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Jun 26, 2012

CaptainCrunch posted:

CastaShadow, obvi. :smuggo:
I feel like if we dig hard enough in the 80s version, that'll be an actual character name.


Aug 16, 2014

by vyelkin
Nap Ghost
Entrapta: “according to my readings, the atmosphere on this world is breathable!”

*immediately removes helmet*

Entrapta 1 second later: “ooh, look at this wet egg! I’m gonna stick my face in it!”

Aug 16, 2014

by vyelkin
Nap Ghost

Chokes McGee posted:

OP I'm pretty much default cis male and I saw it from the word go.

A cat does not sleep at the foot of someone's bed unless they care very deeply about them.

fellas get yourself a gal who looks at you the same way entrapta looks at alien biofield scans

My favorite though was the eyebrow raise after she said she was going to spend some “alone time” with Darla.

May 20, 2004

Uncle Ben: Still Dead.

Madurai posted:

I feel like if we dig hard enough in the 80s version, that'll be an actual character name.

I should be used to this given the MCU (and having watched the rest of the show), but I was continually tickled that names like "Melog," "Swen", and "Lynda D'Ream" were 80's Show canon.

Mar 19, 2009

seen so much i'm going blind
and i'm brain-dead virtually

Ramrod XTreme
i can’t stop thinking abt how Melog is “golem” spelled backwards

i also cry a lot bc this show wrecked me

e: these two points are unrelated i’m just kind of a mess

Chokes McGee
Aug 7, 2008

This is Urotsuki.

Applewhite posted:

My favorite though was the eyebrow raise after she said she was going to spend some “alone time” with Darla.

I said it before but Entrapta isn't ace, she's robosexual.

Chokes McGee
Aug 7, 2008

This is Urotsuki.

SHVPS4DETH posted:

i can’t stop thinking abt how Melog is “golem” spelled backwards

i also cry a lot bc this show wrecked me

e: these two points are unrelated i’m just kind of a mess

I am right there with you shvps, I still get teary a few days out from watching it from the memories =~)

The Z-Man
Nov 13, 2012

Nap Ghost

Applewhite posted:

Entrapta: “according to my readings, the atmosphere on this world is breathable!”

*immediately removes helmet*

Entrapta 1 second later: “ooh, look at this wet egg! I’m gonna stick my face in it!”

Yeah Entrapta owns.

Mar 29, 2007

"The entire history of this incarnation is one of temporal orbits, retcons, paradoxes, parallel time lines, reiterations, and divergences. How anyone can make head or tail of all this chaos, I don't know."

Technowolf posted:

So is Netossa just Etheria's version of Batman?

Which makes it such a shame she didn’t really become a character till the final season.

Jul 16, 2011

I certainly dont have deep-seated issues involving birthdays.
did catra really need a magical cat familiar? Like, she seemed like she could handle poo poo pretty good on her own before.

Oct 14, 2012

Motherfucker posted:

did catra really need a magical cat familiar? Like, she seemed like she could handle poo poo pretty good on her own before.

the magical cat familar's there to emote for her

Jul 16, 2011

I certainly dont have deep-seated issues involving birthdays.

punchymcpunch posted:

the magical cat familar's there to emote for her

That's kinda part of the problem honestly.

Dec 28, 2012

Nov 8, 2009

(Batman voice) I am...the Net.

Feb 16, 2011

Motherfucker posted:

did catra really need a magical cat familiar? Like, she seemed like she could handle poo poo pretty good on her own before.

Catra's familiar was part of her healing process. Someone who knew her only after she started to work on being a better person and loved her, showing just how far Catra had come from her bad old habits.

Jul 16, 2011

I certainly dont have deep-seated issues involving birthdays.

VanSandman posted:

Catra's familiar was part of her healing process. Someone who knew her only after she started to work on being a better person and loved her, showing just how far Catra had come from her bad old habits.

Dunno, felt more like circumstances once again twisting around someone who had fundamentally not changed. Feels less like Catra reached across and more like the entire world fell rear end backwards and they were all literally imprisoned in a space with Catra. Catra dosn't develop so much as she is given a figure who shows how she 'really feels' she isn't really forced to communicate honestly or actually do much differently. The tide changed, not the trash floating on it.

