Oh okay I run ad block and don't sign into my google account for youtube So the algorithm is really weird for me. I just haven't seen anymore videos lovely on She Ra and I was surprised to see the show is out.
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# ? Feb 18, 2025 21:58 |
Ups_rail posted:so I remember youtube being filled with people making GBS threads on the promo or trailer for this show, now that its out ( I don't have NF anymore) is there still reeeing about it or did it all go away.
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TriffTshngo posted:I was going to say "well the Horde has the advantage of sheer numbers" but I guess thinking about it you don't ever actually see that until the finale, which was still only a couple dozen guys Meanwhile, there was an entire palace filled with royal guard who were all apparently sitting around doing nothing during the final battle. I know the show is all about the princesses and their friends, but maybe don't show heavily armed troops standing around and then totally ignore they exist when the largest battle of their lives is literally happening on their doorstep.
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Megillah Gorilla posted:Meanwhile, there was an entire palace filled with royal guard who were all apparently sitting around doing nothing during the final battle. Maybe they're just ceremonial color guard types.
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The original She-Ra had its moments. https://malt-tango.tumblr.com/post/180747911539/the-delivery-of-these-lines-is-better-than
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Huh, Tumblr still exists.
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Well, it's like with Entrapta. I saw it was about to be engulfed in flames, so I'm pretty sure it's dead, and I'm not gonna think about it too much after that.
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Queen Combat posted:Huh, Tumblr still exists. Everything from countries to websites to planets keep promising me to explode in cathartic catastrophe but then they just kinda keep on being there but slightly worse then before.
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Ups_rail posted:so I remember youtube being filled with people making GBS threads on the promo or trailer for this show, now that its out ( I don't have NF anymore) is there still reeeing about it or did it all go away. I'm actually sort of glad that the initial backlash was so swift and vehement, because now She-Ra will not fall prey to the cancer that metastasized in the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fandom, where all the toxic cis-het dudes got in on the ground floor and royally hosed up the fandom with pony porn and gangstalking voice actors; because post-Gamergate ~discourse~ now demands that angry internet men immediately declare their enmity towards any media property that even tangentially involves people who are not horribly irredeemable people, nobody with bad intent is going to touch the She-Ra fandom with a ten foot pole, leaving it a perfect and unsullied fully automated luxury gay space communist utopia.
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HappyKitty posted:I'm actually sort of glad that the initial backlash was so swift and vehement, because now She-Ra will not fall prey to the cancer that metastasized in the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fandom, where all the toxic cis-het dudes got in on the ground floor and royally hosed up the fandom with pony porn and gangstalking voice actors; because post-Gamergate ~discourse~ now demands that angry internet men immediately declare their enmity towards any media property that even tangentially involves people who are not horribly irredeemable people, nobody with bad intent is going to touch the She-Ra fandom with a ten foot pole, leaving it a perfect and unsullied fully automated luxury gay space communist utopia. Hmmm, I still think that lizardperson is female and she and Kyle have a romantic relationship.
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I watched this gay show, liked it and didn't turn gay, I think ![]() I really like the new character designs for Catra and She-Ra, and especially SeaHawk. Seahawk is so fabulous, his character is excellent every scene with him had me smirking. They never explained why Adora can read the ancient ones language ![]()
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Well, we never saw her doing that until after she had touched the sword and had her
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Mr.Pibbleton posted:Hmmm, I still think that lizardperson is female and she and Kyle have a romantic relationship. lol if you don’t think Kyle was crushing hard on Bow for treating him with basic decency for the first time in his life.
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The_Doctor posted:lol if you don’t think Kyle was crushing hard on Bow for treating him with basic decency for the first time in his life. So you're saying it's a love triangle now. I see
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I wonder if it will turn out that the Eternians used to be intersteller warlords and conquered other planets using portals, and they were the Old Ones. The reason Eternia is so funky is because it got nuked to hell when the Empire was destroyed in a revolt. Hordak kidnapped Adora from Randar in hopes she could unlock the old ones technology, but when He realized he didn't need it he got bored of the project.
