CuwiKhons posted:One thing that genuinely surprised me in a good way in the finale was after Hordak slam dunked Prime into the pit and Entrapta was super happy, then got nervous as he started laughing, I thought they were going to do the classic "Now I am in command and I shall be the actual final villain!" with Hordak. It would have been a real let down, not because Hordak's a good person because he's not, but because he's just a real downgrade as a villain from Prime. Then it was revealed that of course Prime took control of Hordak because why the hell wouldn't he? It's well established he can do that. I wouldn't call it a twist but I don't think it's what an average story would have done and I really liked it. Its a real good bit because its so satisfying to see Prime get his and you can kinda forget he can posses clones. But no, he just switches bodies and keeps on like nothing happened. It should be standard, but its just good to see that they remember the mechanics of their villain.
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# ? Feb 11, 2025 01:43 |
It suddenly occurred to me that they never brought Angella back. I was fully expecting them to do so. I'm actually glad they didn't since it'd ruin the impact of what happened but I think that means Angella, Shadow Weaver, and Horde Prime are the only permanently dead main characters.
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Two episodes in and confirmation Entrapta is robosexual
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pentyne posted:How dense would you have to be to "missed it"? Me dense, presumably. However much that is. I'm not finished the season/show yet, though I've only one episode to go, but in the first season or two I didn't read it as scorned lovers so much as family fued. I'm still not a fan of the pairing, but I think that's in large part because Catra is a big ball of melodrama almost all the time. I'm not fond of the fact her past is just swept aside and no-one seems to give a poo poo about it either, when everyone constantly hounds Shadow-weaver over her actions. Yeah, I get it, Shadow-weaver was an emotional abuser who was responsible for making Catra so messed up, but I just can't see past Catra's actions regardless because she did some hosed up poo poo and everyone just waves it off immediately. That said, the friendship between Scorpia and Swiftwind early in the season was fun, short as it's relevance was, and the entire undersea adventure was fantastic. Also, the best ship is obviously Entrapta/Darla, and pretty much every Entrapta moment in the first few episodes is giffable as gently caress. The animators doing her must have had a tonne of fun. tsob fucked around with this message at 01:55 on May 16, 2020 |
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I'm not really 100% sure how I feel about the Catra redemption arc. Maybe if it was longer than just the first several episodes of one season? I mean, I certainly didn't hate it but I dunno, it felt maybe a little unearned. Still, season 5 very good, show very very good. Wrong Hordak is definitely the breakout star of the season.
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Netossa having Batman-level contingencies, but then they just turn out to be fire, fire, fire, and water was a great bit.
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Mind controlled Spinnerella turning out to be the villain heavy to beat for most of the final stretch was a surprise
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drunk, in quarentine alone, and cheering for Catra when she holds hands with Adora
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Noelle kind of has a history of unearned redemptions tbh. Nimona was very much the same way. I still loved She-Ra but, yeah I can't argue that Catra's past getting swept away feels more than a little cheap after the afterglow fades
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pentyne posted:Article also interviews Noelle, she apparently had to fight tooth and nail to get the story she wanted told and got a lot of pushback for what eventually came out. Huh, that's surprising. I recall Alex Hirsch being very happy to find out that Netflix was not enforcing any content guidelines on him. I kinda assumed all the creators on Netflix had free reign and all they had to worry about was being cancelled.
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Its a joint Netflix/Dreamworks project with Dreamworks paying the most of the bill. Not to mention toy execs at Mattel who probably want to avoid anything that could damage their own profits.
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Episode 3 reaction: YEAHHHH CATRA! my precious gay disaster daughter finally steps up Episode 4 reaction: Introducing three new characters in the last season is a bold choice. They seem cool, at least. Pretty dorky names! Then again, everyone has dorky names I guess. SheRa magic being triggered by just Never Giving Up seems like it should have kicked in earlier?? Whatever, very emotionally satisfying moment. Good episode! Episode 5 reaction: gaaaaaaaaay Sankara fucked around with this message at 06:26 on May 16, 2020 |
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So we gonna talk about how Glimmer's da is a total DILF?
