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Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~
Oh god, love is dead :cry:


Feb 15, 2001

What of Simone is the bitey demon [Glenn?] in a skin suit and they can give Chidi his memory back? He’s not but given this show I’m guessing it’s not a long slog of Eleanor being sad next season. I agree they didn’t do enough with Jason.

Nov 10, 2007

If you think calling me names is gonna get a rise out me, think again. I like my life as an idiot!
Jason gets implanted with Chidi's memory.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.
The judge is monitoring the whole thing so I imagine she'd notice if the Bad Place tried any switcheroos.

Dec 19, 2012

ApplesandOranges posted:

The judge is monitoring the whole thing so I imagine she'd notice if the Bad Place tried any switcheroos.

One would think, but she already missed the Bad Place picking people that'd personally affect the characters, so who knows what else they tried to pull

Strom Cuzewon
Jul 1, 2010


The show reminds me of SMBC in the way it juggles all these intellectual ideals, while also being gleefully lowbrow.

Jun 30, 2012

I felt a really interesting sense of mounting dread as they realized that one of their exes could be the next person and it slowly dawned on me that it'd be Simone. It was such an interesting feeling because I speculated last week that the Bad Place would specifically choose people who would be torturous for the core four, so the fact that John ended up being someone who'd torture Tahani was an "a-ha, I knew it!" moment.

And yet Simone never crossed my mind. As soon as it became clear it would be her sitting out there, I had this, "Oh no, I didn't think of... oh no..." feeling.

Anyway it's kind of fun to think you have the whole thing figured out and then get blindsided anyway.

tin can made man posted:

I was really hoping this season that Simone wouldn't die and show up, it paints a very sad picture for anyone on Earth or the dot in the i who knew her, or especially both of them. Serious boyfriend breaks it off and disappears with no warning, dies in a mystery accident in canada, then she dies later. Aw, and they had all reconciled with family, too, I hadn't thought about the effect that had on those survivors

Happy offseason everyone!

Given the Jeremy Bearimy, it's entirely possible she died later in life and the Bad Place just slotted her into this part of afterlife time. It occurs to me that we have little to no information on what age people are in the afterlife--all of the older people we saw in seasons 1 and 2 were demons, after all. Maybe you're just always in your physical prime or something.

Or maybe she died young like everyone else and it's going to be really :smith:

oh jay
Oct 15, 2012

From her point of view, she died the second before she met the Soul Squad. So pretty young I guess.

Oct 11, 2006

Freshly Squeezed
Besides messing Chidi, Simone seems like an odd pick. From everything we know she is a nice and kind person, and doesn't seem like the type who would need moral philosophy lessons.

The only thing I didn't like about the episode is that wiping Chidi's memories also once again resets his relationship with Eleanor. It's an annoying and common practice on tv to constantly tease two main characters getting together in order to get views and talk among the fans, but never actually going through with it because the writers never know what to do afterwards. So I really hope they actually know what they want to do with the relationship.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
I feel like the writers think Eleanor/Chidi is a much more interesting pairing than it actually is. I like them together but not enough for the events of this episode to cause me to feel any emotion whatsoever

Until the final scene with Janet which was one of my favourites of the season! This may be the weakest season so far but I still loved it and can’t wait to see how it continues.

Random Stranger
Nov 27, 2009

I love whoever wrote the Hulu episode description:

"Various events occur, in a certain specific order."

uvar posted:

I kind of hope the Bad Place got Simone killed somehow since an accident feels cheap plot-wise and depressing in general, though I am also glad that she will be back on the show. Whereas that other guy? I know it's the point but he better not hang around long.

In another show, the Bad Place killing Simone would be a kind of a superficial way to go with things. On this show, it would definitely lead to even more craziness.

Dec 19, 2012

Oasx posted:

Besides messing Chidi, Simone seems like an odd pick. From everything we know she is a nice and kind person, and doesn't seem like the type who would need moral philosophy lessons.

The only thing I didn't like about the episode is that wiping Chidi's memories also once again resets his relationship with Eleanor. It's an annoying and common practice on tv to constantly tease two main characters getting together in order to get views and talk among the fans, but never actually going through with it because the writers never know what to do afterwards. So I really hope they actually know what they want to do with the relationship.

It's specifically meant to mess with Chidi. In all other ways, it's an ultimately benign pick.