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Risky Bisquick posted:I watched this gay show, liked it and didn't turn gay, I think Only one way to find out ![]()
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Risky Bisquick posted:I watched this gay show, liked it and didn't turn gay, I think poo poo. Hes immune. get him!
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Motherfucker posted:poo poo. Hes immune. get him! Yes, get those burly men to hold him down!
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sexpig by night posted:Where was Grizzlor by the way, totally missed him. Was he just chillin in the background in the Fright Zone? The_Doctor posted:Apparently he even had lines, but he’s definitely in the first couple of episodes. First appearance is in episode 3 (Razz) helping Horde soldiers try to capture Swiftwind.
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Risky Bisquick posted:I watched this gay show, liked it and didn't turn gay, I think Hmm... this does not compute... quote:I really like the new character designs for Catra and She-Ra, and especially SeaHawk. Seahawk is so fabulous, his character is excellent every scene with him had me smirking. Ahhh, there we go
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HappyKitty posted:I'm actually sort of glad that the initial backlash was so swift and vehement, because now She-Ra will not fall prey to the cancer that metastasized in the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fandom, where all the toxic cis-het dudes got in on the ground floor and royally hosed up the fandom with pony porn and gangstalking voice actors; because post-Gamergate ~discourse~ now demands that angry internet men immediately declare their enmity towards any media property that even tangentially involves people who are not horribly irredeemable people, nobody with bad intent is going to touch the She-Ra fandom with a ten foot pole, leaving it a perfect and unsullied fully automated luxury gay space communist utopia. The thing with My Little Pony was that the brony community founded itself on the principles of inclusiveness and acceptance, then took said principles way too far - seemingly believing there to be no moral difference between shunning someone for being a grown man interested in a show aimed at preteen girls (or being differently-sexual), and shunning someone for being an irredeemable creep. Evidently, they've wised up since then.
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I'm surprised that Bronism never really developed into internet nazism. I've seen some terrible Brony art, but never seeing Princess Ironhoof with a swastika cutie mark.
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I... Have some bad news for you.
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twistedmentat posted:I'm surprised that Bronism never really developed into internet nazism. A lack of noticeble evidence may either imply a negative result, or an insufficency in the testing method. You're a pure and innocent soul.
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cant cook creole bream posted:A lack of noticeble evidence may either imply a negative result, or an insufficency in the testing method. Well, Goons haven't mentioned it, and we've discovered some pretty terrible stuff. Though even though i haven't seen it, i wouldn't be surprised that Bronies are all nazis.
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twistedmentat posted:Well, Goons haven't mentioned it, and we've discovered some pretty terrible stuff. They aren't all nazis, but there are definitely nazi bronies, and thanks to brony adherence to the Geek Social Fallacies they tend to not get kicked out of groups (though maybe that's changed in recent years, iunno) Now that I'm thinking about it, I'm a little surprised there hasn't been more nazi attention on She-ra, she's pretty drat Aryan ubermensch. 8 feet tall, blonde hair, etc. I guess the nazis must really be chuffed that the teenage cartoon doesn't have bomb-rear end tiddies
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Cockmaster posted:The thing with My Little Pony was that the brony community founded itself on the principles of inclusiveness and acceptance, then took said principles way too far - seemingly believing there to be no moral difference between shunning someone for being a grown man interested in a show aimed at preteen girls (or being differently-sexual), and shunning someone for being an irredeemable creep. Evidently, they've wised up since then. http://www.plausiblydeniable.com/opinion/gsf.html Nazis and other unlovable ideologies tend to infiltrate spaces filled with spineless nerds for a reason. That said perhaps this is the way ideas die in a larger social context. Being relegated to the grease-trap and made so painfully externally obvious that you can identify a nazi by the smell of their unwashed neckbeard before they even have a change to engage their slack jaws and call you a human being.
