Rocksicles posted:Marc Evan Jackson has got such a magnificent voice for everything
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# ? Feb 14, 2025 16:55 |
I have in my time dated Seans, Shawns, and Shuans, and they're all just terrible people.
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bull3964 posted:If you want hours and hours more of MEJ, listen to all the back episodes of Sparks Nevada on (now ended) The Thrilling Adventure Hour podcast. Echoing this. Sparks Nevada starts off hilarious and somehow only gets funnier and funnier with every episode.
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I'm more of a Beyond Belief type of person but Sparks Nevada is deff. my second favorite segment.
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The_Doctor posted:Holt’s a lucky guy. That sweet half smile he gave to Holt when the squad made them that romantic dinner made me melt.
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Why isn't Marc vs Mark such a hot button issue? Or Steven vs Stephen? (Stephen should be pronounced steffin, so it's wrong.)
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angerbeet posted:I have in my time dated Seans, Shawns, and Shuans, and they're all just terrible people. So the Welsh Sion is proven superior?
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I know it's useless to speculate with a show such as this but: 1) Michael in season 1 was in rebellion against the traditional way of torturing people 2) Michael season 2 to today is in rebellion against the means of judging people 3) Michael may still be the literal devil. What if this is all a revolt against Doug Forcett's will?
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I thought the student in Simone’s office was Doug Forcett for a moment when we first saw him.
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The_Doctor posted:I thought the student in Simone’s office was Doug Forcett for a moment when we first saw him. Doug Forcett would be like 65-70 by now
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One thing I did like was that outside the influence of the fake Good Place is how much nicer they are to each other.
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Also, regarding someone from the group potentially finding out about the experiment, I wonder if they just also happened to have Simone mention that the MRI could examine the part of the brain that governs memory.
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I had a brief moment where I was like "Is Simone going to be revealed to be a demon? She's so nice and goofy and basically acts a lot like the demons pretending to be Good People in season one. Is this the season 3 big surprise?????" But then I was like "No, that doesn't make sense. She was hanging out with Chidi before the Bad Place got access to the Judge's systems, so presumably she has to be a normal human." But THEN I was like "There's nothing that inherently says that the supernatural being have to follow linear time. After all, several hundred years took place in the 800ish reboots and Michael was still able to go back to the moment of their deaths. The Bad Place could have found out about the setup and then gone back further in time to really gently caress with them." I hope Simone is human and just a goofy nice person, but I'm going to keep an eye out...
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Bobulus posted:I had a brief moment where I was like "Is Simone going to be revealed to be a demon? She's so nice and goofy and basically acts a lot like the demons pretending to be Good People in season one. Is this the season 3 big surprise?????" But then I was like "No, that doesn't make sense. She was hanging out with Chidi before the Bad Place got access to the Judge's systems, so presumably she has to be a normal human." Michael was able to instantly notice Trevor's presence via the ticker tape, so I'd think it would be hard for the bad place to slip that one by him
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Regy Rusty posted:Michael was able to instantly notice Trevor's presence via the ticker tape, so I'd think it would be hard for the bad place to slip that one by him Well, he knows Trevor. This show is really smartly written. I could easily see a scenario where Shawn goes "Michael dealt with Trevor too easily. Send someone further back, and make sure it's a demon Michael's never met."
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I’m trying to think of other (particularly, network) comedies where the premise of the show gets constantly rewritten between seasons. Using Chapters makes so much sense for this show, as it really is a story rather than ‘these bunch of friends do wacky things for 22m then everything resets for next week’.
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Bobulus posted:Well, he knows Trevor. Or he noticed because up until the Trevor had just been setting things up. We don't know how the ticker works, if it only pays attention to the person it wouldn't register Trevor until he met them. He could have done any number of things to set up the environment if that's the case.
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bull3964 posted:If you want hours and hours more of MEJ, listen to all the back episodes of Sparks Nevada on (now ended) The Thrilling Adventure Hour podcast. On the topic of MEJ/The Thrilling Adventure Hour, this popped up in my podcatcher: https://shows.pippa.io/thrilling-adventure-hour/tah-returns-a-word-from-acker-blacker quote:Ben Acker & Ben Blacker, co-creators and writers of The Thrilling Adventure Hour, are dropping into the feed for a very special announcement... THE THRILLING ADVENTURE HOUR IS RETURNING TO YOUR PODCAST AIRWAVES!
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seaborgium posted:We don't know how the ticker works… From the season 2 gag reel, we know it may or may not say the word "queef" on it sometimes.
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double nine posted:On the topic of MEJ/The Thrilling Adventure Hour, this popped up in my podcatcher: Yup, just heard that this morning while I was driving into work. Very happy about this.
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Ah, the Paul F Tompkins Whimsy Hour.
