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eke out
Feb 24, 2013

double nine posted:

Ron Swanson should be one of the new characters. No I can't find an excuse, but it'd be a lot of fun.

i think it was last week on the podcast where MEJ said that he knew Nick Offerman was offered the Shawn part before him, which is really weird to imagine


Maxwell Lord
Dec 12, 2008

I am drowning.
There is no sign of land.
You are coming down with me, hand in unlovable hand.

And I hope you die.

I hope we both die.


Grimey Drawer

Whalley posted:

Not when it's Stone Cold Steve Austin he won't.

They should cast Stone Cold Steve Austin as the guy in the club she thought was Stone Cold Steve Austin.

May 12, 2010

Pro is an amazing name!

eke out posted:

i think it was last week on the podcast where MEJ said that he knew Nick Offerman was offered the Shawn part before him, which is really weird to imagine

Shawn would definitely have a different angle to him, but Nick Offerman could easily nail the flat affect. It wouldn't be nearly as odd as MEJ as Boyle.

Goatse James Bond
Mar 28, 2010

I've made a huge mistake.

Xelkelvos posted:

Who's that entertainer Jason impersonated way back? That guy. Alternatively, a player for the Jaguars or Titans

unfortunately they probably can't afford both Blake Bortles AND Stone Cold Steve Austin (who I still think should have been the Judge, but I admit that having him more than two eps would be tough)

Sep 18, 2007
Hay hay hay!

double nine posted:

for one thing, not enough hunting or meat. Froyo? What kind of socialist hellhole is this?! And where are the honest craftsmen?

I heard this in Ron's voice and I want more.

Sep 9, 2003

Big ol' smile.
I can't believe there wasn't a whole page of "Is Eleanor a goon???" when she used the phrase "something awful." You've changed, TV/IV.

Feb 27, 2001

Dang so this is like looking over his shoulder in real-time
Grimey Drawer

Escobarbarian posted:

I feel like the writers think Eleanor/Chidi is a much more interesting pairing than it actually is. I like them together but not enough for the events of this episode to cause me to feel any emotion whatsoever

Until the final scene with Janet which was one of my favourites of the season! This may be the weakest season so far but I still loved it and can’t wait to see how it continues.

Agreed on the first part. I don't know how the writers will make me care about memory wiped Chidi again, but I know they will, because this show never disappoints.

The first season was kind of the weakest. I hated the cliched sitcom plot devices... until the very end when it turned out there was a reason for all of that. A couple of times I almost stopped watching.

May 27, 2004

This Christmas get "Shoes"

:pwn: :pwn: :pwn: :pwn: :pwn:

CPColin posted:

I can't believe there wasn't a whole page of "Is Eleanor a goon???" when she used the phrase "something awful." You've changed, TV/IV.
For real. On Thursday’s SVU, Detective Benson looked directly into the camera and deadpanned, “Stairs. Protected. Bigpeeler, Manbabies, Gold Just Gold. Turn on your monitor.” The L&O thread said nothing

Sep 9, 2003

Big ol' smile.

pwn posted:

For real. On Thursday’s SVU, Detective Benson looked directly into the camera and deadpanned, “Stairs. Protected. Bigpeeler, Manbabies, Gold Just Gold. Turn on your monitor.” The L&O thread said nothing

gently caress, man. :(

Mar 31, 2010

pwn posted:

For real. On Thursday’s SVU, Detective Benson looked directly into the camera and deadpanned, “Stairs. Protected. Bigpeeler, Manbabies, Gold Just Gold. Turn on your monitor.” The L&O thread said nothing

Pack it in guys, we've failed television

Feb 5, 2007
Switchblade Switcharoo
I won't be happy til someone references load bearing drywall on TV

Oct 18, 2003

The ball of yarn will be on your desk by Friday.

inthesto posted:

Shawn would definitely have a different angle to him, but Nick Offerman could easily nail the flat affect. It wouldn't be nearly as odd as MEJ as Boyle.