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Just finished it, and lol they just completely ignored those three new friends they made after that episode. They didn't even show them aboard the ship in the succeeding episodes! I mostly liked the show from season 2 onwards, but I really hate it when there isn't enough of an epilogue. Maybe I've been spoiled by some games which give you time to talk to everyone during the ending, or by LOTR which is like my gold standard for epilogues (I know, I know, most people felt it was too long), but ending something literally minutes after the final battle is really too far in the other direction, I would say, and is very unsatisfying in almost everything I've ever watched which does that.
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The pacing was rather slapdash as the series went on, which was a bit of a letdown Also let out a very loud FINALLY when (finale) Shadow Weaver bit it
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Scorpina off-handedly confirmed Kyle & Rogelio.
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Captain Oblivious posted:Noelle kind of has a history of unearned redemptions tbh. Nimona was very much the same way. I still loved She-Ra but, yeah I can't argue that Catra's past getting swept away feels more than a little cheap after the afterglow fades It's not even just that her past is being ignored honestly, because Catra is kind of an awful person. Adora is trying to be selfless and put the world and her friends before herself, in a war that could decide the fate of the entire universe and all Catra ever seems to want or care about is whether Adora is paying attention to her. The flashbacks only add to that, because even as a child she got insanely jealous if Adora was friends with anyone else, and lashed out at the mere idea of her being friends with anyone but Catra herself. Catra started working on her anger issues during the season, and apologized to Scorpia among others for being so poo poo to them, but she never actually seemed to acknowledge or even realize that maybe Adora can have a life outside Catra. The closest she came is walking away from her entirely, because she didn't want to watch Adora risk herself for others. I'd also say I just didn't find it fitting that Catra basically got what she wanted all along, despite all the terrible things she did. It seems like a bad way to end her arc that despite endangering the entire planet multiple times over, pushing away all her friends and just being a lovely person in general that once she started to get over herself a bit and started listening to others that she almost immediately got the thing she wanted all along. No consequences. Adora finally being done with her poo poo at the end of season 2? 3? Scorpia realizing that Catra was a bad friend etc, just seem kind of wasted or insincere as character beats now, when as soon as Catra decides to try to do some good, they immediately welcome her back without issue. I don't even mind the idea of Catra having a redemption, since that certainly seemed a strong possibility all along, and some of the interactions once she joined the gang were fun (Bow finding her cute at all times was great, for instance) and Catra acknowledging her past mistakes, recognizing when she's pushing people away needlessly a few times, working on her anger and apolizing to people she'd hurt were good but it all was too fast, and I just don't like that she got the thing she apparently wanted all along with issue almost as soon as she stopped being a villain. The show could probably have done it better with another season (among other things that seem like they'd have worked better with a little more time; though that probably wasn't an option), but even then I don't think I'd ever have liked that she and Adora ended up together given what's happened between them in the past. Covok posted:Scorpina off-handedly confirmed Kyle & Rogelio. I wonder who the baby Kyle is putting in a papoose on Rogelio's chest is, since it looks like a a mix between human and lizard and I don't recall any other lizard people in that scene. Did they adopt or have someone act as a surrogate or something, I wonder. It's probably just a refugee, since I don't think there was enough time for a child to be created and born between seasons but I did wonder when I saw it. tsob fucked around with this message at 13:35 on May 16, 2020 |
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My strong catgirl daughter made good.
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tsob posted:I wonder who the baby Kyle is putting in a papoose on Rogelio's chest is, since it looks like a a mix between human and lizard and I don't recall any other lizard people in that scene. Did they adopt or have someone act as a surrogate or something, I wonder. It's probably just a refugee, since I don't think there was enough time for a child to be created and born between seasons but I did wonder when I saw it. That's Hordaks little imp thing from Season 1-4. Now that you said that, I view it as Kyle and Rogelio adopting a baby and that's cute. Kyle deserves something good to happen to him for once. As much as I love the show, it was very mean spirited to Kyle.