Motherfucker fucked around with this message at 09:42 on May 22, 2020

Feb 16, 2011

Motherfucker posted:

Dunno, felt more like circumstances once again twisting around someone who had fundamentally not changed. Feels less like Catra reached across and more like the entire world fell rear end backwards and they were all literally imprisoned in a space with Catra. Catra dosn't develop so much as she is given a figure who shows how she 'really feels' she isn't really forced to communicate honestly or actually do much differently.

So you missed her self-sacrifice to save Glimmer and Adora, huh?

Jul 16, 2011

I certainly dont have deep-seated issues involving birthdays.

VanSandman posted:

So you missed her self-sacrifice to save Glimmer and Adora, huh?

grand gestures don't mean poo poo irl OR in narratives. motives do, that was ultimately a self destructive action ON TOP OF being yet another way of pushing others away. Its like the most quintessentially catra poo poo.

cant cook creole bream
Aug 15, 2011
I think Fahrenheit is better for weather
Oh come on now. She did not sacrifice her life to be self destructive. She genuinely wanted Adora to be save there and knew that this won't happen if Glimmer is around. From her perspective, she was giving up everything for Adora, not at all expecting to get anything but a painful death out of it, because this seemed like the only chance.
If someone did that for me, I would definitely feel some kind of deep gratitude.
Pushing everyone away would have been ignoring Glimmer and stealing some shuttle to disappearing off forever before Adore arrived.

Chokes McGee
Aug 7, 2008

This is Urotsuki.

Motherfucker posted:

grand gestures don't mean poo poo irl OR in narratives. motives do, that was ultimately a self destructive action ON TOP OF being yet another way of pushing others away. Its like the most quintessentially catra poo poo.

good un/avatar/post combo imo

May 20, 2004

Uncle Ben: Still Dead.
If there was anything likely to get Adora to come as quickly as possible, risking everything,it was the one-two punch of "I saved Glimmer for you" and "Don't come save me, I'm certainly dead by now, this is entirely different from what happened with Entrapta."

Horde Prime counted on it, and he only knew of Adora through interviews, video footage, and Hordak's memories. Catra would have known that too, if she'd stopped to think about it.

Dec 19, 2002

Entrapta fucking loves robots

Grimey Drawer


Fake edit: I think it's still too big, get an "undefined" error popup when trying to upload. :(

Chokes McGee
Aug 7, 2008

This is Urotsuki.
Tearfully apologizing for every bad thing she's done when her motto since childhood was"never apologize for anything" probably helped, too.

May 19, 2016

Soonmot posted:


Fake edit: I think it's still too big, get an "undefined" error popup when trying to upload. :(

I compressed it from 468KB to 301KB

May 5, 2005


cant cook creole bream posted:

Oh come on now. She did not sacrifice her life to be self destructive. She genuinely wanted Adora to be save there and knew that this won't happen if Glimmer is around. From her perspective, she was giving up everything for Adora, not at all expecting to get anything but a painful death out of it, because this seemed like the only chance.
If someone did that for me, I would definitely feel some kind of deep gratitude.
Pushing everyone away would have been ignoring Glimmer and stealing some shuttle to disappearing off forever before Adore arrived.

I agree with your first part, but the bolded part is laffola. She knew she was not in a position to escape anywhere.

Also, I like how everyone is forgetting that she teleported Glimmer to A RANDOM POSITION IN OUTER SPACE and basically gave Adora and team the ultimatum of be there or your friend dies with no idea on where Adora's ship actually was.

Dec 19, 2002

Entrapta fucking loves robots

Grimey Drawer

galenanorth posted:

I compressed it from 468KB to 301KB

thanks for trying, looking at the requirements now, I see it has to be under 150K

what about reducing the image to this: to try to get it under. Also, any forum upgrade you want since this turned out to be a pain in the rear end?