The only thing Nick Offerman wouldn't be able to pull off is the laugh. MEJ has a wonderfully goofy sinister laugh that works so well.

Apr 29, 2003

Go, man, go!

Conclusions posted:

The only thing Nick Offerman wouldn't be able to pull off is the laugh. MEJ has a wonderfully goofy sinister laugh that works so well.

Could be fun.

Was I the only one sitting in quiet contemplation only to be interrupted by the SVU rape scene? I haven't had that much whiplash since this gem:
(Battlestar Spoilers)

Oct 21, 2010

😸Everything's 🗞️ purrfect!💯🤟

I’m not sure that I fully get why Chidi can’t still be on the secret good people team since he didn’t have any problems with the hidden knowledge component when the newcomers were just strangers. Maybe it’s just too complicated to try to fill him in after such a big memory wipe, but based on how fast things move I also imagine it might get addressed pretty quickly next season.

May 27, 2004

This Christmas get "Shoes"

:pwn: :pwn: :pwn: :pwn: :pwn:

GigaPeon posted:

Was I the only one sitting in quiet contemplation only to be interrupted by the SVU rape scene? I haven't had that much whiplash since this gem:
(Battlestar Spoilers)
This is what happens when there isn’t a clear communication between the programming and traffic depts!

Dec 28, 2005

Chidi dated Simone for like one episode he really over-reacted to the ex thing.

ashpanash posted:

Dwight Schrute.

Dwight somehow is living a perfect life and will most likely end up in the Good Place despite the system being broken

Strom Cuzewon
Jul 1, 2010

Doltos posted:

Chidi dated Simone for like one episode he really over-reacted to the ex thing.

Dwight somehow is living a perfect life and will most likely end up in the Good Place despite the system being broken

Yeah, but it was over like a 6 month period. Hardly insignificant.

Also Eleanor and Simone are cute as hell when they're winding Chidi up, so they might actually be able to pull off the inevitable love triangle in a non-awful way.

thanks alot assbag
Feb 18, 2005

Plot twist for next season, Eleanor ends up dating Simone

Oct 23, 2006


thanks alot assbag posted:

Plot twist for next season, Eleanor ends up dating Simone

Chidi dates Simone, Elanor dates Tahani.

Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~

Kazy posted:

Chidi dates Simone, Elanor dates Tahani.

Elanor dates Simone and Tahani

Mar 29, 2007

"The entire history of this incarnation is one of temporal orbits, retcons, paradoxes, parallel time lines, reiterations, and divergences. How anyone can make head or tail of all this chaos, I don't know."

Chidi has a wild sex-only fling with Jason.

double nine
Aug 8, 2013

Jason's everyone's cuddle buddy.

Mar 24, 2010

SHINee's back

I care so, so little about the Chidi and Eleanor romance so this finale fell pretty flat for me. It really does feel mostly like setup for next season, which is fine imo if they run with this concept for more than a couple episodes. Love how fast the show burns thru plot but I am getting tired of them changing the premise every other episode. Eleanor and Michael running fake Good Place is too good an idea to speed past!

Apr 29, 2003

Go, man, go!
Had a dream last night where the premise of season 4 is that they had to reboot the experiment but someone else had to run it, leading to Jason having god powers. Hi-jinx ensued.

Michael Schur, please hire me.

double nine
Aug 8, 2013

I genuinely hope and expect that necessity or accident will cause that to occur next season. If it doesn't then the writers will have thrown away a gorgeous plot point.

Sep 4, 2018


Watermelon Daiquiri posted:

obviously what happened is the demons used the secret door they made to get to earth and killed whomever they needed

'whom' is correct grammatically, yeah?

Oh man, that is really dark for this show, but that makes a lot of sense.

Accretionist posted:

This was a sweet line.

An actor could live their entire life and not get the chance to give such a silly, romantic, and badass line.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.
I don't think the demons can actually interfere with people that are alive on Earth. They could go after the four humans because they're already meant to be dead and property of the Bad Place, but willy nilly killing people is probably a no no that'd have higher powers up swooping in.