I sorta have faith in the writers that they'll restore their memories before too long given the pace and nature of the show. Probably by the second or third episode for the next season.

Mar 7, 2013

Creepy little garbage eaters

Jun 30, 2012

oh jay posted:

From her point of view, she died the second before she met the Soul Squad. So pretty young I guess.

I got the impression that they just cut out that specific chunk of her life, not that they erased all of her memories to just before she met the Soul Squad. Like they just chopped out Chidi and the rest of the Soul Squad but left the rest intact.

I mention this because the reason Michael gave for being unable to erase just Simone from Chidi's memory is that his memories of her are all tangled up with his memories of everyone else. He can spot-erase memories--Shawn threatened that, too, when he threatened to erase just the humans' memories of Michael telling them it's not going to really be him torturing them--but if he only erased Simone it would be very obvious to Chidi that something was wrong and might have a lot of unintended consequences.

Oasx posted:

Besides messing Chidi, Simone seems like an odd pick. From everything we know she is a nice and kind person, and doesn't seem like the type who would need moral philosophy lessons.

Well, we do know she was definitely going to go to the Bad Place anyway, just because the unintended consequences of living in the modern world were dragging down her point total no matter how kind, patient, and insightful she was. For all we know her point total ended up roughly around where Chidi's was, not because she did anything bad, but just because it was nearly impossible to gain points. So that would make her roughly "equally bad" to at least one of the original four and therefore a legal pick for Shawn to make.

Evil Mastermind
Apr 28, 2008

Caught the episode this morning, the movie scene almost got me.

Then they played that clip on the podcast as I was driving into work, and that's when it got me.

Oasx posted:

Besides messing Chidi, Simone seems like an odd pick. From everything we know she is a nice and kind person, and doesn't seem like the type who would need moral philosophy lessons.
I think the idea is that Shawn is short-circuiting the experiment by bringing in humans who won't just get to the Soul Squad, they're bringing in people who don't line up with the whole idea of recreating the original experiment.

I think it's Michael who talks about the idea of having these new humans go to Chidi for moral advice like they did the first time through, but so far we have Simone, who doesn't need it(and isn't 100% convinced this is the afterlife) and John, who probably wouldn't think he has anything he needs to change about himself. This is the guy who's proud of the Olsen Twins Countdown Clock, after all.

Obviously we still haven't seen the other two new humans yet, but for the experiment to work they need one of them to realize that they're not supposed to be in the Good Place for whatever reason, go to Chidi or whoever for advice on how to fit in, and through that pairing bring in everyone else. Knowing that, it's pretty easy for Shawn to screw that whole plan up.

Feb 13, 2012

who, me?

still really surprised nothing ever came of the manifesto or janet and the mri machine tbh

double nine
Aug 8, 2013

guys, I have something in my eye. Brb.

eke out
Feb 24, 2013

Evil Mastermind posted:

Caught the episode this morning, the movie scene almost got me.

Then they played that clip on the podcast as I was driving into work, and that's when it got me.

on listening to the podcast, the 'legit snack' joke really is the most brilliant line reading in the entire show

Mar 5, 2004

Arist posted:

still really surprised nothing ever came of the manifesto or janet and the mri machine tbh

Simone died after being slaughtered by religious extremists for publishing this manifesto proving all faiths are wrong

Jul 15, 2006

I love that they have spent all this time setting up a new premise that will be blown to smithereens by the last commercial break of the season premiere.

Apr 9, 2008

I can see when you are lying.

Kinda disappointed with the episode, to be honest. I wouldn't have thought that of the two shows, Star Trek Discovery would have had the better episode yesterday, but here we are.

One of the gloriously amazing things about The Good Place was how it continuously, gleefully blows up its premise every few episodes. It can do that because its character writing is stellar and as long as the characters stay the same, plot and even genre are malleable. So it's disappointing to see them go back to the Elanor-Chidi will-they-won't-they after we already know they're eternally destined for each other. Really sucks the tension and drama out of the scenario.

This episode felt more like setup than payoff, which is a weird way to end the season. If they were going to go to this well, they should have started doing it in season 4. I think a perfect ending to this season would have been if the last episode were one or two scenes longer and ended with Elanor greeting the new guy as the new 'architect.' Now that's a cliffhanger with some bite!