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Son of Thunderbeast posted:Now that I'm thinking about it, I'm a little surprised there hasn't been more nazi attention on She-ra, she's pretty drat Aryan ubermensch. 8 feet tall, blonde hair, etc. Adora keeps company with people of all races, genders, and sizes. Her behavior - even initially when still indoctrinated by a Horde upbringing - is anathema to any stripe of bigot. She’s willing to admit she’s ignorant and wrong.
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Son of Thunderbeast posted:They aren't all nazis, but there are definitely nazi bronies, and thanks to brony adherence to the Geek Social Fallacies they tend to not get kicked out of groups (though maybe that's changed in recent years, iunno) Also, it's kind of hard to make people stop calling themselves fans of something even if their fellow fans hate them.
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SUPERMAN'S GAL PAL posted:Adora keeps company with people of all races, genders, and sizes. Her behavior - even initially when still indoctrinated by a Horde upbringing - is anathema to any stripe of bigot. She’s willing to admit she’s ignorant and wrong. Super-progressive Star Trek was lambasted by its ‘fans’ when the new series Discovery was announced, and claimed to be falling under the influence of the dreaded SJWs. ![]() Which makes you wonder what kind of weird take they’d got from Trek all the years before.
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The_Doctor posted:Which makes you wonder what kind of weird take they’d got from Trek all the years before.
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The_Doctor posted:Super-progressive Star Trek was lambasted by its ‘fans’ when the new series Discovery was announced, and claimed to be falling under the influence of the dreaded SJWs. It's not at all unusual for people to believe (or at least claim to believe) that prejudice is bad except for whomever they're prejudiced against because purple monkey dishwasher. Most of the people who've spoken out against gay marriage had no clue that their arguments were once used almost word-for-word against interracial marriage. I've even heard that a fair amount of support for California's Prop 8 came from predominantly-black churches.
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Hey I found exciting concept art from next season when they are adding Skeletor![]() The artists have outdone themselves this time I'm sorry for calling their art style trash
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The_Doctor posted:Super-progressive Star Trek was lambasted by its ‘fans’ when the new series Discovery was announced, and claimed to be falling under the influence of the dreaded SJWs. I've watched a couple episodes of Discovery, and it seems like mostly a war story, so I'd have expected the complete opposite reaction to this. I guess underestimating how stupid people can be does not pay off. ![]()
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Libluini posted:I've watched a couple episodes of Discovery, and it seems like mostly a war story, so I'd have expected the complete opposite reaction to this. I guess underestimating how stupid people can be does not pay off. They saw a black woman, a gay man and a thiccccc woman as leads and they assumed the SJWs got to it. They probably got upset that the Klingons were trying to Make Quo'noS Great Again.
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twistedmentat posted:They saw a black woman, a gay man and a thiccccc woman as leads and they assumed the SJWs got to it. They probably got upset that the Klingons were trying to Make Quo'noS Great Again. Sometimes I think I'm shallow and stupid, then the internet says "Hold my beer"
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twistedmentat posted:They saw a black woman, a gay man and a thiccccc woman as leads and they assumed the SJWs got to it. They probably got upset that the Klingons were trying to Make Quo'noS Great Again. I would unironically buy a tshirt with that on it.
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mystes posted:Uh, doesn't Star Trek have lots of weird racial caricatures? Also it's basically the sci-fi version of America being the world's police which is not necessarily the most progressive vision of multiculturalism. At the time it was very progressive; Star Trek was the first American live-action series with an interracial cast. It also gave a black woman a role as an officer at a time when they were mostly only cast as servants. Sure, by today's standards it may come up short in a number of areas, but at the time it's exactly the kind of thing that would have gotten people up in arms about "SJWs".
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Sea Hawk: Human Chaotic Neutral Bard Stats: Str: 16 Con: 12 Dex: 14 Int: 10 Wis: 8 Cha: 13
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# ? Feb 18, 2025 21:58 |
A bard with his highest stat in STR? Shameful.
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