Oct 23, 2006


Is it me or does Mike Schur sound a lot like Marc Evan Jackson?

Sep 9, 2003

Big ol' smile.
It's not just you; this episode of the podcast is super confusing for that very reason.

Lutha Mahtin
Oct 10, 2010

Your brokebrain sin is absolved...go and shitpost no more!

reminds me of that era a few years ago when like half or more of the weekend NPR shows had a host who was either Ira Glass, or was a guy who sounded like Ira Glass

Jul 4, 2004

British dentistry is
not on trial here!

Guy A. Person posted:

I feel like the next reveal is going to be a twist and derail this whole memory wipe thing

Maybe Chidi went and left a note in a book "You were in love with Eleanor" for himself to find.

Lutha Mahtin
Oct 10, 2010

Your brokebrain sin is absolved...go and shitpost no more!

if chidi created some kind of elaborate Memento-esque system for him to figure everything out, that would be pretty fun to watch

May 8, 2007

Say WHAT?! You KNOW that post is wack, homie!
I think one of other new people being Doug Forcett would be really interesting, he would certainly assume he'd gotten into the Good Place legitimately and it would seriously mess with Michael

Mr. Fall Down Terror
Jan 24, 2018

by Fluffdaddy

Zeeman posted:

I think one of other new people being Doug Forcett would be really interesting, he would certainly assume he'd gotten into the Good Place legitimately and it would seriously mess with Michael


Jul 25, 2011

Avoid breathing
radioactive dust.
College Slice
It's strange, I enjoyed it when Fringe kept destroying the main characters' relationship through timeline resets and other hijinks, and the one here is probably written better, but Fringe at least had some variety with their methods. I feel like this was the weakest season in general, and when you keep resorting to what is effectively one thing, wiping memories, it's less exciting. Plus the show is a lot more complicated than it used to be. IIRC the first two seasons had specific stakes throughout (to avoid being discovered and tortured forever, basically) whereas this one meandered on Earth for a while, and then introduced much bigger stakes with "the system is broken" that seems like it can't be resolved until the show ends for good.

Feb 27, 2001

Dang so this is like looking over his shoulder in real-time
Grimey Drawer

Zeeman posted:

I think one of other new people being Doug Forcett would be really interesting, he would certainly assume he'd gotten into the Good Place legitimately and it would seriously mess with Michael

They focused on Doug's picture noticeably last episode, now I want this to happen badly.

pseudorandom name
May 6, 2007

Of course it has to be Doug Forcett, he’ll assume that his understanding of the point system led him to live a good life and he deserves to be in the Good Place. Having arrived, he’ll refuse to improve himself, slack off and do even worse than before, disproving the hypothesis of the experiment. He’ll probably even tattle on the ethics study group.

May 12, 2001
Ask me about tapioca.

Zeeman posted:

I think one of other new people being Doug Forcett would be really interesting, he would certainly assume he'd gotten into the Good Place legitimately and it would seriously mess with Michael

He would think he was right and he'd still torture himself. That would be brilliant.


pseudorandom name posted:

Of course it has to be Doug Forcett, he’ll assume that his understanding of the point system led him to live a good life and he deserves to be in the Good Place. Having arrived, he’ll refuse to improve himself, slack off and do even worse than before, disproving the hypothesis of the experiment. He’ll probably even tattle on the ethics study group.

Or that. The hard part would be getting Michael McKean for the necessary number of episodes.

Tequila25 fucked around with this message at 04:13 on Jan 27, 2019

Nov 18, 2011

A little privacy, please?
Yeah, after BCS his career is on fire.


Feb 27, 2001

Dang so this is like looking over his shoulder in real-time
Grimey Drawer

DoctorWhat posted:

Yeah, after BCS his career is on fire.

This is a show that stars Anna from Frozen, why's anyone worried about getting the guy from the Breaking Bad prequel?

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