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My favorite little joke was after Tahani was saved someone says “Kamila did it” and she’s like “no it was a man” and you hear Ted Danson shout “no Kamila did it!” Also from a rec in the last thread we finally started Brooklyn 99 and I love it.
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esperterra posted:100% more invested in Chidi and Simone than I was Eleanor and Chidi after one episode lol, they just go so well together. I hope it doesn't go love triangle-y and they go another route if/when Eleanor and Chidi hook up again. Yes and YES. I'm actually kind of surprised the narrative beat there wasn't Tahani accepting Eleanor's invitation because living with her would be the less materialistic option and she's trying to get back on track. But that might have just been wishful, gay thinking on my part.
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I don't think the Jacksonville jokes will ever get stale
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Otherkinsey Scale posted:Yes and YES. I expected the reverse -- that as an act of charity she'd invite Eleanor out of the motel so that she could be "good" but still not actually give anything up.
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RBA Starblade posted:I don't think the Jacksonville jokes will ever get stale ![]()
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Thanks for reminding me that I gotta get the S3 Blu-ray this week And thanks for reminding me of a great show which was canceled ![]()
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Aerox posted:I expected the reverse -- that as an act of charity she'd invite Eleanor out of the motel so that she could be "good" but still not actually give anything up. Either option could still happen, assuming we're sticking around in Australia for a while and they don't whisk us off to the next thing this week lol
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hanales posted:My favorite little joke was after Tahani was saved someone says “Kamila did it” and she’s like “no it was a man” and you hear Ted Danson shout “no Kamila did it!” The part I loved about that was that Kamala just accepted all the praise like she really did save Tahani. I'm really hoping we see her in the afterlife at some point because I don't know if it'd be funnier if she wound up in the Good Place or the Bad Place.
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I just learned that Kristen Bell is a big supporter of No Kid Hungry! This is a really good charity in the US with the goal of ending childhood hunger. Every dollar donated gets 10 meals to kids. She must be getting her co-workers excited about it too, because I learned about this from someone telling me that Marc Evan Jackson liked an online post about an event for it we had here recently ![]()
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Evil Mastermind posted:I was so enamored with the glimpse I got of Ted Danson's awesome ponytail I didn't even realize it was him shouting that! She actually ends up becoming a new Universal Judge, Kamala can only go up, never down.
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Evil Mastermind posted:I was so enamored with the glimpse I got of Ted Danson's awesome ponytail I didn't even realize it was him shouting that! Many of the criteria seem to be on the impact your actions had on other people rather than your intent. See Chidi going to the Bad Place despite always trying to do good and Mindy getting a buttload of good points for the good her foundation did after she died. I can totally see Kamala going to the Good Place by the rules they use.
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Senor Tron posted:Many of the criteria seem to be on the impact your actions had on other people rather than your intent. See Chidi going to the Bad Place despite always trying to do good and Mindy getting a buttload of good points for the good her foundation did after she died. Chidi wasn't trying to be good, he was trying to be right. Also, Tahani did raised billions of dollars. She was no slouch in her own right in terms of fundraising, but as she put it, her motivations were corrupt, so it didn't count. It's definitely about why you do things, not what those actions resulted in.
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Kamila ends up in the Medium Place, because she should ideally go to the Bad Place but she's so charismatic that they argued to lighten her sentence.
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ApplesandOranges posted:Kamila ends up in the Medium Place, because she should ideally go to the Bad Place but she's so charismatic that they argued to lighten her sentence. This would be interesting, because I feel like it would be more hellish than Hell for her. (Which would presumably leave Michael feeling weirdly vindicated.) At least in the Bad Place, there's demons and other bad people to pay attention to you. In the Medium Place it's just you. Alone with your thoughts and all the low-quality caviar you could ever want. Forever.
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MaxieSatan posted:This would be interesting, because I feel like it would be more hellish than Hell for her. (Which would presumably leave Michael feeling weirdly vindicated.) For her it would be all of her achievements but after people got sick of her. Constantly reminded that people used to like her. Just low grade fame.
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Kamila ends up in the Bad Place, and is one of the easiest people they've ever had to torture. They just put her in a fake Good Place where everyone thinks she's Tahani. ![]()
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Kamila goes to the Bad Place but much to Tahani's chagrin all the demons there adore her too.
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LORD OF BOOTY posted:Kamila ends up in the Bad Place, and is one of the easiest people they've ever had to torture. They just put her in a fake Good Place where everyone thinks she's Tahani. Argue posted:Kamila goes to the Bad Place but much to Tahani's chagrin all the demons there adore her too. I don't know which of these I'd like better
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# ? Feb 14, 2025 16:55 |
I do really think Kamila will have a bigger role down the line, but mostly because they cast an actress that had a pretty big role in her last sitcom. It was “Outsourced” but it still counts.
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