Nov 7, 2012

Regy Rusty posted:

Jeremy Bearimy babyyyy

This was a sweet line.

Rarity posted:

Oh god, love is dead :cry:

For embed in thread title:

Aug 9, 2011

He plays for the dreamers that forgot how to dream, and the lovers that forgot how to love.
Next season I'd like to see Eleanor and Michael using the new dynamic to mess with Shawn. Like he tries to call Michael, sees Eleanor in the chair answering and gets confused (Michael doing the actual touch screen motions from behind the screen while Eleanor mimes his motions) as it looks like Eleanor is using architect tools.

double nine
Aug 8, 2013

Take it one step further and I'm on board.

Aug 2, 2013

by Fluffdaddy
I hope the Bad Place's pick to torment Eleanor is her boss from the fake vitamin company, because I always confuse that actor for Marc Evan Jackson and I would love to see him share some screentime with Shawn.

Also, idea: the burden of architecture forces Eleanor to grow more rapidly than Jason and Tahani, or Chidi and the new recruits, and that combined with Janets' (and Derek's) ability to make people leads to the Judge deeming everyone be sectioned off in their own custom neighbourhood full of p-zombies

double nine
Aug 8, 2013

so until the premise is inevitably rewritten again, next season should start with Eleanor challenging the people with unfortunate events such as the trashstorm. That should be fun and painful, especially when it has to be inflicted upon Chidi.

Aug 4, 2004
Thinks It's All Real
I am disappointed that The Good Place 1 year experiment didn't already blow up in that last episode.

I don't know... there are a lot of cliffhangers left open though for how it can blow up in an unforeseen way

Evil Mastermind
Apr 28, 2008

double nine posted:

Take it one step further and I'm on board.
By which I assume you mean Elanor wearing a giant coat, with Michael hiding inside it behind her and with his arms through the sleeves?

Because I really want to see that now that I've thought of it.

double nine
Aug 8, 2013

I was thinking more along the lines of having eleanor absorb the powers of architecture demonhood through sheer awesomeness, but let's use your idea as a means to get there

Sep 23, 2012

Does this look like the face of mercy, kupo?
Question --
Won't whoever they're sending to torture Eleanor... you know. Recognize her?

Like, yeah, I know, memory eraser. But... if it's like, someone whose presense was super tied to her, I guess... I dunno.

Democratic Pirate
Feb 17, 2010

gently caress it, cross the streams and put Jean Ralphio in there

Feb 13, 2012

who, me?

My actual guess for who they got to torture Eleanor: Chidi. Shawn predicted they'd have to wipe his memory.

Mar 5, 2004

curiousCat posted:

Question --
Won't whoever they're sending to torture Eleanor... you know. Recognize her?

Like, yeah, I know, memory eraser. But... if it's like, someone whose presense was super tied to her, I guess... I dunno.
Not when it's Stone Cold Steve Austin he won't.

Aug 2, 2013

by Fluffdaddy

Democratic Pirate posted:

gently caress it, cross the streams and put Jean Ralphio in there

Could Bobby Newport be the Indianapolis Colts' biggest fan?

double nine
Aug 8, 2013

Ron Swanson should be one of the new characters. No I can't find an excuse, but it'd be a lot of fun.

Dec 19, 2012

double nine posted:

Ron Swanson should be one of the new characters. No I can't find an excuse, but it'd be a lot of fun.

He could be an old teacher of Jason's who tried to get him to do stuff like learn and eat fruits

Mar 30, 2006

double nine posted:

Ron Swanson should be one of the new characters. No I can't find an excuse, but it'd be a lot of fun.

If Ron Swanson was one of the new people he would probably immediately know that he was not really in the good place.

Apr 9, 2008

I can see when you are lying.

Dwight Schrute.

double nine
Aug 8, 2013

Jingleheimer posted:

If Ron Swanson was one of the new people he would probably immediately know that he was not really in the good place.

for one thing, not enough hunting or meat. Froyo? What kind of socialist hellhole is this?! And where are the honest craftsmen?


Lutha Mahtin
Oct 10, 2010

Your brokebrain sin is absolved...go and shitpost no more!

Strom Cuzewon posted:


this was honestly one of my favorite bits from the episode

(why yes, i am a child with a gross appreciation for poop-joke levels of humor!)

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