May 19, 2016

I tried again, and this one is 148K

Is platinum all right? If not, I'll go with no-ads. Thank you

Chokes McGee posted:





galenanorth fucked around with this message at 18:26 on May 22, 2020

Dec 19, 2002

Entrapta fucking loves robots

Grimey Drawer

galenanorth posted:

I tried again, and this one is 148K

Is platinum all right? If not, I'll go with no-ads. Thank you

Plat is totally fine, how about we cut the loop down to just the "hellooooo" part so it's not as grainy. Basically cut out all the frames right before the scan finishes, that should help us get to a better quality.

May 19, 2016

How is

Jan 1, 2013

Something I just realized about Spinnerella and Netossa is that for the first four seasons, they had strong couple energy. It wasn't until the fifth season that "yes, they are a couple" was made explicit on screen, when Netossa referred to Spinnerella as her wife.

It kind of makes me wonder what was going on behind the scenes there, because as I recall, Noelle Stephenson had to fight for the Catra/Adora kiss, and one of the arrows in her quiver was "we have been setting this up for four seasons, we either end it in the organic gay way or we do some contrived queerbaiting bullshit." So that makes me think that Spinny and Netty had to keep things relatively low-key on camera at first, but by season 5 they could go all in.

cant cook creole bream
Aug 15, 2011
I think Fahrenheit is better for weather

AlternateNu posted:

I agree with your first part, but the bolded part is laffola. She knew she was not in a position to escape anywhere.

Also, I like how everyone is forgetting that she teleported Glimmer to A RANDOM POSITION IN OUTER SPACE and basically gave Adora and team the ultimatum of be there or your friend dies with no idea on where Adora's ship actually was.

That's a fair point. I guess that would have been the thing which really cuts her out of Adora's life.

Dec 19, 2002

Entrapta fucking loves robots

Grimey Drawer

Perfect, spoilertext me your email so I can send you the platinum gift cert!

EDIT: rip gang tags lol

\/\/\/Sent, check your mail!

Soonmot fucked around with this message at 19:28 on May 22, 2020

May 19, 2016

Successfully upgraded to platinum. Thank you!

galenanorth fucked around with this message at 19:44 on May 22, 2020

Chokes McGee
Aug 7, 2008

This is Urotsuki.
spoiler tags on that image are broken but who cares, it's been out (:haw:), people are talking about it, gifffff

Adora's reactions span a pretty wide range there and it's great.

Mar 19, 2006
droppin Hamiltons!
They released a soundtrack! Looks like it’s on most of the streaming platforms.
“The Music of She-Ra and the Princesses of Power”

Sep 24, 2009

Seven idiots and a bear walk into a dragon's lair.

MechaCrash posted:

Something I just realized about Spinnerella and Netossa is that for the first four seasons, they had strong couple energy. It wasn't until the fifth season that "yes, they are a couple" was made explicit on screen, when Netossa referred to Spinnerella as her wife.

It kind of makes me wonder what was going on behind the scenes there, because as I recall, Noelle Stephenson had to fight for the Catra/Adora kiss, and one of the arrows in her quiver was "we have been setting this up for four seasons, we either end it in the organic gay way or we do some contrived queerbaiting bullshit." So that makes me think that Spinny and Netty had to keep things relatively low-key on camera at first, but by season 5 they could go all in.

I think they were actually confirmed as a couple in season 1 but then they pretty much weren't on screen at all again until season 5. Noelle was probably allowed to slip those two in early because they were so unimportant and then she could say "Look, there was no backlash from that, so it's fine actually."

Jan 1, 2013

They were confirmed as a couple, but it was done on Noelle's twitter, I think. The actual in-show confirmation wasn't until 5.

Jul 16, 2011

I certainly dont have deep-seated issues involving birthdays.

cant cook creole bream posted:

Oh come on now. She did not sacrifice her life to be self destructive.


Sep 24, 2009

Seven idiots and a bear walk into a dragon's lair.

I think the point is that's not why she did it, not that it's not literally a self-destructive act.


Aug 16, 2014

by vyelkin
Nap Ghost

Shots fired, Korra and Asami.

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