a perfect series finale ending. What's really interesting is if the unintended consequences theory is correct the show is in a really interesting place. Either the Judge decides unintended consequences don't matter, which would be a pretty big cop out, or the gang has to destroy capitalism on Earth to save humanity. Also, only kinda related I was rewatching the first two seasons and it's pretty cool that when they go to the Medium Place and Mindy St. Claire shows them all their previous plans to defeat Michael the last idea they had was "Find Doug Forcett". That plan is actually kinda working!
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at this point, we haven't séén any of the good place neighborhoods, but I'm pretty confident that it's going to be terrible, given the committee in charge of the overall good place workings.
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- jason, you seem thoughtful, and that concerns me - janet is alarmingly human these days - what if they come out my butt? ![]() - mailman chidi is amazing - we're the good guys. we can't just do stuff. - i'm not sure teaching janet that killing people solves problems is the best idea - the committee's a bunch of ineffectual dorks in fleece vests - how do you make jason happy? you give him a lollipop shaped like a Transformer - huh, our globalization hypothesis was actually pretty close - and the emotions aren't coming out of my butt, they're coming out of my eyes - cool. smells like frogs.
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I like that the Judge isn't holding Michael's behaviour against the humans. She has agreed to meet him on his terms, likely because despite his actions and disobedience, he has brought up an important thing that warrants discussion. Now they aren't just discussing 4 idiots, but the entirety of humanity and the Judge is now taking the situation a lot more seriously now it's bigger than a pet project. She is being Fair.
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IHOP is another Neutral territory, isn't it? Except in this case, it's one where it belongs to both the Good and Bad place (and likely other Neutral zones) rather than neither of them.
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At this point, I think I rank the season: (from best to not best) Season 1 > Season 3 > Season 2 Season 2 wasn't at all bad, but I felt like the Derek stuff was a bit annoying and dragged it down (just my personal opinion). Season 3 feels stronger than Season 2 but nothing will top Season 1.
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Mordiceius posted:At this point, I think I rank the season: Hard to judge them as individual seasons since each one, and the episodes themselves, are so different. It feels like naming each episode a "chapter" makes sense. I don't think watching week to week and waiting a week or months between chapters is great, but when you binge it all it works almost perfectly.
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So here's a thought, if Western capitalism is the reason no one gets into the Good Place any more why is that impacting on people from exploited countries? Someone living in rural Africa for example could still live their life without interacting with these global systems.
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Rarity posted:So here's a thought, if Western capitalism is the reason no one gets into the Good Place any more why is that impacting on people from exploited countries? Someone living in rural Africa for example could still live their life without interacting with these global systems. Someone in rural Africa is given a Patriots Super Bowl t-shirt for a SB they didn't win and also it's a Patriots t-shirt. Negative 10,000 points.
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-20 points for each day you don't rise up and seize the means of production.
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I think of it this way: under capitalism, people don't have meaningful options to make ethical choices, and so end up supporting exploitation indirectly. Even if you're one of the people who's getting exploited, with no real way out, your failure to abstain from taking part in that system still counts against you, because the points system is absolutely hosed.
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The point tally from an average North Sentinelese Islander's day; - Spear fish (-10 points) - Feed fish to spouse, parents, and children (+30 points) - Eat sago derived from Monsanto seeds that washed ashore (-20 points) - Murder (-10,000 points) - One less missionary (+5,000 points)
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It's also, notably, the thing we saw Eleanor refusing to engage with before she died the first time. Like the flashbacks with the coffee shop with the misogynist owner?
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# ? Feb 9, 2025 20:58 |
I liked this episode and love this show, but man the scene where Michael says "oh Tahani thank you you're such a genius!" and then immediately opens the book and flips through a perfect argument, was super hamfisted
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