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Episode 6 reaction: Good episode! Reasonable consequences for their actions. I was thinking that that seemed a little too easy, escaping Hordak Prime Prime Space Station. HPPSS. Glad there was follow-through. And yes, Adora, protecting people is what triggers your space magic. I feel like you already knew this! No matter. Not sure how I feel about Wrong Hordak, to be honest. Wasn't "our" Hordak cut off from the hive mind? He was still an rear end in a top hat. Wrong Hordak is pretty chill. Set up for betrayal, maybe? Or maybe he's just a baby clone spawn thing. Knows the tenets of the 'religion' but wasn't fully indoctrinated. I guess that's what they're going for? Hm. And where the hell are the three star kids? They just chillin' on the boat somewhere? They didn't participate in the Catra rescue mission, they didn't even eat space dumplings! Episode 7 reaction: Extremely strong opener, combo Catra being gay and some sweet gals in suits in action. My bi heart flutters. What an emotional rollercoaster of an episode! Started off very cute, some intrigue, then wham! Stakes exploded! Poor Scorpia. Still not clear on what exactly her powers do. Pure Butch Energy, I guess. Nice to see Double Trouble again. What a dark cliffhanger! Sankara fucked around with this message at 14:29 on May 16, 2020 |
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Kinda sad that Perfuma never got to show what she can do when she gets angry, and I was hoping she'd unleash her power when the clones came in to reinforce the bots in the finale, or maybe to knock some sense into Scorpia, but nah, let Bow deal with her despite them being built up beforehand
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Vinylshadow posted:Kinda sad that Perfuma never got to show what she can do when she gets angry, and I was hoping she'd unleash her power when the clones came in to reinforce the bots in the finale, or maybe to knock some sense into Scorpia, but nah, let Bow deal with her despite them being built up beforehand Netossa built her up specifically so that Perfuma could refute her claim. She could be a stronger fighter if she stopped being so naive and worried about other people, but Perfuma doesn't want to be and her trust in people gives her a different strength i.e. her faith in Scorpia's big heart meant that when it came down to it, Scorpia defied Horde Prime, if only for a second, to allow her and Adora to escape. Perfuma chose that emotional and social strength over martial strength, and I like that the show stuck with it.
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Argue posted:Just finished it, and lol they just completely ignored those three new friends they made after that episode. They didn't even show them aboard the ship in the succeeding episodes! They said a bunch of times that they had their own ship which they took off with instead, and you do see them one more time- they were leading rebellions elsewhere in the galaxy when everything started going pear shaped for Prime, I don't remember which episode. Edit: Argh, this is really bugging me now, I've been scrubbing through different episodes trying to find the scene but I can't locate it for the life of me.I swear there was a scene of prime watching the three siblings leading rebellions and getting pissed off, but it isn't in any of the places where it would make sense to me. Perpetual fucked around with this message at 16:06 on May 16, 2020 |
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Perpetual posted:They said a bunch of times that they had their own ship which they took off with instead, and you do see them one more time- they were leading rebellions elsewhere in the galaxy when everything started going pear shaped for Prime, I don't remember which episode. Finale spoilers I gotta say, turning an enormous looming spaceship in atmosphere into a giant world tree is a great power move. Better than some generic explosion with lots of debris.
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There are probably a dozen (or more) things I could pick at about how things happened over both this final season and the show as a whole, but that finale resonated so much with me emotionally that I can't bring myself to care.
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Episode 8 reaction: Magic kitty friend to compliment anger kitty friend! How cute. Also, isn't it nice that Catra finally stopped wearing that stupid helmet? I agree with Bow, she's extremely cute. I loved Adora's reaction to Catra saying she's working on her anger. And Shadow Weaver going all Miyazaki is pretty cool. I like the idea of technology being used to "mine" magic, very interesting idea. Seems familiar though. I think that was the plot of Final Fantasy Spirits Within? Anybody else remember that movie? I think I do. Only one in the theatre when I saw it, that I do remember. No shame! I stand by my convictions! this got weird sorry Episode 9 reaction: The power of love temporarily overcoming mind control. Pretty cliche, but I'm enjoying it regardless. Cool that Netossa and Spinny are getting some proper screentime. And I guess I spoke too soon about the Starkids, they apparently went back to their home planet and started a rebellion. Sure. SheRa isn't there, so... not sure what they're hoping to accomplish exactly, but I like the can do attitude! Spreading Hordak Prime's attention thin is obviously useful anyway. Wrong Hordak (dude deserves a proper name by this point, I think) learning facial expressions was a pretty cute gimmick. I also enjoyed the mushroom people denizens. Mushrooms are cool. Sankara fucked around with this message at 16:51 on May 16, 2020 |
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tsob posted:It's not even just that her past is being ignored honestly, because Catra is kind of an awful person. Adora is trying to be selfless and put the world and her friends before herself, in a war that could decide the fate of the entire universe and all Catra ever seems to want or care about is whether Adora is paying attention to her. The flashbacks only add to that, because even as a child she got insanely jealous if Adora was friends with anyone else, and lashed out at the mere idea of her being friends with anyone but Catra herself. Catra started working on her anger issues during the season, and apologized to Scorpia among others for being so poo poo to them, but she never actually seemed to acknowledge or even realize that maybe Adora can have a life outside Catra. The closest she came is walking away from her entirely, because she didn't want to watch Adora risk herself for others. Yeah that's kind of where I'm at Right down to the very end Catra is still a paranoiac possessive. "Not like I want her". I'm kind of disappointed in She-Ra for idealizing a toxic relationship with a toxic person, in such a way. I probably would have liked it better if they'd looked more critically at Catra (correctly) latching onto Adora saying she needed her as an insincere statement. Maybe it's good and healthy not to "need" someone in the way you're envisioning Catra! It's really romantic and sweet on a superficial level but deeply unsatisfying the closer I look at it.
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xeria posted:There are probably a dozen (or more) things I could pick at about how things happened over both this final season and the show as a whole, but that finale resonated so much with me emotionally that I can't bring myself to care. Yes it's definitely one of if not the weakest seasons but the 2 part finale just nails everything that built up since S1 ep 1 and is a perfect bow to tie up the series with.
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[sp] it was perfect. [/sp]
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Finale spoilers: I think what makes Catra's redemption work for me and Catradora is that after all their trouble, they ultimately both bring out better in each other. At the end, the way she's asking Adora to stay is fundamentally different than her demands at the start. Catra started the show trying to control Adora and restrict Adora's freedom. She's demanding Adora give up everything for her specifically. But at the end, she's begging Adora to stop trying to give up everything. Adora brings out Catra's stunted empathy, but Catra forces Adora to stop sacrificing herself for others.
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Nerdietalk posted:Finale spoilers: I think what makes Catra's redemption work for me and Catradora is that after all their trouble, they ultimately both bring out better in each other. At the end, the way she's asking Adora to stay is fundamentally different than her demands at the start. Catra started the show trying to control Adora and restrict Adora's freedom. She's demanding Adora give up everything for her specifically. But at the end, she's begging Adora to stop trying to give up everything. Adora brings out Catra's stunted empathy, but Catra forces Adora to stop sacrificing herself for others. I mean, they kind of rubbed in that Adora's obsession with self-sacrifice was a product of Shadow Weaver's abuse. The Scapegoat seeing how the Golden Child had been damaged too by their terrible upbringing and doing her best to pull her out of it is a pretty powerful show of empathy.
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I kinda hoped given Prime's mention that there had been *tons* of She-Ras that other than Mara we'd have seen a version voiced by Melendy Britt.
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It is kind of funny how Netflix now has two flagship cartoons with major subplots about narcissistic parents and the damage they do. Three, now ATLA is in their library.
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Darth Walrus posted:I mean, they kind of rubbed in that Adora's obsession with self-sacrifice was a product of Shadow Weaver's abuse. The Scapegoat seeing how the Golden Child had been damaged too by their terrible upbringing and doing her best to pull her out of it is a pretty powerful show of empathy. The major problem with that is Adora is literally the only one who can do the thing she's trying to do, and if she doesn't do it then her planet and probably a lot of other planets will be wiped clean of all life. If Adora was just one random soldier doing something a thousand others could do, then appealing to her to stop putting others before herself might make sense. It doesn't make sense in that specific situation though, and is actively selfish.
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tsob posted:The major problem with that is Adora is literally the only one who can do the thing she's trying to do, and if she doesn't do it then her planet and probably a lot of other planets will be wiped clean of all life. If Adora was just one random soldier doing something a thousand others could do, then appealing to her to stop putting others before herself might make sense. It doesn't make sense in that specific situation though, and is actively selfish. It's not about whether she activated the failsafe. It's about whether she made it a suicide run. Adora needed someone telling her it wasn't OK to die for the greater good if she was going to muster the willpower to live.
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tsob posted:The major problem with that is Adora is literally the only one who can do the thing she's trying to do, and if she doesn't do it then her planet and probably a lot of other planets will be wiped clean of all life. If Adora was just one random soldier doing something a thousand others could do, then appealing to her to stop putting others before herself might make sense. It doesn't make sense in that specific situation though, and is actively selfish. Except that doesn't quite track. As Catra points out, this is legitimately something that Shadow Weaver, or really anyone else, could do. As in, get the failsafe, take it to the Heart, and deactivate it. The issue is that whomever does it would die; even being She-Ra isn't a guaranteed protection against that. Shadow Weaver specifically is pushing Adora to do it with the caveat "you might live", but she literally only mentions that after Catra forces her to tell the whole story. Shadow Weaver might be doing this from what she sees as an altruistic place, but she is absolutely using Adora as a tool in it. Especially the whole "not even warning her" thing. She can do that because she knows that Adora has a massive flaw: not knowing where she's from, her origins, or why she's really here, Adora has become someone who feels she needs a destiny. She thought that defying it when destroying the sword would free her, but she found out that it just left her floundering without purpose. In this case though, the only thing being She-Ra does is give her the chance she might not die, and even then Shadow Weaver has set things up, intentionally or not, so that there's no time to think of a better way. One thing that Catra does in the end is refuse to let Adora sacrifice herself alone. She leaves at first because she can't stomach watching what's about to happen, but when it comes right down to it, she refuses to allow Adora to die alone, or face her "destiny" alone. She makes Adora confront that even if she succeeds, this "chosen one" destiny she keeps trying to fulfill is going to hurt the people she loves. In the end, what works isn't Adora going for a sacrifice to fulfill her destiny, it's embracing someone she's clearly always loved, and choosing to be with them. About to die or not, Adora made the choice to be with someone instead of push them away to protect them, and that finally gave her the power to transcend all the pain and poo poo and become She-Ra again. Her power literally comes from love, and love was what saved her in the end, not destiny.
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Darth Walrus posted:It is kind of funny how Netflix now has two flagship cartoons with major subplots about narcissistic parents and the damage they do. What's the other one? edit: I'm assuming Bojack.
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pentyne posted:What's the other one? Voltron: Legendary Defender also fits.
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pentyne posted:What's the other one? I was thinking of The Dragon Prince. Christ, there's more?
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# ? Feb 11, 2025 01:43 |
Episode 10 reaction: Catra getting sprayed with water in the beginning by Netossa got a solid laugh out of me. Big strong Scorpia shooting her Butch energy everywhere is a force to be reckoned with! Good thing she was such a goofball in her Horde days, otherwise the Princesses would have lost ages ago. And all right, Shadow Weaver saving the day! Potentially! I love a Shadow Weaver episode. Wanna listen to her read the phone book. Mm!
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